61.94% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 70: chapter 70

章節 70: chapter 70

"What in the hell is that!" Rōga suddenly shouted as the shock waves knocked him back, giving Haku enough time to avoid his finishing blow.

Both Rōga and Haku stared at Kimimaro, watching as his body was covered in a ferious red chakra.

Haku smiled and quickly jumped back into the air as he threw a hand full of senbon needles at Rōga, taking advantage of the confusion to get clear of him.

Rōga blocked the projectiles but was quickly forced to deal with Kimimaro, as he charged head-on at him like a wild animal, not wasting another moment.

Kimimaro looked like a monster as his features had become wild. His body was covered in bones and he roared like a mindless beast, slashing toward Rōga with nothing but rage.

"This must be the tailed beast chakra cloak that sensei told us about." Haku thought as he watch Kimimaro from above, holding his position in the trees and staying out of the way.

Kimimaro slashed and clawed at Roga, who was having a difficult time defending himself, being forced back on the defensive as Kimimaros taijutsu proved to be overwhelming.

"Shit, I can't get away!" He said as he tried to jump back into the air to get clear of the monster he was faced with, blocking another attack that snapped his sword.

However, Kimimaro was too quick, already showing a massive increase in his strength and now his speed.

"HHAARRR!" Kimimaro roared as he opened his hand, cocking it back all the way preparing for a powerful swipe.

Roga could see Kimimaro's hand turn to solid bone, his fingers becoming as sharp as a kitchen knife, being unable to move as they swung right at him.

"I can't get out of the way!"

Kimimaros attack hit dead centre, forcing Roga's chakra armour to shift into overdrive as it tried to protect him from the attack.

"NOOO!!!" He yelled as his armour broke from the force of the attack, sparking with electricity as it overloaded.

Kimimaros claws cut deep into his body, each of them ripping through his flesh like butter. Roga dropped to his knees as he choked on his own blood, watching as his last moments fell upon him in a dull fashion.


Kimimaro was too lost in his rage and didn't allow him any time to process what was going on, instead, he delivered one final swipe of his hand, cutting Roga's head clean off of his shoulders, letting his blood soak the snow below.

Haku had watched the whole thing and was amazed at how much stronger Kimimaro was with the aid of this chakra cloak. In fact, it almost made him feel jealous because Fuyona had picked Kimimaro over him.

Kimimaro slowly calmed down and the red chakra that enveloped his body started to fade. Haku could sense it was safe to come out and dropped from the trees.

"Are you ok, Kimimaro?" He asked, waiting for a response.

Kimimaro took his time to answer, slowly turning his head to Haku and giving him a nod.

"Yeah... I'm ok Haku." He said.

"You made that look easy," Haku said as he crossed his arms.

Kimimaro nodded.

"That was the power of the three tails that sensei sealed inside of me. I've... I've never felt anything like it." He said as he inspected his hand, slowly making a fist and squeezing.

Haku nodded.

"It was pretty amazing!" He then said, remembering that Kimimaro would have died if Fuyōna had not sealed the three tails inside of his body, feeling bad for being jealous.

Kimimaro nodded, shifting his attention back to the mission.

"We had better catch up with Kaga sensei and Koyuki, I have a bad feeling." He said.

Haku agreed, giving him a quick nod before they both shifted into gear and dashed off.


Doto stood atop a hill in the snow with his arms crossed over his body, facing Koyuki and Sandayu.

"Kaga sensei!" Koyuki shouted, seeing he had been struck by the black ice dragon and frozen to a tree unconscious.

"It's no use little girl, he is the first to fall and he won't be the last!" Doto shouted as he started to make hand signs, letting his chakra flare to life.

"You need to get out of here! It's not safe!" Koyuki shouted to Sandayu as he raised her kunai, not sure what was going to happen.

"I...I can't leave you behind." Sandayu said, knowing he couldn't be of any use, but feeling like he couldn't abandon her.

"Now die! Ice style black dragon jutsu!" Doto shouted, unleashing another huge black ice dragon towards both of them.

"Move!" Koyuki shouted as she grabbed Sandayu, trying to pull him out of the way with her.

The ice dragon hit the trees and exploded, freezing everything in its path with incredible power.

"Stay here!" Koyuki said as she placed him down on a tree branch, jumping into the air and making her own hand signs.

"Fire style, fireball jutsu!" She shouted as she shot a ball of fire towards Doto.

"Do you really think that will work!" Doto shouted with a sinister smile.

"And wind style, violent whirlwind!" She then added, making more hand signs in quick succession and using a wind style jutsu.

Doto watched as her fire style and wind style combined, creating an even more powerful combo jutsu, trapping him in a vortex of fire.

"Pitiful girl... This level of jutsu will never touch me!" He shouted as he let his chakra armour burst to life, negating her jutsu with ease as he waved his arm, walking out of the fire unharmed.

Koyuki watched in horror, wrapping an explosive tag around a kunai in a latch notch effort.

"Even my wind and fire combo can't touch him..." She thought, getting into a low stance as she prepared her next attack.

"Time to end this," Doto said as he made a few hand signs, using his chakra to mould the snow and ice around him.

"Ice style, 1000 shuriken jutsu." He said, pumping a large amount of chakra into his attack and creating what looked like an almost infinite amount of ice shuriken.

Koyuki didn't even know what she was supposed to do, feeling helpless at the onslaught that was to come.

"It's no use..." She said, dropping her kunai as she fell to her knees.

"Sensei... I'm sorry... Haku... Kimimaro. I... I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath as a tear came to her eye.

"Father... I'm sorry." She finally said, letting the tears flow.

"Die!" Doto shouted as he let his jutsu fly, firing the 1000 ice shuriken, letting them tear through the cold air ready to shred her to ribbons.

Koyuki looked up, watching death flying towards her, taking what she thought to be her last breath of cold air, feeling her lungs burn one last time.

However... The ice shuriken that were flying towards her slowly stopped right before her, floating in the air in front of her face.

"Wh-what..." She said not believing it.

Doto was also shocked to see that his jutsu had simply stopped mid-air.

"What's going on here!" He said, confused.

"Well, that was certainly a close call." A voice that needed no introduction said, walking from behind Koyuki before he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Koyuki looked up in disbelief at her saviour, almost lost for words.

"Lor...Lord Mizukage!" She blurted out, feeling embarrassed, thankful, confused, happy, and sad all at the same time.

"Everything is alright now, Koyuki," Fuyōna said as he helped her to her feet, giving her a reassuring smile.

Doto was shocked to see Fuyōna standing next to Koyuki simply ignoring him as if he didn't matter.

"So even the Mizukage greets our land with his presence!" Doto shouted, getting his attention.

"Why don't you get back to cover for a little while, eh Koyuki," Fuyōna said before turning to face Doto.

"Well... When my students are in danger I guess I have no choice." He said, picking one of the ice shuriken out of the air to inspect it.

"You, the Mizukage dare to attack me, Lord Doto of the land of snow! This is an act of war no less!" Doto shouted, bringing the politics into it.

Fuyona sighed before he let go of the shuriken, letting it float back into the air with the others.

"I guess our only course of action is to kill you and let the princess take her rightful place on the throne then." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Doto bit his lip as his rage boiled.

"You insolent! Mizukage or not! You can die like all the others!!!" He roared as he placed his hands together, activating his chakra armour trying to get the ice shuriken to move.

However, it was no use and they remained still in the air, floating as if held by a string.

"So that's the chakra armour I have heard so much about," Fuyōna said with a keen eye.

Doto was almost out of breath he was trying so hard to get his jutsu to obey his orders.

"What in the blazes is going on!" He suddenly blurted out as he was forced to stop and take a breath, red in the face.

"Hmmm... I'm afraid your false ice style attacks won't work on me." Fuyōna said, smiling as he said it.

Doto was confused, but he quickly realized what was happening as Fuyona waved his hand.

"Allow me to show you the true power of an ice style user."

Suddenly all of Doto's ice style shuriken changed directed and flew towards him.

"Arghh!!" He shouted as he raised his hands to defend himself from the 1000 ice shuriken of his own creation.

His chakra armour indeed did its job in protecting him as the ice shuriken hit the barrier it provided, smashing off of it and turning into snow on impact.

"It's no use! My chakra armour is unbeatable!" Doto boasted.

His eyes suddenly widened though as a kunai hit the ground by his feet, the very same one Koyuki had dropped into the snow with the explosive tag on it, causing Doto's eyes to widen.

The kunai exploded causing smoke to fill the air and snow to burst all over. Doto jumped out of the smoke seeming unharmed as he landed on a tree branch, turning to face the Mizukage.

"Why you! Ice style black dragon!" Doto shouted.

Fuyona watched as the ice dragon roared to life before it charged head-on at him.

"Really? What did I just say?" Fuyona said as he extended his arm, creating an ice mirror to absorb the attack.

"Have a taste of your own jutsu." He then said, letting the ice dragon shoot out of his mirror, heading right for Doto.

Doto couldnt believe his eyes as his own jutsu was repled and now heading towards him.

"What trickery is this!" He yelled, doing his best to raise his guard and defend the oncoming attack.

The ice dragon smashed into Doto, exploding against his chakra armour with the force sending him flying back where he slammed against a tree.

"I think thats enough of this, dont you?" Fuyōna said, appearing next to Doto and placign a hand on his shoulder.

Doto almost jumped out of his skin, quickly slapping his hand away and moving to get some distance.

"I dont think so! Triple ice dragon!" He shouted, making the hand signs before he fired three black ice dragons at Fuyōna, leaving him with nowhere to go.

"I'm already tired of this." Fuyōna said, this time letting his chakra burst to life as he seemingly dissapeared he moved so fast.

"Where did he go!" Doto shouted as he watched his ice dragons smash into the ground where he had been stood.

Doto was suddenly struck in the face, knocking him across the snow with force. Doto was surprised and flipped back, hopping up to his feet again.

"Show yourself!" He shouted, enraged beyond anything he has felt before.

Fuyona appeared infront of Doto with blinding speed and cut all the staps that held his charka armour to his body.

"Its over for you." He then said as he Periced Doto's heart with a bone blade, infused with his own ice style.

Doto took a step back as the pain washed over his body, unable to even moan as he felt his body freezing from the jutsu.

"Cur...Curse you..." Doto muttered as his body froze, crumbling and breaking apart as it fell into the snow, becoming one with the land of snow itself.

Fuyōna sighed in relief.

"It's over." He then said, turning to look at Koyuki.

Fuyōna then turned his attention to Kaga, who was still frozen to a tree. Quickly he vanished and reappeared next to him, placing a hand on the ice and melting it with his chakra.

Koyuki couldn't even keep track of his movements, still amazed he had shown up to save her.

"Is that who I think it is?" Sandayu asked, not believing how easily he had dealt with Doto.

"That's Lord Mizukage alright," Koyuki replied, admiring him as she did.

Fuyōna put Kaga down next to Koyuki and Sandayu, looking to Sandayu with a smile.

"Lord Sandayu, I believe." He said, extending his greetings.

"Lord Mizukage." Sandayu replied with a slight bow of his head.

"Please, call me Fuyōna." He said with a smile.

Fuyōna then stood up turning his attention behind him.

"Right on time." He said.

Haku and Kimimaro couldn't believe their eyes as their sense came into view.

"It is, it really is Fuyōna sensei!" They both shouted, charging towards him overjoyed.

"Sensei! Your here!" They both said charging over to him.

"Now, now boys. Let's keep it professional." Fuyōna said with a smile as he placed his hands on their heads, giving them praise.

"I'd say that this mission is finally complete." Fuyōna then said, getting a nod from the others as the sunlight shone from over the trees with the morning sunrise.


That's the end of this chapter! As promised another chapter for everyone.

Remember you know where to go if you can't wait for more!

next chapter

章節 71: Chapter 71:

With Doto now dead and the land of snow-free from it's a dictatorship. The hidden leaf and hidden mist had worked together to help princess Koyuki reclaim her rightful place on the throne.

Kaga had also made a full recovery, with only his pride being hurt. Haku, Koyuki and Kimimaro had also made it out unscathed, proving themselves on a difficult mission and earning some well deserved time off.

Fuyōna had done more than his part to ensure princess Koyuki was placed back into power, even offering shinobi to help support her claim to power, something that had not gone unnoticed by the hidden leaf higher-ups.

It had made things more difficult due to the princess being taken back to the land of fire by Kakashi, but he had made do, having Sandayu on his side helping things massively.

All was well in the world for now, and the hidden mist was beginning to thrive for the first time in a long time, under his leadership which no one now questioned.

Thanks to the hidden Mist and hidden leaf cooperating with the land of snow incident. The Hokage had offered Fuyōna an invitation to join the chunin exams this year around, hoping he could finally meet the new Mizukage who he had heard so much about.

Although the elders and advisers had disagreed, saying that Fuyōna should turn down his invertation, that it could be a trap.

Nevertheless, Fuyōna had accepted the Hokages invitation, thinking it would be a great idea for his villages genin to take part in a mixed village chunin exam to gain more experience.

Now the hidden leaf, hidden grass, hidden rain, hidden waterfall and now the hidden mist would be taking part in the exam, meaning all sorts of young shinobi would be taking part.

Fuyōna was excited, wondering what kind of exams they would use and if it would be similar to the manga and anime.

He had already placed three teams who were ready this time around for the exam. Of course, the first was team Kaga, consisting of Haku, Kimimaro and Koyuki.

The next was a team of genin that consisted of one Kujira Hoshigaki. (This is a fan character for Logan lewis, a big shout out for his support of my work!)

He was a member of the Hoshigaki clan and one to watch out for. His team consisted of another member of the Hōzuki clan and another genin who had scored highly on the exams.

Finally was another team of mist genin who were from no clans, but had good potential and were ready for the exam.

Fuyōna was also looking forwards to seeing the hidden leaf village for himself, as well as meeting the third Hokage in person, this time when he wasn't trying to kill him, he thought as he chuckled to himself.

A few months had passed now and Fuyōna had allowed Haku and Kimimaro to rest, while also spending time with Mei and Suiren and his two children.

His son who had been named Shōto Yuki was Mei's son. He was a broad baby with black hair that had small hits of red in it. His eyes were ice blue like Fuyōna's and he always smiled once he picked him up.

Suiren's daughter, who had been named Asami Yuki, had blond hair just like her mother, but blue eyes like her father, although her hair was starting to grow a little darker as she got older. She also bore the Kaguya markings on her forehead and around her eyes.

Both of them were now crawling around and proving to be difficult to manage as they could somehow move faster than Fuyōna could track, which was strange considering how quick he could move.

"My, my Fuyōna, you might be able to teleport between your ice mirrors, but you can't keep track of your own children," Mei said laughing as she watched him chase the two of them around the living room.

"I've got you now!" Fuyōna said as he cornered Asami, getting a nervous giggle from her as she tried to get away from her father, crawling at the speed of a moving bullet towards the wall.

Fuyōna grabbed her and lifted her into the air, letting her little legs dangle as she kicked and screamed in joy.

"Got you!" Fuyōna cheered, getting a laugh from her.

Suddenly the child sneezed and two bones shot out of her back and hit the wall behind her, alreting everyone.

Everyone was shocked as they looked at the small bones stuck in the brick, turning to look back at the baby who was still giggling as if she found it funny.

"My goodness what happened?" Suiren said as she ran over to take a look.

Fuyōna was very surprised and handed her to Suiren.

"It would seem she has inherited my shikotsumyaku ability," Fuyōna said looking a little concerned.

"But she's so young." Mei added, thinking it strange that should would display her abilities at only 8 months of age.

"I'll have to keep an eye on her, it's a dangerous ability after all," Fuyōna said, turning to look at Shōto who was sitting down with a smile as he played with some blocks.

"I'll be keeping an eye on both of them as they grow." He then thought, wondering about the abilities each of them could have.

Not only did Fuyōna have to worry about the abilities his children might have gained from him, he also had to worry about Kimimaro's training as a new jinchuriki.

He had heard about what happened during his battle against Rōga of the hidden snow. Hopefully, the three tails would be kinder than most and be willing to help him as Saiken had for himself.

The boys had been given a small amount of time off to relax away from missions, but Fuyōna had still had then keep up their basic training, something he didn't have to enforce all too much as they both wanted to continue to grow stronger.

Haku had even been asking for him to show him some new jutsu, edger to improve so he could keep up with Kimimaro.

The days were passing fast and soon the day of the chunin exams would be upon them.

Fuyōna had summoned the three squads who he would be sending to his office, wanting to give them a final breife before he sent them off.

Kaga, stood with Haku, Kimimaro and Koyuki in the middle. To the left was a jonin by the name of Toboto, a young jonin but an experienced one, who he had trusted to look after both a Hoshigaki and Hōzuki clan member, speaking in no way little of his ability as a shinobi.

Next was a female jonin, by the name of Tami. She was like most old school mist ninja, being a little older than Fuyōna and someone he had worked with on missions before.

Her team consisted of the three genin who had scored some of the highest points in the academy, and Fuyōna was excited to see how they would fare in the exams to come.

"Welcome all," Fuyōna said as the others all bowed showing their respect.

"I hope you are all excited, as you already know you have been selected to attend the chunin exams in the hidden leaf. However, please remember you will be representing the hidden mist, as well as myself. Therefore I want you all to do your best." Fuyōna said as he sat down in his seat.

"And please try not to cause any trouble," Fuyōna said looking at all of them with a serious glare before smiling again.

Everyone gulped but nodded.

"Yes sir!"

"Alright, I won't take up anymore of your time. Make sure you prepare your mind and body for what is to come, and you will do fine. Good luck." Fuyōna then said, allowing all of them to leave feeling excited.

He had already briefed the jonin instructors on the instructions he had been given by the Hokage on their accommodation and rules of the village. Meaning he shouldn't have to worry as long as they kept an eye on the students they would be fine.

All that was left now was to assemble his own escort of Anbu, he was only allowed to bring two bodyguards with him, not that he felt like he needed them, however, it would be good experience for them too.

Now it was time to head to the hidden leaf himself, where he would finally meet the Hokage in person, something he was both excited and a little nervous about at the same time.

"We are ready sir." A voice said from behind.

Fuyōna nodded as he turned on his chair to look at the two Anbu he had chosen for the job.

"Alright, it's time to head out then."


ok going to end this one here, I hope you enjoyed it!

Only a short chapter but, if you want more check our my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. page! link in the story Bio!

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