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For the first few days, Happy felt quite sad about the death of the muggles on the plane. But he tried to cope and slowly forget the event.
Thankfully, he was now living in the muggle neighborhood. And the best part about living in the muggle side of the world, especially in a metropolitan like London, was—FOOD! Now, he could order anything he wanted, and the food would arrive right at his doorstep. The House Elves didn't even need to cook anything other than his breakfast.
It was already the middle of August since he returned from Tokyo, so he only had to wait for 16 days. But they were enough to enjoy various cuisines, albeit most being bastardized versions of their original tastes.
After all, one can't really find authentic Indian or Chinese food without going there.
Over the days, Happy stayed in contact with Harry and Hermione through the telephone. Sadly, Ron didn't have the modern means of communication. So, all they could do was send him letters.
Thankfully, nobody revealed to their families what really happened. Ron's family wasn't even aware that a muggle plane crash had happened, while Harry's aunt and uncle didn't even care whether Harry lived. Only Hermione's parents were concerned, but since Hermione reached home before the news became public, they were at peace.
Eventually, the 1st of September came, and the day to return to Hogwarts arrived. Happy packed his luggage and told the House Elves to drop him off at the station, in the bathroom. From there, he made his way to platform 93/4.
He was pretty early, so he didn't find any of his friends there, nor much crowd. So, he made his way into the wall and found the train at the platform already. He entered, found himself a nice empty cabin, and settled in, with Koko finally being set free to roam.
Koko flapped his wings excitedly as she waddled through the Hogwarts train. Happy had allowed him to move around, greet all the passengers, and control their minds through his cuteness. After all, the more Koko was loved, the more Happy's name would spread.
Finally, half an hour later, Hermione arrived. Then, a few minutes later, just before the train was about to leave and was whistling its final call, Harry and Ron came, their faces full of panic.
Ron jumped to hug Happy immediately. "Thank you, my savior!"
"What happened?" Hermione asked them, bewildered.
Ron sat down by the window and took a long, calming breath. "I don't know. Harry and I couldn't cross the wall at the station for some reason. We tried a lot but failed each time. We thought we would not make it, but then Marcus and Nobby, Happy's house elves, appeared and offered to help us reach the station."
"How did you know this was going to happen?" Hermione asked.
Happy glanced at Harry. "Remember that elf that appeared in your house? The one who warned you not to come to school this year? I felt he'd do something to stop you. My elves told me about an elf presence keeping an eye on us when I arrived at the station."
"But…Why would it do such a thing? I never met Dobby before." Harry wondered aloud.
Happy, seriously had no idea. There were theories, but nothing concrete. Perhaps, Dobby liked Harry because he 'vanquished' the Dark Lord. So, it was perhaps hero worship, or it was probably just because Dobby was built different.
Just then, the train began to move, and soon enough, the trolley lady came, and Happy had only one thing to say.
"The usual!"
Which meant taking the entire lot and eating everything like hungry filthy Neanderthals.
Thankfully, Harry and Ron were just like him, while only Hermione acted reserved and ate a few.
The Hogwarts Express arrived at the station, its wheels screeching to a halt.
Happy, Harry, Hermione, and Ron made their way into the castle, and soon, they arrived at the Grand Hall, where the Sorting Ceremony was about to begin.
Eventually, as expected, Ginny Weasley was placed in Gryffindor, along with a few others. The other notable name Happy remembered there was Luna Lovegood, who went to Ravenclaw.
With the Sorting Ceremony over, it was time for the feast to begin. The tables were piled high with delicious food.
Happy, sitting at the Gryffindor table, as always, cheered up the mood of the entire Gryffindor house with his sheer monstrous capability of eating so much.
"Anyone who beats me at eating the most chicken shall win a hundred Gold Galleons from me. If I win, all of you must gift me one food item." Happy challenged his entire house openly.
"Oh my!" Fred Weasley was all too ready for it. "Great Lord Lestrange, with his fat pocket, finally decided to grace us with some gold. Alright, let's do this!"
"I'll take part, too," George added.
Eventually, half of the Gryffindor house decided to challenge Happy in eating the succulent, tasty grilled, and smoked chicken. Thankfully, the food was unlimited, so they had no problem proceeding.
But, Gryffindor house sure did gross out all the other houses because one hundred galleons was a lot of money. Enough to make everyone eat like pigs with both their hands. They were nasty and messy, but they were fast.
Sadly, not faster than Happy, who, despite being the fastest, was also the cleanliest. He was used to eating a lot. Eventually, the time for dinner came to an end, and the final counting began—Headboy and Headgirl being the referees.
"The final result is—Happy Lestrange won with one hundred more chicken legs than the nearest competitor, George Weasley."
Happy smirked and got up. "Hah! I'll wait for my gifts!"
George Weasley had a big bloating stomach by then and was unable to stand up. "I…I think I'm gonna throw up."
Hearing that, the entire Gryffindor house decided to hastily leave their table and return to the common room. They knew that once they saw George vomiting, they wouldn't be able to control themselves either.
"You're crazy," Hermione said as the four headed to their dorms. "But in a fun way."
Happy chuckled, truly happy that Hermione wasn't like the usual know-it-all, rule-following girl. "Thanks. You should have competed too."
She sneered, making her iconic pouted-lip face. "I'd rather not, Happy. I love staying healthy."
"Mister Lestrange, a word."
Just then, as they crossed a hallway, Dumbledore appeared, seriousness clear on his face. The tall old man in his oversized robes and a pointy hat was as overwhelming to look at as always.
'Did he find out about the accident? Probably going to remind me to be safe.' Happy thought and told his friends to wait in the dorms.
Happy followed the old Headmaster to the office. None spoke on the entire way, and the Headmaster didn't even look back at him.
Eventually, the old man took his seat beside the table but didn't offer Happy to take a seat.
"Mr. Lestrange, please do not trouble yourself with sitting down, as this will be a brief conversation. I must express my profound disappointment in your actions this past summer."
Dumbledore's tone was stern. "You put Harry's life in grave danger, despite being fully aware of who is pursuing him. Without my consent, you removed him from the safety of his home and presented him in plain sight of the world.
"There still remain devotees to the Dark Lord who yearn to bring an end to Harry, the living proof of the Dark Lord's ignominious demise."
Happy looked down, not wanting to present his eyes for the old man to pry into his mind. "I understand, Professor. I realized my mistake right then and promised myself not to bring Harry or anyone else into harm's way. That's why I quickly sent Harry back to his home."
Dumbledore gazed at the young wizard before him and nodded in satisfaction. "Good, I expected nothing less from a clever wizard such as yourself. You must be tired after the journey, so you may return to the dorm and have some rest."
Happy turned around and left the room quickly. He felt a certain discomfort breathing in that room as he saw Dumbledore's fanatic obsession with Harry firsthand.
'He didn't ask me if I was alright when it was me for whom those evil wizards or goblins attacked the flight.' Happy thought, unable to ignore such a simple thing. 'He didn't even ask about Ron or Hermione. Is he too obsessed with the prophecy, wanting for everything to go according to it? Then, I'm an anomaly that has already changed everything.'
Happy understood that there were not many people he could rely on for free protection. No sane wizard who fought and lost their loved ones against Voldemort before would want to protect him. If anything, they'd rejoice with the extinction of the Lestrange bloodline.
Mentally and physically exhausted, Happy returned to his dorm room and went off to sleep quickly. Harry and Ron had already dropped on their beds, and Koko was the only one awake, waiting for his return.
The next day came, and the first class of the day was Potions. It was nobody's favorite, as Professor Snape was not kind to any, and his expectations always remained too high for each student.
With sleepy eyes and some stomachaches, the Gryffindor class arrived in the potion's classroom with Ravenclaw students, sharing the subject.
As usual, the Professor was harsh on students, asking questions randomly to anyone, and for failing to answer, house points were deducted. Though the frustrating part was him not giving points for the right answers. In his own words, he expected them all to answer in the first place.
Harry and Ron had a hard time in that class, as they were often targeted. While Happy always answered correctly through sheer luck, and Hermione was...Hermione.
Eventually, the class came to an end. But, once again, Happy heard those horrid words after class.
"Not you, Mr. Lestrange—To my chambers," Snape ordered in a somewhat threatening tone.
'Ugh… I forgot he's the shadow guardian of Harry.' Happy sighed and followed the Professor after bidding his friends farewell for the time.
The chamber of the potions professor was as untidy as always, with potion bottles and ingredients lying around everywhere. On the table, on the walls, and even on the ceiling, there were strange contraptions to hold something. Happy reckoned that it was probably the most expensive room in Hogwarts after Dumbledore's office.
"Take a seat," Snape ordered, pointing at the chair beside the table.
But Snape didn't sit down and instead walked over to stand a foot away from Happy, looking down from his towering height with his arms folded. His face held a constant uncaring look.
Happy, again, didn't look the man in the eyes. "I… I told the Headmaster, I won't put Ha—"
Before Happy could finish, Snape spoke in the usual monotone voice.
"Were you injured in that muggle accident?"
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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*