Enjoying the story so far and also can the Mac only have Louise as a lover there is so few stories with just two people in love it would be refreshing to read a good one.
Susan she needs needs a smart scientist for herself. Just think about what Susan can accomplish with Gwen teaching her also can’t go wrong with a lab coat and glasses wink wink.
Who should the last love interest be? I had these girls on my mind: Susan Storm, Rogue, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, and X-23. Not sure who to choose, but I just wanna hear y'alls thoughts.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
You know you could have her buy something from the store to get rid of the vow
You should have him join freya
Damn that was cold
You should have the MC and Gloria strike up a friendship over philosophy
Kinda hope you will kill him before he talks about god being dead
I really hope Xenovia doesn’t go to Rias
Is Hep gonna be like her danmachi version in the looks department
Zero´s Partner
Anime & Comics · AbelWizard