5.17% The Lion Cub (HP SI) / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Harry's dramatic monologue

章節 6: Chapter 6: Harry's dramatic monologue

The morning rays of sunlight ought to be peaceful and calming, Harry thought with some disappointment.

But to get the warm feeling of some sun on his skin he ought to finish the last lap of this troublesome exercise. Not that he was confident for some sunlight to shine down on him in this damp cloudy climate. Nonetheless, one could hold out hope for that miracle to happen.

He eyed the rows of monkey bars before him and squared himself for the last lap. His hands shook with strain as he grabbed each bar and began to move forward steadily. His determination to finish the lap spurred him on despite the pain he was feeling in his muscles. Sweat rolled off his body like a river but finally, he managed to finish the lap.

His feet hit the floor and the muscles on his arm relaxed considerably. He sat down on the floor and spread out his limbs to relax his strained muscles and joints.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Winky approach him with a tray in her hands.

"Thanks, Winky."

He took the towel from the tray she offered and began to clean himself.

"Winky wonders why master jump through the bars?"

He was happy that the elf was getting more comfortable with him. He preferred the two elves to regularly communicate with himself in this fashion if nothing else for his peace of mind. In some ways, the two elves were little more than slave labour at this point. He had tried to pay the two elves but they wouldn't accept a knut from him. The only other option was to gift them something and treat them as friends. In that aspect, Dobby was a little more progressive but he was steering Winky in that same direction.

"A healthy body facilitates a healthy mind and a healthy mind produces powerful magic." He answered with a smile before he jumped into the pool before him taking a few laps in the process. Truly, the Room of Requirement was the best piece of magic he had ever seen. He decided he was going to find a way to replicate this piece of magic but that was far in the future.

He closed his eyes and just floated in the pool enjoying the peace and quiet. Yesterday has been quite hectic and today he knew he was going to face the consequences of his actions. With the move he made with Rita Skeeter he knew he was exposing himself soon but he was curious to see how Dumbledore will react. Dumbledore's reaction, if any, would help him construct his future plans.

After getting freshened up he had Winky teleport him back to the Gryffindor tower directly. Magically and physically exhausted he was now ready to eat an elephant. He dressed up in the school robes and exited the dorms in a hurry with a starving stomach. On his way to the Common Room, he met with the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan.

"Hey, Harry. We have that little present ready for Malfoy." said George with mischief shining in his eyes.

"We are ready when you are. Our slimy friend is going to rue the day he decides to insult our Seeker." added Fred with the same amount of excitement shown by his twin.

"I don't know what you all are up to but I'm in for some payback against the Slytherins." said Lee Jordan all too eager to be a part of the next prank by the twins.

"Oh no, guys. Let's wait a few days before we spring this prank. I have something planned for this week."

"You do?" asked Fred with wide eyes.

"Oh yes. I believe it would be quite entertaining." said Harry with a grin.

"How could you Harry? You could have roped us in on the plan. We would have loved to humiliate some Slytherins." said George in a faux hurt voice.

"Don't worry. We will plan something fantastic that the school won't forget for a long time. Besides, my prank is not just against the Slytherins." said Harry only to receive confused stares. "Come, you will see."

And so they went to the Great Hall. The twins sat opposite Harry while Lee Jordan sat to his right. Others started to occupy the table and Neville took a seat to his left.

As everyone began to tuck into their food owls began to drop letters and other packages, among those, were the daily subscriptions of Daily Prophet. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a copy landing on Angelina's waiting hand.

George Weasley who was sitting right next to Angelina took a quick look at the wizarding Britain's favourite newspaper.

Harry noticed George's eyes widening and his eyebrows shooting all the way to the hairline. When George turned those wide eyes at Harry he merely winked and concentrated on the food on his plate. He could feel several eyes around the hall being trained on him. While he knew Rita Skeeter would do a stellar job he was curious about the content of the article itself. He was not worried about Rita taking some blind shots at him.

His power came from the perception of power. So long as Skeeter thinks that he can demolish her career she won't go after him. Besides he had plans to pull her into his orbit over the course of the year. There was no need to confine this new relationship to be based on blackmail. Too much force can only work for so long. He preferred minimal friction when dealing with someone else, especially when that person was useful for his cause. And make no mistake, Rita Skeeter is too useful and would prove to be a good distraction for his enemies.

He waited patiently as the Great Hall descended into heated discussions around him. His patience was finally rewarded when he finally managed to procure a copy for himself.

The Fourth Champion speaks out!

As my readers know Hogwarts hosts the Tri-wizard tournament, an extremely dangerous magical competition between the three premiere schools of Europe Hogwarts, Bauxbatons and Durmstrang. Each school is represented by a single student chosen by an ancient artefact known as the Goblet of Fire.

The wizards and witches of the British Wizarding world were eager to know who would be the Champion of Hogwarts. We were all solely surprised when Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived was chosen to be a Champion. It came as a surprise to us as the Tournament was supposed to be only for underage wizards and witches, in order to ensure no harm may come to the participants. I have come to know that this is a rule that has been championed by Headmaster Dumbledore which had surprised many.

As many of my wonderful readers would agree, we all wanted Harry Potter to represent our country and Hogwarts as it would ensure a sure victory. Who else could ensure that the Tri-wizard Cup would stay in magical Britain other than Harry James Potter who is famous throughout the magical world for surviving the Killing Curse and destroying one of the most powerful Dark Lord at a young age? A worthy champion for Hogwarts and I was surprised as many when Harry Potter's name came out of the Goblet of Fire a few weeks back.

There have been many speculations of how this came to be and the refusal of Ministry officials to comment on this matter has only increased the speculation. Even the Hogwarts staff has refused to comment on this matter. Fortunately, I had the unique privilege to get the facts from young Harry Potter himself whom I was grateful to interview just before the Wand Weighing Ceremony.

For those who are unaware, the Wand Weighing Ceremony is a tradition followed for hundreds of years from the very first Tournament. The Champions are required to produce their wand to an impartial judge who would inspect the wand for any faults. It was an honour to participate in this historic ceremony with esteemed personalities like Albus Dumbledore, Ludo Bagman, Garrick Ollivander and of course Harry Potter himself.

Hardly anyone has spoken to Harry Potter in all these years. All that we knew about him are speculations and rumours. The only piece of public exposure Harry Potter ever got was in his second year when Harry was on the front page of Daily Prophet with Mr Gilderoy Lockhart.

So, when I was about to meet the iconic hero of Magical Britain I didn't know what I should expect. I concocted an image of a teenage boy, somewhat arrogant in his fame, who cared for no rules and propriety. It would have been normal as this is what could be expected from a young boy who grew up so famous before he could string words together in a proper sentence. With his unexpected entry into the Tournament, I expected Harry Potter to be something along these lines.

And then I saw him enter the room with the other champions. A small boy for his age but Harry was not lacking in strength. Every step he took was a measured one which reminded me of a lion which Harry was admittedly one seeing as he is in the house of the brave and courageous. Large round glasses was on Harry's nose but if observed keenly one could see the most beautiful green eyes they would ever see. And of course, on his forehead, hidden under dark locks of hair lay the scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. It was a reminder of a tragic past and a symbol of power that marked young Harry's and Magical Britain's victory over one of the worst Dark Lord's of this era.

A short conversation with young Harry shattered all my assumptions and misgivings about Magical Britain's iconic hero. From then on it led to one of the most open interviews I have ever conducted in my life.

Why did you decide to enter this Tournament Harry?

This is a question frequently asked by the student population of Hogwarts. I have an answer which I know to be true but will be hard to convince those who have already come to conclusions of their own.

I didn't enter my name knowingly into the Goblet of Fire. The only people who believe this to be true are Albus Dumbledore, Alastor Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger.

That is an unexpected answer, Harry. Why should anyone believe you? I myself am somewhat sceptical of your claim but I am sure our readers would love to hear your side of the story.

Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself. Now, I freely admit that I would have liked to compete in the Tournament when I first heard about it in September. I am sure almost everyone thought about entering the Tournament even when Headmaster Dumbledore made the announcement on the first day.

Then Headmaster Dumbledore explained about the age limitation. Like all underage students, I was also disappointed. I was of the opinion the skill in magic ought to be the criteria for admission into the Tournament, not age. However, I reiterate and stand by my word that I didn't enter my name into the Goblet. There were many underage students that tried to overcome the wards put forth by Headmaster Dumbledore. All of them failed.

My name came out of the Goblet after Hogwarts already had a Champion. Our DADA professor Alastor Moody who is also a former Auror inspected the Goblet and said that the Goblet was subverted by a powerful Confundus Charm. In his opinion, only a powerful grown wizard could have the skill to perform such a charm and subvert the will of an ancient artefact like the Goblet of Fire.

Truly! Yet, not one of them spoken out in your favour Harry.

That may be because no one bothered to ask them relevant questions. Everyone has already assumed that I somehow managed to breach a ward created by the greatest wizard of our time and then somehow tricked an ancient magical artefact like the Goblet of Fire. I strongly suspect someone with a grudge against me or my family have managed to trick the Goblet. If I participate there is a strong chance I will die in one of the tasks or at the very least seriously injured. If I don't I will lose my magic as the Goblet enforces a binding magical contract.

A fair point Harry. But who would want to harm you?

I have strong suspicions about two people. One is Severus Snape, the Potions Professor of Hogwarts and the other is Igor Karkaroff. Both belonged to the terrorist organization known as the Death Eaters. To my understanding, Igor Karkaroff was let go by the British Ministry of Magic for providing information on other Death Eaters. Severus Snape is supposedly a spy for the Ministry in this group. Anyone that knows Mr Snape will doubt this claim as he hardly behaves like he opposes the ideals upheld by Death Eaters and is hard at work in undermining the resource pool of the Ministry of Magic.

Both of these people have ample reasons to hate me. Yet I have never met Igor Karkaroff before this Tournament and thus I hardly know his character. Therefore, I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt as it is unclear whether he holds any animosity towards me.

What about Severus Snape, Harry? He is your Potions Professor and has easy access to the Goblet did he not?

Yes. Mr Snape teaches potions in Hogwarts. Ask any student outside of Slytherin House and you will know the true nature of Mr Snape. There is no single staff in Hogwarts that is so disliked by the student population. I would describe Mr Snape as an overgrown bully. The man has a personal vendetta against my father for some reason and takes pleasure in insulting me from the very first class.

There is one more reason that makes me suspicious of Mr Snape. The paper that came out of the Goblet of Fire had my name and I admit that it was my handwriting. But it read Harry Potter which I use for all my assignments. Otherwise, I use my full name in all my letters and any official documents. The piece of parchment that came out is the same that I use for writing assignments. Someone tore off my written name from one of my submitted assignments and put it in the Goblet. Mr Snape has access to my assignments and the Goblet hence I am suspicious of him.

But Harry, Severus Snape has helped in the last war.

Did he really? What critical information did he pass along to the DMLE that changed the tide of the war? If he did, how many innocent lives were saved by this hypothetical information? What advantage did he bring to the Ministry forces in the war? How many crimes did he commit as a spy? Did he commit murder, torture and then merely got off scot-free by claiming to be a spy? No one knows what he did for the ministry. Without knowing what he did or didn't do with clear impeccable evidence I doubt his claims that he was a spy.

Don't forget the recent Death Eater attack on the Quidditch World Cup. This is impeccable proof that there are Death Eaters hidden in our society who have evaded capture.

But Harry surely the attack on the night of the Quidditch World Cup was the work of Sirius Black?

Ah, yes. The new scapegoat to all the wrongs in our society. The one guy who has supposedly killed many muggles and is touted as the right-hand man of the Dark Lord. Yet I can find no records of a trial of conviction of Sirius Black. It is as if someone just rushed to imprison Sirius Black and tarnish the man's reputation as fast as possible.

Last year I personally met with Sirius Black on the grounds of Hogwarts with two other students and Remus Lupin as my witness. From the short conversation I had with the man, I stand convinced that he is innocent of all crimes he is accused of.

Harry that is a serious claim to make! Sirius Black is also responsible for betraying your parents and leading He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to your house on that tragic night.

I know. I am speaking of a man who everyone claims to have betrayed my parents without an ounce of evidence to back that up. I stand by my words when I say that I am convinced of Sirius Black's innocence. The man has spent twelve years in Azkaban and he escaped that prison to meet with me and profess his innocence. He could have harmed me or killed me at any moment and yet he did neither. He was wrongfully accused with no shred of evidence and illegally incarcerated. I believe this was done because of the political motivation of some vested interested parties and I know some of those interested persons who gain from Sirius's incarceration.

But why Harry? What makes you think Sirius Black, someone who is accused of being a mass murderer and one who lead your parents to their deaths, is innocent?

Because I and two of my friends along with the previous DADA professor Remus Lupin stood witness to the supposedly dead Peter Pettigrew alive and well except for a missing finger in his left hand, which he cleverly left behind on the crime scene to escape capture from the Aurors and to frame Sirius Black. Standing before me and the other three witnesses Peter Pettigrew confessed that he was a Death Eater and had betrayed my parents. I can provide the memory of this event if that is what requires to right a wrong committed against an innocent man unjustly suffered because of incompetence or political vengeance of some people with vested interests.

I had hoped to build a case in the Wizengamot to ensure to right the wrongs and justice to be served to those who have precipitated this inhumane treatment on an innocent man. With my present situation, I am forced to concentrate on surviving the Tournament. I don't know where Sirius Black is at the moment. I believe he is hunting for Peter Pettigrew who managed to escape as he is a rat animagus. After this Tournament reaches its conclusion I intend to focus all my resources and energy on ensuring an open trial is held before the Wizengamot one which has access to the public. I believe the use of Veritaserum should be more than enough to ensure that Sirus Black speaks the truth of the events that led to his unjust incarceration.

I hope you succeed in your goals Harry. Now, coming back to the Tournament. How do you see the tasks that are ahead of you? Do the tasks make you nervous? You are the youngest Champion and that means the others have an advantage over you. How do you see yourself facing the tasks?

I did not think that I would have to face the tasks nor did I prepare for them because I never thought I would get selected. After the selection, I have been preparing myself to face the tasks ahead of me. The other champions are more knowledgeable, experienced and better prepared than me. But I will not allow them to defeat me in this bout of magic. The first task is supposed to be a test of bravery and as the sigil of the golden lion etched on my uniform stands indicates I do not lack in bravery. I will struggle and I will work hard in the days to come to the best of my abilities to ensure the House of Brave will not be disappointed. I also take this moment to thank my two friends Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger for their aid in helping me prepare for the tasks ahead. And I also thank the House of Gryffindor and the Gryffindor Quidditch team for standing by my side and for their unfailing support.

By this point, the perception that I had in my mind about Magical Britain's iconic hero who delivered us from dark times was thoroughly revamped. In those startlingly bright green eyes, I could see determination and will shine. Despite being orphaned at a young age I could see that Harry Potter grew with a strong sense of right and wrong but most importantly a willingness to stand by his principles. How else could a child who lost his parents could even entertain a plea from the one that is accused of killing his parents? Only someone with a broad character and kind heart could have acted rationally in a situation where young Harry was forced to confront the alleged person who betrayed his parents. Taking that into account I decided to conclude this interview with one final question.

Do you have anything to say to the British Wizarding world and the magical world beyond the seas?

Something that I learned when I arrived at Hogwarts in my First Year is that there is a dangerously skewered perception about me among the magical folk. I understand this perception emerged because of these Harry Potter books for children available in the bookstores. So I would like to take this time to correct this false perception that people have of me.

I didn't grow up in a huge magical castle that is larger than Hogwarts. If anyone finds such a castle please inform me as I would like to pay a visit to something that would eclipse Hogwarts in grandiose. I grew up in a small muggle house in London with my mother's sister and her family.

I certainly did not go around battling Trolls, Giants, Dragons, Vampires and other magical creatures at any point in my life. I am not some magical powerhouse that somehow keeps two dragons as pets in my supposed castle. These are all false stories propagated by some people who wanted to make Galleons out of my name. As I am an orphan they thought this would be a good idea to make gold by spreading false tales in my name. By doing so they have lied to you and your children all these years. If people have constructed my character based on these books then they will be sorely disappointed when they would meet me in person.

So it is my solemn request that parents take great care in what their children learn from these books.

More on Harry potter's life in Hogwarts -Page2

The mystery behind the Tri-wizard Tournament -Page 3

The mysterious disappearance of Bertha Jorkins and her connection to the Tri-wizard Tournament -Page 3

No trial for Sirus Black! -Page 5

Where is Peter Pettigrew? -Page 6

Grave injustice and gross incompetence from the Ministry or is it something sinister? -Page 8

On and on it went and Harry couldn't be more pleased. This was a work of art and Skeeter had delivered more than he hoped. The woman had for once in her life used her considerable talents for something good. He was careful to hide how pleased he was and carefully projected a serene expression as he continued to read.

Fame had its disadvantages but it also had its uses. The fault of the original Harry Potter was that he was obsessed with becoming 'normal' which was a ridiculous concept. What was normal about a boy who could change reality with a simple wave of a piece of wood? Most probably this thought raised from the culmination of abuses Harry Potter suffered at the hands of his relatives. Combined this with the general apathy that he was offered by people like Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall who took decisions on his behalf and yet had not shown the decency to check on him or even help him navigate the wizarding world.

This was why he trusted not a single staff in Hogwarts and he would see them all as his enemies. Every action he would take is to strike at two factions that are hostile to him in one form or the other.

This doesn't mean he would go out of his way to harm them. But he could care less if his enemies destroyed themselves. He won't sit back and take the bullshit from filth like Dursleys, Snape and Dumbledore.

His accusations against Snape and Karkaroff were carefully planned. The people, whether magical or muggle, were sheep. They need someone plausible that would look guilty and the controversy would surround these individuals even when facts stated otherwise. Otherwise, people would dismiss his accusations as the ravings of a child lashing out at the world. He was confident that won't be the case here.

The fact that both Karkaroff and Snape were shady characters would lead credence to his accusations. Truth has no bearing in such conditions. In the absence of clear cut evidence, the only thing that mattered is whether the accused look guilty enough. Besides he was confident Snape and Karkaroff have many enemies just waiting to pounce. This is why the people of Magical Britain are convinced Sirius Black is a mass-murdering Death Eater and the right-hand man of Voldemort.

After finishing his breakfast he joined Neville and was on his way to Herbology class. There was a marked improvement in how Pomona Sprout was treating him and he could feel it in the class. Herbology class was shared with Hufflepuffs but he couldn't yet divine how they were taking it. He was not going to physically find out their mood either. He understood where they were coming from to some extent so he would give them some leeway.

The morning classes went without any incident. He knew that was not going to last and his instincts were proven right. At noon after lunch, he was stopped by Professor McGonagall.

"Mr Potter, the Headmaster would like to see you." she said sternly.

"Of course he does." Harry muttered under his breath. Saying a hasty goodbye to Neville and Hermione he went with McGonagall. The entire journey he remained silent and thankfully McGonagall also kept her mum. Soon they found themselves before the giant gargoyle that guarded the stairs to the Headmaster's office.

"Ice Pops."

The Gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster's office stood aside and they climbed the stairs. As they neared the door of the office it swung open.

"Come in."

Harry headed the voice of Dumbledore from inside the office. At one time that voice filled him with awe and respect but those feelings never came to him at the moment. He stepped into the room knowing that he was entering enemy territory. This was a man that was intending to sacrifice a child for the 'greater good' of the wizarding world. He couldn't care less what the man's reasons are. The only thing that mattered was that he was not going to be pushed around by an old man with a funny hat. Off to the side, he noticed a fuming Severus Snape sporting his death glare. He genuinely wondered how much of this was an act by Snape or was the guy just a double agent who was looking out for his own interest?

"I want Potter expelled for this." Snape demanded with his nostrils flaring in anger.

"Please do. That way I can dedicate much of my time and resources to demolish you, Snape."

His quick rebuttal plunged the room into silence for a time. It felt as if the reality shifted for a short period of time and then the world just righted itself in the form of McGonagall.

"Mr Potter! You will address Professor Snape with respect." demanded McGonagall.

"Respect is not freely given because of someone's position in society. Respect is earned. This overgrown man-child has verbally abused me and my family from the very first class I attended in my First Year. Just yesterday this man has assaulted my mind just as I was asked to appear for the Wand Weighing Ceremony." He focused his glare on McGonagall who had gone pale white at his accusation. "So you will forgive me when I say I find it highly unlikely that I will respect this man least of all on your recommendation."

"You will be spending your entire year in detention for insulting me, Potter." Snape snarled.

"In your dreams Snape." Harry hissed back. "You can assign as much detention as you want but you won't find me anywhere near your vicinity. I refuse to take any detention or punishment from this bully. If anyone has a problem with that you may expel me. I will find other schools that are surely better than this one in the European continent."

"Everyone calm down." Dumbledore intervened firmly. His usual twinkle in his eyes was gone. "No one will be expelled and no one will be issuing any punishments until the matter at hand is dealt with."

The room now descended into silence and seeing that Dumbledore had established his control he continued. "Now, I called Harry here to discuss his conversation with Rita Skeeter."

"Albus you know that woman is known to exaggerate everything and anything to create controversies." said McGonagall for once coming quickly to Harry's defence and then turned on Snape with a furious look. "I am more concerned about Mr Potter's accusation against you Professor Snape. How dare you use Leglimency on a minor!"

"Minerva, we will come to that matter shortly. I would like to hear Harry's response as this is why he was called into my office." said Dumbledore and nodded happily when McGonagall deflated and looked at Harry.

"Rita Skeeter printed the article word for word from my recent conversation with her. The article is not in any way fabricated nor is it a lie." said Harry staring confidently into Dumbledore's eyes.

"See...! He admits!" Snape shouted gleefully.


Those two words from Dumbledore shut up Snape effectively. Dumbledore then focused his attention on Harry who found the exchange very amusing.

"Harry why did you accuse Prof Snape and Headmaster Karkaroff?" asked Dumbledore in a way that conveyed his deep disappointment.

"Have you read the article word by word?" Harry asked instead of answering.

"Yes, I have Harry." Dumbledore said patiently.

"Then I need not explain myself any further. My reasons are soundly explained in the interview and before you go to berate me, Headmaster, need I remind you that Snape tried to have my Godfather killed last year. Need I remind you that you stood silent as an innocent man has suffered one of the worst punishments concocted in human history. Need I remind you that you have not lifted a finger to help that innocent man and you are now sitting here on your seat defending someone like Snape. You are in no position to lecture me on what's right and wrong Headmaster and I implore you to instead use your resources on something more productive as I have lost all faith in you and the faculty of Hogwarts." Harry declared only to be once again greeted with silence. It was the second time that he made the people in the room speechless so he knew he was doing great in derailing this conversation which was the whole point.

"Harry, you obviously have many reservations about my actions and I admit that I may seem like am doing nothing. You are a child and you don't understand the intricacies of our world. But don't you think you are being harsh on Professor Snape? You have unleashed what I suspect a wave of hatred against Professor Snape all on your word."

"I like how you are dancing around the issues I just raised and pushing a certain agenda. I should have realised that I am speaking with a politician rather than the Headmaster of Hogwarts. But I am neither so I will address your concerns sir." saying that Harry pulled out the SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY badge he nicked from Malfoy and showed it to the other three occupants of the room. He pressed the badge with his finger and the message changed into POTTER STINKS.

"If you are all apathetic towards the hostility that I face from this school then I don't care about the hostility Snape is going to face. Each of you knew the difficulties I am facing in this school and you have kept your silence till now. If I had my parents then this moron…" he pointed at Snape. "…and his bigoted inbred mini-death eaters wouldn't dare to pull stunts like these. Not without consequences at the very least."

Taking a deep breath Harry calmed down and reeled in his emotions. "I won't suffer double standards anymore. I will not just stay silent and allow bigots like Malfoy and his buddies along with the morons that unfortunately live close to me in this school dictate my life. If they are going to make my life difficult I will retaliate with every shred of hostility I received. I think that evens out perfectly. If you have a problem with that you are free to take any action against me but I will decide whether it is something that I should accept or not."

"Harry you are being childish." said Dumbledore.

"No headmaster. You are being childish by ignoring truth and reality by living in a utopia you have constructed around yourself. I have made my accusations crystal clear. I have made them against a former Death Eater who escaped due justice by claiming he is a spy for the Ministry in the war. Yet he supports and shelter pureblood bigots like Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson and other children of Death Eaters. Snape is the source of a lot of rampant bigotry and double standards in this school. He plays a vital role in inflaming Slytherin-Gryffindor hatred. This is a man who has consistently insulted me, my family, my friends, my name and anything that is associated with me. Hell, Snape took points from me for walking loudly in the corridor or breathing loudly. I find this man as someone hostile to my well being and he has demonstrated this repeatedly on several occasions. The last straw was when he tried to have Sirius Kissed by a Dementor." He paused knowing that he was firing off too much and he had achieved what he wanted to achieve. So he decided to cut this conversation short. "I don't know why you defend this man to the extent you do and I frankly couldn't care less what your opinions are anymore. I am seeing a pattern with you sir and I believe that many things that happened in my life from my birth are a carefully orchestrated play by a conniving man hiding behind a façade with sinister intentions. If that is the case and I think that is the truth then I wish you all the luck because you will need it as I don't intend to be a pawn for any faction led by two powerful Dark Lords."

Delivering that long boring monologue that he had carefully prepared he moved swiftly out of the room and showed himself out. As the door to the Headmaster's office closed with a bang behind his back he could hear the shouting from inside the office and he smiled when he realised that it was from McGonagall. Now, all he had to do was wait for the reaction and then he would know how to move forward.

next chapter
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