Mimic,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life
or MimicLife is journey of reincarnation to Otherworld(Isekai genre) but the world is still connected to the real world he came from(reference houkago saitensie and GATE japanese manga)
starting a new life as a mimic he will use all of his abilities throughout the journey with which path?(Hero path,
Demon king path
,kingdom building path
,Fools path
,Tyrant path
,Streaming vtube videos as vtube streamer in YouTube in another world path?)
Well let's find it out shall we?
(The picture is not mine)Art credit: http://deviantart.com/phill-art/gallery
https://dndbeyond.com/monsters/2048646-mimic-knight, midjourney
作者 NovelPls
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