At Earth, there lived a young man whose name is Aurum Est. He was known as a strong, brutal, and unpredictable delinquent. One day, Aurum Est was lying down at the park somewhat bored; for every fight that he has fought would always end up him beating up the sh*t out of his opponent.
"Man I'm so bored.... If I could sell my boredom I would've made a fortune," Aurum thought.
While he was laying down, he heard four delinquents messing around with a student nearby. He took a look at them and saw a monkey-looking delinquent, a pig looking delinquent, a thin-bodied delinquent, a charismatic delinquent, and a wimp, fatty student.
"Man he's so f*cking weak" says the monkey face.
"Beat him up some more" says their charismtic leader.
"I-I'm sorry! V-very sorry! Please f-forgive me!" says the student while he is being kicked mercilessly.
For Aurum, he doesn't really care about what is happening in front of him but he really didn't like the idea of people who likes to abuse their power. So he stood up and got his metal bat at his side, and casually walked towards them as if he was going to the shopping mall. When he was close, close enough to throw a punch, he used his metal bat to hit monkey-face's legs.
The delinquents who were enjoying themselves beating up the kid was surprised, then suddenly flew into rage.
"WHO THE HELL ARE Y-" the leader turned around while shouting but his words were cut off when he saw it was Aurum who did it.
"Hey let me join the fun too," Aurum mused as he smirked.
The instant they heard those words come out from his mouth, all of them including the student, bolted out of his sight.
"S-sh*t! It's him! It's Aurum! RUN!!!"
Their arrogance earlier contrasted their attitude that they are showing right now.
"HAHAHA, run like the dogs you are. All of you are all bark no bite!"
His laughter was the only sound you can hear at the park, then it was replaced with silence.
"Man, what a let down... Here I thought I was going to have some good fight, but they ran away as soon as they saw me..." Aurum sighed dejectedly.
However, his mood was replaced to shock right away when he heard something inside from his head.
[DING! Congratulations Aurum for obtaining the combat system!]
This is my first time writing a novel so I hope that everyone would not bash this right away. And I am not sure how the release is going to work because I am still in high school. However, I would make some time to release new chapters as soon as possible!