85.84% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Hattori's backstory!

章節 97: Chapter 97: Hattori's backstory!

Hattori was currently led flat on his back, looking up through the trees at the blue sky. The wound Kimimaro had inflicted upon him was not life-threatening, however, it was still enough to deter him from any further movement.

Besides, it was best he stayed still for the time being, as every time he shifted, the wound seemed to open and bleed more. As he remained still, he couldn't help but reflect on his life so far. His past and memories, something he had tried to forget, slowly crept into his mind as the memory took him back to a time he had tried to forget.


It all started eight years ago, while Yagura was still at the height of his reign as the Fourth Mizukage. Hattori had been the second born of a noble family, living a comfortable life in the land of water on his family's estate. Hattori's father was a noble who was loyal to the Daimyo, appearing to live a just and honest life as he strived for a better life for the people of the land.

Hattori spent his days playing with his older sister, who was five years his elder. His memories of her were pleasant, remembering that she always made time for him no matter what. Their mother had unfortunately passed away while Hattori had been too young to remember, leaving his sister to fill part of the role in his mind. Life was good and they were happy with nothing that seemed to dampen their spirits. Until that fateful day.

Hattori's father had been fighting for the rights of the people for years, little to Hattori and his sister's knowledge, coming under threat of assassination many times over. Soon enough A request from the Mizukage had come through that she be sent to the academy, requesting that even nobles were required to provide at least one child to bolster the ranks of the nation.

Of course, Hattori's father fought this, refusing the Mizukage's request thanks to his noble rank, even taking it to the Daimyo himself, as he pleaded for his daughter to have a normal life of his choosing. The Daimyo having his own daughter, accepted his plea and out ruled the Mizukage, allowing Hattori's family to be exempt from the request. However, the show of power from the Daimyo towards the Mizukage would not be attained kindly.

Time had gone by slowly, with a dark cloud of fear seeming to consume his father. Word had spread of his rebellious behaviour towards the Mizukage and that was something that would not be tolerated by a tyrant such as Yagura.

Hattori had not noticed it at first due to his young age. But now that he was older, there was no mistaking the fear in his eyes. Each day he and his sister would wake, they would be greeted by strangers. Hired bodyguards that his father had secured for their protection.

Their father would remain locked away for days on end until it was time to travel to another safe location, or a country house as he would call it. During this time Hattori had noticed his sister's kindness towards him had diminished, only appearing every so often before she was taken away by strangers on a daily basis.

Hattori had been kept in the dark that his father was having his sister trained by the best money could buy, forcing her to become a shinobi so that she could one day protect their family. He would watch her return home beaten and bruised each day as she was trained without mercy, and he noticed that each time she would grow colder and colder as the teaching Of the ninja sank into her very existence.

Soon two years had gone by and their life of moving around had come to an end, finally returning to their main home. Hattori had remembered being excited, yet his feelings were one-sided as both his father and sister remained consumed by fear, allowing the emotion to take over their being completely.

Hattori had no choice but to watch as his sister continued to train to become stronger, while his father kept himself locked away. He couldn't remember the last time he sat with his father, or even shared a conversation with him, instead only ever communicating with the servants of the house.

His life had become cold and isolated. The once warm and loving family he remembered, had faded away, being replaced by nothing but darkness until that fateful night had finally arrived.

The Mizukage was a cold and ruthless killer, respecting power over everything else. And he was not one to forget nor forgive those who dared speak out against him, casting a long and ominous shadow.

It was a moonless night, one heavy with rain as a storm had blown in from across the sea. The wind howled and thunder roared from the sky, causing Hattori to remain awake as he hid under his sheets feeling scared.

There had been a time when his sister would have comforted him, stroking his hair and telling him everything would be fine. However, those days had long passed, and Hattori had been made to endure his fears alone.

There was no sound other than the rain, the pitter-patter of the heavy downpour that seemed to drown out every other noise, only being disturbed by the almighty roar of thunder.

Hattori tossed and turned under his sheets, not being able to sleep as the thunder scared him. Slowly trying to build the courage to climb out of his bed and run to his door. Finally, he did, quickly making a run for it as the thunder made him jump. Opening his door ever so slightly so he could look out into the hall.

He could just about make out that it was clear, even in the darkness as his eyes adjusted. Slowly he crept out of his room and started to follow the wall towards his sister's room, hoping that she would provide some comfort for him.

Hattori finally reached her door and reached his hand towards the handle, hesitating for a second as the fear of her rejecting him entered his mind.

Unexpectedly a crashing noise came from inside the room, followed by the clash of metal on metal before the sound of a man grunting could be heard.

Hattori was frozen in fear as he slowly stepped back, not knowing what was going on. Pushing his fear away he moved towards the door, grabbing the handle and forcing it open, willing to do anything to make sure his sister was safe.

As his eyes adjusted to the flashing light given by the thunder, he could make out the silhouette of his sister's body standing over a man dressed in dark robes bearing a hidden mist headband.

"Hattori?" His sister said as she looked up at him, a fear washing over his face as he saw what had happened.

She quickly rushed over towards him, grabbing his shoulders with each of her hands as she looked him in the eyes.

"We need to get out of here now. They have come for us." She said looking more worried than he had ever seen her.

Hattori was confused. Those were the most words that she had spoken to him in years, and now she was trying to rush him out of the room without explaining why there was a dead shinobi lying on her bedroom floor.

"Quickly Hattori, there is no time to explain!" She shouted as she grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the room and into the hallway.

Hattori struggled to make sense of what was happening as he was dragged along by his sister.

"We need to find father and get out of here!" She said as she tried to drag him even faster.

"I can't!" Hattori tried to shout as he couldn't run any faster, pulling away from her before he fell to his hands and knees.

His sister turned around with an angry expression on her face, trying to hurry him back to his feet before she suddenly pushed him back down again.

"Hattori stay down!" She shouted as she suddenly blocked two kunai that came from the shadows aimed at both of them.

Hattori was scared for his life as he looked behind him, seeing another man dressed in dark robes running towards him with a sword.

Time seemed to slow down for him as the man got slower and slower, only snapping back into full time as his sister suddenly appeared next to him and slit his throat.

"Hattori look out!" She shouted as she let the man's body fall to the ground, causing Hattori's attention to shift to another shinobi who appeared from the shadow of the wall next to him.

Hattori didn't have time to react as a kunai was suddenly thrust towards his face, only stopping a centre meter from his eye as his sister had appeared, grabbing the ninja's wrist to stop his attack.

The enemy pulled back as he tried to throw a kick at her, however, she moved so fast that she disappeared, leaving him confused as he took a defensive stance.

Hattori watched as his sister suddenly appeared below him, slicing his ankle with her kunai, causing him to drop to his knees with a painful screech.

She quickly grabbed his head, lifting it up as she slashed his throat at a downwards angle so the blood didn't spray all over the place and let his corpse fall to the ground.

Hattori remained on his hands and knees in shock at what he had just witnessed, never having imagined his sister could be capable of such a massacre.

"Listen to me now Hattori." She said as she slowly knelt down in front of him, looking him in his eyes.

"I don't have time to explain everything now. But we are special, we have abilities that others don't. And because of that, the Mizukage wants us dead." She said, not making any sense to him.

"Look we don't have time. We need to find father and get out of here!" She then said as she grabbed his hand again, dragging him to his feet as she ran through the hallway and down another corridor towards their father's room.

As they came around the corner, they could both see the dead bodies that lay on the wooden floor, indicating that there had already been a battle.

"Oh no." Hattori's sister said as she let go of his hand before she told him to stay put, quickly running over towards their father's room.

Hattori could see the bodies that littered the floor as the thunder broke through the sky, providing just enough light to see that they were both mist shinobi and the hired guards his father had hired.


Hattori snapped out of his shock as he looked up, hearing his sister's scream come from inside his father's room. Hattori quickly ran towards the door, entering the room as he rushed to see what was going on.

He could see his father on his knees surrounded by five shadows with more bodies that littered the large room.

"Father!" His sister shouted again, getting the attention of all five of the shadows who stood around him.

Hattori could see that his father was covered in blood and was badly injured, having fought off a lot of enemies from the look of it. With the last of his strength, he looked up at his children, knowing he could do nothing for them now.

"Run... Run! Please both of you! Run and save Yourselves!" Their father shouted as he looked dead into his daughter's eyes.

Suddenly one of the men in dark mist robes slashed down with his sword, severing their father's head from his shoulders in one clean motion, silencing him forever.

"NOOO!!!" Both Hattori and his sister screamed.

"Kill them both." The leader of the shinobi said to the others, giving them the green light to make a move.

Hattori watched in horror as his sister suddenly burst forth in a fit of rage, moving so fast that she became nothing but a blur.

"Look out, she has the same ability as her father!" One of the shinobi said before he was cut down by her, forcing the others to watch as she vanished again.

"Arghh!" Another screamed before he fell, revealing a large gash on the side of his neck as blood sprayed into the air.

"Formation B!" One of the other men shouted, getting the others to change position as they formed a circle and pressed their backs to one another, giving them a better chance against her speed.

"Hidden mist jutsu!" Another of them then said as a thick layer of mist suddenly burst forth, encasing the entire room in fog.

Hattori couldn't see anything now as he wiped his eyes trying to get them to focus. Nonetheless, it was no good as the mist was too thick.

"Look out!"


-Sounds of metal clashing-

"Where the hell is she?" Another one of them shouted before he screamed and the sound of more clashing blades and fighting echoed until more bodies hit the ground, causing everything to go silent.

Now the only thing that Hattori could hear was the heavy pitter-patter of the rain as the room had fallen silent from the sounds of battle.

Hattori slowly stood up from his hands and knees, feeling that his hands were wet. He looked at his hands as another flash came from the thunder, revelling the blood on his hands.

"Argh!!!" He screamed as he fell back with tears in his eyes feeling scared for his life.

"Hattori?..." His sister's voice sounded through the mist, snapping him out of his terror for a moment.

"Sister?" He asked, trying to see her through the thick mist.

"I'm over here Hattori." She said.

"Follow my voice."

Hattori slowly started to walk in the direction his sister was calling him from. Doing his best not to trip over the dead bodies as the mist slowly started to clear up.

"Where are you sister!" Hattori shouted again, not being able to find her as he panicked.

"Over here Hattori, you're almost here." She said again, weakly.

Hattori turned around and quickly ran over towards the sound of her voice, feeling that she was close now.

"Sister!" He shouted as he reached her, seeing her shadow come into the darkness.

"I'm here Hattori. It's ok now." She said with a small smile on her face.

Hattori could see that she was sitting on the ground with her back propped up against a wall.

"You're hurt!" He said as he noticed the blood coming from her stomach, causing more tears to start falling from his eyes again.

"It's ok Hattori. It's ok now..." She said as she raised her hand.

"Come closer, I need to tell you something." She said as she flicked her fingers, signalling him to come closer to her.

Hattori nodded as he knelt down and leaned in closer to his sister so he could hear what she had to say.

"I need you to do something for me, Hattori." His sister said softly.

Hattori leaned in closer as he looked his sister in the eye.

"Anything, what is it, sister." He said through teary eyes.

"I need you to die!" His sister suddenly shouted as she thrust a kunai towards him, revealing its sharp tip that resulted in his life flashing before it.

Hattori screamed and fell back, watching in horror as his own sister was about to impale him with a kunai, not being able to do anything about it.

Suddenly another kunai flew across the room and hit the kunai in his sister's hand, knocking it out of her hand and into the air where it landed on the floor with a dull thud.

"What the!" His sister shouted as she quickly stood to her feet.

However, a sudden barrage of shuriken slammed into her chest and face, knocking her to the ground with a thud and causing her body to burst with white smoke.

Hattori watched in anguish as the smoke vanished, revealing one of the mist ninjas who had transformed into his sister and tried to kill him.

"Hattori!" His sister's voice suddenly shouted again, this time followed by his sister as she slowly limped out of the shadows.

Hattori didn't know what was going on and fell back in fear, scared that she might not be real again.

"It's ok Hattori, it's me. He was using a transformation jutsu to look like me." She said before she suddenly dropped to her knees.

Hattori could see that she was hurt, having a large gash across her stomach and her leg.

"Sister!" He shouted as he quickly scrambled to his feet and dived towards her, hugging her tightly as he sobbed into her neck.

"I'm scared sister! Please I don't like this!" He cried, holding her tightly with his small arms.

"It's ok Hattori. Everything is alright now." She said as she returned his embrace, holding him tight in her arms for as long as she could.

"Listen, Hattori, I don't have much time." She said as she let go, coughing up a large amount of blood.

"I'm hurt, Hattori... Hurt badly and I won't get better." She said as she looked into her brother's eyes.

"No... No! You can't die!" Hattori shouted as tears started to stream down his face again.

"Listen Hattori. You have to listen to me." She then said with a serious tone.

"You come from a clan of nobles who possess the swift style. This is our Kekkei genkai Hattori. You have the same blood as me..." She said before she started coughing up more blood which caused her to fall to the ground.

"Sister!" Hattori screamed again as he tried his best to help her.

"I'm ok..." She said as she wiped the blood from her lips.

"But that's not all Hattori... Listen... Your mother and mine are not the same..." She said, clearly losing her strength.

Hattori was shocked at her words, not understanding what she meant.

"Your mother had another ability Another Kekkei genkai... You must learn to use both and restore our clan to power Hattori... You must survive." She said, stroking the side of his cheek with her hand, using the last of her strength.

"I love you, Hattori... I'm sorry I couldn't always be there for you when you needed me..." She said, smiling at him before the light in her eyes faded away.

Hattori watched as her hand dropped to the ground, feeling her body become limp as she had finally surrendered of her wounds.

"No... Sister..... Sister!!!" He screamed.

Not even the sound of the heavy rainfall was enough to drown out his cries, not was the roar of the thunder.

-End of flashback-

"Hattori?" A voice said in the close distance, seeming to snap him out of his memories.

Hattori opened his eyes and slowly sat up, seeing that he had been daydreaming for longer than he intended.

"Yuri?" He asked, seeing his teammate appear over him.

Hattori could see the way she was looking at him, knowing what she was thinking.

"Don't give me that look, Yuri. I lost fair and square." He said as he slowly sat up, clutching his wound.

Yuri frowned before she reached into her weapons pouch and pulled out a bandage.

"You're supposed to be on another team for this exam you know," Hattori said as he closed his eyes.

"Be quiet," Yuri said as she started to apply the bandage, wrapping it around his body to help stop the bleeding.

"That doesn't matter now." She said softly, keeping the small smile that formed on her face hidden behind her scarf.

Hattori also smiled as he let Yuri wrap the bandage around his body, feeling the medical ninjutsu that was contained in the bandage start working.

"Yuri... I may have lost the battle. But I won't lose the war." Hattori suddenly said as he lifted his hand for Yuri to see, allowing it to turn dark as he used his steel release, getting a shocked glance from her.

"With this new power, I will defeat Kimimaro and become a chunin, never allowing the people I care about to be hurt in front of me again." He said with a fierce look in his eye.

Yuri knew that he meant every word, not being able to help remember the day that their sensei was killed and how it changed her world forever.


Alright going to end this chapter here! So that is the back story of Hattori! I hope you enjoyed it and of course, there is, even more, to find out!

The next chapter will cover more of what happened to them and their sensei as well as another epic battle!

Thank you for reading support, have a great ass day!

Also please check out a new story I have been working on. Called Kobolds ascension to dragon lord!

next chapter
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