Actual Question: I remember that the first king of england to speak english as first language and not french was Henry IV. So are the nobles still speaking in anglo-norman french between them at this time?
Am i the only one who read chapter 0 ? The history of the iberian peninsula is really interesting.
Shouldn’t they have more corsican names?
The other friends also came forward to introduce themselves. There was Pierre, France, Jacques, Antoine, and Michel. Napoleon tried to remember their names as they greeted him warmly.
History · SorryImJustDiamond
☆Discount_Obito has entered the room ...
" I'm sorry, sensei! I helped an old woman find her lost cat along the way. That's why I'm late!"
Anime & Comics · Rafael_Carmelo
Why do you have to ruin the immersion with a name like that 😭
Starting with a Petunia POV? Brilliant idea
Nobody living in constantinople called their country « The byzantine Empire ». That would be like calling China or any other country differents names every time they changed the capital. That appellation is an invention of a german scholar to discredit the Eastern Roman Empire to the profit of the german led HRE, even if it is adequate to summarize the changes of antiquity to middle age in the empire (predominance of greek over latin, Christianity, Etc) They identified as Romans (Rhomaoi), called their country Rhomania (or « basilea ton rhomaion » in greek after Emperor Heraclius), had roman laws and institutions(the senate was still around), had roman infrastructure and culture and a romanized religion(Christianity). There really never was such a thing as the byzantine people. To give a better example : When modern greece occupied the island of Lemnos, they were surprised to find greek speaking people telling them that « no we are not greek, we are rum/rhomaoi » and that was in 1912. The roman identity really tends to stick around for centuries after a fall( even when western rome fell in 476).
The Rebirth of the Purple Phoenix
History · lordgsh