Everyone was shocked as they looked at the newcomer, watching as his blue cloak fluttered around in the wind.
"Who is that?" C asked, standing next to Darui and the other cloud ninja.
"No way... That's the."
"Mizukage!" The Raikage shouted, taking a few steps closer towards him.
"You dare come here and challenge me!" He shouted with a wave of his arm.
Fuyōna could see that trying to talk sense into him wouldn't work. Instead, knowing that strength was the only thing he respected.
"I warned your men what would happen if they didn't leave my borders and I will say the same to you. Leave now or die." The Raikage said, offering Fuyōna one chance.
"We will leave... But only if the three tails comes with us." Fuyōna said after a moments pause.
The Raikage grit his teeth at his response.
"So you have chosen death." He then said before he took a fighting position.
Fuyōna also took a ready position, knowing that the Raikage was no joke.
"Here I come, Mizukage!" He shouted before moving in the blink of an eye.
Fuyōna was surprised by how fast he actually was, hardly having any time to react to the incoming punch.
In fact, the only thing Fuyōna could do was to let the chakra on his feet, responsible for holding him up on the water diminish, causing him to suddenly drop into it.
The Raikage had of course aimed for his face, as he had predicted, and his fist sailed over Fuyōna's head, missing him by an inch.
"What the!" The Raikage said, as a huge burst of ice spikes suddenly shot up from the ocean, each threatening to skewer him.
The Raikage easily dodged the attack, zooming from side to side like a bolt of electricity, as he continued to dodge the ice.
"He is fast," Fuyōna said as he created more hand signs, letting ice burst up from all around him, using the entire ocean around them to attack with.
The Raikage may have been fast, but now he had nowhere left to run, doing the only thing he could do, jumping into the air.
"Smart," Fuyōna said.
"But not good enough." He added.
A, watched from above as the surrounded area had all been frozen by ice, noting the rumours he had heard about the ice devil of the mist to be true.
Still, he smiled nevertheless, knowing now was the perfect chance to drop with a heel kick, using all of his power on one attack.
But suddenly, an ice mirror formed behind him, with a reflection of Fuyōna inside of it, readying an attack.
"What!" The Raikage shouted as he turned and swiped his fist at the mirror, attempting to shatter it with a powerful back hammer fist.
However, instead of his fist smashing the ice, it simple passed right through it, passing out to another mirror next to Fuyōna, who grabbed the Raikage's wrist in a powerful grip.
"Got you." He said with a smile, just before he pulled the Raikage through the mirror link and slammed him into the ice, causing his body to slide along it, smashing and crashing into all of the large icicles that had formed.
The Raikage didn't take long to recover and soon flipped back to his feet as he finally slid off the ice and back onto the water. His lightning chakra cloak keeping his body from taking any damage from the ice.
It was safe to say that he had underestimated Fuyōna, something he didn't plan to do again.
"That was an impressive jutsu... But it won't work on me again!" He shouted, letting his lightning chakra cloak burst to life and become even more powerful.
Fuyōna could sense now that he wasn't playing around, and had fully powered up, intending to end their fight with his next blow.
Suddenly, Foyōna sensed a surprise attack come from behind him, quickly darting out of the way as killer B charged past in his version one red chakra cloak with a lightning style attack.
B stopped and skidded on the ice before he turned to face Fuyōna, smiling at him.
"You gotta fight me too! The killer B, ya fool ya fool!" B shouted as he raised his hand into the air, giving a loud shout.
Fuyōna now had both the 8 tails host, killer B and the 4th Raikage to worry about at the same time. Not something he could do easily.
"Guess I have no choice!" He suddenly shouted.
"Let's do this Saiken!" He also said in his head before a red and black chakra burst from his body, quickly fading away as he entered stage two of his tailed beast mode.
Both B and the Raikage were surprised, but they each quickly nodded to each other and B powered up to his stage two also, while the Raikage charged at him with his full power.
Fuyōna suddenly let his body turn purple as the Raikage appeared behind him like a flash of lightning, with his fist raised ready to slam it down upon him.
Fuyōna's body spat out a corrosive liquid from all over him, splashing a little on the Raikage before he quickly flashed away to avoid the rest.
B then slammed into Fuyōna from the side, using his horns to try and tackle him with all of his might, pushing him back best he could.
However, Fuyōna suddenly became slippery and wrapped his body around B, letting his corrosive acid ooze from his body, burning B and causing him to scream in pain as he tried to rip him off.
"Let him go!" The Raikage shouted as he appeared and slammed his foot into Fuyōna's head, knocking him flying through the air, saving B just in time.
He had kicked Fuyōna so hard that it made his head and neck stretch before his body finally followed, sending him flying into the air.
"Don't let your guard down!" The Raikage said as he used his lighting style to rip the acid slim from B's body, preventing it from burning him anymore.
Fuyōna sailed through the air before flipping a few times and opening his arms and legs to slow his fall.
"That wasn't half bad..." He thought as he watched them.
"The Raikage's power is like fighting another jinchuriki. He certainly packs a punch. But let's see how they handle this!" He then said to himself as he started to gather a large amount of chakra.
"Let's go B!" The Raikage shouted, seeing what Fuyōna was doing, even while still falling from the air.
"Oh yeah!" B shouted as he too started to gather a large amount of chakra, forming a tailed beast bomb in his mouth.
"Two can play at that game!"
Fuyōna and B fired their blasts at the same time, watching as the red beams clashed in the air, exploding on contact creating a huge shock wave that created large waves in the ocean.
The Raikage appeared behind Fuyōna, taking advantage of his and B's clash, grabbing his waist with both hands before he moved so fast that Fuyōna couldn't react in time.
"Let's see how you deal with this one! Liger bomb!!!" He roared as he suddenly sailed down towards the ground at terrifying speed, tossing Fuyōna above his head as he prepared to slam him into the ground with all of his might.
The Raikage hit the ground, slamming Fuyōna into the sand with all of his power, creating a huge explosion of lightning that even drew thunder from the very sky itself, scaring the earth from its blast, kicking up a huge dust cloud.
Everyone watched in shock as the three of them battled. Ao and the others trying to keep their hope alive for Fuyōna, knowing how strong the Raikage and B were.
At the same time, the cloud ninja couldn't believe that the Mizukage was so strong, being able to hold his own against both their Raikage and the 8 tails jinchuriki.
The dust from the Raikages attack slowly cleared and to his horror, he could see that Fuyōna had been unaffected, allowing his body to turn into slime so that he harmlessly splatted onto the ground.
"H-how!" The Raikage shouted before bones started to spike out from all over Fuyōna's body, with two of them stabbing the Raikage in surprise.
Quickly he dashed away, seeing that Fuyōna had managed to cut him, even though his lightning style chakra cloak was still up.
Fuyōna's body slowly returned to its solid form, snapping his neck back into place before his body did the same. In this form, he could freely control his body, allowing it to become a liquid or solid, rendering physical attacks completely useless. And unlike the Hōzuki clan, thanks to his ice kekkei Genkai he could completely negate any lightning style attacks by simply merging his liquid body with his ice style. Then with his Shikotsumyaku, he could return his bones to a solid state, even creating a body of exoskeleton armour if he wished, to use defensively or offensively depending on his opponent.
"He survived lord Raikage's Ligerbomb!" Darui shouted in disbelief as he and the others watched from the sidelines.
Suddenly Kōgetsu dashed up the cliffside and smashed his fist into one of the cloud ninja who had surround Ao and the others.
"Take my hand!" He shouted as he suddenly slapped his hand onto Ao's.
Ao suddenly felt as if he had been infused with power as Fuyōna's chakra flowed into him, forming a red cloak around his body just like Kōgetsu.
"Lord Mizukage said to use his chakra to help the others!" Kōgetsu said.
Ao nodded and quickly slapped his hand onto everyone's shoulder, also infusing their bodies with the chakra, helping to heal them and boost their strength.
"Amazing!" One of the Anbu said as he looked at his hands, with the others doing the same.
"Hopefully this helps to heal Mei, and Ganryū's wounds." Ao thought as he turned to look at the cloud ninja.
The cloud ninja didn't know what was going on and quickly jumped back on the defensive at Darui's orders.
"Get back!" He said to them, knowing that they all had a tailed beast chakra cloak, not understanding what was happening.
"We can't let them get away! Be ready for anything." He said, still injured from his fight with Mei.
Kōgetsu felt great, knowing with his energy refilled he would be able to use that jutsu, giving them a huge edge against it to escape.
"Summoning jutsu! Giant clam!" He shouted as he made the hand signs and slapped his hand onto the ground.
A large clam suddenly appeared in a poof of white smoke, hailing the hidden mist symbol on its outer shell.
"Now it's time to use my elders jutsu!" Kōgetsu said as the clam suddenly opened up and let lose a large amount of mist from its body, getting a shocked reaction from all of the cloud ninja.
Meanwhile, B was firing rapid-fire blasts of chakra at Fuyōna, who ran along the ocean surface, avoiding the blasts one after the other as they made contact with the water, exploding on impact.
The Raikage zoomed in and attacked Fuyōna, trying to kill him with every strike, however, every time he hit him, Fuyōna's body simply turned into slime and almost covered the Raikage in a corrosive acid, threatening to melt the very skin off of his bones.
"Darn it! I can't even hit him!" The Raikage shouted as he jumped back, flicking the acid off of him again. Time after time as he tried to attack him over and over.
B was also doing his best, but he and the 8 tails knew that he was simply too fast to hit.
"B... We need a distraction, something that can hold him in place long enough for us to do some damage. Taijutsu won't be effective against the six tails, but if we can hit him with a tailed beast bomb, he won't be able to deflect that." The 8 tails said to B.
"Alright, but how we gonna do that! Ya fool! He's too quick." B said in response.
"I'm not sure either... Look out!" The 8 tails then said as Fuyōna suddenly slithered along the surface of the ocean towards him, using his liquid body to move like a snake, he wrapped himself around killer B, squeezing him tightly as he restrained his movements in an instant.
"I-I can't move!" B said as he tried with all of his might.
The Raikage could see that Fuyōna had restrained B and knew he had to help him.
"I'm coming B!" He shouted before he zapped towards them.
Fuyōna was ready for the Raikage this time, knowing there was no way he would leave him to die.
Fuyōna allowed his six tails body to suddenly extend, with another head and two arms coming out to form some hand signs, that created an ice dome around them.
The Raikage hit the ice as hard as he could, but with the ice infused with the six tails chakra, it was stronger than the hardest steel, resisting his attacks one after the other.
"Oh crap!" B said knowing this wasn't good.
Fuyōna let his head slide around so that he was face to face with B, looking into his eyes as he formed a few hand signs and slowly placed his hand onto B's head.
B tried to resist, but it was no use, he was trapped by Fuyōna and couldn't overpower him, whether he liked it or not.
"Looks like we got no choice 8-0! Time to go full power!" B said, inside his inner world to the 8 tails.
"Wouldn't you say that that's enough fighting for now?" Fuyōna suddenly said from inside B's and the 8 tails inner world, suddenly appearing next to them.
Both of them were shocked as to how he had appeared here, and they both took a defensive pose.
"What the hell yo! You can't just burst in here ya fool!" B said pointing at him in anger.
"Calm down, both of you." Fuyōna said before he looked at the 8 tails, "or should I call you Gyūki?" He said, using the 8 tails real name.
"I don't want to hurt either of you." He then said being honest as he waited for their response.
"How does he know your name?" B asked confused, slowly lowering his hands as he looked to the 8 tails.
"I don't know..." The 8 tails said, also confused.
"I didn't come here to fight." Fuyōna then said, seeing they were a little more willing to listen now.
Slowly the six tails appeared behind Fuyōna, nodding its head to the 8 tails.
"It's true Gyūki. Please listen to what he has to say." Saiken said.
The 8 tails and B were really confused now.
"Yo! what the hell is that slug, ya fool!" B said jumping back at the sight of it.
"Saiken?" The 8 tails said, seeing his fellow tailed beast had appeared before them.
"What are you doing here?" Gyūki said.
"I am with Fuyōna. He has asked me if I will help talk to you, and try to stop this violence." The six tails said.
The eight tails was more prone to reason than others of their kind. Knowing that if Fuyōna was this strong, he could have killed B already if he wished.
"What is it you want?" The eight tails asked.
"B... I want you and the Raikage to allow me to take the three tails back. You see, I need to borrow it's power to save someone dear to me." Fuyōna said with a heavy heart.
"I do not wish to fight with you over this, as I believe your power will be needed in the future. But if you continue to persist, I will have no choice but to fight at full power and take the three tails by force." Fuyōna then said.
B, put his hands on his hips taking note of Fuyōna's words as did the eight tails.
"Borrow?... The eight tails said, not sure he had heard him right.
"That's right," Fuyōna said.
"Humans do not borrow our power! They take it for themselves!" He shouted.
"No! Fuyōna is telling the truth! Just as you and that human there have become friends, Fuyōna and I also have a strong bond, one where we share each others power and help one another." Saiken shouted.
B didn't understand what was going on and instead looked to Gyūki.
"B, here is a special exception... Before B, I had never found anyone who I could trust."
"Fuyōna is special Gyūki! I believe he is the one father spoke about all those years ago!" Saiken suddenly shouted.
Gyūki was shocked at Saikens words, taking a closer look at Fuyōna and noticing his blue eyes and resemblance to the sage, their father.
"It's can't be..." The eight tails said as he remembered the words of his father when all of the tailed beasts were still young before he died.
"And you want the three tails for what?" Gyūki then asked, waiting to hear his answer.
Fuyōna looked down at the ground before he looked the eight tails in the eyes.
"Someone that I see as a son to me is sick. He won't last much longer now, but I believe if the three tails were to be sealed inside of him, it's massive chakra would help to heal his body, saving his life." Fuyōna said.
"I know it seems like a selfish request. But I am prepared to do anything to save his life." He then said.
"Even beg the three tails myself." He then added.
Both B and the eight tails were silent for a moment until finally, the eight tails spoke.
"B... We cannot fight him any longer." He said, seeing that he held no ill will for his kind in his eyes.
"But bro is gonna!" B started. However, the 8 tails suddenly hit him on the head and started telling him off, causing everyone to laugh.
"Listen B. This guy isn't our enemy anymore." The 8 tails then said.
B, listened to his words and soon nodded before he looked back to Fuyōna.
"If 8-0 says your cool, then ya cool, ya fool." B said before he extended his fist towards him.
Fuyōna smiled and also extended his, bumping it against B's.
"Thank you, the both of you. I will not forget this act of kindness." He then said.
B nodded as he crossed his arms.
"Just one problem yo. Bro ant gonna back down." He said looking a little worried, as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Don't worry. Leave him to me." Fuyōna said with a smile, before undoing his sealing jutsu.
With that, Fuyōna unwrapped from around B's body, with both of them relaxing and returning to their human form.
"I'll trust 8-0's judgement on this one yo, but ya better watch out, Ya fool!" B said with a smile.
Fuyōna also smiled as he created an ice mirror.
"Time for you to go and sort things out on your end, B. Leave this to me," Fuyōna said, watching as B nodded and slipped into the ice mirror, appearing behind Darui and the others.
He could see that his fellow cloud ninja were attacking thin air, while the mist ninja attacked from the side, taking full advantage of a genjutsu that Kōgetsu had cast with his giant clam.
"That's enough, Ya fools!" B said getting all of their attention as he suddenly went full 8 tails mode, blasting all of the mist away.
"Lord B!" They said, seeing that he had just appeared from nowhere and come to save them.
"But how did you?"
"Never mind that yo! It's time to watch the real show!" He said, pointing towards the Raikage and Fuyōna. Even showing the mist that they were to stop fighting each other now.
Ao and the others also stopped seeing that B had stopped his troops and pointed over to Fuyōna.
"What's going on?" Kōgetsu said to Ao, releasing his summoning.
"It looks like Fuyōna and B came to an agreement and he sent him over here to stop the fighting," Ao said surprised.
"But what about the Raikage?" Kōgetsu asked.
"It looks like we are about to find out." Ao then said, with a grim expression.
Meanwhile, the Raikage was still trying to break through the ice dome with his attacks finally starting to crack it.
He watched in confusion as B willing undid his tailed beast cloak and walked into an ice mirror with Fuyōna even waving goodbye to him.
"What have you done to B!" He shouted as he finally broke the ice barrier and charged at Fuyōna, throwing a punch with all of his might, roaring as he did.
"Aarghh, time to die!!!"
Fuyōna knew there was no other option now, as he stood with his back turned, listening as the ice cracked all around him.
"I didn't want to have to use this here, but I guess the Raikage is just too strong." He said, letting his chakra flared to life all around his body.
With one swift motion, Fuyōna turned around to face the Raikage, as the ice finally broke. His body had now burst to life with a blue chakra cloak that covered him, complete with black markings from the seal on his stomach.
"Tailed beast chakra cloak." He said to himself as he caught the Raikages punch with one hand.
His hair had spiked up into the air, with his entire body covered in the light blue chakra cloak of the six tails, bubbling blue chakra ran off of his body, and the Raikage could feel the power he was admitting.
"It's time to end this." Fuyōna finally said, as he opened his eyes, revealing their crystal blue colour with a black fang Iris running down the centre of them.
Ok going to end this chapter here! Huge reveal about the MC's new chakra cloak 🙈 Honestly feel like this is one of my favourite chapters so far!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time!
Remember you know where to go if you want more! we have just hit chapter 100! big things happening in the story!
"It's time to finish this" Fuyōna said as he gripped the Raikages fist tightly in his hand.
He had become enveloped in a blue chakra cloak, showing an ability never before seen by any who were present to witness it.
"W-What is this!" The Raikage said as he could feel his fist burning from simply being in contact with Fuyona's chakra.
Fuyōna smiled and let his power burst before he kicked the Raikage with deadly force. If not for the Raikages lighting style chakra cloak and impressive durability, he would have been killed for sure.
The Raikage bounced off the water before he flipped backwards and landed back onto his feet, impressed that he had been shaken by that kick, being forced to shake off the pain and stand back up, ready to go on the offensive.
Fuyōna was stood upright as his aura flared in the sunlight, blue chakra bubbles popping all around him as his chakra cloak resembled the power of his tailed beast.
"I haven't mastered this form yet... I don't have long to use it, so I had better make it count." Fuyōna said to himself as he remembered training to use it with Saiken.
"That is amazing Fuyōna!" Saiken said as Fuyōna transformed into his Saiken chakra mode for the first time.
"I did it..." Fuyōna said as he took a look at his hands and body, noting that massive amount of chakra he was emitting.
"Amazing... You have somehow managed to concentrate all of my chakra into a condensed form, saving you from taking my full form and instead focusing all of my power into your body." The six tails said, impressed.
"How did you know how to do such a thing?" Saiken then asked after a moment.
Fuyōna smiled as he felt the power flowing through his body.
"I just had a hunch was all." He said.
"You never cease to amaze me Fuyōna," Saiken said as he watched from his inner world.
Fuyōna could feel the strain this form was placing on his body to maintain it and knew it would take a while before he learnt to control it fully. However, he could also see the huge perks and physical buffs he would get from this form, making him look forwards to seeing what he could do with it.
Fuyōna opened his eyes to look back at the Raikage, knowing he only had five minutes to try and finish this fight. However, he knew that the Raikage was no pushover, and would probably be the toughest opponent he had faced so far.
"AARGGGHHHH!!!" The Raikage suddenly roared, before he charged in, vanishing and then reappearing in a flash of electricity as he attacked with all of his power, aiming for the kill.
"Lightning straight!" He roared as he threw his strongest punch at Fuyōna with such amazing speed, even with his tailed beast cloak he wasn't sure he could react in time.
Fuyōna was quickly forced on the defence as he dodged the Raikages attack, much to his surprise. However, he didn't let up and quickly launched a new barrage of punches and kicks, all with killing intent as Fuyōna continued to dodge or block the attacks, each of them moving at superhuman speeds.
"I'm sorry lord Raikage! I'm still not used to this form, so I will have to apologize if I fail to hold back!" Fuyōna shouted as he blocked another one of the Raikage's punches, gripping both of his wrists now in a tight grip,
The Raikage was utterly shocked as all of his attacks had failed. Each of them being batted off by Fuyōna, who seemed to almost be playing with him.
"Here I go!" Fuyōna suddenly shouted as a huge chakra fist suddenly formed from his stomach, smashing into the Raikage and landing a direct hit against him due to his arms being restrained.
"Arg!" The Raikage huffed as Fuyōna continued to let his chakra fists, which had become four arms now, continue to rain blow after blow down upon the Raikage. Fuyōna knew if he had used his Shikotsumyaku ability or his ice release he could have certainly fatally wounded the Raikage. But his plan wasn't to start a war with the hidden cloud if he could avoid it.
"I have to admit, you're a tough son of a bitch!" Fuyōna said with a smile on his face as he stopped attacking the Raikage.
A, who knew all too well that Fuyōna could have finished him with that chance was surprised to see him stop, but his pride and rage would not allow him to admit defeat just yet.
"If you are done playing around! I have one last attack that will finish you for sure!" He shouted as he let his lightning style aura flare to life, managing to overpower Fuyōna and escape his grip.
"Hells spear!!!" He suddenly shouted as he concentrated all of his power into his hand, using only three fingers to increase the penetration power of his Jutsu. Fuyōna remembered this attack all too well from his memories. It belongs to the 3rd Raikage, A's father, and it was not to be taken lightly.
"Shit, I let my guard down!" Fuyōna shouted, knowing he didn't have a choice but to use his full power to counter the attack.
"DDDIIIEEEEE!!!!" The Raikage shouted as he put all of his remaining strength into his father's attack.
Fuyōna had no choice but to let as much bone as he could grow in the short time, grow around his arm and hand, infusing it with ice to increase the strength and durability of it as he clashed in one final attack with the Raikage, each of them attacking with everything they had.
Meanwhile, everyone else watched on the cliffside as the Raikage and the Mizukage clashed in a battle unlike any they had seen before, watching as both of them glowed in chakra, going well beyond the power of normal shinobi.
"What the hell is that!" Someone said as they looked at Fuyōna, not knowing what was going on.
Ao was also amazed as he watched with his Byakugan, seeing that Fuyōna had somehow activated his tailed beast's chakra in a way no one had ever seen before, granting his abilities far beyond anything he thought possible.
"Is that really lord Mizukage..." One of the Anbu said as he watched with the others, amazed at what was happening.
They weren't alone, as the cloud ninja couldn't believe that their Raikage was being pushed back and overpowered. Even killer B was amazed at the transformation Fuyōna had taken on, even as a perfect jinchuriki, it was something he had never seen before.
"Amazing..." The 8 tails said from inside B as he watched.
"Yo, 8-0. What the hell is that?" B asked as he crossed his arms.
"He has somehow managed to concentrate all of the six tails chakra and compresses it, allowing him to use the full power of its chakra in his human form... Simply amazing." The 8 tails said.
B nodded as he watched, noting that it was indeed impressive, as even his all-powerful brother was being pushed back by the Mizukage.
"Lord Raikage!" C shouted as he watched his leader take a bad beating from Fuyōna, who seemed to be toying with him now.
"We need to help him!" Darui shouted as he started making hand signs.
"No! Yo!" B suddenly shouted.
"You'll only get in the way, ya fool, ya fools!" He shouted in anger at them before he turned back to watch the battle.
"Beside. Bro ant done yet, ya fool." He then said, causing all of them to turn their attention back to the fight.
"Is that!" Darui shouted all of a sudden as he recognized the third Raikages attack that the fourth was about to use.
"It is! It's the hell spear!" C shouted, also surprised to see that he was attempting to use his father's Jutsu.
Mei was also watching in amazement as she had recovered enough to stand back to her feet thanks to Fuyōna's chakra he had given to Kogetsu to share with everyone.
"That man... He just keeps getting stronger and stronger." She said as she watched the Raikage get serious with his final attack.
"Oh no! Fuyōna!" She shouted as everyone also flinched before the two Kage clashed with their attacks creating a shock wave that shattered anything within close proximity to them.
The explosion that followed knocked a huge dust cloud into the air, shielding everyone's vision from the final outcome.
Fuyōna and the Raikage had clashed, with the Raikage using his father's unstoppable hell spear thrust attack, and Fuyōna using an enhanced tailed beast chakra cloak bone and ice spear. The result had smashed both of them flying, knocking the Raikage into the ground hard as he bounced off the sand again and again before finally shooting out of the dust cloud and into the cliffside, where his lightning cloak finally faded.
Fuyōna had been able to overpower the Raikage and broke through his three-finger hell spear, using his ice and bone spear to smash into his chest, knocking his flying and finishing the fight.
Fuyōna was tired now and he could feel the little control he had left over his new form slipping away, looking down at his own jutsu before he looked over to the Raikage.
"If he had used one finger for that attack, I would be the one in trouble right now..." Fuyōna admitted to himself as he noticed his attack had only just held up against the Raikage's.
Fuyōna's tailed beast cloak finally faded and he let his attack crumble from around his arm.
"Looks like I will have to come up with a better counter to that one." He thought as he looked over to the Raikage.
The dust settled and everyone could see that Fuyōna had been victorious, as he stood and turned to face everyone before he turned to the Raikage. Fuyōna slowly walked over towards him before stopping and looking down at him for a moment.
The Raikage was still conscious and was a tough bastard, one who would prove difficult if made an enemy out of.
"W-whats the matter... Finish me!" A said as he tried to pull himself up, falling back down due to his injuries.
Fuyōna shook his head slowly and instead offered him his hand to help him up, getting a very surprised look from the Raikage.
"I never came to fight you in the first place." Fuyōna then said with a smile, holding his hand there for him to take it.
The Raikage growled a little and slapped his hand away, looking at him in anger.
"Why spare me!" He then said, still not impressed.
"I didn't come to start a war with the hidden cloud, lord Raikage. I simply came to retrieve the three tails and save my comrades." Fuyōna said, taking his hand back.
"I refuse to kill someone of your strength. You will be important to this world in the future." Fuyōna said as he turned his back on the Raikage.
A had to admit he was impressed by Fuyōna, but his pride as a Kaga would not allow him to admit it.
"I hope the next time we meet, we don't have to battle in such a way. Until next time, lord Raikage." Fuyōna then said as he let an ice mirror appear before him quickly slipping into the ice mirror and appearing next to all of the others on the cliff.
"How did he!" One of the cloud ninja shouted as he appeared next to them in an instant, shocking everyone and putting them on edge.
"This battle is over!" He suddenly shouted, looking at them all dead in the eye.
"We will be taking the three tails as is the purpose we are here. There will be no more bloodshed between the mist and the cloud on this day." He then said, issuing the order to all of them, looking at killer B, nodding to him.
B nodded back and turned to his men, noting it was a good time to get his brother and leave.
"Alright ya fools, this fight is over, let's get bro and make like a tree, yo!" He said as he raised his hand into the air, getting the attention of all of them.
No one dared argue with B now after seeing how strong Fuyōna really was, and the cloud retreated back to the Raikage, helping him up before they all looked up at the mist, Fuyōna's and A's eyes locking one last time before they took their leave.
"Lord Mizukage!" Ao suddenly shouted as he and the others ran over to him.
"Fuyōna!" Mei suddenly shouted as she dived into his arms, hugging and kissing him with passion, with no regard for the others being there at all.
Fuyōna didn't mind and kissed her back, glad to see she was safe and had not been hurt too badly.
"I'm glad everyone is alright." He said, noting that only two Anbu had sadly lost their lives in the battle.
"No matter how strong I become, I will always struggle to protect everyone." He thought as he let his ice cover the two bodies before he sealed them in a scroll so he could return them to the village and bury them there.
"I'm afraid we didn't stand much of a chance. The Raikage and his men were powerful foes indeed." Ao said, taking responsibility for their death.
"No Ao. I could never expect any of you to battle with such a monster. It's a miracle I made it when I did." He then said nodding to the others who bowed in his presence.
"Just like you to save the day," Mei said as she kissed his cheek.
"But anyway, we need to get the three tails while we still can." She said becoming serious again.
"Yes. Leave that to me." Fuyōna said, noticing that the three tails was starting to stir again, regaining its strength after some rest.
"This won't take long," Fuyōna said as he walked over to the edge of the cliff to get a better look at the three tails.
"I hope you remember me Isobu." He said before he walked into an ice mirror.
"All of you stay here, I'll be back soon." He then said just before he vanished into his mirror, not allowing any of them to follow him.
"But Fuyōna!" Mei shouted in protest, however it was too late as his ice mirror melted and turned to water leaving them at the top of the cliff alone.
Fuyōna slowly stepped out of his other mirror that had appeared in front of the three tails, bringing him face to face with the tailed beast he had once had to battle and kill its last host.
This time he could only hope that it would be more understanding with him, and hopefully, it wouldn't come to a fight.
"You ready Saiken?" Fuyōna asked.
"Not yet Fuyōna... You used all of my chakra in that last fight, it might take me some time to regain it..." The six tails said as it did its best to recover its chakra.
Suddenly the three tails woke up and noticed his presence, attacking in a mad fury with all three of its tails, as well as charging a tailed beast bomb at the same time.
"Well... Sage mode it is."
That's the end of this chapter!
Thank you for reading and remember to Check out my P.a.t.r.e.o.n page for more, and get up to an extra 40 chapters in an instant!
Have a great day!