Yup….. this episode made me drop the whole series now. Cringey chapter
He had 4 blocks, not 4 steals in the previous chapters. Better edit that while its early
Ooofff, first page grammar errors are tough to ignore.
This is the only novel ive read the first 6 chapters in (not even short chapters) and the story is still mysteriously shit. Dropping it
Good novel. The writers grammar and storytelling is great. He/she adds proper description of the scene to paint the image , and the main protagonist is like-able. Good job.
Yeah. The indian english sentence structure around those chapters bothered me so much.
I cant get past the poor english grammatical errors. I know the author is from india but it really bothers me. The lack of vocabulary and sentence structures make it feel like the characters are all 5 year olds. "Master, what master call Yunyun for?" Grave looked at Yunyun and speak. "Playing time is over."
Bad grammar and poor spelling errors. Tsk tsk tsk
Need to improve on the writing…. Having Alex thought, alex rolled, Alex came, Alex moved, Alex walked , used in almost every paragraph is horrendous considering he is the only character in the whole chapter.
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