84.64% VECTOR IN DC / Chapter 224: CHAPTER 221

章節 224: CHAPTER 221

[Victor Stone's POV]

I need to pick up the pace with this project, this world gets scarier and unsafe for the people living in it with each passing day.

Protecting the peace of the civilizations is our purpose of being and the job we heroes signed up for. But what happens when we aren't enough and need extra set of hands? What happens when we the heroes are stretched out too thin?

The question I ask myself as I walk around my lab, going through the schematics of what was going to be a revolutionary age for the peace and safety of the people.

That's the concept behind my current project, the ideal way to ensure the security of those who can not help themselves when the heroes are preoccupied fighting to save a city or even the world.

The Incident that took place the other night in Gotham City were quite a number of officers lost their lives fighting a meta, if my idea for a literal cyber security was put in place, those officers wouldn't have lost their lives.

The bots would have stepped into the scene of the action. Thanks to the fragments from Ace's coding, I think I might be able to give them the ability to analyze the power of a meta.

After they run an analysis, they should be able to compute a counter attack and execute an action according to the most suitable and more efficient method required for the situation.

And I think I just found the best way of doing so. In a couple of days I should be done with this project, then I can finally launch and upload the system. First off, I would have to see to it that I cover countermeasures regarding the number of risks Batman was so worried about.

[Tom Hendricks POV]

"Seems your story checks out kid, my team was unable to dig up anything that says otherwise." Gordon said as he dropped a form on the table right in front of Tom for him to fill.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Tom muttered as he let out a breath of relief. "Were they able to identify either of the ladies responsible for all this mess?" He questioned bitterly while casting a vengeful glare at Commissioner Gordon.

The commissioner shook his head, grumbled, and massaged his temples with his thumb and index finger."

"I'm ashamed to say it but no, right now no evidence or data revealing their identities has been found. This might be an act of terrorism, and if so, then we need to prepare for such scenario."

Tom was smiling inside as piece by piece this little ruckus had gone exactly as he had hoped, using the incident to debut himself to the public, soon to win over the favor of society.

As soon as they finished talking, the commissioner led Tom out of the building, where a mob of media had been flocking around like starving vultures ready to devour their meal.

"Commissioner." One of the many voices called out. "Over here Commissioner!!! Vicki Vale here." She announced.

Unfortunately for the commissioner, he could not ignore the red head reporter who seem to be in his favor, she might have struck a deal with the police department and gets exclusive information first hand from the commissioner.

"Just a moment, it would be over soon." He said to Tom as he was going to answer a few questions thrown his way by the reporters, but Tom simply shook his head as a go-ahead and followed along.

"I have some words for the public as well." He bluntly said.

The commissioner was surprised by this and was curious as to just what it was Tom had to say. He was concerned he might discuss his unfair treatment and case, which would undermine public confidence in the police among the citizens of Gotham City.

Gordon was giving him a debatable look as he thought on a few things, but he just shrugged it off, placed an arm on Tom's shoulder and reassured him.

"Nothing to worry about commissioner, there's no negativity here. I just have a few things to let off my chest.

Once more the commissioner was hesitant but then he realized that there was no use stopping Tom now, it wouldn't stop the media from getting to him some other day, so he'd let him do as he wishes.

Vicki Vale was standing in front of the barricade, along with some reporters when the two approached, ready to communicate with her.

"Yes, miss Vale?" He answered, although he didn't appear the least pleased to see her but he and I approached her anyway.

Stopping just a few inches before her and the barricade, reporters tried forcing themselves towards that direction.

"The citizens of Gotham City are all curious as to who this young man is and why he's been granted bail if he was found guilty of the charges against him." She dropped that appetizer for starters so she could get a better insight on Tom. She did a lot of digging into him but got nothing on him or even a criminal record, neither did he seem likely to exhibit such violent behaviors such as an act of terrorism.

The only info she could dig up on him was that of a young man who appeared to be some loner with a tragic childhood.

"There's nothing much to be said about this young man, except that after much investigation it was declared that he is innocent of all charges and was as much a victim of the incident as every other hostage. With that he is a free man and he seems to have a few things of his to share and clear up."

The commissioner said before walking out to the side, leaving Tom who took a fee steps forward and right to where Gordon had addressed Vicki's questions.

"Mr Hendricks, Over here…"

"Just a few questions Mr Hendricks."

"A minute of your time."

They chanted, reaching out to him but Tom just made a stop right in front of Vicki, literally following Gordon's approach to the media.

"It is said you're an orphan who relocated to Gotham City about a year ago, after your recent experience with the whole hostage situation and the false charges you were filed, what would you say about Gotham City and would you be leaving the city after all this?" She shot at him, eager for an answer.

"I'd say it was…" In the middle of responding to her questions, Tom suddenly reached for his upper chest as blood began dripping down his shirt.

"What happened?" Vicki questioned as she watched Tom who stood right in front of her, drop to the ground with his clothing soaked by his own blood.

"Oh, no." Commissioner Gordon who was smoking a cigarette at the corner muttered upon seeing Tom's body drop to the ground, so did his cigarette as he witnessed the unbelievable sight. "Sniper, take cover!!" He yelled as he rushed towards an unconscious Tom who seemed to be loosing too much blood.

Pandemonium ensued as the atmosphere made an instant transformation to one of complete chaos. The reporters and civilians present at the scene all ran haphazardly in every direction, while the police mobilized themselves into multiple groups to give order to the sudden chaos as they do their job of protecting the people.

A team coordinated the evacuation of the premises, another went in search for the sniper, while the other immediately brought a stretcher to carry Tom from the open as Gordon kept applying pressure on the bullet wound.

"An ambulance is on it's way." One informed as they lifted Tom off the ground. "No, bring a car around the back. We have to take him to an hospital or else it might be too late." The commissioner instructed and the officers did according.

A police vehicle immediately pulled up and they carried the bleeding Tom inside, they drove off to the nearest hospital while the commissioner stayed behind to put order to things at the station and seeking for an update regarding the sniper.

Two officers dressed in police uniform took him as they headed for the hospital, one stayed with Tom in the back seat, while the other drove the car.

There was nothing anyone could do but pray the shot victim made it out alive. The case had shifted into something else as the man announced to have been innocent and cleared of all charges, just had an assassination attempt on his life.


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章節 225: CHAPTER 222

"The hospital huh, that works out perfectly. Good thing I made that bullet size hole in my skin by using the cells in my blood, then placing the hot bullet inside it. The doctors won't be able to tell if it was an actual bullet wound or not." Tom thought to himself when the police vehicle made a sudden stop after a while of driving.

"That was quick, I don't think there's an hospital this close to the police station that I'm aware of." He thought to himself again, while still pretending to be unconscious.

"Hey kid, open your eyes. I know a bullet isn't enough to screw you over to the other side." Upon hearing the unbelievably familiar voice, Tom considered opening his eyes but kept up the act just to be sure.

"I can't believe you actually shot him, you ass hole." The voice said.

"I swear I didn't, I shot the bullet to graze his shoulder a little but he somehow dropped to the ground and the bullet ended up in his chest." The other voice replied, also sounding awfully familiar.

Tom was so surprised that he had to stop pretending to be unconscious and opened his eyes only to see Leonard Snart dressed in police uniform and holding him down in the back seat of the vehicle.

"Leo?" He asked.

"Rise and shine, kid." Leo replied.

"He's alive!" The other chipped in, looking behind from the driver seat. Tom turned to confirm his identity, only to see Floyd Lawton dressed in a police uniform as well.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" He asked as he sat up. Wondering why Captain Cold and Deadshot were in police uniforms, although he thought of the possibility of them infiltrating the police to rescue him but he knew Jason must have informed Leo not to interfere with his arrest.

"Well, I got a call from him and couldn't take my chances." Leo replied. "Did this bastard actually shoot you?" He asked.

"I swear, I only mean to graze him. Am as surprised as you are because I never miss." Floyd defended, gloating about his precision in the process.

"Give me answers, we don't have much time. What has you two in uniforms and why the fuck did you try shooting me?" Tom questioned, switching gazes between both men.

"I got a call from him saying he got a job to assassinate the kid under the boss's protecting, today while you're being released from custody." Leo summarized, but Floyd just had a confused look on him.

"Wait, did you just say try?" He asked.

"Yes I did, now take me to the hospital and let it all roll off from there." Tom instructed.

"Drive." Leo said to Floyd who just shrugged off the questions in his head, then hit on the gas.

"I thought you couldn't get hurt, but why's there so much blood?" Leo asked Tom with a whispering voice while the vehicle drove down to the hospital.

"This is nothing, I made a little blood look this much so it appears to seem like a serious injury and I was likely to bleed out anytime soon."

"Damn, that's one twisted way to make the injury seem like a life threatening one." Leo praised, sounding almost impressed.

They arrived at the hospital and Leo hopped out, calling for a doctor, saying it was an emergency. A couple of paramedics came with a stretcher and some nurses rolled Tom into the emergency room, most saw the live news and knew exactly what had happened to him without even asking for details or cause of bullet wound as police officers dropped him off themselves.


As the jet landed smoothly in their headquarters' landing bay, the young heroes let out a collective sigh of relief. They were finally back home after a draining Off-world mission that left them physically and mentally exhausted. Stepping out of the jet, their costumes still showing signs of battle and travel, they seemed eager for some downtime.

"Ah, finally home. Time for some good night's rest," Kori exclaimed, stretching her arms above her head with a tired yet content expression.

"Yeah, Off-world missions really takes it's toll on us," Dick remarked, peeling off a part of his Night Wing costume.

Gar made a beeline for the fridge with a grin. "I missed the food more than anything," he joked, pulling out a slice of pizza and a bottle of fruity juice drink.

Acqualad nodded in agreement as he caught a bottle of drink tossed his way by Gar. "Off-world missions always leave us drained," he noted, taking a refreshing sip.

Meanwhile, Megan floated her Martian ass over to the couch and grabbed the remote with her telekinesis, turning on the TV. "We would have to catch up on what's been happening. Hopefully, we didn't miss much," she said, flipping through the news channels.

Gar, who had been eyeing the idea of watching a movie, protested playfully, "Hey, I had plans for a movie night."

But Rachel interrupted with a hint of urgency in her voice, "Hold on. Switch it back to the previous channel," her expression turning serious as she saw the breaking news about Tom Hendricks being shot right after his release from custody.

"That kid got arrested? I knew there was something shady about him." Dick said judgingly as he grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

"Shhh, he's Rachel's boyfriend. How can you be so insensitive?" Kori reprimanded.

"I'm sorry, Rachel. It just came out." Dick apologized but Kori kept giving him the side eye to show she was pissed, but her fierce look instantly morphed into a soft one when she looked towards Rachel who just had her eyes locked on the screen.

"It seems he was actually innocent, it says here that he was released from custody as all accusations against him was declared null after intense investigation was carried out." Megan said out loud, reading the headlines which moved along the bottom part of the screen.

"Damn, I can't believe Tom got shot." Gar remarked, taking a bite from his pizza as he watched the news. "I know he could be quite rude sometimes but I can't believe they suspect such a cool guy for terrorism." He added.

Rachel seemed a bit mortified, which wouldn't seem out of context for her since it was her boyfriend who was the victim, but she was so shocked by the news because she knew it was near impossible to hurt Tom, especially not by a mere bullet.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay." Kori said as she walked over to Rachel, rubbing on her shoulder as she continued. "It says he was taken to one of the best hospitals in Gotham by police officers." She added while bracing her in for a comforting hug.

'Wait, that guy is her boyfriend. Talk about opposites attracting each other.' Acqualad thought to himself, taking note of their completely opposite hair colours, and their only similarities being their pale looking skin. He also noticed Tom's eyes looked too neutral and was unable to read the kind of person he might be. From his experience, such guys could be dangerous as they could always have undetected hidden intentions.

"There's been no update regarding his condition, I have to go see him myself. Maybe there's something I could do to help." Rachel said, calmly pushing Kori aside as created a black portal next to her.

"Rae, wait!" Kori and Gar called out but she levitated into the portal of dark energy she had created.


[Jim Gordon's POV]

The night draped over Gotham like a velvet curtain, the city's sounds a distant hum as Commissioner Jim Gordon stood on the edge of a weathered rooftop. Neon lights flickered in the distance, casting an eerie glow that painted the scene in shades of red and blue. With a cigarette between his fingers, Gordon watched the city's heartbeat below, waiting for his clandestine meeting with the Dark Knight.

"You took longer than usual," Gordon remarked without turning as Batman descended from the shadows, his cape billowing in the wind.

"I needed to take care of a couple of things first," Batman replied, his voice low and gravelly, characteristic of his brooding demeanor.

Gordon took a final drag from his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke before stubbing it out under his boot. "You saw the news, right? Someone wanted the innocent kid dead."

Batman nodded, his eyes hidden behind the cowl. "I found it absurd when I saw the news of his arrest. But an assassination attempt on him sends a vivid message."

"And what message is that?" Gordon's voice carried a mix of concern and frustration.

"That someone wants him dead," Batman stated matter-of-factly, his tone reflecting years of experience in deciphering Gotham's dark underbelly.

"You know this kid?" Gordon's curiosity piqued as he turned to face the Caped Crusader.

"You could say so, and I found it odd that he was accused of terrorism," Batman admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of empathy masked by his usual vigilance.

"He just happened to find himself in the wrong circumstances," Gordon defended, his belief in justice unwavering despite the city's corruption.

"Did he reveal any sort of information while in custody that would make someone want him dead so bad that they try assassinating him the moment he stepped out of the station?" Batman's asked.

"No, he didn't. Do you think it's somehow related to the terrorism attack?" Gordon's mind raced with possibilities, seeking the elusive truth in Gotham's tangled web of crime.

"It wouldn't be far-fetched to assume it might be," Batman replied, his mind already piecing together fragments of a larger puzzle.

"Any update on his condition?" Batman asked, showing a bit of concern for the victim.

"He's out of danger for now and has two officers whom I handpicked myself, guarding his hospital room. The doctors said the bullet barely missed his heart, almost grazing it," Gordon relayed with a sigh, a weight lifted from his shoulders knowing the young man had survived the attempt on his life.

"I'll keep you updated if I find anything," Batman assured, his cape swirling as he activated his grapple hook, disappearing into the night, leaving Commissioner Gordon alone with his thoughts and the ever-present darkness of Gotham City.


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