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Happy, shocked beyond belief, looked up for a brief moment. Snape was the last man he expected to be worried about him. If anything, he expected he'd be even more overzealous about his frustration since he was also Harry's secret guardian and Lily obsessed.
But, to his amazement, the man wasn't looking at him anymore and instead fiddled with some potion bottle on the wall. Then, he picked one vial and extended it towards Happy.
"Pour this on the wounds if you have any. You may keep it." Snape nonchalantly said and immediately dismissed him. "You may leave now."
'A yandere or is that tsundere?' Happy wondered.
Happy did as ordered, not waiting to push his luck with the enigma of a man. He never felt safe near the mind rapi…Legilimency addicts.
As he left, he wondered what happened to Snape during that one summer vacation. 'Did he do some research about Tom Riddle? Does this mean my manipulation worked? But...how well?'
Alas, that was an answer he had to find slowly. Forcing a man like Snape was never a good option in his books.
With that, his first day finally came to an end as nothing more eventful happened. The classes went on as usual. But the real school year started the next day. The students were a buzz, with the latest addition to the school faculty becoming a hot topic. The new DADA professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, was to teach the class that day.
The man was the talk of the town, from Diagon Alley to the school. His average face, combined with his falsified legends, worked as his lucky charms and made him famous beyond the level of fame he could handle, particularly among middle-aged women and impressionable kids, mainly girls.
Getting ready for his first class, Happy took a look at the list. 'Herbology, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts!'
"Ugh! I don't like this. Why can't there be a cooking class?"
On his first day of Herbology class, Happy was introduced to the fascinating world of magical plants. Although he didn't like studying, he was particularly interested in subjects that didn't require his personal magic.
The students were instructed to wear protective earmuffs while handling the Mandrakes. And, as if on cue, Neville Longbottom accidentally pulled out his Mandrake and made it scream.
Happy rolled his eyes and shoved a dry sock into the plant's mouth to stop it from screaming anymore, saving Neville from collapsing. "Thank me later."
Everyone burst out laughing. Professor Pomona Sprout glared at him. But Happy's technique had actually worked, as crude as it was.
Eventually, after the ear-shattering first Herbology and normal Transfiguration class, the time for the DADA class came. Just one look at the classroom told Happy what kind of man Lockhart was—a sham who loved the limelight.
The walls of the classroom were adorned with countless framed photos of Lockhart, each one depicting him striking a heroic pose or signing an autograph. The students' desks were piled high with his best-selling books, and the air was thick with the scent of his signature cologne.
Happy minded his own business, reading a muggle book titled 'How to Get Rich Fast by Jordan Belfort,' which revealed some of the stock information that he needed. He wasn't interested in studying in an imposter's classroom, as there was nothing of value to learn.
Soon, Lockhart walked around the classroom and slowly stopped beside a covered cage.
He turned his attention to the class and addressed, "Now, these are one of the most dangerous creatures in the wizarding world. They're little blighters. They can be devilishly tricky and very hard to handle. They are truly a nightmare to wizards..."
Happy interrupted. "Ah! The most dangerous creatures in the entire wizarding world, the little devious Cornish pixies? Am I right, professor?"
Gilderoy Lockhart looked down at the second row, the first column, where Happy sat. A big smile was donned on his face as he spoke. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the charming Happy Lestrange, the subject of much discussion among us refined wizards and witches. Now, please don't take offense, my dear, but many of us have been speculating about your future. Will you succumb to the loathsome side or remain steadfast in your virtuous ways?
"As for myself, I must say that I have some familiarity with your lineage. Why, I recall facing off against your family in a heated duel some years ago! Powerful wizards, no doubt about it, but alas, their moral compass seemed to be quite askew. But fear not! My dear, for I have faith that your upbringing and inherent goodness will guide you down the right path. And as for your family, let us hope that their stint in Azkaban has provided them with some measure of repentance and redemption, at least in their hearts, if not in the eyes of the law."
They were all kids, but they weren't stupid. They saw what Lockhart did, trying to belittle Happy by bringing up his family history, which had nothing to do with who he was now—a person liked by almost the entire school.
Hence, murmurs among the students arose, the Slytherins being angry the most, to everyone's surprise.
Happy was unfazed, however. He knew the man was just a loudmouth with no capabilities. So, he stood up with his wand out. "Professor, I read about your brilliant dueling adventures in the books. I was hoping you could show us an example. It will certainly help us fight the vile dark beasts out there. So, why don't we have a friendly exchange of spells?"
Happy knew Lockhart was a low IQ man with not much decision-making skills. Sure, he could come up with fine stories, but for the love of god, he had no skills in logical reasoning when it came to his pride and image.
"Haha, I'm delighted that you read my books. However, I fear that this moment may not be opportune for such a discussion. Let us instead shift our attention to a more favorable topic, shall we?" Lockhart tried to change the topic.
Happy turned around and looked at his fellow classmates. "Don't you want to see the great Gilderoy Lockhart in action?"
Happy specifically winked at Draco in the back. In no time, the devious little Slytherin knew what he had to do and began to rally his classmates to agree with Happy.
"We would love to see that!" Draco shouted.
Soon, the girls jumped on the hype train, for they just wanted to see their lovely professor cast some spells and show his brilliance.
In the case of such cheer and requests, Lockhart could not stay humble and let the fame get to his head. Smiling widely, he nodded and took out his wand. "Alright, alright," he said with a charming wink, "I shall show you a small example of my skills, just this once. Prepare to be dazzled!"
Happy smiled and walked to the front to stand at one side of the room while the professor stood on the other side. The man was proud and confident, not taking a simple second year seriously. After all, he was the mighty Order of Merlin Third Class.
"Are you sure you want to do this, my dear boy?" Lockhart asked, his voice booming. "I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm sure," Happy replied confidently.
Hermione looked worried for Happy and chimed in as a voice of reason. In no circumstance, she saw Happy winning against an adult wizard, "Happy, don't do this. He's never lost a duel. I read it in his books, he's a master at dueling."
Happy smiled and whispered to her, "Just wait and watch. He's a sham, Hermione. I will prove it."
The two took their positions, and Lockhart raised his wand.
The Slytherin House began to cheer for Happy. Even Draco, who was known for his arrogance, was cheering loudly. Even if they weren't from the same house, Draco still felt a sense of brotherly bond with Happy after hearing those subtle insults about his lineage.
Happy prepared his wand, already knowing which spell he wanted to use. Meanwhile, Lockhart was busy talking and giving instructions.
"Now, watch this, everyone. This is a pure demonstration, so I will only use second-year spells here. In a duel, speed and aim are paramount, and one must react quickly to avoid being caught off guard. A single misstep could instantly lead to defeat, so one must always be on guard and ready to strike. Mr. Lestrange, I apologize in advance for your loss. This match is skewed against you from the start."
Happy just smiled. "It's alright, Professor. I'm prepared."
"Good! I will count to three, and when I say three, both of us will release our spells—understood?" Lockhart instructed with a radiant smile on his face.
Happy bobbed his head and raised his wand to his chest. "Understood."
The silence that fell over the room was palpable. Hearts pounded fast, and all the second years watched with excitement.
A figure in dark black robes and slightly long hair stood outside the classroom door, secretly peering inside.
"THREE!" Lockhart roared and proceeded to flick his wand, but rather slowly.
At that time, Happy revealed his other hand that had remained hidden behind his back. A book was in his grasp, thick and heavy.
"Catch, professor!" Happy threw the book at the Lockhart, and the foolish professor tried to catch it.
Right then, a roaring spell came from Happy's wand.
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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*