69.44% Magiscape (Harry Potter) / Chapter 25: The Last Days of Summer

章節 25: The Last Days of Summer

Chapter 25. The Last Days of Summer

The massacre didn't happen the following day. Nor did it happen that week. And Lily was pissed. She had been shackled with a constant state of trepidation, waiting for it to happen, but her days had slowly passed in dreadful anticipation instead. Guilt and fear had warred within her; the imaginary field of corpses had kept her restless. And the nightmares had become so bad that she just wished it would happen already so she didn't have to remain on the edge.

When two weeks passed in a similar state of perpetual anxiety, she decided enough was enough. She would no longer squander her and Alice's time awaiting this massacre. It would happen when that slothful demon got to it. And that was it. There was no need for them to keep their lives on hold.

With her course chosen, she visited the Ministry with her notebook in the late morning, the book in which she had noted down her experience with Soulscape. Of course, she didn't reveal the details of how she went there, nor did she expose how to create the tendrils or how to hijack others' minds, but she remained honest in everything else. Well, mostly.

Her notebook contained how she concocted a dark ritual to visit the source of magic. It stated how she killed Augustus Rookwood and Harold Greengrass to gain temporary magic. It described the golden sea and the swirling mist. It contained an edited version of her conversation with Lucifer himself, where he revealed how sorcerers came to be. The biggest tweak was that she regained her magic through his blessing instead of Belphegor's.

"I'm here to see Potter." She nodded at the secretary.

Brenda was the name of the blondie if she was correct. "Sorry, he is busy in a meeting with Madam Bones."

She narrowed her eyes. "How long will I have to wait? I have got things to do, you know." Not really, but she'd rather not waste her time standing outside Potter's office.

"Take a seat, ma'am, I'll go inform him about your arrival." Brenda compromised and pointed towards the cushioned seats lining the wall.

Lily plopped down into the chair and crossed her arms, waiting impatiently. A minute later, her notebook was spinning in the air. She idly twirled her finger, watching the book spin faster. Her lips tugged up when it transformed into a small, miniature dragon. Before it could spit fire at her, she snapped her fingers, and it dropped into her lap as a simple notebook again.

Her magic was back, and it was way stronger than before. She had even decided to throw her wand back into the junk box from which she had fished it out. After only a minute of experimentation, she had realised that holding onto a wand didn't give her even a millisecond of advantage anymore. Her proficiency in magic had increased to the point where a wand became redundant.

"You can go in." Brenda smiled at her in a way Lily used to do when working in the bookstore back in the day. Poor her; James needed to give the woman a damn vacation. The blondie severely needed it if the dark circles under her blue eyes were any indication.

Lily went in and approached the desk while Bones made her way out. The two women shared a nod, the likes of which are shared between just acquaintances and not friends. They had never gotten opportunities to be close, after all.

As the older woman closed the door behind her, Lily took a seat in front of her ex-husband.

"You look happy. Were you shagging Amelia just now?" Lily grinned slyly, floating the notebook towards him instead of simply sliding it over the desk. Honestly, it was difficult not to use magic for every task now. She wondered how she had survived without it all these years.

James rolled his eyes at her comment, putting the notebook in the drawer. "I am happily married. And it's not me who cannot keep a grin off her face. So you did get your magic. Congratulations."

"Thanks," she chirped up, so pleased with herself that she didn't even try to needle him about the 'happily' married part, because Lena's and James' marriage was anything but happy. "I even spared Pettigrew. You can throw him back into Azkaban."

"I will. Now, tell me how you did it." James steepled his fingers, pinning her with an eager look.

"I sacrificed Greengrass' and Rookwood's lives in an esoteric ritual that you are too uneducated to understand. That gave me the power to temporarily bind their souls to me and use their dwindling magic to reach the source of all magic. I found Lucifer there, our progenitor who begat the first sorcerers, and then he regaled me with his sob story. For listening to it, he allowed me to use magic again."

"Isn't Lucifer some figure in those muggle religions?" James asked, appearing unconvinced and exasperated.

"He is. Lucifer, Satan, Shaytan. He has too many names and appears in a couple of religions. But yes, I'm talking about that bloke," she answered, shrugging and leaning back in her chair, throwing her legs on his desk.

James blinked and leaned forward, suddenly looking too serious and turning a blind eye to her disrespectful move. "Are you saying these muggle religions are real?"

"Not in our world. Ours is devoid of any divine entity. But there are an infinite number of worlds out there, so I am sure these religions exist in innumerable versions throughout the multiverse. As for why the Devil is here when there shouldn't be any divinities in our world, just read the notebook. I'm not repeating it."

He pursed his lips, overwhelmed by all these revelations. "Fine, but do remember that you owe me for this. I'll call in this favour when I need your help."

"I know." She scowled, not really looking forward to it. "I will pay up, but I reserve the right to ignore it if it endangers Harry."

"As if I'm stupid enough to demand anything that will hurt Harry. I learned my lesson years ago." James said that with a humourless smile.

She swung her feet down and got up, not wanting to spend another second with her morose ex. "This time I'll just kill you instead of having a harmless divorce."

He chuckled and didn't say another word as she left his office.


"I am bored." Neville groaned from beside him.

The two friends were on the couch in the living room, gaming on the PlayStation. It seemed that, unlike him, Neville had become uninterested in the game. Which was odd considering how fun this fighting game, Battle Arena Toshinden, was. Perhaps Neville was bored because he was constantly losing to him.

Before he could try to encourage him to keep playing, Sirius sat down with them and stared at the loud screen. "How about you two go outside and play a real game?"

"No, I want to try all the characters. I want to see every special attack and desperation attack," he muttered distractedly, his fingers gliding through the controls while his character completely humiliated Neville's.

"I am done, though. My eyes are sore; we've been at it since the morning." Neville released his controller mid-game and stood up, ignoring his betrayed gasp.

That was not fair; he had been taking damage just to get the desperation attack.

Since beating an unmoving character was no fun, he cancelled the round and dropped the gamepad too. He could've started the single-player mode, but it was not as fun as multiplayer.

Hoisting himself up, he scoffed at how quickly Sirius loaded an adult movie. Dogman just wanted to watch his porn and wasn't concerned about their health. Surprise. "What do you want to do, Nev?"

"Let's just roam outside. We can duel or even play at the beach." Neville proposed, his eyes returning to the telly where a pretty Japanese woman was busy cooking in the kitchen. "Or, we can sit down and give Sirius some company."

Sirius chortled at his unsubtle attempt to watch the porn with him.

Harry rolled his eyes when the high-pitched scream echoed in the living room. A wrinkly old man was pawing at the petite woman, cackling evilly. "No, thank you. I don't want to sit through this torture."

"You don't like Japanese women?" Sirius questioned him, intrigued by his lack of interest.

"I do. I just don't like seeing them get fucked by ugly old men," he replied, scrunching his nose when the old man ripped off her top and lapped at her mouth like some dog. Was that supposed to be a kiss?

Shaking his head, he crossed the hallway and stepped outside.

The sun had made its way to the west, with three-quarters of its journey done. The two boys, dressed in comfy t-shirts and shorts, strolled down the gentle slope, towards the unending stretch of clear blue water.

Honestly, this island would've been a paradise if there were some sexy ladies to share the space with. Unfortunately, there were only three perverts here. What use was this beautiful beach if there weren't any bikini-clad women to ogle at?

"Today is August 20. You think they will be coming any time soon? There are only eleven days left before we've got to return to school." Neville wedged the front of his slipper in the sand and hurled a pebble forward.

He didn't need to ask who they were.

"I hope so." Harry kicked that pebble, sending it skipping into the water.

They meandered along the shoreline in silence, both lost in their own heads. The quietude was soon broken by Neville's interesting question. "Have you ever thought about having a girlfriend?"

An image of a smiling brunette with golden eyes popped into his head. Tracey. He ignored the way his chest twisted with regret. "Sometimes, but I've decided against it. I won't be able to have fun with other girls if I have to be faithful to a girlfriend."

That was a half-truth. Harry was willing to be faithful, but he couldn't ignore his mum's plea to be with her or his unnamed relationship with Susan. If Tracey were someone who would've agreed to this strange multi-relationship, he'd have readily sworn off every other female. But he never pegged his best friend to be into that. The way the two had separated was inevitable in hindsight. He just needed his mum, Susan, and Tracey. Was that too much to ask? Apparently, it was.

Neville laughed. "So you want to be a womaniser, like Sirius?"

He shrugged in response. "Something like that. What about you? What prompted you to raise this question?"

Neville frowned and kicked another pebble in their path. Just like before, it rolled before Harry's leg, who sent it careening into the sea. "What do you think about Hermione? Do you think she likes me?"

"I guess she is a bit pretty, but not my type. I think you might have a chance, though. You two spend a lot of time together." He mused out loud, glancing back at the mansion. They had come a long way from it. They should turn around soon.

"A bit pretty? I think you're underestimating her. She is very pretty. She'd be dazzling if she did something with her bushy hair and put on something nice." Neville's tone was more than a little defensive, as if he were insulted on her behalf.

Harry hid an amused smile. "If you say so. Maybe you like her too much to be objective."

"Maybe." His friend blushed.

"I wonder what she will think when she knows you fucked a hot stripper."

Harry guffawed at his terrified face.

"That will be a secret, right?"

"Right. It will be a secret." Harry decided to stop scaring him and spun around, sauntering back towards the mansion. No more words were uttered between them, and they allowed themselves to enjoy the serene atmosphere of the picturesque island. The sea was on their left, and the grassy elevation was on their right. The gigantic mansion looked small and insignificant from down here. And right now, all they could hear and see were the sweeping waves splashing on the shore.

Once again, Harry thought about how nice it'd have been if there were fairer sex on this charming island. Without them, there was not really much to do on the beach.

Heaving a sigh, he started for the mansion.

"So soon?" Neville asked, hurrying after him.

"I think I'll see if I have anything to read in my room."

"That reminds me of Dumbledore's book that you won in the duelling tournament. How were the three semi-rare spells?"

"Practically useless." Harry scoffed at the disappointing prize. "Only one was combat-oriented, and I already have a better alternative."

"Huh, I didn't miss much by losing the final."

"Aside from your dignity, no, you didn't." He dodged his elbow and lightly kicked him in the shin before jogging away, laughing and taunting him some more.

Neville rushed after him, mumbling obscenities under his breath.

But both of them stopped short in the living room when they noticed Sirius wasn't as alone as they had left him. No, two more people were there. His mum and Alice were showering the dogman with stingers, berating him for watching kinky porn when two young boys were around.

It took him a second to catch onto something important.

His mum was using wandless magic.

A smile blossomed over his face.

That wasn't the only change, though. Her appearance was also slightly different. He couldn't tell why. Nothing new stood out at first glance. She was still his bewitching mum dressed in her usual white shirt and blue jeans. Her perfect, abundant curves were still only challenged by Alice. Wait, his eyes widened when he stared at both women.

The answer was obvious.

There was no difference in their ages. His mum didn't look any older than Alice, like she used to. She had gotten younger and looked like a nubile woman in her early twenties. No muggle would easily believe her if she said she was mother of a fifteen-year-old boy.

"Boys, help!" Sirius yelped, putting the sofa between him and the angry demons. Harry would have bothered to aid him if the telly hadn't been paused at the ugly visage of the old man railing into the moaning Japanese lady.

He grabbed the remote and turned off the telly while sporting an unimpressed look. Talk about getting caught watching ugly bastard porn while in your thirties. That couldn't be him.

Alice swept Neville into her arms the next instant, and his mum wasn't far behind.

The nostalgic scent of rosemary almost made him teary-eyed. Almost. He embraced her and buried his face in the side of her neck. The warmth of her skin, the press of her soft, curvy body, and the tingling exhale of her breath on his own neck had never seemed more homely. She let out a gasping chuckle when his hands kept tightening around her narrow waist; when he kept pulling her in even when her large, round breasts were already squashed flat on his chest.

"Air, love." She weakly patted his back.

He let her go with some reluctance. And her bright eyes sparkled at his needy gesture. She planted a long, wet kiss on his cheek to ease his hesitation and finally pulled away. Framing his face in her palms, she stared at him fondly.

"Don't worry about me; I'll just hug the pillow at night." Sirius snorted at the show. Alice was still holding onto Neville, who himself was blushing in embarrassment but also seemed pleased. Of course he did, the lucky bastard.

His mum punched Sirius in the chest and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks for looking after them. I hope you didn't corrupt them too much."

Sirius grinned, his mouth twitching nervously. "Of course not; they are just children. I am not that bad. We just toured France while you two were gone. We might have looked at too many French girls on the beach, but that was it. Nothing else."

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

Harry and Neville cleverly decided to keep the strip club shenanigans to themselves; otherwise, they'd have to dig a grave for the man. And for all his faults, Sirius was fun.

"I doubt that." Alice harrumphed, glowering at him with suspicion. "But I'd rather be ignorant and blissful. My boy is still in one piece, that's good enough, I guess."

"Good call." Sirius clapped, looking relieved. "Now, what's the plan? How about we all stay here for the remaining holidays? I'm sure you two need a relaxing vacation after all that work."

His mum and Alice shared an intense look. Harry was sure the thought of returning home was just as urgent to them as it was to him. But he still had one thing left to do.

"I think it will be fun, mum. The beach here is exceptional."

Yes, Harry just wanted to see her and Alice in bikinis.

"Alright, then. It's been a while since I had a sunbath."


By the next day, his mum and Alice had settled into the mansion. Since he and his mum couldn't share a room without coming off as suspicious, he was forced to slip into hers at midnight.

The late night had been briefly spent listening to her new findings, and Harry couldn't help but feel it was too fantastical to be true.

Lucifer? Soulscape? Multiverse?

He would have debated and been more engrossed in her groundbreaking discoveries if he hadn't been painfully erect. Alas, his cock had been too distracting to give his brain enough blood to ponder about such things. So she exasperatedly smiled before spreading her legs. He had spent a couple of hours fucking her like a beast in heat, and by the time he was sated, they were too drowsy to discuss these breakthroughs.

Her body was indeed enhanced, and it showed plainly when she was naked. Because he didn't remember her breasts being so perky and... solid, for lack of a better term. While the tantalising mounds had always been shapely, there had been a little sag and softness to her round flesh before. But now, not only were her breasts back to their prime, her hips and rear had gotten shapely and incredibly tight too, as had her stomach, leaving a flat, powerful belly.

He would miss her milfy body, which had gotten a little soft with age, but he knew she was feeling loads better now that her body was young and full of energy. And he was glad that she was happy.

Presently, they were all outside. Sirius had somehow created a volleyball court at the beach. He had even procured that tall umpire chair.

Standing on it, he asked, "Ready?"

All three men were in their swim trunks, while Alice and his mum were in drool-worthy bikinis. His mum's was scarlet red, and Alice was sporting all black. If the two had detected their lustful looks, then they hadn't shown it yet.

"Ready," Alice and his mum said together.

The teams were obvious: he was on his mum's team, and Neville was on Alice's.

"You want to serve, mum?" He tossed her the ball.

Smiling, she walked behind the end line.

Then she did the jump serve.

Boing. Her tits bounced in her red bikini top.

The ball struck Neville's gaping face. And the whistle announced the point.

Alice's eyes twitched as she glared at her son. "Focus, Nev. We don't want to lose."

Neville blushed and stuttered an apology.

Harry barely held his laughter in. Alice tossed the ball back in their court, and he flung it to his mum, who was smiling amusedly at the flattering reaction. Having found the weakness of the opposite team, she targeted it again and did the jump serve.

Boing. Her generous tits bounced again in her red bikini top. And the ball smacked Neville's drooling face again. And the whistle announced their easy points.

"Neville!" Alice snapped.


It would take Neville six points to lose before becoming immune. And when Alice tried a similar trick on Harry, she'd fail. Oh, Harry did ogle at the dark-haired beauty's shaking tits; he did it in fucking slow motion and enjoyed every microsecond of it. But he was able to return the ball every time she targeted him. He wasn't a loser, you know.

The Evans were the winners in the end.

"Ha! Take that!" His mum gloated, jumping in his arms and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. What he wouldn't give to smash his mouth over hers, but now was not the time. And he was satisfied enough with her bikini-clad body rubbing against his. He even managed to discreetly grope her arse while no one was looking. The smirk on her face indicated that the night was going to be long and memorable.

Later, the two ladies were sunbathing, getting a little tan. Harry and Neville were also nearby, making a sand castle. But both boys knew that it was just a front. They just wanted to be nearby as the beguiling witches lay prone, exposing their lovely arses.

"These round domes resemble something," Harry said wryly, looking at Neville's 'castle'. His friend had unintentionally—or intentionally—made a crude version of a plump bum.

"Do they?" was his innocent response.

Chuckling, he went back to his own sand castle. And yes, his gaze kept returning to the alluring flesh on display.

That night, his mum had a brilliant idea.

After he slunk into her room, he found her wearing a white bikini instead of being naked. And it was somehow skimpier than the red one. The top barely held her globes from spilling out, and her bottom was worse than a thong. The view was both mouth-watering and confusing.

"Good. Let's get out." She grabbed his hand and apparated outside.

He lurched forward and would've fallen on his face if she hadn't gripped his shoulders. "What are you doing? It's night."

The moon was whole tonight, and the stars looked brighter than ever. The silver moonlight was strong enough to give them dim lighting to goof around. He had never thought moonlight alone would be able to give such brightness. But he was pleasantly surprised. He was mesmerised.

She slung her arms around his neck and regarded him with a crooked smile. "We couldn't play in the water freely since the others were present. But now, we can do anything you want."

He gulped at her husky tone and felt himself harden in his shorts. "Like what?"

"Hmm, kissing, fondling, many, many things?"

"Sounds good," he whispered with darkening eyes, placing the flat of his palm on her lower back. Her skin was hot, and he'd need it if they were really going in the freezing water.

"Take off your top," she commanded.

He did that and stood just in his shorts.

"Take off your shorts."

He did that and now stood in his briefs.

She licked her lips and explored the contours of his body with her dainty fingers. She rubbed her hand over his torso, dragging it from his shoulder to his stomach. Not to be left behind, he pulled her closer and grabbed her arse with his two hands. His heart was racing, and his breathing was getting quicker. And he suddenly felt hot. Giving her voluptuous bottom a squeeze, he hauled her up in his arms.

Smiling, she wrapped her limbs around him and gestured for him to get into the water.

He hissed and shivered when he took the first step into the sea. It was colder than he had feared. Then she cupped his face and kissed his cold away, filling his body with burning warmth. And by the time she pulled away, they were waist deep in the water.

With one hand, she clung to him, and the other slipped into his cotton underwear, stroking his semi-hard cock. He moaned and bit her smooth neck, embracing her tightly, while she pumped some heat into his belly. It didn't take long for his cock to spring up, roaring to go.

He peeled her bikini bottom down her arse cheeks while she pushed down his briefs. With some fumbling, they were joined together, and he hissed on the side of her neck as her hot womanhood enveloped his shaft like a warm blanket. They both stared into each other's hungry eyes and slowly rolled their hips, but with their submerged halves, it wasn't easy or that fun.

She released an embarrassed chuckle and shivered. "It's stupid; let's get out before we catch a cold."

Laughing along with her, he carried her back to the shore.

"Lay me down and fuck me hard. Don't worry about the sand; we can clean ourselves later," she instructed, nibbling on his mouth.

Already buried in her cunt, his head muddled with pleasure, he wasn't going to say no to that. Putting her down on the sandy beach, he began thrusting in and out. The sensation of fine sand particles sticking to their skin was weird, but they were too deep in throes of passion to give it much thought.

He pulled her white bikini top off and fondled her large, perky tits. They were firm and squishy, and he took all the time in the world to squeeze them with differing intensity; his hips were already used to pounding between her legs to need much focus.

Clutching one boob, he brought his face down and clamped onto her stiff teat, wishing he could drink her milk instead of just sucking on it fruitlessly.

She moaned and dragged her nails across his back.

A second later, she rolled them and was straddling on top of him, pinning his arms while sand fluttered from her back and hair. She bounced up and down on his cock, her succulent tits oscillating. He wrenched his arms free from her restraints and grabbed her breasts.

He pawed at them and felt the pressure building in his gut.

Rolling again, she was back under him. He locked her in the mating press after pinioning her. His hands buried in the sand on either side gave him the necessary leverage to fuck her with abandon. And that was what he did.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

The sounds of colliding flesh were lost to the wind and buried under her titillating screams. His hips moved faster and harder in this position, and he closed his eyes and bit his lips. He blanked his mind and kept pistoning in and out of her like a machine, trying to last longer, trying to shove her off the edge.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

In and out. The heat of her insides was otherworldly. In and out. Her squirming pussy was mind-blowing. In and out. Her wet, slippery cunt could swallow him whole, and he would let it. In and out. The smacking of their skin was hypnotic.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

When she clenched around his manhood and wriggled in the sand under him, he burst. With fast, frantic thrusts, he spurted and filled her with white.

He groaned and lay atop her, panting on her neck while she huffed in his ear. They stayed that way for a minute, on the sandy beach and under the bright moonlight.

When he slipped beside her, he cuddled into her side.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," she said with a motherly smile, pecking on his lips.


Godric's Hollow was a quaint place in the West Country with nearly a hundred people living there. It was a small village for the magicals. But there were muggles living there too; some of these muggle families had been living here for centuries. That was why there was no muggle-repelling charm hiding the village. But the wizards and witches were ever careful and kept their magic away from the public eye.

It was on the night of mid-September that something exciting happened.

And it would be the last excitement the people of the village would ever experience.

The sky was pierced by the jet engines, followed by strange falling things.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the little village was full of explosions as bombs rained down from the sky. There were so many bombs that even the protective wards of a few houses were demolished. By the end of the raid, nothing would be left of the charred ruins.

The people of Godric's Hollow—both muggles and magicals—died in their sleep. And the few who were awake didn't remain awake for long.

By the coming morning, Godric's Hollow would be no more. The people of the country would be wroth and demand answers. But it would be the magicals who would be truly angry. And it would be James Potter who would be raging.

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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