83.33% Magiscape (Harry Potter) / Chapter 30: Future Ambitions

章節 30: Future Ambitions

Chapter 30. Future Ambitions

"Lucius Malfoy has escaped Azkaban." Susan read out loud, dropping the morning newspaper with a mild frown.

Harry kept his face blank, aware of what actually happened.

Lucius Malfoy did not escape. He was broken free by his mum last night. Not that the man got much time to enjoy his freedom. The poor sod was killed off as a sacrifice to provide Harry with a ride to the realm where Lucifer was trapped. By the end of it, Harry had his power ceiling removed, bestowing him limitless growth. If what his mum said was true, then he now had the potential to surpass everyone, even Dumbledore— even Lucifer himself. Of course, it would take a tremendous amount of training, which he was willing to go through.

"The past few days have been too dramatic," Neville added, shaking his head. "First we got intruders in Hogwarts, and now we have a Death Eater at large. We just can't seem to catch a break."

Hermione nodded, sighing, and opened her textbook, burying her nose in it. "And this is our OWL year. We need peace and quiet."

"And you'll get it," Harry reassured her, finishing his breakfast and pushing away the empty plate. "I have a feeling that the rest of the year will be less exciting. Just what we need."

"Oh? You're a seer now?"

That was what he assumed Hannah meant to say; it was difficult to decipher her words, considering she was talking with a mouthful of toast.

He wrinkled his nose and elbowed her in the side. "Gross, don't talk while chewing."

"Okay, dad."

"Kinky. I like roleplaying too. Want me to spank your naughty bottom?"

She snorted. "Careful, Harry, your daddy issues are showing."

"Is that so? I guess I should hide it better then."

"You should." She nodded, still talking while munching on her food. "Not everyone can say their father is Arthur Reborn. You're basically a prince because of that, whatever your personal issues may be."

"The last time I checked, our country was democratic. We don't have kings or princes."

"Pity. I wanted to be friends with a prince." Done with her toast, she elegantly wiped the crumbs off her mouth, making his eyebrows twitch.

'Pick a lane; either be a raunchy eater or a prim lady. Don't try to be both.'

"I guess I should ask dad to destroy the government for my birthday present. Then we can start a dynasty," he replied, shooting her an amused look. "Why, I may even make a harem of pretty ladies to attend to my every need."

She burst into giggles. "A harem, my Arabian prince? Perhaps I should volunteer?"

"I said pretty ladies, you don't qualify."

Hannah gasped in affront and tried to hit him. He dodged it easily and wrapped his arms around her, keeping her hands bound to her side. "You're a pretty girl; that's what I meant to say. Maybe wait a couple of years before applying to become my slave, you know."

"Nice save." The blonde huffed, abandoning the fight and wrenching away from him. "But I have lost the desire to be your harem girl."

"Shame. I was looking forward to it."

"You'll get over it, I'm sure."

"If you two are done bantering, we have classes to attend." Susan rolled her eyes, getting off the bench and straightening her skirt.

"Don't be so jealous," Hannah said with a coy smile, standing up too. "I'm sure you're one of the most important girls in Harry's life. You won't be replaced. Right?"

Her look was meaningful, laced with the secret only the three were aware of.

"Obviously." He placed his arm around Susan, tugging her closer. "She is my sister."

He could practically see how much restraint it took Hannah to not comment about their sibling bond.

"Very interesting, but we will be late if you two keep on with your gibberish." The ginger took their arms in hers and marched them out of the Great Hall, leaving behind Neville and Hermione, who had a different class.


As per Harry's prediction, the rest of the school year was uneventful.

He and his friends put their everything into studying, knowing this year's exams were important. It wasn't the only thing he focused on, of course. Harry also began dedicating more time to magical and physical training, exerting his mind and body until he was sore all over. Every night, he would duel with his mother and improve his skills and spell repertoire. On top of that, he would also practise with Magiscape, knowing he had to become strong now that he was given this opportunity. Anything less would be a waste.

And just like that, the year came to an end, and the OWLs were over.

It was the day they boarded the train back to London that a particular piece of news made the entire wizarding Britain buzz with excitement.

The historic bill passed. Every adult witch or wizard was now compelled by law to leave the country and migrate to Avalon for permanent residence, their new homeland away from muggles.

"When is your turn?" Susan asked from beside him.

The five friends were cooped up in a train compartment, rereading the newspaper article while waiting for the train to start moving.

"On July 26th," he answered, both eager and anxious to move to his new home. That was the day when ministry personnel would come to them and take them to Avalon.

To keep the migration smooth and unproblematic, people would be moved slowly and meticulously rather than all at once. That was why his mum couldn't just apparate him there. They'd have to wait for their turn.

"The Potter family's turn is on 15th July," she replied.

"The Abbott family's turn is on 17th July," Hannah chimed in.

Seeing how they all were revealing the dates, Neville disclosed it too. "The Longbottom family's turn is on 20th July."

Hermione looked on enviously. "Just like other underage muggleborns, I'll have to wait until mid-August to gain entry."

The new rules were a little strict for muggleborns. Now they couldn't just enter the wizarding world on a whim. Since Diagon Alley and all the other magical places would be shifted to the new island, they would've to go through security procedures to gain a visitor's permit. The government was extra firm about secrecy. The parents of the muggleborns also had to sign binding magical contracts that would keep them from revealing anything to the muggles.

"Don't worry, you'll become a full citizen and will be able to live in Avalon in a couple of years." Neville gave her shoulder a squeeze.

She didn't say anything, but everyone could feel her dissatisfaction. She believed that it was discriminatory to not consider the underage muggleborns as citizens of the new country. She thought the government was being too paranoid and authoritarian to make parents of such children sign magical contracts. But there wasn't much she could do other than sigh and complain.

"At least due to ICW's intervention, the ministry will continue to follow the Statue of Secrecy. Can you imagine what the muggleborns would have to go through if magic was revealed to the world so unceremoniously?" Hermione grumbled, leaning against Neville.

His father's original plan was to move every witch and wizard to Avalon and stop hiding from the rest of the world. Obviously, muggleborns and their parents' safety were also considered. If that had happened, the muggleborns would have had to either leave their family or leave magic behind. There was no in-between. They would have to choose. It was an extreme measure, but the ministry was ready to take such drastic actions after the massacre of Godric's Hollow, which they considered muggles' doing.

Thankfully, to keep peace with ICW, it was decided Avalon would remain hidden from the muggles and magical Britain would continue being its member nation.

"War was likely, and oppression of muggleborns by muggles wouldn't have surprised me," he answered her rhetorical question.

She nodded reluctantly. "The muggle governments wouldn't just accept a powerful country to pop up out of nowhere and claim an entire archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Not to mention, they would have been intimidated by magic. And I cannot see our ministry being willing to bow down and sign treaties to appear harmless. Soon enough, we would brag about our magical nukes to cow the threatening nations. And while that would probably stop an all-out traditional war, a more secret sort of cold war would begin. The ones to suffer the most would be the muggleborns since they live amongst muggles."

"Yes. And that's not even talking about religious nutjobs. Every major religion seems to hate magic and consider it to be derived from the devil or the shaytan. Magical children and their parents would be mob-lynched to eradicate the devil spawns and 'purify' the land." He scowled, feeling his chest burn with rage.

Yes, he knew that the magicals were actually descendants of the devil. But did that mean they didn't have the right to live? Should they lay down and offer their lives because of the blood in their veins? Absolutely not. A child was not an extension of his father. And magicals were not responsible for whatever the devil did in the past. From what his mum told him, there were not even any Gods in their world. It was just a lie propagated by some of Lucifer's children wanting to rebel and gain forgiveness from God of the other world.

Hermione winced, imagining the scenario. "True. It wouldn't be unlike the persecution of Jews. Perhaps even worse. And not only religious fanatics, but also the apathetic scientists wouldn't hesitate to kidnap magical children and treat them as lab rats. We are devil spawns, after all, we are not humans and thus bereft of human rights."

"Reminds me of what the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese Army did to innocents during the Second World War to 'advance' science." He chuckled humourlessly, having read a particular book that talked about the depravities of those people. If that was not enough, those very people were pardoned for all their war crimes because they helped progress science.

"That's why I'm glad for ICW's intervention. The Statue of Secrecy is there for a reason. Only chaos would ensue from the ministry's decision to come out of hiding and declare itself as a magical sovereign nation."

"It's just postponed, though." He pointed to the paragraph in the article. "Avalon would stop concealing its existence after a period of ten years, as it has been decided by the ministry. It is only going to compromise so much to keep peace with ICW."

"Right, but at least we have gotten more time. That should give us a chance to be more prepared and have more safeguards for that day." Hermione blew a weary sigh, sinking back into her seat, looking worried and determined, no doubt concerned for her and her parents' future.

"True. But war is inevitable if you ask me." He shrugged, looking out of the window as the train began moving.

"Enough about depressing stuff." Hannah butted in, glaring at them and proffering the map of the island. "Tell me where your houses will be in Avalon. I'd love to be neighbours."

"I'll live in a flat in the third zone. I doubt we will be neighbours when you rich snobs have manors in the fourth zone." He tapped at the map on the paper.

Avalon was an artificial island, raised and constructed by the ministry, just like the other twelve islands in the archipelago. It was a perfect circle with a diameter of 2.52 km. Yes, the island was tiny, the smallest in the archipelago. But it was enough for their population. Furthermore, the island was divided into four concentric zones. The first and innermost zone would be the city centre, where the entrance to the ministry would be located. After that, there would be the second zone, also known as market zone, where all the shops and alleys would be. The next would be a residential zone housing 5 to 10 storey tall buildings. This would be where most of the people would live, including Harry and his mum. And the fourth, the outermost zone, would contain manors and villas for the pureblood families.

"With how small the island is, we are all already neighbours."

Harry dipped his head towards Neville. "True. You all are just a couple of streets away from me."

"I can't wait for it." Hannah gushed, her face split by a broad smile. "We can visit each other whenever we want."

Well, not Hermione; she did not have the wealth or the right to buy property in Avalon. She would have to wait until she graduated from Hogwarts and was of age to do that. He decided not to point that out, not wanting to spill water over the blonde's bubbly enthusiasm.

"I'm amazed that they were able to make exact replicas of most buildings. Apparently, all the manors and the alleys are copies of the originals. My mum told me that she couldn't find any difference between the new manor and the old one," Neville told them.

"The ministry was working on it for so many years, and with magic, it couldn't have been that difficult."

Still, they couldn't replicate Hogwarts, however much they tried. That was why the school would remain in the Scottish Highlands, outside of their new country.

The rest of the journey was spent talking and arguing about their new homeland.


31st July, 1996


"Harry, go open the door." His mum's voice came from the kitchen.

He got off the sofa and made his way towards the door.

It had been six days since they moved to their new flat, since they migrated to Avalon. And he had already gotten used to it, probably because his new home was bigger and better than the previous one. This time, he even had his own room, a perk that quickly won him over. Additionally, their flat was on the uppermost floor of the ten-storey building, giving him a brilliant view of the city every morning.

"Julian, Susan." He greeted the guests with a wry grin.

The two were dressed up for the occasion. His little brother had put on a dress shirt, while Susan was garbed in a sleeveless scarlet dress, showing off her exceptional figure. Her bright, ginger hair was let down to frame her face, and the red lipstick was certainly eye-catching.

"Long time, no see. Happy birthday." Julian grinned back, giving him a hug.

"You were here in the morning." He rolled his eyes fondly as Julian slipped inside, making himself at home.

"Happy birthday, Harry." Susan wished him next, wrapping her arms around him.

He gulped as her body pressed into his, her perfume sweet and flowery.

Folding his hands around her, he pulled her in and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks. You look quite beautiful. If we were alone, I wouldn't have been able to control myself."

"I'm sure you'd prefer me naked," she whispered in his ear huskily, her rosy lips curving up. "Sorry that we can't do anything tonight, so please come to Potter Manor tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you."

"I will." He kissed her cheek again and pulled back. "How about you go inside and keep Julian in line? It seems I'll have to be a doorman for a while."

She nodded, seeing the lift doors open.

Lena stepped out and walked over to him with a kind, motherly smile.

She was dressed in a flowy, white gown with floral designs. Just like Susan, her ginger hair was unbound, falling down to her mid-back.

"Happy birthday, Harry." She embraced him.

The gesture was reciprocated, his arms coiling around her waist, pressing their bodies together, feeling her large, supple breasts squash on his chest. Her perfume was the same as Susan's: something sweet and flowery.

"Thank you. I'm surprised you didn't just floo over." He pulled away, his arms still around her body, too greedy to stop touching her.

"Potter Manor is just a minute away. We decided to take an evening walk."

"I thought Susan just wanted to flaunt her dress." He joked, resisting the temptation to drop his hands from her waist and cup her delectable rear.

"That too. I don't usually see her putting this much effort into her appearance. So I couldn't say no when she decided to walk here instead." Her smile shrank, and her sea-blue eyes gained an apologetic look. "Also, I'm sorry that James won't be able to attend. He is busy at work."

"Good. Then I can have you all to myself," he quipped, making her smile reappear.

"Oh? What will you do now that you have me all to yourself?" She chuckled, linking their elbows as he led her inside.

'I'll start by peeling off your gown and snogging you senseless.' That was what he wanted to say, but all he could do was smile innocently and take her to the kitchen, where his mum was. They had gotten closer after he had saved her from the kidnapping attempt, but not close enough to blurt out such things.

Leaving her in the kitchen, he returned to the sitting room.

"I see you've already plugged in the PlayStation." He sank down onto the sofa beside his brother.

It was the same PlayStation that Sirius had bought him last year. And the games released since then have only made him fall more in love with the console.

The brat didn't even respond, too focused on the screen.

Shaking his head, he signalled for Susan to follow him to his room, finding an opportunity to fool around.

As soon as the door was closed, he pressed her against it, his hands gripping her bare shoulders. "Tell me your lipstick is kiss-proof."

"It is. But my clothes are not. So keep your hands to yourself, Mister. No pawing my chest." She cupped his face, her eyes gleaming.

"Yes, madam."

Then they were kissing, softly and lovingly, a tender gesture, their lust barely held in check. Even though he just promised not to mess up her dress, he grabbed her hips and pulled her tighter, taking her throaty moan as a sign of acceptance.

An unexpected knock made them jump apart, and Harry cussed under his breath, adjusting his trousers to hide his erection.

Susan plopped down on his bed while he opened the door to be greeted by the amused visage of Hannah. "Happy birthday, Harry. I hope I'm not interrupting."

"I so want to punch you right now."

She smirked and hugged him briefly. "Come out, Neville is also here. That means it's time to cut the cake."

Like every year, his birthday was a small, private affair, attended only by family and friends. And just like every year, he couldn't control his blush when everyone began singing the birthday song.

It would never be not mortifying.

After cutting the cake, he shared the first bite with his mum, then with Susan, and then with Julian and everybody else.

"I wish Hermione was here too." Neville bemoaned for the hundredth time since yesterday.

The dining table was enlarged for the occasion, and everyone was seated around it, partaking in the banquet that his mum had so carefully prepared.

"We know you miss your girlfriend, Nev. But please shut up," Harry muttered.

"Oh? My Neville has a girlfriend now?" Alice locked her gaze on her son.

A navy-blue gown adorned her titillating hourglass figure, and her long, pitch-black hair plummeted down behind her in a neat stream. Her dress was unusually low-cut tonight, displaying more cleavage. Even Neville, her own son, sneaked glances down her gown whenever she leaned forward… like now. And he was almost sure she was not wearing a bra.

Neville's face coloured, and he shook his head. "She is my best friend, not my girlfriend."

"Don't be fooled, Alice. He is always chanting Hermione this and Hermione that." Harry snickered, ignoring his shushing.

"I guess he is at that age." She smiled softly.

Neville turned sixteen yesterday. Of course, he was at that age. Sometimes, Harry wondered if Nev was aware of how easy it would be for him to bed his mother. Alice Longbottom was no less possessive or overprotective than his own mother. And if he could convince his mum to have sex with him, then Neville had a chance too. Not that his friend was ever going to realise that with how smitten he was with Hermione.

"I heard that your department was shut down recently." He directed his question at her.

"It was just eating up the ministry's resources for more than a decade. It doesn't seem like there is going to be another demon attack. So yes, the Anti-Demon Squad has been disbanded. Why, were you going to apply under me?"

"I humoured the idea at one point, but no, I'm more interested in becoming an auror. That seems like a stable job with plenty of action. And now that I have my OWLs in the necessary subjects, I'll work towards that goal for the next two years and join the auror force after graduation."

He didn't expect her to frown and give him a disapproving look. "That's a dangerous job, Harry. Particularly in this age and time. Won't you reconsider something safer?"

Lena added her own two sickles. "Alice is right. Being an auror isn't something I would wish upon you."

Alice and Lena weren't the only ones; even his friends were hoping he would change his mind. His mum was alone in supporting his choice; then again, only she was aware of his true strength. "No, my mind is set. And I'm powerful enough to take care of myself. So don't worry."

"I wish you luck," Alice said with a forced smile. "How about you, Nev? What do you want to become?"

"A professional duellist," he answered at once.

"Good, very good." She smiled proudly.

That prompted others to declare their desired careers. Hannah wanted to open a clothing shop. Julian wanted to become a quidditch player. And Susan wanted to pursue being an artist.

"Artist? That came out of nowhere." Julian laughed. "Make my portrait once we get home."

She flicked him on the forehead. "That will be one million galleons, Julie."

"Susan, are you sure?" Lena furrowed her eyebrows. "This isn't some passing fancy?"

"No, mum. I was training my skills this year. And I have already improved by spades. I'm sure I'll make something out of it. And even if I don't, Harry has agreed to let me mooch off him forever."

"Sure." He shrugged under everyone's stares. "I told her to do whatever she wants, and if it fails, I will always be there for her as a safety net."

Lena smiled warmly at them. "If that's what you want to do, then you have my support."

"Mine too." Hannah threw her arms around her.

The rest of the dinner went by in a similar fashion.


As the party wound down, his friends began to floo home. First to go was Hannah, followed by the Potters, and in the end only Neville and Alice remained.

The two women stayed in the kitchen, drinking wine at the dining table, while the boys were lounging on the sofa, gaming. And his friend could only lose so many times before getting tired of it. So he wasn't surprised when Neville dropped the gamepad and stood up to return home.

"It's already eleven-thirty," Neville remarked, glancing at the clock. "I better go."

"Alright." He slid onto his feet, stretching his stiff back and grunting when it popped. "I'll go call Alice."

Neville stopped him. "Mum already informed me that she has some important things to discuss with Lily. She won't be coming home with me."

"I see." He looked on as Neville took the floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. "Good night, then."

"Good night, Harry."

And then he was gone with a mumble of 'Longbottom Mansion'.

Harry entered the kitchen to let his mum know he was retiring to his room. He was already exhausted and wanted nothing more than to crash into bed and conk out.

He found her with Alice, sitting side-by-side at the dining table, giggling like school girls while sipping from the wine glass.

Before he could say anything, they caught sight of him.

"Harry! Come here, sit with us; you're old enough to drink, aren't you?" Alice smiled, her pale face already sporting a pink hue.

He glanced at his mum, who too looked a little inebriated. "Join us."

"Alright." He took the chair in front of them, seeing no harm in humouring their request.

His mum stood up and leaned across the table to fill his wine glass. "Let me pour it for you, darling."

Although the neckline of her black dress wasn't as low-cut as Alice's, it was still deep enough. And he couldn't help but stare at her ample breasts as the dress struggled to contain them.

"There you go." She winked and plopped down back in her seat, making her tits jiggle slightly.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, eyeing the two beauties discreetly. The drink was sweet and smokey, and the texture was nice and smooth. The last time he drank alcohol was in a strip club, ultimately passing out during sex. That was why he didn't gulp it all down at once now and took small, cautious sips.

"How is it?" Alice inquired, peering at him with her azure blue eyes, her chin propped over her joined fists.

"It's good." He took another sip, his gaze travelling from her slender neck down to the obscene amount of cleavage on display.

"Obviously, it's the best red wine." She smirked, thrusting her chest out. "I've been collecting these aged elixirs for a while now. I know quality when I see it."

He didn't know what to say about her boast and just smiled, too occupied with partaking in the visual feast to focus on her proud words.

His mum, on the other hand, rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you're best at buying wines. Now shut up. This is the fifth time you've proclaimed your expertise in wine tasting."

"Are you jealous of my skill, Lils?"


"Hehe, I think you are. Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

Before this conversation could devolve further, he interrupted them. "Alice, Neville went home. Perhaps it's time you did too."

He didn't actually want her to go, but it was better than a drunken fight between them.

Instantly, the atmosphere changed. His mum relaxed while Alice tensed up.

"Right, good, good. Then we can start, Lily?"

"We should."

He looked between them, unaware of what they were talking about. His eyes gained a suspicious gleam when his mum got off her chair and moved behind Alice. She gathered Alice's long, black hair and let it down her shoulder, covering her front. "I haven't given you your present yet, have I, Harry?"

"No, you did not." He leant back in his chair, realising, or at least hoping, where this was going.

"Well, your present is this." She yanked down the zip of the gown and pushed the straps off Alice's white shoulders, peeling the fabric down to her narrow waist and baring her breasts fully.

Alice was not wearing a bra, confirming his hunch.

Pale mounds hung temptingly, and her areolas were big, pink circles topped with thick, suckable nipples.

Alice blushed and looked away, while his mum placed her chin over her nude shoulder. "You always had a crush on her, didn't you? From the moment you first saw her, I believe. You lost the ability to talk properly in her presence. So mesmerised you were. I remember it even now."

"True." He licked his lips as her hands sank into the wide expanse of Alice's large, perky breasts, making the ravenhead gasp in shock.

He didn't know what was happening. He didn't know why Alice was going along with this. But instead of being an idiot and asking what the hell was going on, he simply watched his mum fondle Alice's big, soft tits.

"From tonight to forever, Alice Longbottom, your crush, will be your bitch. Your sex slave. Your doll. You can use her body; you can do whatever you want with her, and she won't mind. She won't mind at all. Right, Alice?"

The goddess scrunched her nose and heaved a sigh. "I always knew you were a sadist, Lils. But yes," she looked at him, "you can have sex with me whenever you want, Harry. While I wouldn't want to word it this way, I am practically your slave, required to follow your every whim."

His cock roared in approval, and tried to fight out of the confines of his trousers. He gulped at the overwhelming power he suddenly gained over the woman he always lusted after. Even when he was just eleven years old, he had fallen for her divine beauty. And now he had her as his slave. Although all he wanted was to jump across the table and grab her irresistible teats, he calmed his raging libido and looked at them.

"What the fuck is going on? Don't get me wrong, Alice. You're one of the most attractive women I have ever seen. So I obviously want to sleep with you. But I don't understand how this is possible. Why are you going along with this?"

Well, he became an idiot and asked the question instead of simply savouring the gift. But he needed to do that. All this was just so weird and unexpected.

"Don't worry about it, Harry." His mum waved away his concerns, still pawing at Alice's chest, making her squirm in her seat. "She is just paying up and clearing her debt."

"It must be some massive debt if she is willing to prostitute herself."

"You can't even imagine, darling. Should I tell him, Alice?" She pinched her nipples, her tone infused with a hint of anger.

Alice moaned and shook her head. "Don't bother, Harry. It's fine. I am willing to sleep with you. Not only are you easy on the eyes, I also love you like my own son. I'll think of it as giving you necessary experience in bed. An educational affair, if you will."

He blinked at her excuse, unable to hide his mirth. What did she think he was? A virgin?

"If you say so. Fine, I won't ask any more questions." He moved around the table and stood beside her chair. "But let's take this to the bedroom."

His mum stepped away from Alice, allowing him to take over from here.

He offered his hand, and she took it, clasping it with her own, letting him pull her up to her feet.

Alice Longbottom was a tall woman, one of the few who matched him in stature.

"Turn around; let's leave your gown."

She hesitated before doing as asked.

Her navy-blue gown hung loosely at her waist, exposing her torso. He kneeled before her and slowly peeled it further down, revealing her white lacy underwear. It was instinctual, unplanned, as his face pressed into her plump, round cheeks. One second, he was staring at her arse, and the next, he had his nose buried in her buttocks.

"Eep!" She jumped in shock.

The underwear was thin and negligible, and her shapely curves felt too good on his face. Knowing he couldn't waste too much time here, he kissed her warm skin and tugged the gown further. The surprises didn't just end there. Alice was wearing white stockings, accentuating her meaty thighs.

This was definitely going to give him one more kink.

He ran his fingers along her thighs, the texture of the stockings feeling nice to touch.

With one last pull, her gown pooled at her feet, and she stepped out of it, standing just in a white thong and stockings. He rose up slowly, dragging his palms along her shin, then her thighs, and then her arse. Here, he took a moment to squeeze her plentiful bottom.

During all this, Alice twitched and blushed while his mum simply stared at them with wide, entranced eyes.

"Come, Alice." He tugged at her hand, spinning her around so she was facing him.

She nodded nervously and let him tow her to his bedroom.

Lily followed them inside and closed the door.

"You can go now, Lils. Harry knows he has the authority to command me. You don't need to watch us while we do it." Alice flopped down on the edge of the bed, looking at his mum.

In response, his mum took off her black dress and chucked it on the floor, standing proud in just her knickers.

It wasn't only Alice who went braless tonight.

"Why would I leave when I want to participate?" Her mouth twisted in an amused smile as she slid off her knickers too.

Their eyes met, and he understood what she wanted to do. He allowed her to draw him into her embrace and snog him. His own arms draped around her back, and his fingers dug into her rear, pulling her tight against him.

They kissed passionately right in front of the bamboozled woman.

"But he's your son!" She threw up her arms, unable to believe her eyes, uncaring how that move shook her tits.

His mum scoffed and cupped his excited crotch. "And? This still gets hard when I grab it. And I still get wet when he touches me. Good enough for me."

"I don't know what to say." Alice looked lost and dazed, clutching her dark hair.

"Then don't. Just do as we say." Harry climbed on the bed after removing his clothes and pushed her down on her back.

The ravenhead spread her legs for him, locking them around his waist, and nodded. "Fine. I'll do everything to keep my friendship with Lils intact. This is a small price to pay."

He didn't really understand what she meant, and he wasn't trying to.

Pinning her arms above her on the bed, he lowered his mouth over hers and stole a steamy kiss.

Alice was stiff as a board and nearly unresponsive. But he persevered, and soon enough, she started kissing him back. Seconds later, he pried open her mouth and sucked on her tongue, tasting the sweetness of the red wine.

She moaned and ground her pelvis against his boner, her tiny underwear unable to stop their skins from mashing.

While he was busy kissing her, his mum hugged him from behind, pressing her breasts over his back and peppering kisses on his neck. He could feel her nipples on his skin, and he pushed his erection harder against Alice's crotch.

Disconnecting the kiss, he pulled back and stared at her panting face. Unable to control himself, he kissed all over her beautiful visage. Her arms snaked around his neck and pulled him tighter against her, their heat intermingling and stoking their fiery lust.

"I am feeling ignored." His mum whispered in his ear, rubbing her fleshy globes over his back.

He nodded, pulling away from Alice, and sat up. "Let me change places with you."

Alice rolled to the left, and he lay down on the bed. "Alice, give me a blowjob. Mum, sit on my face; I know you love it."

She chuckled and lowered her cunt over his mouth, caressing his hair. "I don't think I'm the only one who loves it."

In answer, he grabbed her by the arse and focused on her slick, velvety folds. She wasn't lying. He loved lapping at her pussy. There was a sense of accomplishment and a boost in ego every time he licked her to climax.

He gasped in her core as Alice finally engulfed his shaft in her hot mouth. Her movements were jerky and inexperienced, telling him that she hadn't had any action in a long while. Still, even the inexperienced mouth of a sexy woman was stimulating enough. So while she bobbed her head up and down, taking his cock in and out of her wet mouth, he fondled his mum's arse cheeks and lapped and sucked at her nether lips.

Alice's gagging reached his ears as she unsuccessfully tried to take him deeper. But that action almost pushed him off the edge. He shut his eyes and stifled the urge to burst, wanting to make his mother come before climaxing himself.

Minutes passed, surrounded by the wet, sloppy sounds of two mouths working furiously on genitals. And the one free mouth offered unintelligible grunts and moans instead.

His mum suddenly gasped and dropped her arse on his face, straddling his jaw, squeezing her thighs around it. His tongue worked relentlessly, even when her weight nearly suffocated him. And not a second later, she arched her back and came with a scream, her thighs trembling from the impact of her orgasm.

"Sorry." She apologised, quickly getting off his face.

He drew in audible breaths, sucking in air desperately, his chest heaving, compensating for the lack of it while he had been busy slurping at his mother's cunt.

"It's fine," he muttered with a scrunched-up face, feeling himself teeter at the edge as Alice latched her lips around his glans and sucked on it, her technique improving, probably recalling old skills.

"Let it go, Harry. Don't need to hold back. We have the entire night to ourselves," she whispered in his ear huskily, her wet tongue making him shiver.

The pressure in his gut erupted through his throbbing cock, and pleasure washed over him. He grabbed Alice's hair and gave an instinctive thrust into her mouth, ignoring her protest and gagging and burying himself balls deep in her gullet.

Alice tapped against his hips angrily, and he let her go.

"You both are sadists," she panted, wiping the white semen trickling down her chin.

"Sorry," he said apologetically, pulling her beside him, wanting to experience the sensation of being cuddled by two buxom women.

Alice huffed and let him draw her tight against him, his arm flushed against her breasts and his leg sandwiched between her thighs. His mum mirrored the position from the other side.

"So, Alice, was that nice?" His mum asked amusedly, wrapping her fingers around his limp dick and stroking it gently.

"Well, it certainly brings back pleasant memories." The ravenhead rolled her eyes. "And I am still unsure how I feel about my best friend sleeping with her own son. Isn't this rape and grooming?"

Harry shook his head, drawing a circle on her lower back with his thumb. "It was me who relentlessly pursued mum and exhausted her reluctance. I wouldn't blame her for anything. Honestly, sex has only made us grow closer. And I don't regret it. I have always loved her more than anyone. So I couldn't see why I couldn't have her in every way possible."

"Yes. Harry is my world." His mum smiled, still stroking his dick. "The only time I felt lonely was when I had to hide in the bathroom to masturbate, imagining a faceless man pleasuring me. Now I can allow Harry to do that instead. Both my heart and body are his. And I too don't regret it."

Alice hummed thoughtfully. "It's weird that I can understand what you're saying."

It was not.

Alice and Neville were their mirror images. Both loving pairs of mother and son left alone after a great tragedy, living together for each other and growing overprotective of one another because of the painful past. If Neville was a little more like Harry, then she would already be in an incestuous relationship.

"Look, Harry is ready." His mum grinned, rubbing her thumb on his sensitive glans, causing him to squirm from overstimulation.

He sat up and propped his back against the headboard, temporarily freeing himself from his mother's clutch. "I always wanted to know one thing. Mum, Alice, stand on your knees side-by-side."

The two intrigued women did that, standing on their knees side-by-side. He smirked and groped their breasts, examining their size and shape.

Whose tits were bigger? It was a mystery that has tormented him for too long.

Tonight, it will be solved.

"I see. Alice's boobs are slightly bigger and perkier. Just slightly." He thought out loud.

"Such revelation will change the world, won't it, Harry?" His mum replied dryly.

"You're just jealous that Harry considers me more sexy," Alice said with a triumphant smirk.

His mum narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "He said your chest is bigger, not that you're more sexy."

"Alice is hottest objectively, and mum is hottest subjectively," he announced before they could start quarrelling.

"Are you saying you don't find me attractive?"

"Are you saying only you find me attractive?"

Not wanting to bother arguing about it further, he adopted a stern look and said, "Both of you on your hands and knees."

His towering mast must have been enough of incentive because they turned around and pushed their rears in his direction.

"Since mum is already soaking wet from her orgasm, she gets to be first." He spread her arse cheeks and sank into her with one thrust, the damp heat enveloping him readily. "Alice, sit before mum, and let her go down on you. Let's see if she likes licking just as much as getting licked."

"Gladly." Alice propped herself against the pillows and spread her stocking-clad legs. "Reminds you of our Hogwarts years, doesn't it?"

His mum moaned as he started ramming into her. "Helping each other get off, sure. Threesomes, I don't think so."

"Less talking and more licking." He gripped her blood-red hair and shoved her face into Alice's awaiting cunt while pounding her arse insistently.

The two women groaned together.

It would take much sweat and effort, but Harry would be able to satisfy the two hotties, with the help of rejuvenating breaks between the rounds, of course.

next chapter
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