It felt like he wanted to tell me something. Well whatever, I walked towards the locker room and waited for Lizzy and Bella. We later went to the ground after changing clothes.
"Five laps around the ground quick," the coach said to which we all groaned and started running. At the fourth lap, I was huffing and puffing for air. Most of them here were either werewolves or vampires and I being a human did not help a bit. All of them had completed their laps and I decided to stop running.
"Team line up count with an even an odd and form two teams," the coach ordered, I ended up in the odd group with Lizzy and Bella in the even team.
"We'll be playing dodge ball today" he announced which made my jaw drop and close. He blew his whistle. It is alright I can do it I chanted. After two minutes, thud! Ow, my leg. I'm out before the game even begins.
"Out!" one girl from the opponent team screamed in excitement. Yeah yeah. She looked at me with arrogance and a wicked smile.
"I'm sorry," I apologized to the team I was in.
"That's alright", a tall girl spoke in my team, "it's a little difficult but you'll get a hang of it," and offered me a smile.
"Yeah Eve," Lizzy agreed, "we'll kick her butt for getting you out."
My leg hurt like crap when I moved it. I walked as normal as possible out of the court before I would be brutally injured. Slowly dragging my feet, I sat on the nearest bench and saw them play. This was definitely not a sport the way they played. The speed they threw the ball and dodged it was amazing.
"That was pretty quick," I turned back to see who it was. It was the soccer captain, Derek.
"Derek," he introduced himself, "You got out pretty quick from the game," he rephrased his sentence.
"It isn't exactly a game," I pointed it out for him, "it's like they are taking out some sort of revenge."
He laughed hearing this, "That's how the game's supposed to be," and sat down beside me.
"You skipped your laps," he said looking at the girls playing to which I didn't reply, "I think you need to get your leg checked."
"What?" I asked him furrowing my eyebrows.
"I think you hurt your leg pretty bad when you got hit by the ball. I know when someone's physically injured," he said.
"No I'm fine," I lied to him. He got closer to me and touched my knee to which I cringed, swatting his hand away.
"I can take you to the infirmary if you want," he offered me.
"That's alright. I'll get it checked later," I replied to him.
"If you say so, take care then," and he walked away. The girls were still at throwing the ball fiercely at each other and most of them were getting out.
The pain would eventually go away and was just a temporary pain. The game got over and I left school with Lizzy. I spoke to mom and dad as much as I could. Ruka had sent them with two tickets to Hawaii and after so much of pestering mom did, dad agreed to go and currently was enjoying the trip. As I reached the stairs, I met Grenda.
"Miss Eve, I was to inform that you are supposed to be in the basement once you reach home with track clothes on," she said me. I thought he would have forgotten about the whole combat thing of me learning to fight.
"Yes thank you, Grenda," I got an apple and went up to my room munching on it, my leg did hurt now as I lifted my legs on the stairs. As I took, my clothes off I saw dark purple color formation on my skin. I touched the area and felt pain. Quickly putting my track clothes, I went to the basement and it looked like a mini arena. Everything about this castle was fascinating. Ruka arrived after ten minutes.
"Sorry I'm late," he apologized as he entered giving me a smile. He looked sexy with his tousled hair falling on his forehead and his amethyst eyes
"That's okay, I just came here few minutes back," I told him. He wore a collared T-shirt with long cuffs. Looking classy as ever, in a normal world he would no doubt be considered as a hot super model. He took a sword and handed it to me.
"Let me teach you how to wield a sword today. We'll start with the basics first."
"In worst case scenario what do you do when someone catches you?" he asked me.
"Kick him in his jewel?" I told uncertainly.
"Good, I want you to keep this while you're out," he said pointing the sword I had in my hand.
I asked baffled, "People will think of me like a samurai." Seriously, they would.
"Here give me that," and he took the sword. I watched curiously, what he was doing. In a second, the sword shrunk to the size of a pocketknife.
"Wow," I was speechless. He chuckled hearing this.
"It has a lock at the side where you can use it to shrink or expand the knife as you wish," he explained it to me. I took the knife observing it and found the lock as he told and unlocked it.
"Now let us begin, shall we," he said taking another sword in his hand.
It was nearly an hour or so since we started with the practice. I had to mimic his hand movements and stance. Internally I found it funny swinging the sword. He was smooth in wielding the sword. The way his muscles flexed when he demonstrated. Here I was all tired and there he stood flawless and relaxed.
"Not like that love," he instructed me. He came behind me, my back against his chest. Holding my hands on either side, he swung it.
"Yes, that's right," I moved my arm as he said.
In the process of learning how to use a sword, his hands moved from my hands to my waist. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach because of his close proximity. The position we were in was intimate. Not able to concentrate I did not realize I had stopped neither did he the way his face was at the crook of my neck.
"You smell wonderful," Ruka murmured as I felt him inhale. He kissed the nape of my neck softly making me blush.
The sword I was holding had gone to my side and without knowing it touched my leg where I had hurt myself today, wincing lightly.
"What happened?" his voice laced in concern he turned me around. My heart dropped instantly.
"Nothing," I lied quickly. He narrowed his eyes looking at me.
He checked me up and down with his clever eyes. He gently set me on the ground. Placing his fingers on my ankle, he pressed it. Not getting a reaction from me, he traced his fingers up my ankle setting my face aflame. When he touched the injured portion, which was covered my muscles clenched and he stopped.
"I don't like lies love," he said looking at me intensely and in a second, he ripped the fabric of the pant exposing my skin that had turned a darker shade of bluish purple.
He gripped the edge of the table tightly, which would break any moment.
"Henry!" his voice boomed in the basement making me cringe.
A guard came inside bowing, "Your Highness."
"Get Elizabeth and Louis here immediately. Now!" his voice as hard as steel. The guard bowed and left to get them.
"How did this happen?" he asked me furious.
"How did this happen?" he asked me furious, his eyes had turned red and I gulped. He was almost hovering over me.
"You fell down?" he asked me to which I shook my head no.
"Then?" he questioned raising his eyebrow waiting for me to reply.
"Physical education," I replied nervously feeling his hard gaze. I could hardly form any sentences to his interrogation. Before he could ask me anything, Lizzy and Louis came in.
"You called us?" Louis asked Ruka. I sat there on the table counting the seconds that passed by biting my inner cheek.
"Yes," Ruka replied in a hard tone, "Why is that none of you informed me about this?" he growled showing the bluish green color on my skin.
Lizzy gasped looking at it and Louis was taken aback but his composure still intact.
"When did it happen?" she asked me and then her eyes went wide in realization,"Dodgeball?" she asked me. I gave her an uncertain smile.
"I'm so sorry Eve. I should have noticed it," she apologized, "I forgot that you weren't like us," she said regret in her voice.
"This is one thing you were told to do," Ruka growled at her in anger.
"It isn't Lizzy's fault, she didn't know " I defended her not wanting her to be scolded.
Louis walked over and placed his hand cold hands on my leg to which I winced in pain. It felt like my muscles were being torn.
"I think it needs a check," he informed Ruka. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself but his eyes were still blood red.
"You know what to do," Ruka said to Louis to which he nodded and left.
He picked me up in his arms and walked out, Lizzy trailed behind us. We reached my room and he set me on the bed sitting next to me.
"Do you know who did this?" he asked Lizzy.
"Scarlet," she replied to him cautiously.
"By Scarlet, you mean Megan's friend?" Lizzy nodded to which Ruka chuckled darkly, "I see."
She really didn't like me. No wonder the ball hit so hard and to be the first one to be out. Was that a sign telling I wasn't supposed to be there. Was there going to be more like that? So many questions came up in my mind.
"Lizzy can you leave us alone for some while and get dinner up here for two", it wasn't a question but an order to which she didn't mind a bit. Having a grin on her face suddenly she left us alone in my room.
He got a first aid box from the cupboard placing on the bed and took out a bottle with a cotton dampening it with the colorless liquid. Using the cotton he wiped the injured portion in and around it, it felt cool against my skin.
"Does it hurt?" he asked me his eyes softening.
"A little bit," I answered him with a small smile, "please don't hold Lizzy responsible for this," I pleaded.
"I won't. I promise something like this won't happen again, love," he said tenderly stroking my cheek. I closed my eyes a cat-like gesture and then opened my eyes.
Our faces were close by. I saw him lower his gaze on lips and I did the same. I wondered how his lips would feel against mine. My heartbeat increased with the thoughts that formed in my mind. He leaned in forward slowly our lips inches apart.
"Ahem," a throat cleared near the door. Startled I moved back abruptly my face beet red. Ruka looked more than annoyed at the distance I had put and the interruption.
"Sebastian," Ruka greeted Sebastian standing near the door smirking and walked inside.
"I spoke to Henderson, by night they'll be notified," Sebastian told seriously, "My my," he said looking at my leg, "it looks pretty bad. Is it bearable?" he asked me.
"Yeah," I nodded. A maid came inside with a trolley filled with food I believe.
"That's good," he said, "get well soon," he patted my head.
"Are you going to do something about this?" Sebastian asked Ruka.
"Not now," he said a smile arising, "I'll handle her myself." Her? Then it hit my mind. They were talking about Megan.
"I will leave you two lovebirds alone now, continue what you were doing," Sebastian said stressing the word alone to which Ruka glared at him. His cell vibrated before Sebastian left the room and picked it up.
"Yes...Where... Did you get it right? We'll be there....okay," Ruka spoke and then closed the phone putting it back in his pocket, "I'm sorry but I have some work to finish up, will you be alright alone?" he asked me with concern, "Do you want me to send someone up for company?"
"No, I'll be fine," I assured him. Feeling a slight disappointment of him not staying here.
"Alright then," he got up from the bed, "I want you to sleep early," he said to which I nodded my head and he left with Sebastian.