Enter ROMEO and JULIET, hand in hand.
ROMEO: Fair Juliet, thy hand in mine, Doth fill my heart with love divine. Our secret marriage binds us true, But what new trials shall we ensue?
JULIET: My Romeo, my heart's delight, In thee doth rest my soul this night. But hark, what tumult doth I hear? Is it our families' strife so near?
BENVOLIO: Good sirs, what quarrel doth thou have, That doth disturb this peaceful nave?
TYBALT: My kinsman, Romeo, hath wronged my name, And I must seek revenge to clear my shame.
ROMEO: Nay, Tybalt, hold thy furious hand, Our marriage doth bind us in peaceful band. Why must we still these ancient grudges keep, And in our families' strife forever sleep?
JULIET: O Tybalt, stay thy vengeful hand, And let our love this feud withstand. Let us, as one family, unite in peace, And let this strife and anger forever cease.
BENVOLIO: A wise and noble word, fair Juliet, That doth the wrath of Tybalt temper yet. Let us put aside this enmity and hate, And in love and harmony together partake.
TYBALT: Fair Juliet, thy words hath moved my heart, And from this hate I now depart. Let us, as one family, henceforth stand, And bind our love in peace's gentle hand.
Exeunt all, reconciled.