See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
harry potter: save the Wizarding World. harry is summoned to an alternate deminsion where alternate Harry's parents are still alive and alternate Harry's grandparents died saving him with a ritual where by using their life-force and remaining magic to use runes/ blood runes to cast a protection on Harry's blood to purify contaminated magic thus when voldie cast the killing curse which is a bastardised soul magic/ contaminated spell in this deminsion it turned into pure magic and helped harry by becoming voldie's 'equal' in some way. like linking alternate harry and main harry through a summoning spell that when alternate harry is in a coma/ dead the pure magic will put ideas into dumb as a door's mind of a summoning ritual that will summon a ' winner of fate'/' Victor of Voldemort'/ 'Master of Death' to fight voldie and 'defeat' him. But main Harry's goal is to Save The Wizarding World' Not to 'Defeat Voldemort' But to Save the Wizarding World. the pure magic is connected to alternate Harry's blood and thus his family. so to ensure his family's safety main harry has to 'defeat all Dark Lord's including hidden Dark Lord's *cough* dumb as a door *cough* and by saving the Wizarding World he ensures alternate Harry's family safety.
that's true but the ability of nen that you can make is based off how compatible it is with you. if the ability is less compatible with you the more aura you need to use to get the ability. compatibility is determined by your nen type how you live your experiences and your reactions to those experiences. so your Saitama recovery has a base cost 100% and if your character is 100% compatible with it it will only cost 100% of the base cost of making the ability and only takes 100% of time to master the ability. just because you make the ability doesn't mean you already mastered it. it's like you mastered alot of martial arts and made a new martial art out of all those martial arts you still have to master the new martial art so you use less stamina and you could hurt yourself by using the new martial art because you made it up so while you could get guidance for ability close to it you still need to practice it yourself because it is unique to you. so you can still get engured by practicing your new made nen ability and like martial arts use stamina nen ability use nen. so the more you use the nen ability the more efficient it is and the less nen you use. the bottom line is your compatibility with the nen technique. so if your compatibility is poor like 50% compatibility your base cost is like 150% cost of nen compared to 100% compatibility and 100% base cost.
author just to let you going by based on hunter x hunter Canon know the limitations or side effects of nen ability are because the hunter doesn't have enough nen. example to bost an ability from a punch down a house to a punch down an airplane while you are on the ground and the airplane is going max speed and already above the clouds it is multiple times more cost of nen to make that punch airplane than punch down a house. so to get the required nen for punching down an airplane you put limitations like I have to have my feet on the ground and hold this stance for 5 seconds to launch the attack. that is only if you can only punch down a house with pure nen. if you can punch down 3 houses with pure nen you can ease the limitations because you have more nen and therefore do not need th limit your ability that much. example with 3 houses punch down worth of pure nen you only need to hold this stance for 5 seconds. this means you can use it on a building or skydiving. BUT it only works if you have more nen WHILE making the ability. even temporarily power ups can ease the limitations of the nen ability. BUT all temporarily power ups come with side effects and to temporarily power up while making a nen ability can only ease the limitations of the nen ability because it is harder to work with other nen/ more nen even with permission of the power you are borrowing and if you are stealing or borrowing from someone who wants to sabotage your work or if the power you are borrowing has a grudge against you the temporarily power up takes more power and control. ALL temporarily power upside are somehow harmful to the one using the temporarily power up more so if the power you borrow has grudge against you and can influence your finished nen ability to be weaker or damage your control permitaly if it grudge or stolen power is negative enough.
battle meditation in the force can see into the future at Almost complete mastery only for what you think of as a battle. if you think of research as a battle then you could see minutes ahead. now imagine if you see nen hatsu as a mental battle then you could see the complete hatsu if it has weaknesses then you could eliminate it. now battle meditation can see ALL possibilities in those minutes at ALMOST complete mastery. you can cut down that 30 years of experimentation to about 3 years. and those 3 years you can upgrade your talent with my nen cell power thus cutting down those 10 years of training to get to your limits by at least 30% so say 7 years. now my nen cell power can evolve at certain conditions (author can set the conditions) so it can possibly remove the limits of your body, mind ,energy and ITSELF (though that limit is an order magnitude higher than the other limits) thus learning faster and higher limits plus other benefits I mentioned like faster regeneration, compression and thoughts and multiple thoughts. with multiple thoughts you can use more than 1 power at a time. thus training 2 or more powers at a time with 2 or more thoughts thus getting training done earlier therefore he can use that time to research. and with 2 or more thoughts it you can use battle meditation with ALL those thoughts so it is like a whole team of scientists researching 1 objective so they can bounce ideas off other thoughts thus cutting down training time by finding the best way to train, or research time by seeing and going through the possibilities of the future of the experiment at a crucial experiment at that time to see its success and side effect and outcome. and by using multiple thoughts to experiment on new powers like medi manipulation to see side effects like exploding your medi's or if your medi's mutate you can see it with observation haki and if you can master observation haki that let's you see a few seconds to five minutes into the future you can use observation haki to see your self use battle meditation to see your experiments thus cutting down on Training, experimentation, comprehend how to use/ train/ battle the best way thus saving time. also you can use battle meditation to see ALL possibilities and can see the conditions of the closest ways to evolve the nen cell power thus gaining more abilities/ breaking more limits. So it is just a big loop that is why I wand battle meditation at COMPLETE mastery and not medi manipulation.
1st Chara 1st class force user 1st class gift 19kmedi and force battle meditation complete mastery using the force battle meditation to replenish his stamina and see further into the battles future but seeing the battles future will show ALL possibilities of it and through that gain more battle experience to see the best possible path through experience and information of the opponents. 2nd class gift 1 in 100,000 talent in Nen. nen categories congurer. can congure weapons from starwars by buying it and using the mechanic talent from starwars to speed up the time to learn how to congure it. through congureing and manipulation and a little enhancement the congured item can grow from a blank state by using ANY putting energy in the congured item. depending what energy and how much energy of one type and how much energy of one type and the 1st time of that type of energy and if any of the other types of energy are in the growth item is how fast that item grows. example lightsaber growth item> 1st energy force 1st time energy is put in without changing the energy is called the first time ex. 1st. force time 1 year force growth till next lvl of item 95% complete lvl 1 3rd class gift haki. through using new categories conger manipulation and enhancer and armorment haki and by balancing through the force and looking at result of the fusion of nen force and haki by observation haki and through corcersion by king's haki you created a new type of cell that enhanced your nen talent from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000 this cell is a type of cell that when meets a certain requirement it can enhance one of your other class talents ex. cell enhancement choices force control enhanced 2% enhancement force self storage 100 force points force learning 5% ease of learning New force abilities nen mastery 8% faster comprehension of ALREADY learned nen ability nen life force 2% of time longer of nen keeping your life force in your body thus having 2% longer life span and 2% slower speed of physical aging and 0.2% compression of muscles and 0.2% growth of muscles and 1% of stronger immunity to foren substances nen congureing mastery 11% faster and more complete congure and thus the item can growth rate is enhanced by half of the % of the congureing mastery. also the item is more complete thus being harder to destroy and can handle more energy input in one sitting and can adjust to the energy faster so you can put more energy in it sooner if it was not enhanced body enhancement 1% done lvl 2 enhance the body so it can have more armorment haki put in the body beyond what it could before. the enhanced body has ALL aspects of it enhanced including speed defense vitality dexterity and regeneration of physical energy and stamina and health mind enhancement 8% done lvl 1 enhance the mind in ALL ways ex. thought speed multiple thoughts faster compression psychic powers empathy enhanced regeneration of mental energy can concentrate longer and focus on one thing per though prosses whiteout losing compression or without getting bored and thus getting done faster what your doing and with better results bloodline enhancement zoldyic bloodline 21% purer blood line from the zoldyic bloodline
5. Essence Of The Archmage
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1