Lol thats wild 😂🤣🤣
Thanks for the chap
Thanks for the chap
Thx for the chaps updates are steady and not to deep on my wallet so im liking the current release rate 😂
Hi author i got to admit im seeing potential however your story feels hollow. To many questions and no answers. I couldn’t tell u how old MC is, apearance how long ago the accelerator accident absolutely nothing. When it feels like we make progress it goes no where I understand building tension but mc comes off like and rebellious/ anxious teen. Does MC have a job? Why is he at star labs. Does he intern? Why is his powers only starting now and why sound so unaware if caitlin seemingly knows about the speed force while he remains clueless etc.
Hi just started reading and wanted to note i think u have under priced your gold coins at the beginning the lowest tier of mansion only cost 150,000 gold coins while the nobles felt the pinch at 2mil but you are now giving management 1mil a month where it was only 10k while the lowest tier spirits chiefs are getting 10mil. Either his house is under valued or the prices you have been throwing out recently is ridiculous. Based on there latested wages his management could be seen as mid tier noble with little to spend on other then luxury as you have already said training resources and cultivation techniques which would cost mils are monoplised by the rich so there is no means for mc’s staff to spend while also meaning tier 3-9 resources would cost trillions of gold coins at the rate you are going and the point of copper and silver is meaningless as you mentioned it once and yet never again.
Indeed the quality is getting worse each chap
Thanks for the chap. Whats the current release rate as its been awhile since i catched up to the latest releases
Could the number indicate amount of evolutions that user did during there uses of the incursio
Marvel: Incursio
Movies · Donnuuu