When the world descends into chaos overnight, Alex Chen, an ordinary university dropout, awakens to find himself bonded to the Last Dawn System, an advanced survival program designed to prepare him for the end of humanity. Armed with this system, Alex must navigate a world overrun by ravenous infected, mutate into something more than human, and confront a truth that might shatter the remnants of his sanity.
The apocalypse isn’t just survival anymore—it’s evolution.
寫檢討Interesting plot, nice world setting and perfect writing by the author. I recommend this novel, check it out
write it in early chapter. it is a good read. al hail the system. :v the writing is short for me, but it is also good because words are compact and don't stretch.
Alright, I've attempted a zombie story before and this is quite intriguing. Solo Levelling x Zombie Apocalypse, I'm eager to see more. Some writing tips though, don't be afraid to go all in on the gore. It is a zombie story after all. It need to shock and disgust. Add a little more description to the world, remember the 5 sense rule. Other than that, I'd like to see more.
A zombie apocalypse with a system integration? Sounds incredibly promising! I’m definitely looking forward to diving into this one—it’s bound to be an exciting ride!
wow zombie outbreak novel. zombie king zombie lord. can't wait to see how the story unfold 👍😎. keep up author.
作者 L5D
Author here, ask me any questions about this story, and "ll answer the best I can without spoiling!