58.33% Magiscape (Harry Potter) / Chapter 21: The Devil's Eden

章節 21: The Devil's Eden

Chapter 21. The Devil's Eden

Harry and Neville appeared on a sandy beach. Behind them lay an unending expanse of the sea, while in front of them stood a dark mansion atop a gentle slope.

Shading their eyes, the trio began walking towards the mansion.

The weather was incredibly hot here; the sun was shining in its full glory with nary a cloud to dampen the unfiltered light and heat. Even walking a short distance was enough to leave them sweating.

The mansion itself was only two-storeys tall, but the way it stretched in all directions told him it possessed at least a dozen bedrooms. Its outside walls were gloomy obsidian, and if not for the white interiors that could be seen through the large glass windows, he didn't think anyone could have lived here without turning either severely depressed or lethally psychotic.

"Don't let the dark colours intimidate you. The interiors are quite homely," Sirius commented, noticing their frowns.

"Why black? This is your family's vacation home, isn't it? Shouldn't it be more colourful and summery?" Harry queried, imagining all the different colour schemes that could've been used to make its appearance less daunting.

Sirius chuckled as they finally reached the entrance. It was a giant double door set in the walls. And yes, it was painted pitch black too. The only reason Harry could distinguish it from the rest of the wall was because of a hooded cobra sculpture sticking out over the door like a roof. "My ancestors loved the name Black too much."

And that was an answer enough. His mum had told him about the Blacks, the once proud family that was reduced to only Sirius and Professor Black. Everyone else was either dead or had been killed.

The boys followed Sirius into the house, and his earlier words were proven true. Unlike the outside, the interior was bright. The entrance hall was long and narrow, and it opened into a large living room. It was so spacious that his entire flat could've fit right in here and still leave some space for a couple of chairs. Unsurprisingly, the living room felt airy and empty even though it was fully furnished, with an added wall-mounted TV and three lush black sofas converging around it.

"Come on, I'll show you to your rooms," Sirius said, taking them through a corridor.

Halting at the end of it, he pointed to the two doors facing each other. "These two rooms have been recently cleaned and are also fully equipped with an en suite."

Harry perked up and couldn't keep the grin off his face. Heh, his own room for two whole months. It managed to lessen the sting of being away from his mum. "Does it have a big bathtub?"

Sirius beamed and patted his shoulder. "So big that you can have an orgy in it."

Neville's eyebrows twitched, looking close to facepalming himself. "I'm afraid we won't use it for that."

"Don't tell me you're a virgin." Sirius barked out in a laugh.

"If you've forgotten, we are just fifteen," Neville muttered, but his cheeks were burning. "It would be strange if we were not virgins."

Harry puffed his chest and unlocked his door, arrogance oozing from his smirk. "Don't lump me with you, Nev. I've been a man for a long time."

"Come back! When did you—"

Harry shut the door in his face, though the muffled shouts and the raucous laughter were still audible. He snickered to himself and flopped on his bed, sighing at how soft and comfy it was. The room itself was bare, occupied with only a desk, a wardrobe, and a king-size bed. But he liked it and was glad that he'd have a chance to personalise it during his stay.

He reluctantly got out of bed and filled the wardrobe with his clothes. Then he put down a couple of novels on the desk, deciding to read them when he had time. It had been a while since he binged a book, and he was more than sure that he'd get enough opportunities to go through them.

After he was done unpacking, he took off his clothes and strolled into the en suite, ready for his long bath.

Sirius was right again. The ceramic tub was less of a tub and more of a small pool. Four people could comfortably fit in with enough space to play or play. Not that he had anyone here to play with. His mum was on her quest to regain her magic while Susan was in Norway, spending time with her grandmother.

Fuck, he was already feeling their absence.

Groaning, he pushed himself underwater and closed his eyes, letting the stiffness in his chest grow and grow until it felt like it would implode. Breaking the surface, he panted heavily, his chest inflating and deflating to suck in the air, while water dribbled down back into the tub.

'Let's see how long I can hold my breath.' He mused, struck by the errant thought.

Answer: not much.

After spending an hour and half in the bathroom, he finally stepped out and put on a plain white t-shirt and red shorts. The weather here was nice enough to allow them to enjoy this luxury.

He strolled out and lazily made his way towards the living room. He wondered what they would be doing during the entire holiday. Were they going to stay only here? Or were they going to travel too? Because from what his mum had said, Sirius Black liked to travel and live his life to fullest. And from their brief interaction, he guessed it must be true. She had also told him to trust her friend. Not that he couldn't take care of himself. If it had been the case, then she wouldn't have left him with the stranger, no matter how much she trusted him.

The only reason she had allowed him to stay with Sirius Black was because she knew Harry was strong and capable enough to defend himself against anyone. He didn't need adult protection anymore.

"What are you doing?" Harry sat down beside Neville, who had also changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

"Nothing. Waiting for Sirius so I can ask him what the holiday plans are," Neville replied, flicking through the channels idly.

They didn't have to wait long for his presence. His jacket and waistcoat were gone, as was his tie. He was now wearing just a white shirt and grey suit trousers, with the first two buttons of his shirt open. He sat down on the other sofa and turned towards them with his characteristic grin. "So, how is Hogwarts treating you?"

Harry stifled a sigh. It was small talk time. The two boys talked with him about the school, telling him who was teaching what. Harry even shared his first day, where he got his arse beat by the four Slytherins.

"...though your dear cousin was clearly not on my team. She took their side and minimised the extent of their offence."

Sirius looked pissed after hearing that. "I'll have a talk with Narcissa. She needs to know not to target my godson. Just because I haven't used my power over her doesn't mean I can't."

"Eh, sure. Anyways, the three out of four boys ended up killing themselves under NEWTs pressure last year. I want to say karma is a bitch, but it will be bad talking ill of the dead."


Harry told him about the group suicide that happened around a year ago, near the end of his third year. Neville was quick to change the subject, apparently not enjoying talking about the current topic. Then they discussed the duelling tournament that happened this year, and Sirius looked proud to know that they ended up in the final and easily defeated the others.

"I will have to test your claims. Not to toot my own horn, but I was among the best duellers in my generation. Not the best, mind you, but definitely up there in the top 10s."

"I'll be glad to fight you." Neville declared, looking truly eager, his hand inching towards his waist, where his wand sheath was.

Before the two could really run outside to have a duel, Harry cut in. "We can do that some other time. What is the plan for the night? Or for the entire summer, for that matter?"

Sirius' response was a grin. "I don't have any plans for the entire summer. Let's just do whatever strikes our mood. You can do anything, and I'm here to make it real. You want to visit a water park? I am here. You want to go skiing? I am here. You want to tour Europe? I am here. We can do anything you want. Consider it a grand present for missing all your birthdays."

The two boys shared an awed look, but before they could start making their demands, Sirius raised his arms. "But that is from tomorrow onwards. I do actually have plans for tonight."

From the way he was grinning, Harry doubted it was anything good.

Neville shared the same sentiments, it seemed, because he was the one to speak up. "What are these plans?"

"Tell me, boys, have you ever been to a strip club?" Sirius smirked and spread his arms.

Harry began cackling while Neville paled.

He gave him a thumbs up. "I think I like you, Sirius."

"It's Padfoot. You used to call me that."

"Padfoot?" Harry quirked his eyebrow, the name sounding familiar to his ears. Oh wait, it was on the Marauder's Map. The map which was now used only by him and Susan. He recalled how Susan had said that it was made by their father, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.

In response, the man turned into a black dog and pounced on their sofa, making them laugh as he licked their faces.

"This summer will be fun," Harry announced, shoving the dog off him.

"Don't want to put a damper on the mood, but Harry and I are only fifteen. And from what I've heard, there's an age limit at such establishments." Neville stated.

Harry looked towards the dogman and nodded, agreeing with his friend's point.

The dog turned back into Sirius and waved away their concerns. "It's true. But if the owner of the establishment allows you, then there would be no problem."

"Oh, you mean you know the owner?" Harry chuckled, glad that the plan wasn't in jeopardy. He was just a boy, after all. He really wanted to visit a strip club and have fun.

"No, I don't," Sirius started with a grin, "but it's fine. Because I am the owner."

Harry and Neville could do nothing but stare at him.

That was brilliant. Harry was really starting to like this man. And he also wondered if being the owner of a strip club was a viable career after Hogwarts. Like, what kind of qualifications do you even need to become that? Probably just money—a lot of money. Well, he did not have that at the moment. But who knows, maybe he will have that in future.

"Also, where are we, and where is your strip club?" Leave it to Neville to ask the important questions.

"We are on a small island near the Bahamas. And my club is in Florida. Hmm, it's four in the afternoon; go out and explore the island until the sun sets. Then we will go to my club and have fun."

"Alright." Harry chirped up and took Neville's arm, rushing him out before he could ask any more questions.

They explored the island with their wands at their sides.

Honestly, it was a tiny island. Three sides of it were just sand, open to the sea, while the quarter was filled with sparse vegetation. The boys scanned through the woods in search of something, but all they found were annoying insects. In the end, they had a brief dip in the water as the sun slowly went down, turning the sea lukewarm.

Returning to the mansion, they had quick showers and changed into something better than a simple pair of t-shirts and shorts. Harry picked for himself a purple dress shirt and dark-grey trousers. Neville, on the other hand, went full out with a two-piece black and white suit.

"Looking good, boys, though I am afraid no amount of looking cute will do you any good." Sirius teased them, having put on his three-piece white-grey suit again.

"I am aware." Neville rolled his eyes. "No sane woman will take fifteen-year-olds seriously. But I'm sure we will find something to do while you ogle at the strippers."

Harry shook his head, rolling up his sleeves. "Don't lump me with you again, Nev. I absolutely plan to bang some hottie tonight. I am sure I can convince some strippers for a private dance."

Sirius chuckled, while Neville just exhaled in defeat.

"We will have dinner first before heading to my club. The food there is not that impressive, to be honest. Now, are you two ready?" He took a small compass out of his pocket.

The boys nodded and grabbed the chain around the compass.


After dinner, they finally reached their destination.

"Welcome back, sir." The bouncer at the entrance of Devil's Eden greeted with a nod. He was a bald man in black overalls, a towering mass of pure muscles. He must be over 6'5", because even Sirius, who was six feet tall, looked tiny in comparison to him.

"Herbert." Sirius spared him only a glance before entering. Harry and Neville were fast on his heels, praying that Herbert wouldn't ask them their age. Their prayers must've been answered since the giant remained silent and didn't stop them.

Music was the first thing that welcomed them. Loud and sensual, words and tunes specifically designed to create dirty thoughts. Then came the flickering blue-pink lights flashing around. The sudden sensory overload was a bit jarring.

Harry took a second to get used to the dark atmosphere and twinkling lights.

They descended the stairs that led down to the vast floor, where tens of circular platforms with poles rose for the dancers. Around the platforms, men of various ages congregated, leaning on the railing and ogling the beautiful women. Some women were already topless, while others had flimsy tops on. But he was sure that every one of them would strip down to knickers in the end.

Sirius smirked at their wide-eyed stares and gestured to them to keep following. And as they navigated through the horny crowd and bewitching strippers, Harry greedily drank in the sight of so many beauties. When dogman had said he was the owner of a strip club, Harry had imagined a small pub with a couple of women acting as entertainers.

What he hadn't expected was this massive establishment with dozens of supermodel-level strippers. The club was filled with an array of stunning women, each with their own unique beauty. Among them were alluring black women with graceful figures, as well as curvaceous bombshells with blonde hair and blue eyes. The diversity extended to Latinas, Asians, Indians, and many other ethnic backgrounds, creating a mind-boggling range of attractiveness. Additionally, the club itself was impressively large in size.

Few people gave them weird looks, probably due to how young they looked, but Sirius continued pushing through the crowd and led them to a wooden door, behind which lay a private room. It could be barely called a room with how small and confined it was, but the space was enough to place a single long red settee and a low glass table. There was also a pole jutting out from the floor on the other side.

"Sit, I'll go talk with my manager and ask for the most popular dancers. It's been months since I was last here; the popularity chart might've changed." Sirius pointed towards the red settee and left them alone after turning the lights on.

The boys shared a look and planted themselves on the settee. Harry looked eager, while Neville was pale and sweaty.

"Merlin, Nev! Why the fuck are you scared? Don't you want to see some nice titties?" Harry grumbled, sinking into the backrest. Why was every sofa or bed he found outside always better than the one in their flat? He might have to beg his mum to change them. After four years of working at Hogwarts, she must have saved loads of money. It was high time to spend some of it on comfort.

Neville fidgeted and played with the cuff of his jacket. "This will be my first time seeing a naked woman up close. The only nudity I have seen is from my mum. And that too only for a few seconds when I stumble upon her changing or bathing."

"Then you have already seen the peak. I doubt anyone here could rival the goddess Alice." Harry quipped, but inwardly cursed the lucky bastard. What he wouldn't give to be in his place and 'stumble' upon her naked.

An elbow to his side was his answer. "Stop talking about my mum. Just stop."

"Don't tell me you don't think she is attractive." Harry laughed, scooting away to escape his elbow strike.

Neville blushed and fired back. "She is most beautiful, undoubtedly. But so is your mother. Do you feel your mum is sexy? Would you like me to comment on her 'perfect' titties?"

"Right, sorry. Let's not talk about that." Harry scratched his cheek, feeling a sense of deja vu, recalling the time when they had this same conversation. Seriously, he needed to control his tongue. It was plain disrespectful to talk about Alice in that way in front of Neville. Just because his friend's mum was exceptionally hot didn't mean he had to give words to his observation.

Neville nodded stiffly and shot him a curious glance. "Say, are you really not a virgin?"

Harry grinned. "I am not."

"So who did you do that with?"

He opened his mouth to answer before grimacing, knowing he couldn't name either Susan or his mum. "It's a secret. I don't kiss and tell."

"That does invalidate your claim, you know." Neville's mouth curved up mockingly.

"Whatever. I don't care if you believe me or not."

The return of Sirius halted their conversation. Behind him trailed three scantily clad women with alcohol bottles and glasses.

The women stopped dead in their tracks. "These are kids, Mister Black." The one with long black hair and water-blue eyes complained. She was wearing a white thong that left her cheeks bare and had black tape attached over her nipples. Her breasts were the largest and roundest in the present group.

"Yeah, I ain't gonna risk jail time," muttered the black woman with dreadlocks and bodacious curves. She was just in black thong, and her tits were entirely bare. She had the smallest pair relatively, but her large, perfect rump more than made up for it.

"I got no problem," said the brunette milf in red thong, licking her lips, her eyes instantly fixing on Harry. Taking after the black woman, she had left her tits out too. Her two colleagues rolled their eyes, and one of them muttered 'surprise' sarcastically.

The brunette milf was perhaps the best-looking woman among the trio, and her curves were plenty, if slightly less than the other two. And her boldness only added to her charm. Harry was going to fuck her, he decided, and from the way she was eyeing him, it didn't seem there would be protests forthcoming.

Sirius perched on Neville's other side. "I'll pay triple your usual rates. And these boys are fifteen—old enough to breed you. Don't worry about them, Grace. You won't go to jail."

"Fine, we ain't turning down such offer. But this is a private dance; we're not gonna fuck the kids. Remember that." The black woman acquiesced, giving them dismissive looks.

"Good!" Sirius clapped and leant back. "Now it's introduction time. These are Harry and Neville, kids of my good friends."

Neville waved shyly, while Harry grinned at them.

"The grouchy one is Kathy, the most popular stripper here. The blackie is Grace, my manager. And the horny is Sarah, she's… wild." The women rolled their eyes at the introduction. "Choose boys; who do you want?"

"I want Sarah." Harry smirked at the brunette milf. "She seems fun."

"Aw, you're making me blush, darling." She blew him a kiss.

"Neville?" Sirius prodded the flustered boy.

"Um, I will use Kathy's service," Neville mumbled, not meeting her eyes and not knowing whether to curse or worship the man who brought them here.

"Ha! Then I will take Grace. A black for the Black."

"Ya sense of humour is just as childish as ever, Sirius." Grace scoffed, bending over the table to pick up the remote and to put down the alcohol and the glasses. Her full tits hung temptingly in front of the three males, who could do nothing but gobble up the visual feast. Sensing their hungry gazes on her breasts, she smirked and shook them a little. Then she turned on the music and pulled the table away to make space.

The trio scooted away from each other to get their own personal area. The settee was long enough to accommodate three lap dances.

As the loud music began blaring in the room, Harry's eyes gleamed with desire, and he patted his lap. Where other two took positions before Sirius and Neville, preparing to dance and sway their lovely hips, the brunette simply closed the distance and plopped down in his lap, her tits jiggling in his face. "Will you call me mommy, Harry?"

Sarah grabbed the headrest on either side of his face and straddled him.

Clutching her—the weight of her round cheeks slowly resting on him—he answered, "Not pretty enough to be my mum."

She quirked her eyebrows and laughed. Raising her arms and swaying her shapely pale mounds hypnotically, she rubbed her arse back and forth over his crotch. "Still not pretty enough?"

He could feel the heat wafting through the thin red thong she was wearing. It was like sitting on a volcano and challenging it to erupt. It was foolish. It was arrogant. And so that was what he did.

"Nope." Harry smirked and spanked her arse. "Not even close."

Suddenly, his arms were pinned over his head. She leant close and brushed her lips on his. "No touching, darling. Only I can touch you," she whispered dangerously, biting his bottom lip and wrenching away from his lap before he could grab her arse again.

Standing up, she looked down at him with a predatory grin and danced. And dance she did, like Aphrodite herself had come to the mortal realm in a bid to ensnare another lover. Her body moved with a vulgar elegance, spellbinding him to watch her. To keep watching her.

A side hip thrust there, a spin around to show her biteable arse there, a flick of her dark brown hair over her neck—she did everything to reward him for his fanatic attention.

Harry leered at her, his legs spread in a V, his bulge proudly visible in his grey trousers. It jumped up when she spun around again and humped her arse back and forth near his face. He moaned when she pressed her cheeks on his chest and slid it down until she was sitting on his erection.

He coiled his arms around her waist as she thrust her hips up and down.

She looked over her shoulder and crushed herself over his lap. Then she tugged his arms towards her breasts. "Squeeze mommy's titties, darling. Pinch my nipples. Milk me. Do it, and I might let you have a taste."

His breath stuck in his throat as his fingers dug into her soft tits, as he rolled her stiff nipples. He could do nothing but pant and pinch her nubs as she jerked her hips this way and that, syncing her movements with the funky beats and rubbing her plump butt over his crotch. He buried his face in her neck and fondled her tits aggressively. She smelled like some spice he couldn't name. Something fiery but sweet too, something with an enchanting aroma.

His eyes, his hands—they all roamed over her well-maintained body while she moved and twisted her body like some seductive succubus. He pawed all over her: her breasts, her thighs, her rear, and her tummy. He already did everything he wanted, and yet he wanted to keep doing it. That was why he let out a disappointed sound when she slipped away from him. But she pressed a quick kiss on his mouth. "Patience, little darling."

She took a bottle from the table and returned to his lap, straddling and facing him again with a mischievous grin. "Have you ever had alcohol before, son?"

"Of course," he lied, running his fingers up her spine. Her skin was so soft and warm. She must be in her forties, yet her eroticism was unmatched in the present company.

"Good." She uncorked it and took a sip lewdly, swallowing the neck of the bottle and thrusting it in and out of her mouth. Her entire body trembled, a pleasured gasp escaping her lips. "Still the best brand ever."

Harry dutifully took a gulp when she shoved it in his face. His throat burned, and it tasted like piss, but he just scrunched his nose and drank and drank. One gulp, two gulps, three gulps—he kept gulping until the bottle was empty.

He grinned and lightly bit her throat.

Sarah blinked and then cackled at his daring. "Oh little darling, you're so turning me on. Fuck the rule. I'm gonna savour you until nothing is left."

Squatting over his lap, she pushed down his trousers and underwear. Grabbing his pulsing cock, she slid her red thong to the side and took him in. "Oh fucking God!"

She grunted and began bouncing over his cock.

Harry sank his head on the headrest and closed his eyes, hanging onto her as she did all the work. Fuck, the world was so blurry, and his head was pounding. He better close his eyes and see if it made any difference.

Soon, he was snoring.

"You slut, don't fuck a minor. He has already passed out." Kathy, who was sitting on Neville, yelled.

"Shut your trap, Kathy. His cock is still awake. Let me sing it to sleep." Sarah giggled and kept riding him, kissing his sleeping face while slamming her arse up and down on his mast.


Neville was blushing as Kathy rolled her hips and danced for him. When she sat down on his lap and twerked on his crotch, he almost came, never having felt this good before. She only sighed when he grabbed her waist and moaned her name, wanting nothing more than to keep their bodies in contact, wanting to absorb the heat and scent of her skin.

"You wanna see boobs, boy?" She asked, looming over him and shaking her tits on his face.

"Sure." He managed a whisper.

She ripped off the tape from her nipples and buried his face under her ginormous breasts. Neville was left with no option but to nibble on her hard teat. Sucking it, flicking it with his tongue, lathering it with his drool. He kept doing it while she ground against him. At last, he grunted and drove up his crotch against her thong-clad pussy, climaxing inside his underwear with her name on his lips.

Kathy patted his head and rubbed her hand over his softening bulge. "There, there, the monster is sated." There was cold, unsympathetic amusement in her tone. "And my work here is done. I hope you enjoyed the dance, Neville. But I'll be glad if you don't come back again, at least until you're twenty-one."

He was too busy groaning over her large, round breasts to come up with a response.

"You slut, don't fuck a minor. He has already passed out." Kathy yelled abruptly, breaking him from his blissful trance.

He looked at his side and saw Sarah fucking Harry. His friend, though, was asleep with his arms wound around the older woman.

Lucky bastard.

"Shut your trap, Kathy. His cock is still awake. Let me sing it to sleep."

Kathy looked ready to explode but ended up slumping over him. Her eyebrows twitched when she felt his softening bulge harden again under her arse. "Don't get ideas, boy, I am not fucking you."

Neville didn't know where the courage came from, but just for a moment, he was the bravest man in the world. "Maybe use your hand."

The black-haired beauty, who definitely didn't resemble his mum, bit back a curse and unbuttoned his trousers. Slipping her dainty hand inside, she wrapped it around his sticky, throbbing shaft and began stroking it. "If I wasn't getting so much money, I'd have slapped you."

Neville ignored her threat and groped her tits and arse while she pumped his cock in resignation.


Sirius had his arms wrapped around Grace. But unlike the other two, she wasn't dancing anymore and was just informing him how the strip club was faring. She was the manager of the club, after all. And finally getting in contact with the owner, particularly in this trying time, was a boon.

"So, you need more money to maintain the Devil's Eden?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, it has become bigger and more popular than I expected. And we need more bouncers. Men be becoming more and more reckless. Last week, a man nearly jumped on the stage and almost got away with kissing one of the strippers." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Alright. You know how to convince me, don't you, dear Grace?" He husked, grabbing her dump truck and giving it a tight squeeze.

She rolled her eyes and got off him, offering her arm. "Still as easily pleased as ever, Sirius. Fine, but let's take this somewhere more private. I ain't like Sarah."

Sirius smiled and took her hand, glancing one last time at the two boys. One was an unconscious dildo, while the other was getting a handjob. "Kathy, take Neville to another room if you decide to free him from his virginity. Sarah, stay with Harry even after you're done fucking him. I'm sure you wouldn't mind cuddling and looking after him till next morning."

"I am not going to fuck him, Mister Black!"

"Alrighty, boss."


Harry woke up with a knife in his head. Or so it felt. He looked around groggily and found himself alone on the settee. Everyone was gone. Frowning, he rose to his feet and started for the door. But unlike usual, the world was blurry, and he was riding a unicycle. He almost fell and broke his jaw four times just reaching the door.

Once outside, he was assaulted by the loud music. He almost gave up and returned to the private room. But the stubborn need to find Neville and Sirius so he could punch them for leaving him alone made him keep going.

He shuffled like a zombie, barely able to make out the faces of the strangers who parted to let him through. He'd have proceeded to slog on absentmindedly if not for a flash of red in his periphery. Blinking, he changed direction and came to a stop before the small circular stage where a redhead stripper was dancing. Unlike all the other strippers—who had throngs of people milling around their stage—she had only one or two men looking up at her.

'Mum?' he thought dazedly.


Sarah returned to the room after washing her privates. Just because she was wild didn't mean she wanted to carry Harry's seed inside her. Grace was strict with hygiene, and losing this job was the last thing she wanted; being a stripper was just that fun.

"Now where is Harry?" She groaned after being met with an empty room.

next chapter
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