How's school life like for you? For everyone, it will be slightly different. Some of us will experience things like bullying, others may bask under the limelight and attention from the school population. But ultimately, we are all students, attending the same school to achieve academically.
For Jaselle and Jason, they began their schooling journey ever since preschool and at that, the same preschool, primary school and up till today, secondary school.
Their relationship with each other grew unexpectedly and many elements they'd have to tackle along the way, was becoming a factor causing their relationship to deteoriate. Will they make it out of this hell and have a happy ending?
作者 BlankMeow
The story is good. I like it. I'm into school based stories and this one captures the type I enjoy. It's written pretty well sometimes I have you edit it in my head to make it sound better.