
章節 14: Ch 13

"It's been a like week..." Hikaru complained as he continued to reorganize the insides of the L computer. "And L's only been making me upgrade his gear... I wanna do something for the investigation too..."

"You are." Light corrected. "Faster processing means we get information and results faster, and faster results mean a faster case. don't forget that these upgrades will most likely follow L until he inevitably comes to you for more upgrades."

"It doesn't change the fact that it's boring." Hikaru muttered. "..."

'When are we moving out?' hikaru messaged

'Soon, I'm already choosing a few places close to L HQ.'- light

'Oh! Show me!'- hikaru

'I'll show you when I have a list of options.'- light

'Fine, but hurry, okay? It's becoming a pain going back and forth all the time.'- hikaru

'... will we be sleeping in the same room still?'- hikaru

'I don't think so.' light

'It'll be fine, plus you have to get used to it anyways.'- light

'I know, it's just going to be so weird! I think I'll need a night light.'- hikaru

'Sure, we can get you one.'- light

'...wait-' -light

"Hahaha!" hikaru couldn't handle it anymore and burst out laughing. Light gave his brother a look.

"I can't believe you." Light scoft.

"Come on it was funny." Hikaru took everything he could not to laugh.

"Ugh..." Light leaned back into the sofa. "...Okay it was a little funny."

"See!" Hikaru laughed, happily putting the cover back on. "Okay, done!"

"Congratulations." Light stood up. "You've now upgraded every, laptop, computer, router, Tv, and lamp in this HQ."

"So, what's my prize?" Hikaru snarked before plopping right down next to light.

"You're not in your thinking pose?" Light asked.

"Nope, Brain needs break time." Hikaru yawned. "I wanna play video games... And eat sweets..."

"You play games every night," Light asked. "plus Ryuzaki always shares his sweets with you."

"Push, I just want them now." Hikaru yawned.

'I'm at my 7 day no-sleep limit.'- hikaru messaged

'Seriously? Fine, go to sleep. I'll wake you up later.'- light

'Wake me up in a half an hour, that'll be more than enough for the rest of the day.'- hikaru

'Got it.'- light

The younger twin slowly closed his eyes, instantly falling asleep. Light got up from the sofa and put Hikaru in a more comfortable position before walking back to the monitor room, where the taskforce was languidly seated at. L Looked over when he heard the door open, pausing when he didn't see the other twin.

"Where's Hikaru-kun?" L asked.

"He's taking a nap." Light answer, going right up to sit next to the detective. L hummed and turned his attention to the documents Infront of him.

"The chances of Ohashi being kira is 89%, the doubt is him coming in to turn himself in." L spoke slowly.

"That is the question." Light asked.

"Y-" Before L could continue but he froze when looking at the person on the screen, Ohashi on the screen changed.

'Hey.... Detectives or L anyone! Can you hear me?' He yelled. ' I know i turned myself in and suggested imprisonment to find out if I'm Kira, but now there is no point in it! I realize I'm not kira! Let me out of here...'

"...Absolutely not." L spoke over the receiver. "You were the one who requested that we not let you out of there until we determined whether or not you are Kira. Regardless of what you said. We even recorded it."

'That's true, I said that... but... There was something wrong with me at the time! do you really think it's possible for someone to do the kind of stuff that the murderer kira did without being aware of it!?' He reasoned. 'We can't estimate the amount of power kira has, but kira exist as a human being that is a mass murderer and killed people of his own will!! the fact that I don't believe I'm kira means that I'm not him!'

"I also think that kira must be aware of who he is." L said, slowly growing grimmer. "However, if you are kira, then saying that you don't admit to being him makes the whole case more complicated Because the kira murders stopped immediately after your imprisonment... I believe that you are hiding the fact that you are kira!"

'All right... detectives listen carefully... I swear I'm not lying... I'm not kira...' Ohashi's voice shook. '...Right now, I can calmly think that I'm in this situation because I was set up.'

"...? Set up?..." Ryuzaki frowned. "Listen, no one else but the people here know that you are imprisoned. yet the murders stopped the moment you where..."

'Then someone in there is kira!' He yelled. 'I'll investigate with you! I promise that I won't hold you back! So please let me out of here!.... Hurry up and let me out... this is a waste of time.'

"Absolutely not. You cannot be released." L said firmly.

'Dammit... why did this happen...' Ohashi put his head into his knees.

"What's going on... is he trying to sow discord?" Light stared at the screen, shocked.

"Maybe he's breaking down from the pressure after a week." Mastuda questioned. "Well, because the kira murders have stopped... there is no way he could be released. Even I understand that."

"At this rate is it fine to close the case as Ohashi Tajima as kira?" Aizawa asked.

"That's not the case..." Light sighed. "We can't execute him without solid evidence, especially in such a widely broadcasted case. The controversy might set him free..."

"That's... so frustrating." Mastuda scowled. "Wait, shouldn't we show Hikaru-kun this? He normally has theories..."

"No, Hikaru-kun already had a theory before all this happened." L stopped the man, who was about to leave and wake up the sleeping Yagami. "Hikaru-kun said that they might have the ability to forget everything kira related, however that idea is rather far-fetched... We may have to take drastic measures in order to prove it."

"Drastic?" Matsuda asked.

"Oh... I get it." Light nodded. "But who will do it?"

"We will see if we do need to go drastic." L lend forward. "For now, we must wait."


"That all happened, and you didn't wake me up?" Hikaru looked at his older brother, betrayed.

"You'll see the recording." Light calmed.

'I also sent the recording of the entire incident; you haven't missed anything really.'- light messaged.

"I better." Hikaru sat down in his L position, opening up his laptop to continue his work.

Light sat down next to him and watched his brother construct a 3D model on what looked to be a fly. It was a normal small fly, only with an internal surveillance system and semi self-charging capabilities.

Due to its small size, the battery will only last 3 hours without any added electricity. However, it's body is covered in micro solar panels that allowed it to continue under sunlight for a total of 6 hours without stopping.

That's where the wireless charger came in.

The charger was just a small plate with little bumps that the fly will attach onto with its straw like mouth. It will only take 10 minutes for it to fully charge.

This pet project was actually suggested by L, and the younger twin took to it without any questions.


"What the hell is going on!?" Matsuda rushed into the room. Hikaru, who was happily eating a piece of cake next to L, jumped into L's side in a panic(Fake). Matsuda of course didn't notice and continued. "Yesterday 2 weeks of criminals were killed! All at once!"

"Yea! Kira is back!" Aizawa took a deep breath, also panicked.

"Have You told Ohashi-san yet?" Matsuda asked.

"Not yet." Aizawa responded. Matsuda immediately went to the intercom, but Hikaru rushed and stopped him before L could.

"Matsuda! I mean, Matsuda-san! Don't!" L yelled. "Please don't tell Ohashi-san..."

'That was a close one'- Hikaru messaged.

'Too close, how'd you know he'd do that?'- light

'It's Matsuda.'- Hikaru

'Fair point.'- light

'Also don't think I didn't notice your little stunt just then.'- Light


"Ohashi-san." L said over the monitor.

'What is it?' Ohashi said weakly.

"It's been over 2 weeks and no new criminals have been killed. Why don't you confess to being kira already?" L asked. Hikaru gave Matsuda a pointed glare, to which made the young detective stiffen.

'Don't be ridiculous! Your wrong, I don't know how you taken my ramblings seriously to conclude I'm kira, but this is a trap! I'm not kira!' Ohashi yelled. 'Look into my eyes! Are these the eyes of someone who's lying!? please let me out of here!'

"..." L turned to the other monitor. "Amane, you really don't know who kira is?"

'Sigh... that again? I wish I knew.' She tilted her head, confused as to why her stalker kept asking the same and similar questions over and over. 'Kira's a hero. He punished the burglar who killed my parents.'

"...Your theory is getting more credible by the day." L looked to Hikaru, who was still keeping an eye on Matsuda.

"Hm?" Hikaru looked over, confused, before a realization dawned on him. "Oh yea, it really is starting to look like that. Though, I wonder how it happens..."

L sighed, Watching the Montier in contemplation.

Hikaru looked awkwardly around before his eyes landed on a file.


Ohashi synopsis (Simplified: Please put into formal documentation)

A 19-year-old male attending To-oh university with a major in law. According to the school he went to, he wanted to be a well-paid lawyer in order to support his ageing mother (Who had Ohashi in her mid 40's and is a police officer for Ejiro District.). As for his father, he was arrested for petty thievery and drugs which lead to him to being held in a low security prison and later dying from a prison riot.

Possible reason to hatred for criminals, and possible lead into how he got investigation data.


"How long are we going to keep them in there? Ohashi May be the main suspect but his mom is bound to look for him." Hikaru pursed his lips. "And I believe Ohashi's mom isn't some push over..."

"You are correct. Mrs. Ohashi Has been looking for her son for a few days now. She's even concluded that her son has some connection to our department." L nodded, passing over another file. "I'm thinking of adding her to the team, what do you think?"

"Really? But wouldn't she be on Ohashi's side even if he's actually kira?" He asked.

"You'll see." L waved.

'Light! Explain!'- Hikaru

'No.'- Light

'Why not?'- Hikaru

'You wouldn't get it, plus it's better if fewer of us know the real reason.'- light

'That's going to bug me, no it's already bugging me! Light just tell me! I'll act as if I don't know!'- Hikaru

'Sorry my dear brother, but you have to sit in oblivion for a while.'- Light

'That's so not fair.'- Hikaru

'Life isn't fair.'- Light

"Don't worry Hikaru-Kun," L reassured. "Everything is under control."

"..." Hikaru slowly nodded, still trying to piece together what the plan was. Both L and Light knew it, however he, the- Wait, it actually makes a lot of sense that he wasn't given any information. To be completely honest, he was mostly just a tag along to light. Even if he did provide theories, it was just theories that just so happened to fit the situation. His 'gut feeling' about Misa was also a 'gut feeling', not real deduction... Even if he contributed, his own majors never lied in investigation or law.

He might just be thinking too much about it, not even Matsuda or the other task force members knows of this super-secret plan.

'I want to go home...' Ohashi whimpered. Making Hikaru take another look at the suspect.

'Sorry, the way this whole thing is plotting out is too much like the anime. If I were to give you any work room, I'd simply be condemning L and maybe even my brother to death.' Hikaru thought to himself, eyes slowly going cold. 'To be honest, I'd much rather kill you now. Sadly, that isn't an option...yet.'


"L said we'd be staying in this area, so even if he changes apartments as frequently as he does, it wouldn't effect going to and from the investigation." Light looked around the apartment, Satisfied.

Thanks to their savings and the 2 writing channels, they managed to afford a large apartment in this bustling city. The layout was large, with a huge open Livingroom big enough to test Hikaru's flying inventions and enough rooms for the both of them to get their own private area.

Of course, as the infamous Siamese twins, they both had to have their main workspace in the same room.

Something about working away from each other just didn't sit right.

"Did you tell dad yet?" Hikaru asked, letting a few nasoids unpack the boxes for them.

"Nope, but I did tell L." Light also used his nasoids to unpack, lazily draping himself on the new blue bean bag. "You know, I thought the bean bag was stupid... I was proven wrong."

"Like I said, don't' shake it till you try it." Hikaru rolled his eyes, sitting on his own purple bean bag. "I'm so turning this place into a layer."

"A...Lair?" Light asked, confused.

"Like a lair for an evil scientist." Hikaru explained. "You know, with a super awesome security system and cleaning robots- you know, the super convenient life of advanced tech?"

"You know, I kind of forgot about that." Light shrugged. "But don't make anything top over the top, at least not on the surface. L isn't someone who'd overlook a robot making us pancakes."

"...but... Aargh! I just want L to join our side now!" Hikaru flopped back, letting himself sink into the bean bag. "It's so much easier if he was... Hey I just thought of something."

"And what did you oh so suddenly think of?" Light closed his eyes, happily enjoying this rare moment of relaxation.

"What would you call us? Like if we wanted someone to join us, we'd have to say, 'come join us in our nasoid computer brains!' or something. We can't tell them to join our android group either." Hikaru explained. "We need a name; we can't just be the nasoid twins if we have another member whom I'm pinning for."

"Huh..." Light sat up. "I'd say just call it the system (AN: Sorry system!) but that sounds a little cold and, on the nose, ... You call the advance tech nasoid so why not just call us nasoids?"

"It feels like you're calling us androids if you do that. We are still human..." Hikaru Huffed, thinking hard. "No matter what I think, it still sounds like we're inviting him to a cult."

"Maybe we don't need a name, we can just explain it and let him choose for himself." Light suggested. "I don't think we need a group name, and if we do, we can just call ourselves the founders."

"The... Founders?" Hikaru asked.

"Yea, The founding fathers of immortality." Light dramatically waved his hand. "It still sounds cultish but who gives a shit."

"Well... sure whatever." Hikaru huffed. "... I really hope L Takes this well."

"I do too, So how about this." Light sat up. "We can ease him into knowing more advanced tech."

"...I'm listening..."

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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