/ Video Games / Reborn in 40k Universe
After the protagonist sees a dream about the future, of all universes being destroyed by a grotesque being, he decides to go after it, preferring to be the hunter rather than the hunted, even if he ends up dying, ending up in the universe where the being has been corroding and gaining strength in the process for millennia.
The protagonist ends up in a universe based on the 40k universe.
Author; The universe will be based mostly in 40k I mean based and not in the 40k universe to have more freedom when writing and to be able to create a story more fluidly without having to worry so much about the Lore that let's say it is too big to take into account everything.
Still, I'm waiting for your recommendations. the name is provisional as well as the cover.
寫檢討Mira ese potencial . A comenzado muy bien ya que desde un comienzo el protagonista tiene una meta clara ahora hay que esperar como va hacer el trayecto que tomará el autor. look at that potential. It has started very well since from the beginning the protagonist has a clear goal, now we have to wait and see how the path that the author will take is going to be made.
40k universe? The same author of cyberpunk fanfic? Eldars?........................................................................................
作者 Jhunior_ll
more please this is really good not a lot of warhammer 40k books but this has potential