Nice chap thanks
Nice chap thanks
The real Arceus resided outside all dimensions, silently observing the evolution of humans and Pokémon.
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
Nice chap thanks
Nice chap thanks Everything ok?
Its a miracle. Its been so long
C242 The Chosen One(2)
Movies · AlienWarlord
Hes just translating
Nice chap thanks
A bunch of light gets reflected by the air back into space. The most prominent one to go through is blue light. But when the amount of air it has to go through gets too much (dusk and dawn) blue light also gest reflected and the next most prominent one to be left is red light that we then see. Meaning: the sky wee see is always a mixture of blue and red but the blue colour is just too strong. Hope this helped
Slowking gazed upward thoughtfully and answered, "Why is the sky blue? Why was this planet born? What is the meaning of our existence? Why can't the past be changed? Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?"
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
Nice chap thanks
Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader