97.34% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 110: Chapter 110:

章節 110: Chapter 110:

Fuyōna and Fugaku stood atop the hillside as they looked over their combined forces, watching like hawks as the enemy stone army started charging towards them, intent on crushing them with force.

"I want all fire-style users to the front now!" Fugaku shouted, watching as the ranks changed formation to allow those who could use the fire-style to the front, including all Uchiha who were among the ranks.

"On my order!" Fugaku shouted as he raised his arm, waiting for the enemy to get closer.

"Fire!" Fugaku shouted, watching as all of the leaf shinobi made the hand signs for the basic fireball jutsu, unleashing it at the same time.

The stone watched as the combined fire style was unleashed, flying towards them like a tsunami of flames.

"Earth wall!!" Their commander, Kitsuchi, shouted as he led the counterattack, putting up a huge earth wall that was followed by many more to block the oncoming fire-style assault.

The fire hit the large earth walls and exploded harmlessly as the two jutsu countered each other, only succeeding in creating a large plume of smoke.

Fugaku watched as the massive amount of stone shinobi charged out of the smoke, continuing on their path towards the allied forces.

"Kitsuchi..." Fugaku said as he saw the stone commander, standing tall as he too watched his men charge forwards.

Kitsuchi was a very tall and well-built shinobi. With dark eyes and short dark grey colored hair as well as a bulbous nose. He wore the standard Iwagakure shinobi uniform with a left sleeve and a right lapel. His forehead protector was also in a bandanna style along with bandages around his right wrist.

"Do you know him?" Fuyōna asked, as his eyes also fell onto the man, having only seen his picture in the bingo book as an S rank shinobi.

"I do..." Fugaku said as he remembered the past battles that had been fought between them.

"Attack!!!" Fugaku suddenly shouted as he gave the signal for his men to charge, knowing it would be best if they met the stone shinobi in the middle of the battlefield.

Fuyōna also gave the order for his men to do the same, knowing the leaf would need as much support in this battle as possible.

"Where are you going, lord Mizukage?" Fugaku suddenly asked, watching as Fuyōna took a few steps forwards.

"I'm going to join the battle," Fuyōna said without looking back, already knowing that Fugaku would have his usual scowl on his face.

But Fugaku didn't say anything, already knowing that Fuyōna would do as he pleased no matter what he said.

"ARRGHHHH!!!" The sounds of battle erupted as both sides met in a vicious flurry.

Jutsu was being used all over the place as earth styles erupted along the ground, causing earth spikes to form and the very ground to open and shift around them as the stone tried to play to their advantage and use the very earth as a weapon.

The leaf and mist also did the same, with those who could also use earth style trying their best to counter the earth jutsu used by the stone ninja. Others launched their own attacks, including fire, water, wind, and lighting, scorching the battlefield with the wrath of all the elements.

"Hold the line! We can't afford to be pushed back!" One of the hidden leaf jonin captains shouted as he tried to inspire his men amidst the all-consuming conflict.

However, The stone shinobi were proving very difficult, having put up defensive earth walls and trenches for them to take cover behind, unleashing their weapons and jutsu from the safety they provided.

"I want more earth walls placed around our right flank!" Kitsuchi shouted as he blocked a sword slash from a hidden mist shinobi.

"Fools! Just surrender already!" Kitsuchi shouted as his fist suddenly became covered in rock that he used to punch the ninja in the stomach with, sending him flying back through the air.

"Protect the commander!" One of the other stone shinobi shouted as they had realized too late that some of the mist and leaf had gotten around, already attacking from the right flank.

Kitsuchi, however, was unfazed by the attempted assault, and easily dealt vicious blows to all who tried to attack him, showing him impressive taijutsu ability as he slammed his massive stone fist into another mist shinobi, breaking his neck with one strike.

"Guess I will do it myself!" He suddenly shouted as he made the hand signs and punched the ground.

"Earth style, mud river jutsu!" He shouted, causing the ground along their right side to suddenly turn into a vast discoloured river.

The ground quick began to gush with wet mud before the current became so powerful that anyone who was caught in the jutsu was quickly swept away, as only their screams were left behind as they were washed away and crushed by the landslide.

"Now get those walls up!" Kitsuchi shouted as he looked over at his men, gaining a cheer from them as their morale improved, causing them to fight harder.

"We need to hold the line and breakthrough their earth defenses!" Kaga shouted as he watched another layer of earth walls rise, helping the stone forces to take cover behind them.

"Look out!" Another mist jonin shouted as he jumped into the way of Kaga, blocking a barrage of kunai that was about to hit him from the right and deflecting all of them with skill.

However, one of the kunai had a paper bomb attached to it and the jonin had missed it, not realizing as he deflected the kunai where it stuck into the ground.

"Watch out!" Kaga tried to shout and warn him, but it was too late, and the paper bomb exploded, taking the man's legs off and flinging his bloody corpse into the air.

The shockwave of the explosion took Kaga off his feet, knocking him back to the ground and causing his ears to ring as he tried to compose himself and get back to his senses.

However, being flat on your back in a warzone was not a good idea, and within the space of a couple of seconds, he had been spotted by the enemy and they planned to take him out with a swift attack.

Kaga's vision slowly came back into focus as he tried his best to pick up his sword, knowing that he didn't have enough time to defend himself from the oncoming soldiers that were charging at him with their kunai drawn.

"Kaga get down!" Fuyōna's voice suddenly shouted as he appeared from an ice mirror behind him.

Kaga watched as Fuyōna burst into action, twisting in mid-air and cutting all of the stone ninja down in one smooth motion as bones rippled out of his body, skewering them all before Fuyōna landed on the ground on one knee with his right arm supporting his weight.

"Get up Kaga, we can't have one of our commanders dying right off the bat," Fuyōna said before he grabbed a stone ninjas wrist that was holding a kunai, coming from behind him, stopping the attack dead in its tracks.

"Y-you are!" The stone ninja suddenly said as his eyes went wide in shock as he realized who Fuyōna was.

Fuyōna simply swiped his right arm, cutting the man's throat before he could say anything else, stopping his words from alerting the others around them.

"Everybody on me!" Fuyōna shouted, getting all of the surrounding leaf and mist forces attention.

Fuyōna quickly put up an ice mirror behind him, stopping a barrage of kunai and explosive shuriken as he faced his troops.

"Charge with me, men!!!" He yelled as he turned around and made some quick hand signs, forming five ice swords around his body, as well as letting his bones ripple out to give him an almost impenetrable defense.

"The Mizukage fights with us! Fight with everything you have!!!" Kaga shouted, doing his best to boost his men's morale as he picked up his sword and followed his leader into battle, yelling at the top of his lungs as he did.

"Don't surrender men! We have to hold the line!" One of the captains of the stone village shouted as he tried to bolster his men who were currently on the front lines.

However, with the added might of Fuyōna by their side, the mist and leaf had become an unstoppable force. With each shinobi feeding off of the courage and strength that Fuyōna was projecting while he cut down anyone who dared try and stop him.

Fuyōna rushed through the front lines of the stone shinobi who were trying their best to hold off the leaf and mist for as long as they could. But with Fuyōna engaged in battle with them, that was proving next to impossible.

Fuyōna was an unstoppable force, with his bones and ice swords moving around him as if they had a mind of their own, anyone who tried attacking at close range was simply cut down before they even got close to him.

"Don't let him get through!" One of the stone captains shouted as he made a few hand signs, preparing a fire-style jutsu, getting others to help as they prepared counter jutsu to try and trap him.

Fuyōna jumped and flipped in the air as he landed in a squat position, allowing his ice swords to twist and dance around him as they defended against any attack, counter-attacking at the same time and allowing Fuyōna to move without having to stop, cutting down soldier after soldier and deflecting any projectiles that came his way.

"Earth style, earth trap jutsu!" The stone captain shouted, summoning a four-pillar earth wall as he tried to trap Fuyōna inside of it.

"Now!" He shouted as other stone ninja jumped onto the walls and unleashed all of their firepower upon him, creating a massive explosion that even destroyed the earth trap Fuyōna had been inside of.

"Did we get him," The captain said, watching through the chaos of battle to see if they had damaged the Mizukage.

"Ice style, frozen graveyard!" Fuyōna shouted from their right, signalling that they had somehow missed him with their jutsu.

"No way!" The stone captain shouted as he watched ice spikes suddenly burst from the ground, piercing anyone who was too close to the jutsu as it covered a large portion of the battlefield, drawing everyone's attention from all sides and wiping out a massive amount of troops, including the stone village captain who could do nothing but watch his impending doom heading towards him.

Fugaku stood and watched from his position as his men combined with the mist reinforcements were pushing the stone's front lines back. That with the added force of Fuyōna taking out so many of them by himself showed that the battle was currently going in their favour.

"Sir, it seems that the Mizukage is pushing the front line of the enemy back by himself." One of Fugaku's captains said as he observed.

"I would expect nothing less of him, given his reputation," Fugaku said as he studied him from afar.

"Still... For him to still be this strong only as a clone, I would say he is using 25% of his power, if that." Fugaku thought as he continued to watch his advancement.

"A dangerous foe indeed." He then said out loud before he uncrossed his arms.

"Bolster the men. We are going to push forwards and crush the stone's army in one fell swoop!" Fugaku suddenly said, feeling that now was the time to unleash their full power.

"A-At once sir!" His captain suddenly said, not expecting Fugaku to issue such a command yet.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna was still stuck in the middle of the battlefield as he continued to reap havoc, and distill fear in the hearts of the stone soldiers as they realized just how vastly they were outclassed by Fuyōna.

"H-He's not human!" One of the stone shinobi shouted as he slowly started to back away after watching so many of his fellow shinobi fall before him.

Fuyōna now stood still having surrounded himself with the bodies of his enemies, causing such fear in their hearts that no one dared even get close to him.

"He's a monster..." Another of the stone shinobi spoke as sweat dripped from his forehead.

"You should just surrender. That way, no more of your comrades will have to die." Fuyōna said, trying to seem sympathetic, even after he had killed so many of them already.

"Explosion style, landmine fist!" A voice shouted from the distance before the ground beneath Fuyōna's feet suddenly erupted, causing a huge explosion to hit the surrounding area and fling debris everywhere.

Fuyōna was quick to jump into the air and avoid the jutsu, however, many of his men could not say the same as they led on the ground, either blown to pieces or crushed beneath the earth.

"What the hell was that?" Fuyōna said as he turned in mid-air before he landed, getting a look at who had unleashed that attack.

"Alright! Its captain Gari!" One of the stone ninjas shouted, getting a cheer from the surrounding soldiers.

Fuyōna took a good look at Gari, seeing that he seemed strong as he stood tall and proud, only having seen a picture of him before when he was a member of the mist anbu tracking unit.

Gari had spiky, light-brown hair and prominent jawlines with green eyes. He also wore the standard Iwagakure flak jacket and single-sleeved shirt underneath, leaving the entirety of his right arm exposed except for the presence of his forehead protector, which was wrapped around the upper portion of the arm.

"So you are the one they call the Kaga slayer... Ice demon of the mist?" Gari said as he too studied Fuyōna from a distance, knowing exactly who he was.

"With captain Gari of the demolition unit here, we can't lose!" One of the stone ninja shouted above the fighting, causing others to look in their direction and cheer.

"Leave him to me. I want you to focus on the surrounding troops, and stay out of my way!" Gari shouted after coming to a calm and calculated plan, giving the order to his men.

"At once sir!" The stone ninja shouted as they charged with a vengeance, doing their best to press the attack onto the leaf and mist troops who had been taken by surprise by the explosion.

Fuyōna could see that the battle was currently an even match, with the stone ninja doing rather well to hold the line from behind their impressive defenses.

Still, Fuyōna didn't have time to waste fighting just one man, when he could be taking out more in a shorter time. However, with his ability limited to only 25% of his full power, and the fact that he had just used a large amount of chakra, an opponent such as Gari of the explosion style would be able to put up a good fight against him, and at least stall him in the battle.

"I have to admit, I'm excited that I get the chance to fight you," Gari said as he raised his hands into a fight position, keeping a close eye on Fuyōna's body as his bones were still sticking out.

"You certainly have a dangerous reputation... In fact, before you became Mizukage. We were told to run on sight if we saw you." Gari said as he lowered into his fighting stance a little more.

"That may be so, but I don't have time for this," Fuyōna said as he pointed his hand, signaling for his ice swords to fly at Gari so they could cut him down.

Gari was quick to react as he dashed forwards, thrusting his fist forwards to meet the tip of the first blade.

"Explosive style, explosive palm!" He shouted as his fist exploded once it made contact with Fuyōna's ice sword, turning it into a pile of dust.

Gari quickly pressed forwards again as he punched the rest of the swords with a quick flurry of well-timed punches and blocks that exploded on contact like the last, making quick work of Fuyōna's ice swords.

"A basic jutsu like that won't work on me!" Gari shouted as he charged toward Fuyōna, who no longer had any defense other than his bones.

But Gari quickly realized that it would not be so simple to get close to Fuyōna, seeing that his bones could move and grow on his whim. Almost finding out the hard way as Fuyōna's ribs extended towards him, only giving him enough time to flip back out of the way.

"So Taijutsu doesn't work on you eh?" Gari said as Fuyōna charged toward him, knowing he wouldn't be able to touch him with his explosive style taijutsu.

"You think you can count me out just like that!" Gari suddenly shouted as he held his ground, waiting for Fuyōna to attack him with his bones.

"I'll end this!" Fuyōna shouted as he jumped towards Gari, preparing to finish him in one move.

"I may not be able to counter all of your of your bones you freak, but when you are attacking you cant defend against my explosive style!" Gari shouted as he slammed his fist into one of Fuyōna's ribs that was heading towards his face to skewer him.


Gari's explosive style hit home, smashing Fuyōna's bones to pieces and sending him flying through the air before he flipped back and landed hard on his hands and knees skidding along the ground, only looking up towards Gari once he stopped.

"I knew it." Gari's voice said as he slowly walked out of the smoke, revealing that he had only suffered a small cut to his arm from Fuyōna's attack, showing that he was much stronger than Fuyōna had first thought.

"Now let's see who is really better. Your bones, or my explosive style taijutsu!"


Alright that's the end of this chapter!

I hope you are enjoying the story so far and as always thank you for all of your support!

Have a great day, and until next time!

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