apples of idunn?
A faint, melodic voice echoed in my mind: The Celestial Inventory... the power to access a holographic catalog of all known items in the omniverse.
Anime & Comics · Shuurai
did anybody say die hard?
Tobias barely had any interest in fiction at all—books or movies. Which was already weird for his age. Didn't matter if it was classic literature, mainstream blockbusters, or action heavy slop made by die-hard 'masculinists.'
Anime & Comics · Johnny_Z
Xd take care of ur health
A.N. Sorry for not posting last week. I was forced to touch grass with family. Somehow I survived.
Anime & Comics · Ironwolf852
The world blurred.
Anime & Comics · Vetrax
It was time to show them what a real aim-bot looked like.
Movies · Smudged_Flow
Barthomeloi Lorelei
I'm curious, who do you ship Seijuro with? Or are there any ships you're finding atm?
Anime & Comics · WeighingSwing_35
"So you're named after the depth of your character?" I asked curiously.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
I spent the next hour preparing. I summoned a lightweight leather chest plate for protection, enchanted boots to soften my steps, and a hooded cloak to conceal my appearance. I strapped the dagger to my side and tucked a few throwing knives into my belt. I even equipped a small magical compass to guide me toward civilization.
Fairy Tail: O King of the Fairies
Anime & Comics · Shuurai