84.26% VECTOR IN DC / Chapter 223: CHAPTER 220

章節 223: CHAPTER 220

The office was a dimly lit sanctuary of chaos, papers scattered like confetti across desks, and the faint hum of computers mingled with the occasional clatter of a coffee mug being set down. Miss Vale, the seasoned journalist with a sharp wit and a sharper pen, sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on the screen as if it held the secrets of the universe.

"This is a lot more than he let on, and the descriptions are well detailed. There's a lot more evidence in here, so clean and well backed up proofs which could lock up a couple of troublesome crime lords for a really long time if relayed to the police." She muttered to herself as she scanned through the report she had put together on her screen.

"I guess being the reporter who gets to break this to the police, I should attain more credibility than I already do."

"Wait, you didn't go home last night?" Her colleague asked while walking by her desk.

"No Alice, been too busy working on something huge." She replied, not breaking contact with her screen for even a second.

"I know you're good at what you do but you shouldn't sacrifice sleep too often, a burnout brain is useless in more than one ways."

"Burnout? That's why I drink a lot of caffeine." She replied.

"I can see that…" Alice said with a raised brow. "Prioritize your health so your skin could be at least a bit as radiant as mine, and not this disaster you have going on."

"This so called disaster as you call it, are the side effects of actually putting in the work to stand out above this sea of reporters." Vicki replied, pulling put the flash drive from her computer as she grabbed a black scrunches from her table.

"If you're going to look good on TV or pictures as a reporter, then you have to do things with glamor and flair."

"Sorry, got to go." She said as she grabbed a , placed it under her arm, then turned back, making an immediate stop to address Alice one more time.

"And just so you know, this girl doesn't need non of that, just want to cover mouth watering stories which would shine a light on the corrupt doings happening in the shadows of this city." She added before walking down to the far office at the end.

Swinging the door wide open, she walked in on a dark skinned man in his mid forties, dressed in a white shirt with suspenders running over his shoulders and down to his pants. His legs were crossed on top the desk and a tag with the description, Director Hawkins written on it.

"Good gracious. What the hell is that look, Vicki?" He asked as he immediately dropped his legs from his table, his brown leather shoe a fitting match for the cigar he had in his mouth.

"This is the look which result's from nine hours marathon while composing a jaw dropping story boss." Vicki said with excitement in her tone, but the bags under her eyes revealed her exhaustion. "It's the look from work that would seize the front page of every news paper and mount it's position as the top headlines for a whole month and probably beyond." She added, throwing her report at his table.

"Nine hours? Wait, you didn't go home last night?" He asked, but only got a self-satisfied nod in response.

"From how messed up your hair and makeup were, I almost mistook you for a crack addict who escaped rehab and somehow wondered into my office while taking cover from the cops." He said, reaching for the paper she dropped at his desk.

Hmm!! He expressed, his eyes opened so widely while glancing at the pages word for word, that it seemed like he was just handed a piece of the holy grail for news media. The news he found himself reading that moment was one that was sure to put a lot of popular and powerful people in Gotham City, right behind bars if confirmed.

"How did you manage to get your hands on this?" He asked, looking at Vicki who was now using the scrunches from earlier to pack her hair into a pony tail. "This is well detailed, leaving no room for doubts. If the police follow up with this, they could easily trace and smoke out the people being exposed." He added.

"This is just layout for the full news, I'll complete the work as soon as I get a word from the commissioner."

"I won't advise you to go looking like this." He said, hinting a bit of irritation in his voice and from a subtle change in expression.

"I'll be heading home to freshen up, then head straight to the station to run this by the commissioner." Vicki said with a mischievous smirk tugged to the side of her lips as the bags under her eyes made her seem like some lunatic.

"This is big news." Hawkins said to her, still flipping through the pages."

"Who's your source?" He asked. "That I can't reveal, but I assure you it's from a reliable source." She replied.

"Doesn't this reliable source have a name? You can't just present something like this to the police without a named or identified source backing it."

"Don't worry about that, what you should think on is what shape Gotham City would be taking once the police confirms everyone of them. Especially after the act of terrorism two nights ago." She said to Hawkins who knew the turmoil this news was sure to stir up in the city of Gotham, was one he could never predict.

"If you'd excuse me, I'll be taking the day off from the office." She said to him as she proceeded to the door.

"Vicki." Hawkins called out as she placed her hand on the doorknob. "Do not prioritize your job over your health." She said nothing in reply but gave an half nod. "There's more to life than chasing the next story." He concluded.

"Yes sir, but until then, all I have is my passion for this job." She replied before walking out the office, softly shutting the door behind her.

[Feng Chonglin's POV]

Walking up the stairs of an opulent manor with red and gold décor all around, Mr Feng Chonglin who was the leader of the triad, was stopped by one of his men who seemed to have something to report.

"Bad news Master." The subordinate said to him with his head bowed. "Speak." He commanded.

"An update from our insider in the police force came in a moment ago." This caught Chonglin's attention, taking two steps down the stairs, he gestured for the man to continue as he rose his head.

"The young man arrested under the suspicion of being an accomplice to the terrorism attack at one of our major restaurants, would be released tomorrow." He reported while he watched for a sudden but expected change in their leader's demeanor, but only got a sigh in response to the message.

"That works pretty well for us." He replied as he stretched his hand out, a phone was immediately placed in his hand as he dialed up a number.

Taking the phone up to his head and pressing it against his ear. "It's me." He said as the receiver picked up the call.

"I have a job which requires your experience and fits your expertise." He said over the phone as he gestured for the reporter to leave his presence.

"Good, in a few minutes I'll be sending you the details of the job. I want it done at the precise timing tomorrow." He instructed. "Consider it done." The voice reverberated through the phone before he hanged up the call.

"If the police are letting him go, I can't. No one takes from me and get to go scout free." He said as he handed over the phone to the man beside him, then climbed up the stairs.

"How do you intend to handle it sir? I say we kidnap him and teach him not to mess with the Triad." The man who walked behind him suggested, having a dragon tattoo drawn from his bald head and down to the base of his body.

Letting out a sigh, he began. "That would be a waste because after the torture and getting the feel of vengeance, we kill him and it's all over. The debt won't be paid and a deadman can't take the lesson along with him when we eventually finish with him."

"Then we kidnap him and sell his organs to make up for the losses" His subordinate suggested.

"I'm not bothered by the money because I've been thinking of demolishing the establishment and turning it into some other kind of business, that's why I'm not mad or pissed off by the loss." He continued as he arrived at a door.

"There would be a publicized death in Gotham City tomorrow, I wonder how the people would react when a man under police custody gets assassinated right in front of a police station." He said to the man before walking into the other room.


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章節 224: CHAPTER 221

[Victor Stone's POV]

I need to pick up the pace with this project, this world gets scarier and unsafe for the people living in it with each passing day.

Protecting the peace of the civilizations is our purpose of being and the job we heroes signed up for. But what happens when we aren't enough and need extra set of hands? What happens when we the heroes are stretched out too thin?

The question I ask myself as I walk around my lab, going through the schematics of what was going to be a revolutionary age for the peace and safety of the people.

That's the concept behind my current project, the ideal way to ensure the security of those who can not help themselves when the heroes are preoccupied fighting to save a city or even the world.

The Incident that took place the other night in Gotham City were quite a number of officers lost their lives fighting a meta, if my idea for a literal cyber security was put in place, those officers wouldn't have lost their lives.

The bots would have stepped into the scene of the action. Thanks to the fragments from Ace's coding, I think I might be able to give them the ability to analyze the power of a meta.

After they run an analysis, they should be able to compute a counter attack and execute an action according to the most suitable and more efficient method required for the situation.

And I think I just found the best way of doing so. In a couple of days I should be done with this project, then I can finally launch and upload the system. First off, I would have to see to it that I cover countermeasures regarding the number of risks Batman was so worried about.

[Tom Hendricks POV]

"Seems your story checks out kid, my team was unable to dig up anything that says otherwise." Gordon said as he dropped a form on the table right in front of Tom for him to fill.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Tom muttered as he let out a breath of relief. "Were they able to identify either of the ladies responsible for all this mess?" He questioned bitterly while casting a vengeful glare at Commissioner Gordon.

The commissioner shook his head, grumbled, and massaged his temples with his thumb and index finger."

"I'm ashamed to say it but no, right now no evidence or data revealing their identities has been found. This might be an act of terrorism, and if so, then we need to prepare for such scenario."

Tom was smiling inside as piece by piece this little ruckus had gone exactly as he had hoped, using the incident to debut himself to the public, soon to win over the favor of society.

As soon as they finished talking, the commissioner led Tom out of the building, where a mob of media had been flocking around like starving vultures ready to devour their meal.

"Commissioner." One of the many voices called out. "Over here Commissioner!!! Vicki Vale here." She announced.

Unfortunately for the commissioner, he could not ignore the red head reporter who seem to be in his favor, she might have struck a deal with the police department and gets exclusive information first hand from the commissioner.

"Just a moment, it would be over soon." He said to Tom as he was going to answer a few questions thrown his way by the reporters, but Tom simply shook his head as a go-ahead and followed along.

"I have some words for the public as well." He bluntly said.

The commissioner was surprised by this and was curious as to just what it was Tom had to say. He was concerned he might discuss his unfair treatment and case, which would undermine public confidence in the police among the citizens of Gotham City.

Gordon was giving him a debatable look as he thought on a few things, but he just shrugged it off, placed an arm on Tom's shoulder and reassured him.

"Nothing to worry about commissioner, there's no negativity here. I just have a few things to let off my chest.

Once more the commissioner was hesitant but then he realized that there was no use stopping Tom now, it wouldn't stop the media from getting to him some other day, so he'd let him do as he wishes.

Vicki Vale was standing in front of the barricade, along with some reporters when the two approached, ready to communicate with her.

"Yes, miss Vale?" He answered, although he didn't appear the least pleased to see her but he and I approached her anyway.

Stopping just a few inches before her and the barricade, reporters tried forcing themselves towards that direction.

"The citizens of Gotham City are all curious as to who this young man is and why he's been granted bail if he was found guilty of the charges against him." She dropped that appetizer for starters so she could get a better insight on Tom. She did a lot of digging into him but got nothing on him or even a criminal record, neither did he seem likely to exhibit such violent behaviors such as an act of terrorism.

The only info she could dig up on him was that of a young man who appeared to be some loner with a tragic childhood.

"There's nothing much to be said about this young man, except that after much investigation it was declared that he is innocent of all charges and was as much a victim of the incident as every other hostage. With that he is a free man and he seems to have a few things of his to share and clear up."

The commissioner said before walking out to the side, leaving Tom who took a fee steps forward and right to where Gordon had addressed Vicki's questions.

"Mr Hendricks, Over here…"

"Just a few questions Mr Hendricks."

"A minute of your time."

They chanted, reaching out to him but Tom just made a stop right in front of Vicki, literally following Gordon's approach to the media.

"It is said you're an orphan who relocated to Gotham City about a year ago, after your recent experience with the whole hostage situation and the false charges you were filed, what would you say about Gotham City and would you be leaving the city after all this?" She shot at him, eager for an answer.

"I'd say it was…" In the middle of responding to her questions, Tom suddenly reached for his upper chest as blood began dripping down his shirt.

"What happened?" Vicki questioned as she watched Tom who stood right in front of her, drop to the ground with his clothing soaked by his own blood.

"Oh, no." Commissioner Gordon who was smoking a cigarette at the corner muttered upon seeing Tom's body drop to the ground, so did his cigarette as he witnessed the unbelievable sight. "Sniper, take cover!!" He yelled as he rushed towards an unconscious Tom who seemed to be loosing too much blood.

Pandemonium ensued as the atmosphere made an instant transformation to one of complete chaos. The reporters and civilians present at the scene all ran haphazardly in every direction, while the police mobilized themselves into multiple groups to give order to the sudden chaos as they do their job of protecting the people.

A team coordinated the evacuation of the premises, another went in search for the sniper, while the other immediately brought a stretcher to carry Tom from the open as Gordon kept applying pressure on the bullet wound.

"An ambulance is on it's way." One informed as they lifted Tom off the ground. "No, bring a car around the back. We have to take him to an hospital or else it might be too late." The commissioner instructed and the officers did according.

A police vehicle immediately pulled up and they carried the bleeding Tom inside, they drove off to the nearest hospital while the commissioner stayed behind to put order to things at the station and seeking for an update regarding the sniper.

Two officers dressed in police uniform took him as they headed for the hospital, one stayed with Tom in the back seat, while the other drove the car.

There was nothing anyone could do but pray the shot victim made it out alive. The case had shifted into something else as the man announced to have been innocent and cleared of all charges, just had an assassination attempt on his life.


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