'If taking advantage of Becca gave me so many points,' he thought, 'how much would I gain when we include a little incest?'
Fantasy · Daoist6ZadZK
Riddle of the Day: "I'm filled with water, but I'm not a bottle. I can hold liquid, but you can't drink from me. What am I?"
Fantasy · thesage196
Under the beast's weight, Lila's small body crumpled. The sickening sound of bones shattering echoed in Kaden's ears, drowning out all other noise. Blood splattered, her tiny frame reduced to a smear of red on the dirt. Only a lock of her hair remained visible, coated in gore.
Fantasy · thesage196
Riddle of the Day: "I'm a five-letter word that becomes shorter when you add two letters to me. What am I?"
Fantasy · thesage196
Riddle of the Day: "What has hands but cannot clap?"
Fantasy · thesage196
Riddle of the Day: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go outside. What am I?"
Fantasy · thesage196
Please don’t tell me she’s gonna be here for the entire time
Now be stunned for a minute, and by the time you are able to move, the undead poison will already be in your body!]
Fantasy · Cosmic_Ceaser
I reckon it’s reverend insanity
So there was no need to deliberately hide it, as long as he didn't reveal the true specifics.
Sci-fi · Fatso of Stone Tile Slope
You’ve said this 50 times mow
So, yea… I'm the loser.
Games · Andrzejsaw
“Abyss(insert)” “Void(insert)” “Primordial(insert)” tired of these corny ass names man
[The forgotten lineage of the Voidborne Sovereigns awakens in you. Once rulers of the Gray Eternity, they commanded death not as a force, but as a language.]
Rebirth: Necromancer's Ascenscion
Fantasy · Godless_