17.64% REBORN AS MALFOY with a system / Chapter 3: arrival and feast and classes

章節 3: arrival and feast and classes

we soon reached the station and from there we got on chariots and it was raining I met up with my friends nott pansy Goyle and crab we sat in one chariot.

Theodore: Where were you mate we have been looking for you.

Draco: I slept in one of the compartments as I was tired you know well I am here now.

pansy: did you see the dementors outside the train what are they trying to do here by bringing those creatures here.

Draco: neither of our parents has a say on this matter as the ministry has put up as many as security for that bloody potter.though you would like to know I heard he fainted hahaha.

Goyle: that brilliant.

well it may as well be for many soon we reached the Hogwarts and on in the hall room for the feast and the choir group came up as we settled down and started their performance and personally that was one of my favourite music in this verse as the song carried on I looked towards the Gryffindor table to Hermione as I kept on starting she eventually looked towards me and raised her brows I smirked and winked at her she looked a bit flustered and then confused I smirked and looked away as the song ended dumbledore stood up and introduced both new teachers hagrid and RJ lupin and then gave warning regarding the dementors and quoted a quote regarding light and darkness and should have ended but he did something unexpected.

dumbledore: now before we begin the feast I would like to give points as the new year of Hogwarts has started and someone has to be appreciated for his exemplary achievement I give 30 points to mister Draco Malfoy to successfully cast a charm which is hard even for mature wizards to cast on the train towards Hogwarts.

well the Slytherin cheered and I just smirked and I gave a nod towards the headmaster and so the feast began as we were fed and famished we left for our rooms down the dungeons to rest.

Theodore: what spell did you cast that gave us 30points directly even before the first classes.

Draco: the Patronus charm the filth of a dementor came at me so kicked him out hahaha well I am tired so I am going to sleep. goodnight.

as I left to my room which I shared with crab and Goyle I changed my clothes and lied on my bed while solving some queries with the system.

('system what should I do with the heirships knowing that I can't have potter as my name as questions will be raised and show me my stats too')

*the heirships can be exchanged for life debt as in magical society life debt are on par with an unforgivable oath so they will own you a favour that they have to be compiled according to your wishes*

(ok then, well convert the potter one into a life debt and fuse the mana and the black heirship to me so I can apply for it from Walburga black later on and the parseltongue too)

*mana and heirship and parseltongue ability fused showing stats*


Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy

Age: 13

Gender: male

Race: mage

MP: (4000+2300+1200)=7500

LUC: (2+7)=9

CHR: 89



well, that's good as the mana and abilities fused I slept.

next morning I woke up at 6:30 and took a bath freshen up and left for breakfast down the hall as I entered the hall with my friends I saw most of the my house already present there while same can't be said for other as there are only few in Gryffindor including Hermione and she looks beautiful as always i went to the Slytherin tea right across her as i sat i had toast and omelette i looked up and she was staring at me i winked at her again and continued my breakfast and soon left for the first classes that was potions for first that we and the lions shared as i left for the class so did my followers followed me well i have a group of 5-8 that i didn't bother to even know their names i left for the classes as i enter the classroom i saw the lions late as always accept few and we entered today class was about creating wolfsbane potion with perfect knowledge of creating one i was done before anyone and i am pretty sure i was being glared at by someone i looked back and it was granger i winked at her and smirked again and was done after the class they left for divination while we had charms which was brilliant as always as all the spells were far too easy for me.

we went for lunch and thus to our last class of the day care for magical creatures with hagrid and I knew today was a day of buck beak wherein original I got my arm fractured and I am gonna change that you see since this morning I looted many people few professors Pureblood heirs and I got a whopping 589,678,000 worth of galleons and life debts from many people through which I can even make them pass any law in wizengamot easily hehe I got potion mastery and duelling mastery from both the professors so I went through the system to search for abilities and I found what exactly I needed as it is magic world got something perfect for such situation

*natural druid body--------------489,000,000 galleons *

(natural druid body-a special physique which allows a person to have a natural aura which allows any creature to be comfortable around you and shall be easily tamed for no matter which the creature they won't harm you until you do)


*minor regeneration----------------------100,878,000*

(cut and wounds shall heal faster than natural which takes days to heal shall take hours)

well a precaution so yeah we left for the class with hagrid it was Gryffindor and us as we reached the gathered us around told us to follow him as we followed him we were nearing a clearing he looked back and told us to open page 49

Draco: and how are we supposed to open this wild book.

hagrid: just stroke the spine of course.

and i did as we followed we came to a halt as he left to get the bird i looked at potter and his mates while theo on my side sneered and said "well it is funny to see dumbledore is even letting his pers become teachers wait when my the hears about it and we will out of this filth of a place they call classroom" and then all the teasing and everything happened with a loud cough we all came to halt i he introduced buckbeak to us and as usual harry was affront while others at back with only a side disposition i was standing next to granger so harry bowed and then followed hagrid advice to try and pet it and as raised his arm the bird tried to bite him and exclaimed Hermione as she grabbed my arm and then was flusterd while stealing glances at me and as i just smirked soon harry went to fly while hagrid gave points as everyone wrote about them well only I e that will be granger i went next to and casted a muffilato charm around us wandlessly "granger i thought you were more of a first hand experience type of person but when it came to real practical lesson you were scared huh"

Hermione: shove off Malfoy what do you want.

Draco: well nothing till now but how about a bet.

Hermione: what bet.

Draco: you have seen potter ride that burd haven't you how about we bet on that I will ride that bird easier way than potter did and if I achieve this you owe me a favour that I can exchange for whenever I want what do you say and if you win then anything you want as you see I have one of the biggest magical libraries in magical Britain so you can get any book you want from there how about it deal.

Hermione: free books well sure we are on and I want something on divination the oldest you can find.

Draco: ohh you bring a hard bargain granger but I am a Malfoy hehe deal.

soon enough potter came down as hagrid talked to him I looked at granger watching her copy my smirk I sneered and went ahead"what so great about it it's just a bird "

i neared the big bird as it was still calm and without any hesitation went ahead and petted him and he was purring in a way hagrid was shocked i sneered at potter and jumped on buckbeaks back and woosh we went for a fly and it was better than in the movies soon we heard a whistle and down we go hagrid was clapping and asked how i did it and.patted on my back while the entire Slytherin cheered and granger looked with an open mouth i smiled and left with others for the rest of the day and days went on with classes i also found out i can't loot from dumbledor as he is powerful and i can't do that i got half a billion worth of galleons and 65700worth of mana that i am saving currently to buy what i want its a pet yeah you heard me a phoniex i went through the resources coloum and they have it obviously for a price of 1.3billion and 100,000 for mana I've noticed is that the amount mana almost decreases by 1/8 after everytime i loot but soon enough ill have the perfect amount of mana to get me my own phoniex and then you are the light lord.

I started excelling in my studies and becoming a big brother character for juniors say first years or so shall the need arise they will be my witness of being the benevolent character.

and soon the Hogsmeade days came well everyone went and got themselves everything they would like while I for once got everything that would be perfect for a date sort of I got butterbeer few Swedish chocolates and a divination book belonged to an actual seer which by surprise was present at Malfoy library in dust so I took it away with my house elf which I had of my own he secretly got me everything and then I write a letter and send it to its way. and went ahead to the seventh floor.


classes are going great as usual but with it came tons of workload this year I am studying everything but something have changed for a fact Draco Malfoy has stopped calling me mudblood or anything other than Granger for a fact things are different he stares at me smirks all the time and is excelling in his studies he has suddenly gotten better at studies and options and the Patronus charm I read about it and not many people haven't indeed been able to cast a Patronus charm as it is really difficult even I tried it but I wasn't able to this makes me angry or maybe a bit of jealousy and then we had a bet it was a normal bet which I thought was in my favour but he did the unexpected and won and since then haven't cashed in his favour as class ended I left for my dorms to freshen up and leave for housemeade as I freshen up and went to my bed there was a letter i opened it and it.

this letter is charmed to be shredded after it is read and granger, as I know it is you like no one else, will be able to read it as it is charmed to be so I am cashing in my favour you see I know you will be going to your Hogsmeade trip today but you are gonna tell your friend you have detention with snape and will meet me at 4:30 sharp at 7th floor in front trolls painting doing ballet and don't tell anyone about it I shall be waiting for your attendance.


as I ended the letter it got out of my palms and shredded into pieces leaving me bewildered I huffed and looked at the time it was 4 so I left early told my friends that I have a detention today and left it was particularly cold today at 4:25 I reached to the funny painting

and waited at 4:30 came up Draco looking at me smiling.

Hermione: so what is it you want Malfoy.

Draco: now Hermione I need you to have some patience.

wait, he just called me by my name.

Hermione: you just called me by my name.

Draco: well it is your given name isn't it Hermione. now I want you to take an oath that you will not tell anyone about what I show you today to anyone.

I was bewildered for a moment but I did take the oath and then he walked back and forth in front of the tapestry and by the third time a gate appeared if I say I was shocked would have been an understatement how come I never knew about this.

Draco: surprised now are we.

he opened the door and entered after me and I was shocked it was a huge room with a fireplace and a couch a big window covering almost the entire wall and I was clear as it is not even there you can see things I went ahead looked I could see everything it was breathtaking.

Hermione: wow Draco it is beautiful.

right now he wasn't smirking but smiling genuinely smiling then he told me to sit on the couch nearby the window and went and got me a package packed in red cloth and handed it to me, I looked up at him he was smiling I took the package and slowly opened it to me it read "divination to dummies writer by shophiet Trelawney frieze."

wait a minute I Trelawney "is this some relative of the professor who wrote this"

Draco: Trelawney is famous because of her great-great-grandmother who was a seer, a true seer and this tome was a copy sold by one of the descendants still you will only find it in Britain as it has only 101 copies of it and I have one and you needed help with divination so go ahead.

Hermione: but....but Draco it is really expensive I can't take it.

Draco: well I have no use for it as it also has another name for the book the costliest garbage pretty crude isn't it and you can maybe learn something from it.

Hermione: why are you being so nice all of sudden to me this whole year you haven't called me a mudblood or taunted me, why?!.

Draco: I called you mudblood not because it literal mean dirty blood but I referred to you as worthless but this past holidays I learnt about muggles and to tell you the truth I am addicted to some of the muggle provisions and got to understand muggles and we are living in a cycle of hate my ancestors hated muggle for very right reasons but we hate them too for same reasons doesn't make much of a sense but still I belong to the lineage of pure blood who will always be against muggle-borns and that can't be changed for just these facts as the hate has become a tradition and because of this I can't outright apologize to you in front of everyone as that will bring on repression on you , you know being Pureblood and all so I am sorry Hermione for calling you a mudblood I am sorry for being rude to you so can I have one more chance to be your friend.

she turned towards me closer and hugged me.

Hermione: Draco thank-you you have no idea how much your apologies means to me.

Draco: so you forgive me, if you do then. let that book be a token of friendship from me to you.

Hermione: don't you think it's a pretty expensive token of friendship.

Draco: you mean garbage. hahaha

after some time we sat and talked he got me chocolates and butterbeer and sweet quils which to my surprise is his favourite too and he bought them out of whim then we talked a lot soon it was 6 pm so Draco picked out the trash and stood from his seat and as we reached the door I hugged him and thanked him for this amazing evening.

Hermione: thankyou Draco it was fun.

Draco: oh I am a Malfoy we live to please and Hermione I want you to remember that I may have to call you a mudblood outside as you see people have noticed me not calling you a mudblood outside and I don't want my father to find out about it otherwise he uses legillimency on me that will have hazardous effects on me.

Hermione: what's legillimency.

he looked at me shocked I guess as that what his disbelief face says.

Draco: you don't know what's legillimency is at all, not even occlumency.

Hermione: no is it a spell.

Draco: No it's legillimency is a spell while occlumency is a defence practice against it they are the basics and utmost importance in the field of mindarts and I have been learning mind arts since I was 11 and I am still not perfect at it so the legillimency is used to look into your mind and read your thoughts and occlumency is to protect your mind.

I was horrified but he held my hand and reassured me that he will get me something to help me learn them.

Draco: so please just remember whenever I call you a mudblood it always mean nothing and it may be hard to believe but you know how I have a favourite song in the muggle world it's called DEEPLY DIPPY have you heard it.

Hermione: wait deeply dippy by fairbas my God I love that song tho still hard to believe Draco Malfoy like muggle songs.

Draco: very funny so do you forgive me, Hermione.

Hermione: yes I do Draco but you have to teach me the Patronus charm and occlumency please I am horrified by knowing that people can see in my mind.

we said our goodbyes and then we left for our rooms soon afterwards I reached towards my crowded dorm gate.

harry: why it is crowded.

Ron: Neville must have forgotten the password again.

Neville: hey!! I am right here

Hermione: that's not remotely funny Ron.

Harry: where were you, Hermione.

Hermione: well at my detention and then in the library see I got a good book.

Ron: bloody hell Hermione how.much are you gonna study.

I rolled my eyes and we. moved towards the dorm to see the lady was missing while the there were scratch marks all over the door frame soon enough she was found and she exclaimed that it was Sirius black in the castle and the place went haywire from there we all slept in the hall tonight as it was the safest place as headmaster as a guard. The next few days were hectics as always I was busy with classes from here to there professor snape was being his radial mean as always while Draco was being an ass to harry and to us, while passing me knowing smirks of his if you look all the taunting as a charred it is quite funny all of it. then came in Quidditch matches in which Slytherins were taking leads by far than another team except for Gryffindor as they are in lead too during the Hogsmeade weeks I met Draco secretly and he gave me lessons on Patronus charm.


we met at the ror after classes as we entered he started acting as professor snape and it was a hell of laughter.

Draco: so miss granger have you completed the assignment that I gave you.

Hermione: yes I did prof. Malfoy hehe yeah I did but why did you ask me to prepare 5 best happiest moment of my lives.

Draco: well I learned the Patronus charm the harder way but as I am good at teaching as I teach most of my first years sometimes and yes I do so have you prepared them.

I nodded

Draco: perfect than I want you to know the spell first the spell in "expecto patronum" there is no wand movement so while you are thinking of the spell I want you to remember what you feel the happiest in one of these memories you possess and think of it now just feel that one memory and say it expecto patronum.

and I did but other than few whisps nothing came out we worked on it for quite a while the Patronus charm can also be used to send a message to anyone the problem is that if you do not cast a mufillato charm before the Patronus start speaking it will be heard by everyone around you.

so we practised like this for quite some time but he said I got the spell and the feeling right but what I need is motivation and casted his Patronus charm and it was beautiful and refreshing and then I tried my own and it worked I was so happy it was an American eagle to be exact as it screeched and flew around the room with Draco's Dragon I was happy that I jumped him hugged him tight it was a bit awkward at first then it was comfy after some time.

~flashback end~

I finally got that down now I a proficient at it and I started excelling in divination too, thanks to Draco.

next chapter
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