I got into the carriage that the elf representatives were taking, while the king and queen were escorted into a separate carriage.
"Well look who it is! If it isn't the human brats! Did the royal family finally kick you out of the Kingdom?" An elf boy dressed in a very decorated purple robe smirked.
"Do I know you?" I felt like I knew who this elf was, but I couldn't quite place my finger on where we had met, not that I care anyways.
"I'm the noble you mercilessly attacked while defying the customs of the duel!" He bolted up angrily, pointing an accusing finger at me.
Putting my hand on my chin to recall, it suddenly clicked. "Oh! You're the stupid boy who thinks he is a genius! Your performance at that time was realy mediocre at best for a genius like youself hahaha. Huh so we meet again." I yelled out in realization.
"Meliodas you don't go around beating kids don't you?" Arthur asked me with a worried and funny expression.
"What do you take me for? A bully? You know very well I dont like hurting people without a reason, I only beat the ones who are a pain in the ass." I sat next to my brother.
"Y-you dare...!?" His face turned bright pink as his ears twitched profusely in anger while a few elves behind desperately tried to cover their snickering.
"Hahaha sorry, sorry! Im not a bad guy I just find it funny and entertaining to mess with arrogant people, that's it. I never did learn your name though," I chuckled, extending a hand to him.
Face still red, trying to preserve as much of the little dignity he had left, he rejected my handshake and declared in a pompous tone, "My name is Feyrith Ivsaar III, descendent of the noble Ivsaar family! You may have won while we were both children, but were we to duel again, I would win easily."
"I would love to see that, shishihsi." I laughed with my index finger under my nose.
A young elf girl that looked a few years older than Feyrith piped in, saying, "You can just call him Feyfey like we do."
"D-don't tell him that!" Face turning to an even darker shade of red, Feyfey turned his head away from me and took a seat.
"I understand now why you beated him" Arthur said, bringing down Sylvie from his head putting her on his and feeding her raw meet he took out from his back pack.
"See? I told you. By the way give me two eggs from the bag please." He looked for them inside and gave them to me.
"Papa should I jump on him and stangle him to death, maybe I should just bite him?" Amaya asked me lifting her head to look at me waiting for my reply.
"No Amaya, thank you for your concern but he's just a kid. And your bite is poisonous, if you bite him he will go through taumatic pain for hours before dying." I explained to her
And yes just like you heard, Amaya turned out to have a lot of abilities, with her 75 centimeters in lenght she have a very dangerous and fatal venom. But not only that, she actualy has something even cooler and more interesting.
Apparently she can manipulate space at will, but this will come with time, experience and practice. For now all she can do is lift a few light objects in the air.
"Here you go Amaya." She crawled her way and wrapped herself on my forearm with her tail holding into my elbow and her head on my palm that had the two eggs.
"Thanks papa! Amaya loves papa so much." She spoke in my head.
"Dig in Amaya, you need to eat to grow big and strong like papa." Everyone in the room thinks now that im a crazy boy or something, except Arthur of course who knows what is going on.
"Yumm its delicious papa." She had a cute smile on her face.
'Oh wait, I just realised something weird happenening! There are so many twins around me man. Me and Art are twin brothers, Tess and Elizabeth are twin sisters, and finaly Amaya and Sylvie are twin sisters. Very suspecious... Wouldn't this be something that goofy god did? Especially after finding Elizabeth here.'
Well it dosent really matter, as long as im happy and that im with my loved ones.
As our carriage went into the teleportation gate we were greeted by the now familiar sensation of being in the middle of a fast-forwarding film.
"We have arrived in Xyrus!" The driver announced.
Taking a quick peek out, I noticed we were surrounded by a parade of people all politely clapping at our entrance. This tournament was supposed to be one of the biggest turning points throughout the continent so it was only natural that this many people are here to greet the participants.
Maybe two or three years from now Im going to participate in this tournament to traumatize people here.
It wasn't just gathering all of the gifted youths together, but also building a future where they could also learn under one roof because even this world has racism and descrimination, so their goal is to stop it.
It was exciting venture that the leaders of the continent were taking, but also a scary one that would also, in no doubt, be filled with dispute and hostility.
The driver pulled the carriage close to a small gap between two buildings after passing through the crowd and signaled to us in the back that this would be the best time to leave without being noticed.
I said bye to Feyfey and the rest of the representatives and wished them luck. Feyfey merely whipped his head away but also made a slight waving gesture. 'He wasn't all that bad I think?'
*Sigh* 'He makes me feel bad for what I did to him now to be honest. My god I really need to stop being so nice.'
Jumping off the carriage with Arthur who had Sylvie still on his head and Amaya around my neck, we made our way through the alleyway as we tried remembering the home our parents were staying in.
But before that we had a quick tour in the city to at least have an idea of what the human kingdom looks like, and I have to admit that thid place is clealy better than Elenoir in everything. Magical technology, building and architecture and also the weather is warmer than the forest.
After around an hour of making our way going around, we finally managed to find the huge manor that our parents were supposed to be residing in.
"We're finally home bro. We're finally home," Arthur said shakily.
"It was a long journey and we finally made it back" I expressed.
I took careful steps with Arthur to my side walking up the flight of stairs and took one deep breath.
"Its been three years and a half brother, are you ready?" I asked without looking at him.
"Im ready bro, let's do it." He nodded his head. A mixture of emotions engulfed my being, starting with nervousness, fear, excitement, happiness and determination.
Taking a deep breath and dusting off my shirt and pants I knocked on the giant double doors, the dull sound of metal clanging on metal rang surprisingly loudly.
Sup guys! You can read all the advanced chapters as well as lemon and spicy +18 content on:
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I could hear the faint pitter-patter sounds followed by a childish voice. "Coming~!"
A maid opened the door together with a little girl. Immediately upon seeing us, she hid behind the maid.
The maid looks at us curiously, evidently surprised to see two eight-year-old knocking on the door of a noble's estate.
"Ahem, nice to meet you. My name is Arthur Leywin and here is my brother Meliodas Leywin. I was informed that our family is currently residing in this manor. Do you mind if we speak to them?" Art gave a slight bow, making Sylvie jump on my shoulder.
Before the confused maid could even respond, I heard an all too familiar sound in the background.
"Eleanor Leywin! There you are! You have got to stop running to the front door every time someone..." My mother stopped mid sentence and dropped a small bowl of what looked to be food for... my sister.
I look down to see the girl with dazzling brown eyes, looking at me then Arthur with innocent curiosity. Her light ash brown hair shimmered with a much prettier quality than Father's but I knew who she had gotten the color from. Her hair was tied into two pigtails on the side of her head above her ears.
I struggled to peel my eyes away from my little sister and turned to face my mother. My vision going blurry as tears filled my eyes, I said one thing I knew she was waiting to hear.
"Mom we are back!" I waved my hand as a greeting with a smile as tears fell on my cheeks before I could realise it.
"H-hi Mom. We're home." Art gestured a small, awkward wave.
She raced towards us at a speed I swear was faster than Grandpa Virion's, but that might've just been because of my blurry vision.
"Oh my babies! Arthur!! Meliodas!!" She arrived in front of us and collapsed on her knees, her arms around both our waists, gripping with all her strength, afraid that we might disappear again if she let go.
"You are alive! The Voice... I knew it was you! *sniff* You're back now! Yes, you're home now. My babies!" That was all she managed to sputter out before breaking down into a bawl.
Art kept repeating in half gurgled sentences that we were alive and that we were home, that we weren't leaving while I patted her back with a rain of tears coming out of my eyes with a warm happy smile. My mother was a flurry of emotions. She was happy that we were back and alive.
At one point, Eleanor walked to us and started patting Mother's back. "Mama. There, there. Don't cry." But after unsuccessfully comforting her, she began crying as well.
"Meliodas! Arthur!" I turned my head, face still wet with tears to see outside the sprinting figure of my father drenched in sweat. I guess the maid had told him we were back.
He didn't stop as he reached us and simply slid on his knee, hugging all of us as we all almost toppled over. All he needed to say was 'GOAAAL!'
"Arthur! Meliodas! My sons! Look how big you are. Oh my God! You're back, you're back!" My father was cupping my head in his hands to get a better look at my face, switching his gaze between me and Art every few seconds.
He broke down while placing his large hand on the back of my head, bringing my forehead to touch his alongside Art who was on his other hand.
Eventually after a long happy regrouping, we had all managed to settle down. After a while he lifted me up from my armpits in the air looking at me with a happy and proud smile.
We were sitting on a couch, my mother right beside me with Eleanor on her lap and Arthur was in the other side next to her as well. Father was sitting on a chair he pulled up, facing us, his elbows on his knee as he leaned forward.
"Are you okay now? Did you at least eat three meals a day? You slept while dressing warmly everyday right? Oh my babies. Look how big you are now." Tears escaped her eyes as she squinted and smiled.
Eleanor was looking curiously at Sylvie and Amaya playing and grappling on the table. After a while, while the baby dragon and baby snake dragon were sitting up attentively observing the three unfamiliar humans.
My father was looking at them with a curious expression but he didn't mention or ask about them. Turning his gaze to us, his eyes softened and he kept shaking his head, repeating how big we were now.
It must be a pretty fulfilling yet miserable feeling for a parent to see how big his sons had gotten but not being there with him the whole time to witness it.
"Ellie, say hi to your big brothers. They were away for awhile but they'll live together with us from now on. Come on, say 'hello'." My mother gently urged my sister.
"Brothers?" She tilted her head cupped her hands over mom's ear and whispered something inaudible.
"Haha yes, those big brothers. The ones I always told stories about."
My sister's eyes started sparkling as she looked back to us.
"Hai Brothers~!" She beamed, waving both of her little hands at me.
Hearing her cute voice I couldn't resist anymore as I went on my knee and kissed her chubby fat cheeks and hugged her, "Hi Eleanor, I was waiting all this time to meet you" I smiled at her warmly.
"Hello Eleanor. It's nice to meet you... sister." Arthur laughed, patting her head in response. I lifted her up and placed her on my lap kissing her every 20 seconds. That is just how cute she is irresistible, a very dangerous technique indeed.
Father spoke up now. "Boys, we were devastated after that incident, and we barely believed it when you communicated to us through our heads. Tell me, how'd you survive the fall?"
We explained everything, of course mixing some lies with the truths. Some things are better to be kept secrets, especially when it comes to your parents, I would rather tell Virion than to tell them.
This does not mean that I dont trust them, not at all. Its just that some informations are big responsabilities and can get them into dangerous situation, especially the Sylvia secret and that monster that appeared out of nowhere.
"You said something about an illness. What was all that? Are you cured now?"
"Dont worry mom, there was a sort of instability in our mana core since we awakened too early that made it so we had episodes of pain. It was really bad at first but luckily there was an elder that knew how to cure it. The process was slow but he assured us it wasn't threatening if treated consistently." Arthur exlained to her while I gave Eleanor a chocolate I bought with Art while visiting the place.
Relief replaced the prior look of worry and she silently patted our heads again, pulling us towards her stucking our heads inside her breasts.
*Sigh* With a depresed sigh I though.
'When is Elizabeth going to have boobs like those to play with them, I can't wait.'
"Dad. What color is your mana core now?" Art asked while Sylvie made her place back on the top of his head, tail swishing in content.
A confident grin emerged from his face as my father proudly replies, "Your old man broke through from the light red stage a couple years back and is a dark orange mage."
He then asked him, leaning closer, "I bet you only asked me so you could brag yourself. Let's hear it, what stage are you at now?"
Scratching his cheek, Art mumbled, "...light red."
Sup guys! You can read all the advanced chapters as well as lemon and spicy +18 content on:
p a t r e o n .com/Nouflex_Naoufal
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