60.17% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 68: Chapter 68:

章節 68: Chapter 68:

Lord Sandayū followed Dotō inside of the castle, finally arriving at the large hall where the party was being held.

Sandayū was greeted by the other nobles of the land and forced to make small talk, noting that the princess and lord Sōsetsu were currently not present which caused him concern.

Kimimaro had snuck into the castle and was currently in the west wing. He crept in silence through the hallways, avoiding any passing patrols made by the snow ninja, not making a sound as he made his way through.

So far he had failed to locate the princess or her father and decided to radio into the others to report his failed findings.

"This is Kimimaro. The west side is clear." He said through his earpiece to inform the others.

"Roger," Kaga responded.

"Move to phase two." He then said, letting Kimimaro know what to do next.

Haku was doing the same, scouting the south end of the castle, but just like Kimimaro his search had yielded no results. The Daimyo had multiple rooms in the castle where he could be located, meaning they had a large area to search.

"This is Haku. No sight of the target on this end either." He reported.

Kaga was currently walking through the main hall, disguised as a waiter serving drinks from his tray.

"Roger. Move to phase two." Kaga said slowly before giving a smile to a guest as he handed them some champagne.

"Roger that, Haku out," Haku said as knelt on a wooden beam overlooking a large hallway as he blended into the shadows.

All that remained now was to wait for Koyuki's report to see if she had found any trace of the princess or her father.

"Koyuki, report," Kaga said. Waiting for a response.

A moment passed with no reply and so Kaga sent another message.

"Koyuki, report."

Koyuki could hear Kaga's voice in her ear. However, she was currently occupied as a masked man holding a kunai to her throat glared at her, seeing through her disguise with ease.

"Who are you." The man with white hair said as he looked at her with caution.

The man spotted the earpiece and pushed his kunai up against her throat one last time.

"You better start talking before I get impatient." He said, giving her one last warning.

Koyuki saw no other option and released her transformation jutsu, revealing her identity to the man.

"Hidden mist..." He said as he took in her appearance.

"They said they had hired you." He said as he slowly pulled his kunai away from her throat.

Koyuki was able to get a proper look at the man now as he stepped back a little, revealing his identity to her.

"Kakashi Hatake..." She muttered softly.

"You had better radio through so your squad knows you are alright." Kakashi then said as he took another look around to make sure the coast was still clear.

"Right." She said as she slowly reached for her earpiece.

"Koyuki reporting in... I'm with Kakashi of the hidden leaf." She said, letting the others know.

Kakashi turned back to Koyuki, sighing as he made up his mind.

"I don't like to have to do this, but I think it's better for all if you don't get in my way." He said as he suddenly pulled his headband up that was covering his eye to reveal his Sharingan.

Koyuki was hypnotized by his eye as it spun around, casting a powerful genjutsu on the girl before she fell unconscious.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to hide you out of sight so you are safe." He then said as he pulled his headband back down, standing over Koyuki with his hands in his pockets.

Kaga and the others heard her transmission come through their earpieces, Kaga, of course, remained calm and continued to play his part as a waiter. However, both Haku and Kimimaro broke off from their location to rush to her aid, knowing she would stand no chance alone.

"Do not engage. Koyuki, can you hear me?" Kaga said once he got the chance.

Her silence prompting Haku and Kimimaro to move faster.

"Darn it. Haku, Kimimaro, get to Koyuki." Kaga said.

"Already on it!" Both of them responded as they rushed through the castle as quickly as they could without drawing any attention.

Kakashi placed Koyuki's body to the side, hiding it out of plain sight so she would be safe before he placed his disguise as a snow ninja back on, walking into the hallway before disappearing.

Not long after Haku arrived slowly entering the room that he could sense Koyuki coming from. He was careful to search for traps first and was surprised when he found none.

Haku quickly dashed to her side and took a look at her, feeling that she had only been placed in a simple genjutsu.

"How is she?" Kimimaro asked as he suddenly appeared next to Haku.

"She's alright it's just a harmless genjutsu. He must have placed it on her to stop her getting in his way." Haku said as he placed one hand on her arm.

"Release." He said as he channels his own chakra into her, breaking the genjutsu.

Koyuki suddenly shot up and took a deep breath as she realised what was going on.

"Haku, Kimimaro? Wait... what happened!"

"It's alright Koyuki, everything is fine," Haku said as he reassured her.

"Where did Kakashi go?" Kimimaro asked, not seeing any trace left by him to follow.

"I don't know... It happened so fast, he just."

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that we get on with the mission." Kimimaro said.

Haku nodded as he stood back to his feet.

"We should stick together for now. We can't take Kakashi one on one if it comes to a fight." He said.

The others agreed before Kimimaro spoke.

"Alright, let's get going."

Meanwhile, Kaga was still blending in with the party guests as a waiter. The main hall only had ninja around the exterior of the hall, meaning the inside was relatively safe to operate inside of.

All of the guests had arrived now and Kaga could see Dotō greeting them all as he made his way around the room, shaking hands and making small talk.

However, he was still surprised to see that the princess and her father, Lord Sōsetsu were not present at the party yet.

Kaga knew something wasn't right, he could feel it in his gut, but he could only hope that the others made it in time to stop whatever was going to happen.

Kaga watched as Dotō rose to the centre stage, gaining the attention of all the guests as they quieted down for him to speak, watching him with eager eyes.

"Welcome, lords and ladies of the land of Snow. It's a pleasure to see you all here tonight, and I thank you on behalf of my brother." He said, letting his words linger in the air.

"However... I am afraid my brother will not be attending the party tonight. As well, you see. I am now the lord of the land of Snow." Dotō said. Getting a shocked reaction from those who didn't already know his plans.

Suddenly the doors burst open and swarms of snow ninja sprinted into the hall, surrounding the guests and blocking off all the exits.

The crowd gasped in horror as they realised what was happening.

"For those of you who are with me, no harm shall befall you. But for those of you who are not." He said, allowing his snow ninja to suddenly arm themselves with kunai.

"Well, I think you get the picture." He said as an evil smile formed on his face.

The signal had been given all around the castle for the snow ninja to act, all of them moving into position and carrying out their orders.

"Now." A female said as she watched from the distance of the snowmobile that Kaga and the others clones were sat in.


The snowmobile suddenly exploded causing it to flip into the air as it set ablaze.

"That should show those mist scum." She said as she stood to her feet, admiring her handiwork.

"Kakuyoku!" A snow ninja shouted as he ran over to her.

"It was a fake! The mist ninja were only clones." The man said, getting an angered expression from her.

"Darn it! That means they are already inside!" She shouted, suddenly rushing off towards the castle.

Kimimaro, Haku and Koyuki had made it to the Daimyo's chambers, hoping to find lord Sōsetsu. They entered the chambers from the ceiling moving through the tatami mats of the room above as to enter undetected.

"Looks like we found them," Kimimaro said as he spotted both the princess and her father, who sat on his lap while he brushed her hair.

Suddenly a group of snow ninja burst into the room, killing his bodyguards in an instant, with one man stepping forwards.

"What is the meaning of this!" Sōsetsu shouted as he pulled his daughter back behind him to protect her.

"Forgive us lord Sōsetsu, but lord Dotō sends his regards." The man said as he drew a blade from his back.

Kimimaro and the others watched from above at what was going on and we're about to jump into action, when suddenly all of the snow ninja dropped to the floor dead as one of them dashed forwards and blocked the man's blade with his own, saving Sōsetsu and the princess.

"What is the meaning of this!" The Snow ninja said.

The man had purple hair that was tied back in a ponytail behind his headband. He had teal eyes and purple markings on his forehead and below his eyes.

Both of the men pushed each other back, and the other disguise disappeared revealing his identity.

"Kakashi Hatake..." The man said as he took in his appearance.

"Rōga Nadare," Kakashi said as he also took in his appearance, holding his ground in front of lord Sōsetsu and the princess.

"So they hired the leaf to try and intervene did they," Rōga said as he smiled, standing tall in front of Kakashi.

"You could say that," Kakashi said, standing his ground wearing his Anbu gear.

"Although officially I'm not here." He said giving a smile.

"Also, now would be a good time for you three to lend a hand." He said, speaking to Kimimaro and the others.

"He knew we were here all along?" Koyuki said, surprised.

Haku and Kimimaro didn't hesitate and quickly burst from their cover as they landed around Sōsetsu and the princess.

"Mist shinobi?" Rōga said in surprise.

"I thought Fubuki took care of you." He said.

"No matter, you will not escape!" Rōga shouted as more Snow shinobi suddenly flooded the room, surrounding them from all sides.

"Haku... Now would be a good time to get us out of here." Kimimaro said, looking at him.

"I can't use that jutsu like that..." He said, referring to the ice mirror transportation jutsi that Fuyōna used.

"What's the plan?" Koyuki said as she held onto the kunai in her hands tightly.

"I'm still thinking..." Kimimaro said as he tried to think of a way out without risking the life of the princess and her father.

Kakashi was the first to move as he quickly threw a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it at the back wall, causing it to explode and stun everyone in the room for a moment.

"Go now!" He shouted as he quickly blocked an attack from Rōga, who had launched forwards not hesitating like the others.

Kimimaro turned to Haku and Koyuki.

"You two go and get them out of here!" He shouted.

"What about you!" Koyuki asked, confused.

"Let's go Koyuki, he will be fine!" Haku said as he quickly dashed and picked the princess up, throwing her over his back against her will.

"What are you doing! Put me down!" She screamed as he did so.

Koyuki nodded as she quickly ran over to lord Sōsetsu and took his arm.

"Quickly this way!" She shouted, pulling him towards the large hole in the wall.

"We can't jump from here!" Sōsetsu shouted as he hesitated.

"We don't have a choice!" Koyuki shouted as she jumped, pulling him with her and following Haku who was free-falling with the princess as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Kakashi watched them jump as he was locked in a tense battle with Rōga, feeling the pressure due to the strange armour he was wearing, but he felt better now he could fight without worrying about having to protect them.

Kimimaro quickly dashed towards his aid, letting bones rip throughout his body and anyone else who got too close trying to stop him.

"Arghhh!!!" The Snow ninja screamed as he ripped through their ranks with ease, slashing and hacking away at anyone he got close to.

"What the hell is that brat!" Rōga shouted as he flipped back away from Kakashi as Kimimato charged at him.

Kakashi was also surprised, remembering the last time he had seen such an ability.

Kimimaro landed and stood next to Kakashi, giving him a nod before he looked back at Rōga.

"That's just like the Mizukages..." Kakashi thought, making the connection.

He didn't linger on the thought too long and quickly started back to action.

"I'm not that easy!" Rōga shouted as he made a few hand signs.

Kakashi's eyes opened wide as his Sharingan noticed what he was doing.

"We need to jump now!" He shouted at Kimimaro, turning and running towards the hole in the wall.

Kimimaro didn't hesitate and followed Kakashi with haste.

"Not so fast!" Rōga shouted as his hand signs triggered paper bombs that had been planted all around the room to explode, engulfing the room in fire and smoke as the explosion burst throughout the castle shaking its very foundations.

Meanwhile, Kaga was trapped inside the main hall with the other lords, surrounded by a small army of Snow ninja who he placed at, at least chunin level.

Kaga's role was to protect lord Sandayū and get him to safety if possible. However, that would be easier said than done now.

"I am going to read a list of names now. If your name is on this list, then you shall be executed for standing against me." Dotō said as he pulled a piece of paper out.

"This is an outrage!" A large man shouted as he stood above the crowd.

Dotō simply smiled, raising a hand to stop a snow ninja from killing him so he could talk.

"You would seize power for yourself and kill any and all who oppose you! We shall not stand for this! You will not get away with this!" The man shouted, trying his best to rally the other nobles with him.

"I'm afraid I already have," Dotō said as he gave the order for him to be killed.

The snow ninja swiftly dashed and slit his throat, allowing blood to spray all over before his body hit the floor.


The screams began as everyone watched in horror, while Dotō simply smiled as he began reading names from the list.

One by one, those whose names were read fell, each of them being killed in rapid succession as he continued to read the names out loud, not slowing his pace.

Amidst the slaughter, the explosion from above shook the entire hall, causing the lights to shake and flicker, taking everyone's attention away from what had been going on for a moment.

Kaga was also surprised but took his chance, quickly grabbing Sandayū and bursting through an exit that was least covered with snow ninja.

"Stop them!" Dotō roared as he watched them escape.

The snow ninja nodded and quickly gave chase, quickly gaining on Kaga as he burst through the halls of the castle, doing his best to find an exit that wasn't surrounded by enemies.

Haku and Koyuki were free-falling through the sky with the princess and her father in hand, the cold air and snow blurred their vision as they fell at speed, with the pair screaming from the terror of the fall.

"Ice style, crystal ice mirror!" Haku said as he made the hand signs, creating two mirrors.

He and Koyuki both fell into the first mirror before they quickly passed through the next, rolling safely into the snow that broke their fall.

They both looked up at the castle to see the huge explosion burst through the top layer, engulfing it in flames causing them to fear the worst.

"Did they make it?" Koyuki asked as she looked at Haku.

Haku had placed the princess down now, allowing her to run over to her father for comfort, thankfully both of them were fine, just a little shaken up.

"There!" Haku shouted as he spotted two dots burst out of the smoke and into the sky as they fell from the castle.

"Catch them Haku!" Koyuki shouted as she watched.

Haku was already on it as he created two ice mirrors again, causing both Kimimaro and Kakashi to suddenly burst out of the one on the ground, hitting the thick snow that broke their fall for them.

Kimimaro slowly stood to his feet, shaking himself free of the snow as he looked around, seeing no sign of Kakashi.

"Thanks for the help," Kakashi said as he appeared on a tree branch above them.

Everyone looked up to see him before he jumped down and walked over to lord Sōsetsu.

"My lord, my name is Kakashi Hatake, of the hidden leaf village. My mission is to rescue you and princess Koyuki and retreat you to the land of fire, where you will be safe." He said in a serious tone.

Sōsetsu looked down at his daughter who stood behind him before he looked back at his castle.

"I was warned this might happen. But I never believed that my own brother would betray me like this." He said, clearly in turmoil over the events that had transpired.

"Please lord Sōsetsu, we don't have much time," Kakashi said.

"You don't have any time at all!" A voice suddenly shouted as a rain of kunai burst from the sky.

Kakashi quickly grabbed Sōsetsu and the princess, dashing out of the way, while Haku and the others jumped to cover.

The kunai burst as they hit the ground, causing ice to spring from the snow as it skewered anything it touched, gaining Haku's attention.

A woman and a man suddenly appeared from the darkness with a small army of snow ninja at their backs.

The female had green eyes and pink spiky hair that stuck out of two holes at the top of her grey helmet, reminiscent of pigtails. She also has small circular dark pink eyebrows.

While the rather large man had a short crop of purple hair and dark eyes. He wore the standard snow ninja uniform which consisted of a blue and white outfit.

"Well well, if it isn't Kakashi the copy ninja." The woman said.

Kakashi didn't recognise them but knew they were at least jonin level.

"He's a strong one Mizore, watch out." She said to the large man.

"Don't worry about me, Fubuki. He said as he eyed up Kimimaro and the others.

"Now, hand them over," Fubuki said as she extended her arm.

Kakashi didn't like their odds here, knowing that with that many of them, their chances were slim at best.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Kakashi said as he pulled out his Sharingan to remain on high alert.

"Then you leave us no choice," Fubuki said as she gave the signal for her men to attack.

The hord of snow ninja suddenly charged forwards, each of them drawing a kunai as they did.

Kimimaro turned to Haku and Koyuki.

"You two handle the leaders, leave this lot to me!" He shouted before charging towards the wave of snow ninja.

Haku nodded and turned to Kakashi.

"Get them out of here! Leave this to us!" He said, turning his attention back to the enemy.

Kakashi was surprised, not thinking that they could handle this situation. But then again. He knew the conduct of mist shinobi and after seeing the abilities of Kimimaro, knew they were no mere children.

"Right!" Kakashi said as he picked up the princess and quickly escorted lord Sōsetsu into the forest.

"This way!"

"Arggh!" Kimimaro shouted as he charged headfirst into the wave of shinobi, letting his bones flare to life as his body became covered in razor-sharp weapons.

"That kid got a death wish..." Fubuki said as she laughed.

However, she quickly realised that he was no joke, watching as he cut everyone to ribbons, seeming as if he was untouchable.

"No way! What the hell is that kid!" She shouted in disbelief.

Kimimaro flipped and jumped, slashing with his arms and legs and he fought as hard as he could, using all of the taijutsu training that Fuyōna had taught to him, allowing him to utilize his entire body as a weapon at any time, rending him almost untouchable to taijutsu attacks.

One after the other they fell as they tried to fight against the monster that was Kimimaro of the hidden mist. Screaming as they were impaired or cut to pieces.

Fubuki had seen enough and started forming hand signs to intervening when suddenly Haku appeared and threw a handful of senbon at her. However, they bounced off as if they had been replied by an invisible force.

"Not that ease kid!" She shouted as she turned her attention to him.

"Ice style swallow snow storm!" She shouted as she turned the snow around her into a flock of ice birds that flew towards Haku like a storm of shuriken.

Haku was caught off guard as he watched her use an Ice style jutsu, not knowing that the snow ninja could use ice style.

However, he quickly regained his composure and flipped backwards to dodge the attack. The snowbirds quickly flew around and changed direction as they headed back towards him, ready to skewer him.

But Haku wasn't so easy.

"Ice style, ice wall." He said as he created a wall of solid ice that blocked all of the ice shurikens.

"Ice style, Ice prison jutsu!" Fubuki shouted as she slapped her hand onto the ground, causing large pillars of ice to spring to life trapping Haku inside one of them as he tried to jump out of the way.

Fubuki looked at her handy work and smiled.

"That's one down." She said as she placed her hand on her hip, seeing Haku trapped inside the ice pillar.

Meanwhile, Koyuki had stood her ground as the larger man Mizore charged at her on what looked like a snowboard.

He glided along with the snow at impressive speed towards her ready to attack.

Koyuki quickly flipped back into the air as she threw a hand full of kunai at him. However, they simply bounced off thanks to his strange armour.

"What the hell?" She thought as she landed and watched him turn around on the snow ready to charge towards her again.

"Alright then! Wind style, air bullets!" She shouted as she made the hand signs and unleashed a barrage of air bullets at him.

But once again, the armour he was wearing seemed to cancel out her jutsu, as if it had been blocked by an invisible force, leaving her with only the option to dodge again.

"Not so fast little girl!" He shouted as he jumped off the snowboard, slamming his fist I into the ground as she avoided his attack.

Mizore charged and attacked with powerful punches that shattered the ice and snow beneath them as Koyuki flipped backwards again and again doing her best to dodge.

Quickly she threw a hand full of kunai, this time with wires attached to them in different directions trying to trap him in them, but he easily cut the wires with his own kunai before he threw it at her.

Koyuki dropped to the ground to avoid the metal projectile hitting her, but in doing so she had left herself wide open to an attack from above.

"Say good night!" Mizore shouted as he dropped from the sky with a heel kick, slamming in into her back.

Koyuki's body suddenly burst into smoke and Mizore could see that his foot had snapped a wooden log, wrapped in paper bombs for added effect.

"She did that on purpose!" He shouted as he noticed the paper bombs and tried to jump out of the way.

Her substitution exploded before he could get fully clear and Mizore was sent flying into a large tree which his back slammed against.

Koyuki suddenly appeared as she formed more hand signs in front of him, flipping to the ground from the tree above.

"Fire style, fireball jutsu!" She shouted as she unleashed the large breath of burning fire.

The fire engulfed him as she used his arms to shield his face from the heat. So far his strange armour was holding up and the fire style had little effect.

"Not that easy little girl!" He roared.

"Now wind style, violent gale!" She also shouted as she formed more hand signs and unleashed a wind style jutsu that amplified her fire style, creating a massive vortex of fire that slapped Mizore back against the tree, engulfing him in flames.

"Let's see you survive that!" She said as she watched his armour crack from the powerful jutsu, no longer being able to protect him as he screamed in burning agony.

Fubuki watched as Mizore was blasted back by the explosion and was about to rush to his aid when suddenly a presence from behind her caused her to jump to safety.

Haku was stood there silent as if nothing had happened, simply watching her with interest.

"You! But how... You should be..." She said not understanding how he had escaped her ice prison jutsu.

"At first I thought you possessed the kekkei Genkai... But now I see that you simply manipulate the ice with your chakra." Haku said bluntly.

Fubuki didn't know what he was talking about and quickly formed hand signs.

"Just shut up and die kid!" She shouted.

"Ice style! Dragon vs tiger!" She said as she made the hand signs, summoning a large ice dragon to form from the snow.

Haku didn't move and the ice dragon crashed down upon him, freezing him in a large blast before it vanished.

"That will teach you brat," Fubuki said as she looked at his body, frozen in the ice jutsu.

However, Haku smiled from inside the ice and simply floated to the edge of it before he walked out as if nothing had happened.

"T-That's not possible!" Fubuki shouted in horror at what he had just done.

"You simply manipulate the ice. But I have complete control over it." Haku said as he raised his hands and crossed his middle finger over his index finger, forming the hand signs for his crystal ice mirrors.

Fubuki watched as large ice mirrors suddenly formed all around her, each of them linking together as they trapped her inside an ice mirror prison with no way out.

"An ice style! It can't be..." She said as she noticed Haku's reflection appear in all of the mirrors.

"No... You are a member of the Yuki clan!" She shouted as she looked around the ice prison in horror.

"That's right," Haku said as he raised one hand, all of his reflections copying his moments.

"I'll show you the power of a real ice style user." He said as the ice mirrors started to bubble and slowly ripple and shake.

"Ice style. Crystal ice mirrors execution." Haku said softly as ice spike suddenly burst forth from every angle, crushing anything and anyone trapped inside the prison.

Fubuki didn't even have time to scream as she was crushed in an instant, leaving nothing other than a pile of blood and mush.

Kimimaro was still flipping and spinning around, cutting down wave after wave of snow ninja.

He must have killed at least 60 of them now, yet they still charged at him trying to subdue him with numbers.

They had tried to use ninjutsu too, thinking that if they could get close that they would keep him at range. However, Kimimaro simply allowed his bone to fire out from around his body at high speed, shredding anyone they hit from distance.

It didn't matter what they used. Kunai, shuriken, taijutsu, ninjutsu. He was simply too fast and too deadly.

"He's a monster!"

"We can't win!" The snow ninja shouted as they turned to look for their commanders.

They could see that both Fubuki and Mizore were down now and what little remaining moral they had left vanished.

"Retreat!" They shouted, turning and running for their lives.

There must still have been over 100 of them left, but when faced against the monster of the mist, they stood no chance.

"Haku!" Kimimaro shouted to him as they all ran.

Haku nodded and formed a large number of hand signs as he roared.

"Ice style, snow tsunami!" He shouted as he let his chakra burst to life.

With such a large amount of snow and ice at his feet, it was easy for him to manipulate it to his will, rather than creating ice from simply the moisture in the air.

Haku had turned the snow at the ninja's very feet into a violent wave that swept all of them up like an avalanche, burying them beneath it and trapping them there.

Kimimaro and Koyuki joined Haku, with Kimimaro whistling as he watched his jutsu in action.

"I bet that one tired you out." He said.

Haku was a little out of breath but wasn't too bad.

"We should get back to the castle and make sure Kaga sensei is alright," Koyuki said, interrupting their fun.

Kimimaro nodded.

"You're right. Let's get a move on, our work here is down." He said.

Koyuki and Haku nodded but Koyuki pulled Kimimaro to the side for a moment before they did.

She formed a few quick hand signs and suddenly water blasted him from the ground.

"What the hell was that for!" He said confused.

"Well, I couldn't leave you covered in blood now could I?" She said with a smile.

Haku also laughed as he looked at his face.

"Let's get moving." Haku then said, as his laughter subsided, causing the three of them to get serious again.

Kaga had done his best to flee, managing to escape from the castle with Sandayū and get past the forces that had tried to stop him so far.

Kaga was a jonin level ninja and expert swordsman, even being considered as one of the next in line for the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, meaning that most of the normal snow ninja didn't stand a chance against him.

However, there was still one who could pose a challenge, one who was also known in the bingo book.

And now Kaga stood face to face with him, clasped in a staredown.

"Rōga of the hidden snow," Kaga said as he stood in front of Sandayū.

"Kaga of the bloody mist," Rōga said with a smile.

"First Kakashi of the Sharingan, and now Kaga of the mist. We truly underestimated just how far these pathetic nobles would go to protect their lord and princess." Rōga said.

As they spoke Kaga could sense that he had become surrounded by snow ninja. To his back was the castle that burned, providing light throughout the night sky, illuminating the falling snow as it covered the already white blankets. Yet to his front was an army of snow ninja, lead by a powerful shinobi.

"You will not escape alive," Rōga said as he gave the order for his men to attack.

"Here we go," Kaga said as he watched the waves of snow ninja descend upon him.


Alright going to end this chapter here! Bit of a longer one for you, and as always I hoped you enjoyed it!

As always if you want more and can't wait then check out my P.a.t.r.e.o.n page for more chapters! Link in story Bio.

have a great day.

next chapter
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