27.27% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 9: Loguetown and Laboon

章節 9: Loguetown and Laboon

The Straw Hats were on the sea headed for Loguetown with Zeus, when a news seagull landed on the deck next to Nami. "You're charging more now?" The seagull shrugged and nodded and handed Nami a newspaper, Ussop lifted his head and said "It's only like 100 beri is it really that big of a deal?" Nami snapped at him "IT IS WHEN YOU PAY FOR IT EVERYDAY!" as she opened the newspaper to read it and 5 papers fell out and landed on the deck. Nami screamed getting the attention from everyone on the Merry.

Zeus yawned "What are you screaming about now, Orange?" Nami glared at him and picked up the papers "We all have bounties now!" Luffy and the rest ran to take their bounties from Nami's hands and cheered. Zeus walked over and took a look, he whistled and said "Damn would you look at that."

'Straw Hat' Luffy Wanted Dead or Alive 30,000,000

'Pirate Hunter' Roanoa Zoro Wanted Dead or Alive 20,000,000

'Black Leg' Sanji No picture availible Wanted Dead or Alive 17,000,000

'Sniper King' Ussop Wanted Dead or Alive 10,000,000

'Weather Witch' Nami Wanted Dead or Alive 5,000,000

Zeus laughed and turned to Nami "Would you look at that, if you turn yourself in you'll get a nice 5 million Shishishishishi" Nami puched him right in the head sending him barreling straight into the deck. "OW FUCK! I still don't know how she can hit me." He looked up and stared her "Two things first of all, do you know how to use Haki? And second of all, Pink? Never expected you to be a pink kinda girl." he smirked and chuckled as Nami went from confusion, to realization, to embarrassment, to rage and lifted her fist again, and started pummeling Zeus. Sanji looked at Zeus and gave him a prayer before he passed out from a nosebleed thinking about Nami's pink panties.

Hours went by and the group finally reached Loguetown and set foot on land, every one got money from Nami and went off to do their own things as Zeus stretched at the docks and walked towards the marine base. Zeus snapped his fingers and mumbled "Right I forgot to tell Zoro about Tashigi, well whatever he'll find out."

A few minutes later Zeus bumped into Smoker on the street he lifted his head and chuckled "Oi Smokey how ya been?" Smoker turned around and gave him a demonic grin, that sent shivers down Zeus' spine "OH GREAT. I've been waiting for you" Zeus gulped and said nervously as he pulled out the cigar box Nojiko gave him "Um Happy Birthday?" Smoker looked at him and said "It's not my birthday you brat, that's not for another couple months, you're not getting out of this one." but still took the cigar box anyway. They keep walking together before someone ran up to them and said "Hey Kurama! Do you know how to get to the execution platform?" Zeus blinked and said "Yea sure you go down this road and-ah you know what" Zeus turned to Smoker "Smokey do me a favor and give him a Smoke trail would you?" Smoker grunted but still helped as Luffy waved as he ran away "Thanks Kurama! Thanks Smoke guy!" Zeus chuckled and shook his head as they continued to walk "Seems like the only people who would even come up to talk to us are Pirates nowadays" Zeus sighed and shook his head "Some fucking great justice here" Smoker was silent and just kept walking until a little girl bumped into Smokers leg smashing her Ice cream all over his pants. The road turned dead silent as the little girl teared up, he father scrambled to apologize as Smoker crouched down and rubbed the little girl's head and said with a smile "Sorry my pants ate your Ice cream here" He gave her some money "Go buy 5 scoops." The little girl smiled and said thank you before running away. Zeus saw all of this and started laughing "Shishishishi MY PANTS ATE YOUR ICE CREAM SHISHISHISHI" Smoker punched him sending him flying away, "I need a drink" Smoker said as he rubbed his temples.

A while later Smoker and Zeus both walked into a bar called "Gold Roger's bar", the old man there was not happy as the duo took their seats. "Get out of here I don't serve Marines" Smoker shook his head "This IS a bar right? Plus i'm your best customer" he grabbed a bottle of rum that was behind the bar and poured himself a glass, Zeus was there "Yo Smokey um where's my glass?" Smoker turned to him and narrowed his eyes "How old are you again?" Zeus deadpanned "You better watch it bastard" Zeus turned to the bartender "Oi gramps, you have and any beer?" The old man grumbled before grabbing a beer behind the counter and handing it to him "Ahh thanks gramps you're great." Smoker shook his head and noticed a wanted poster on the wall "Wasn't that.." He shot his head at Zeus, who was looking around and said "Kurama, why does that wanted poster look exactly the same as the kid who asked for directions before?" Zeus looked up at the wanted poster and said "Oh? It probably is, I took that picture myself, gotta say i've got a pretty good eye for photography." Smoker got a tick mark on his forehead "I'm going after him i'll deal with you later" as he stormed out of the bar. Zeus cursed the bastard and kept drinking, while the old man was just looking at him "What gramps?" The old man shook his head and said "Boy are you truly a marine?" Zeus was confused "What do you mean gramps?" the old man sighed "Boy you have a free spirit you're not suited for the marines." Zeus chuckled and nodded "I know gramps but its the fastest way of getting strong I didn't have another choice" the old man looked at him in curiosity and Zeus continued "How about this gramps you tell me something I didn't know before and i'll let you in on my secret." the old man laughed and said "Gol D. Roger came to sit in my bar and didn't have anything to pay with so he gave me this." the old man pulled out a box with a fruit in it "That damn Kid always paid with devil fruits" Zeus' eyes were glued to the fruit "Hey old man do you know what fruit that is?" The old man scratched his chin and said "I think roger might've said it was a Hito-Hito no mi model: Child" Zeus' eyes almost popped out of their sockets "Gramps can i have this?" The old man was taken aback "I thought we were sharin secrets here kid." Zeus ripped his mask off and said "My real name is Monkey D. Zeus that kid on the wanted poster is my biological twin brother. Can i please have it old man I need it to save someone!" The old man was shocked before he started laughing "No wonder! I knew you weren't a marine on the inside kid. Go on take it" The old man shook his head "That's the craziest thing i've ever seen, a marine with a pirate heart." Zeus thanked the old man " Thanks gramps i'll pay you back for sure!" He grabbed the box and left. The old man blinked and grumbled "They didn't pay for their drinks damn bastards"

Zeus walked out of the bar with his mask back on and whistled to call his cloud before putting the box with the fruit inside and smiling. He kept walking down the street and noticed everybody was gathered at the platform area, he jumped on top of a building in the square and watched.

Luffy was locked down and Buggy was on top of him with a sword raised in the air "Prepare to die Strawhat!" Luffy looked at the crowd and said "Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Ussop! Sorry! I died." with a big smile on his face shocking everyone in the square.


Lightning struck the execution platform and Luffy popped out of the rubble "Shishishishishi looks like I lived. Let's go!" as he and the others ran from the marines. Smoker blinked and started chasing after them, Zeus was chasing Luffy from the building tops.

Smoker caught up with Luffy and held him down. As he was about to arrest Luffy, Smoker felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and said "It's you! What's the most wanted man in the world doing here?" Dragon chuckled and said "You can't stop him here Smoker. You can't keep him from the seas." Dragon pulled Smoker off of Luffy and Luffy escaped. Smoker looked back and Dragon was gone "What a pretentious Bastard." Smoker grumbled and went to the marine base.

On a building Dragon was standing in front of Zeus, who still had his mask on. "What does 'White Lightning' Kurama want with me?" Zeus chuckled and shook his head as he lifted his mask and revealed his face to Dragon's shock and said "I just missed you Dad after all I haven't seen you for 17 years." Dragon was speechless, and eventually sighed "How have you been? Are you really a Marine like your grandpa?" Zeus chuckled and shook his head "For now, I ate the Goro-Goro no mi when I was 7 and Grandpa took me to the marines to get strong enough, I don't think the Gorosei would've had any problems sending a buster call on Foosha village to get rid of one of the most powerful fruits in the world, unless it was under their control." Zeus sighed "I've been watching over Luffy since he started and i'm waiting for the chance to leave the marines." Zeus looked at Dragon in the eyes and became serious "But I wanted to ask you something, what happened to Mom?" Dragon winced and said "She was sick." Zeus' body started crackling with lightning "I don't believe a 20 something year old woman would get sick and die, you wouldn't let that happen! Tell me the truth!" Dragon sighed "It was the Celestial Dragons. Your mother used to be a slave, eventually the Celestial Dragon she ran away from found her again and tortured her in the streets before I found them." Dragon sighed "After I killed him I brought your mother to a friend of mine who was a doctor, and he told me that not only was she pregnant with my kids but that would have at most a year to live, and with the birth taking a toll on her she would either die during childbirth or shortly after." Dragon choked up as he walked up to Zeus, who was crying and hugged him "You and Luffy are the only ones who remind me of her, you know her last words were to keep you two safe. I'm sorry I can't be there for you all the time but I will make the world safe for you guys." Dragons hug tightened "I swear." Zeus was crying and grabbing on to his father before taking a deep breath and smiling "I believe you dad, I hope i'll see you again someday, but i have to go tell Smokey that i'm going to chase after Luffy." Zeus turned around and was about to flash away before he stopped and said "Stay safe Dad." and he disappeared. Dragon watched his son go with a proud smile before disappearing himself.

Zeus appeared in Smoker's Office. "Yo Smokey we goin' after the Strawhats?" Smoker just nodded and Zeus chuckled "Alright i'll go before you and call you when i find out their route smell ya!" Zeus flashed away before Smoker could say anything. Zeus whistled and hopped on his cloud and flew in the direction of Luffy's crew, after looking for a few minutes he found them, on their way to Reverse Mountain he chuckled and jumped off his cloud turning into lightning and landing on the deck with a super hero landing. Zeus turned around and tilted his head leaning it back slightly while giving off a deathly vibe "Ora Ora, you guys aren't trying to escape are you?" Nami and Ussop started shaking while Zoro pulled out his swords and Sanji raised his leg, and Luffy was just looking at Zeus and asked "Why are you here?" Zeus turned his head to him "To drag you back to Loguetown of course." Luffy blinked and tilted his hand "Aren't you our friend though?" Zeus blinked and sighed "Can't you just let me be cool?" he turned and walked to a chair and sat down while everyone else confused and relived. Nami looked at Zeus and said "Why you are scaring us don't you have marine duties?" Zeus just said "Vacation" Nami giggled and said "Pretty sure your boss said vacations over" Zeus's face reddened as he crossed his arms and mumbled "Pretty sure I fucked your sister" Nami choked on her saliva as the rest of the crew minus Luffy laughed while Luffy was just confused. Zeus chuckled and said "So reverse mountain eh? pretty cool how the water goes upwards isn't it?" Everybody looked at him in confusion before Nami spoke "What do you mean?" Zeus shook his head and said "Give me your map." she handed the map over to him and he pointed to the space in between the mountains "That's where you go to get into Paradise the current flows upwards over the mountain and you slide down into the first half of the grandline." Luffy asked "First half?" Zeus nodded and said "Yep the Grandline is split in two, the first half which is called Paradise is where you're going right now, and the second half is called the New World, that's where the Yonko are." Ussop said "Yonko?" Zeus pinched the bridge of his nose and explained "The Yonko are the 4 most powerful pirates of the sea, Whitebeard, Kaido, Bigmom, and Shanks. There's also 7 warlords that are appointed by the world government 'Sir' Crocodile, Gecko Moria, Donquixote Doflamingo, Kuma the bear, Dracule Mihawk, Knight of the sea Jinbe and finally The most beautiful woman in the world Boa Hancock." he finished his speech and looked around "Anymore questions? Good cus were about to crash into a wall." Everybody turned to look out of the boat Nami screamed "Turn the rudder!"


"The rudder broke." Zoro said. Everybody looked at him and Zeus chuckled, Luffy jumped off the boat and blew up like a balloon.

"Gum-Gum BALLOON!"

Luffy's body pushed the Merry from the wall and set it straight as it moved up Reverse mountain. Zoro stuck his hand out of the Merry and grabbed on to Luffy to pull him back on to the boat.

Zeus clapped his hands and laughed "Shishishi that was fun!" Nami snapped at him "You didn't do anything!" Zeus was silent and sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

They reached the top of Reverse Mountain and went down before Ussop yelled from the crow's nest "Um guys there's another mountain in front of us!"


Nami turned to Zeus, who shrugged his shoulders and said "That's not supposed to be there and I'm pretty sure that's a whale" Nami sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Luffy got an idea and shot a cannon at it stopping the Merry in its tracks, but the Figure head snapped of the boat and landed on the deck Luffy turned around and said "You broke my seat!" and punched the whale right in the eye. The whale moved his eyeball and saw the ship and opened his mouth and ate the ship while Luffy flew on top on the whale separated from his crew. "Damn it Spit them out you stupid whale!" he screamed before seeing a door in the whale's skin and jumping inside.

Inside the whale, the group and Zeus were looking around in wonder at the 'sky' and Ussop said "Are we in heaven?" Zeus rubbed the bottom of his mask and said "You know I doubt that, Zoro would definitely not be in heaven." Zoro snapped "Speak for yourself!" Zeus looked at him and clicked his tongue "Me? I'm an angel!" Zoro cursed him and turned away while Zeus just chuckled.

A huge squid popped of out nowhere scaring Ussop and Nami before 3 harpoons shot through it and dragged it to an island where a man was standing, the man had hair that looked like a flower and was currently staring the group down before walking to a chair keeping eye contract, sitting down and pulling out a newspaper. Sanji snapped "Say something damnit!" Ussop called out from behind Zeus "Y-Yea we have cannons! We'll blow your island to Hell!" The man looked up from his newspaper and said "I wouldn't do that. Someone could get hurt." Sanji said "Yea? Who?" The man stared at Sanji for a minute before saying "Me." Zeus almost fell over laughing as he was holding his mouth. Sanji snapped "I'm gonna kill you old man!" Zoro held him back and said "Sorry who are you?" The man was silent for a minute, two minutes before speaking again "It's proper manners to introduce yourselves first." Zoro blinked and said "My bad my name is Roanoa Z-" the man cut him off and spoke "My names Crocus, i'm a Gemini, and my blood type is AB" Zoro snapped and started yelling about cutting the old man up as Zeus fell to the deck and laughed like a mad man holding on to his stomach with tears in his eyes. Crocus shook his head and sighed "Nobody appreciates a running gag anymore." Sanji and Zoro snapped "It wasn't funny!" Nami sighed and said "excuse me mister do you know where we are?" Crocus replied "You're inside Laboon the whale of course, You think people get swallowed by whales and travel to different planes of existance?" Nami blinked and didn't understand but before she could ask what he meant Laboon started shaking and Crocus sighed "Its happening again." Seeing the group was confused Crocus explained "Laboon is in pain and is smashing his head against the mountain" Nami realized "That's where the scars on his head came from" Crocus nodded as he jumped into the 'water' and swam up to a door and opened it sending 3 people flying towards the boat.


The 3 people landed on the boat, with one of them landing right on top of Zeus. It was Luffy and two strangers, a man and a woman. The woman had blue hair and skimpy outfit and she just happened to be the one who fell right on top of Zeus she sat up straddling him and looking around "Huh? Where am I?" she heard a cough and looked down, to see Zeus who chuckled and said "As much as I love this maybe you should get off eh, Vivi?" The woman froze and said "Kurama?!" Zeus chuckled and said "Mind explaining what you're doing running around in a whale?" Vivi blushed as she realized her position and got up, Zeus got up as well and smiled at her "So how have you been and why are you dressed like that?" Vivi was looking over Zeus and blushed as she looked at his chest and stuttered "N-Nothing i'm just um uhh." Zeus shook his head and turned to see Nami staring at him "What?" he asked Nami yelled at him "You shameless flirt! Who is she?" Zeus was taken aback "Oi Orange I already set you up with Dartbrow why you always coming after me?" Nami snapped "That's not what I mean!" She sighed "How do you know a woman that just happened to be in a whale and why is she blushing?" Nami pointed to Vivi who was staring at Zeus with a red face. Zeus shrugged his shoulders "First of all she's my friend I met her at the reverie in Mariejois when I went with my Grandpa and I don't know maybe its because i'm extremely handsome." Nami pinched the bridge of her nose and muttered "Damn shameless bastard you're always wearing a mask we don't even know what you look like." Vivi recovered from her daze and coughed "Anyway I have to do something right now can we talk later?" Zeus nodded and walked back to his chair. She turned around and smacked the man that fell with her, the man woke up and looked around before pulling a bazooka out of nowhere and shouting "Yo miss Wednesday we need to take down the whale!" Crocus shouted "I won't let you hurt Laboon!" before luffy knocked out the man and Vivi while Zeus chuckled and shook his head.

Later outside the whale Crocus was standing outside a lighthouse talking about Laboon and how his crew left him here and fled from the Grandline. Luffy thought for a bit before ripping the mast off the ship, making Zeus wince a bit, and slamming it into Laboon before fighting it. All of a sudden Luffy stopped and said "It's a tie. Your crew used to fight with you didn't they? Well now we have to settle our match, I'll be back." He grabbed a bucket of paint and drew the Strawhat symbol on Laboons scars and continued "Now don't go smashing into the mountain anymore or else the paints gonna come off." making everyone smile before the man, who had introduced himself as Mr. 9 said "Hey can you guys take us home? It's a small island called Whiskey Peak." Zeus looked at Vivi who flinched under his gaze, while Luffy just said "Sure." Zeus sighed and returned to the Merry and started to fix the mast and figure head while Vivi followed him.

A while later Crocus gave them a log pose and explained how it worked to Nami and then the Group set sail heading for Whiskey Peak.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Sorry if it seems rushed kinda want to get along with the story now and all the little details from leaving LogueTown to arriving at whiskey peak are kinda boring excluding Labbon and Crocus.

NEXT TIME : Whiskey Peak probably through to End of Little Garden.

Before you ask No, Vivi is not part of the Harem

Leave a review if you liked it and Zeus will tickle Robin when she gets on the boat.

Zeus:... Sigh*

next chapter
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