The next day Lizzy, Bella, Andria, Aiden and I went shopping. Going to baby stores buying almost everything. We took a break at three o clock to get something to eat and then carried on shopping.
Andria was fun to be with and she was just like Lizzy. After she got to know about the date, she took me to exclusive designer stores right from clothes to shoes to accessories and then returned to the castle.
I held Aiden as we went inside the castle. He was a sweetheart. I spent the rest of the evening playing with him in the room.
"Swee", Aiden told showing me one of his drawings. It was a wolf standing near a pond. If it were not for the bushy tail, it would be mistaken as a dog.
"That's really pretty, is that you?" I asked picking him up and placing him on my lap.
He shook his no, "Its mommy," he explained scrunching his eyebrows adorably. I kissed his cheek and in return got a toothy grin from him.
"You get along well with kids," Andria beamed.
"I always wanted a younger sibling," I told her as Aiden scooted closer to me, "and being the only child you miss few of the sibling stuff."
"That's there," she told understandingly, "but now you're a family here Eve and we are happy to have you."
"Thank you that means a lot," I thanked her.
"I know it's difficult to fit in suddenly, but I think you're doing perfectly fine," she said smiling, "Come Aiden, it's time for your bath," she called him.
He looked away clinging on to me, to which Andria laughed, "Honey, you can play later after I give you a bath," she said.
He lifted his head up looking at me, "You pwomise?"
"Yes, I promise," I assured him.
"Okay Vivi," he got up.
"Vivi?" Andria asked confused as she picked him up.
"He nicknamed me," I answered her to which she laughed.
I left the room to get some rest in my room. God was I tired. When I got up it was eight past something, I washed my face and went down for dinner. On the way, I met the person I was least interested to see. Trying to avoid Megan I took the other stairs but she beat me to it stopping my way in the front.
"Whatever you're doing you better stop it human," Megan, said in disgust.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh please, you don't behave all innocent as though you don't know", she spat flipping her head back, "I don't know what you have done that Ruka and the others want you here but you better stay away from him. He's mine."
The feeling of telling that we were mates and her to move on was something I wanted to do but it was not meant to be known. At least for now.
"Listen, I don't know what you're going on about but I'm not interested in him," I told her getting irritated.
"You better not else I'll make your life a living hell. Even if you are, you're just a pass time toy that will be thrown soon," she sneered and left. She was definitely crazy.
I entered the dining room and took my seat. Except for Aiden, Sebastian and Ruka everyone was present. They had gone for some state meeting this morning. Aiden was fast asleep due to the exhaustion.
A few minutes later both Ruka and Sebastian entered. Ruka sent me a smile across the table and I returned it back with my own. Megan just sent me glares from her seat, which I decided to ignore. They took their seats and the food was served later.
During the dinner, I witnessed Megan trying to flirt with Ruka but only to be subtly ignored which I guess she did not get. At one point Lizzy almost choked on her food looking at it. It was hilarious. Rest of the dinner went normally except me sneaking glances towards Ruka. He had told that he would take me on a date tomorrow and I was super excited about it. My first date.
I wondered how it would be. I could already imagine the things we would do but on a second thought what he plans. Normally a person would go for a movie, dinner and then back home with some extra effects here and there.
Nevertheless, Ruka wasn't a normal person, to begin with, he was the vampire king. Moreover, would a king go to watch a movie in a theatre? I was in my room after dinner thinking about it in my own world. I did not have to tell Lizzy about it, she had figured it out by the wide grin on my face and was excited too.
Wonder how Megan would react listening to this. Well, who cares.
I could not sleep the whole night twisting and turn in anticipation, excitement, nervousness and the list went on. I dreamed of my date of how I had messed up my dress and how I was late. Talk about nightmares. Phew.
Usually, I would wake up at nine or so, on normal days, but today I woke up at six. What was I going to do waking up this early in the morning? I went down directly to the kitchen after freshening up.
"Miss Eve good morning," Lisa greeted me as I entered the kitchen. She was already preparing something in the pan.
"Good morning Lisa. Wow, it smells good, what is it?" I asked her the aroma filling up.
"Thank you, its French toast mixed with the spices and toppings," she explained it to me. Putting it on a plate, she handed it to me.
I sat on the counter not bothering to go out and eat on a table.
"It's amazing! Can you teach me to cook please," I asked her.
"Sure", she said happily, "come down here anytime you want and I'll teach you."
Thanking her for the meal, I was walking around the castle when I caught sight of Louis holding a cup in his hand.
"Someone's up early," he said knowingly.
"Couldn't get any sleep," I told him truthfully, to which he laughed.
"Understandable," he said and took an envelope out from his pocket, "this is for you," he said handing it to me.
"Me?" I was surprised.
"Yeah, open it when you're alone," he instructed me.
"Okay," I replied to him and went up to my room with the envelope curious to what it held. Sitting on the bed, I opened it to see a note inside.
Beloved Eve,
An urgent issue had to be attended last night regarding the neighboring state due to which Iwon'tbe available until tomorrow. Sorry love.
Love Ruka.
My heart sank after reading it as though someone had poured water on the fire. So much for the hopes, I thought. He was the king who had to be present everywhere; of course, he would be busy.
Well, I had all day, so why not complete assignments. Taking out the books, I started scribbling on the sheets. During the day both Lizzy and Andria had come to visit in my room cheering me up. We watched Titanic, holding a box of tissues next to us. That movie was certainly a tearjerker every time.
I passed the remaining day in my room sleeping. I did not realize it was seven until Lizzy came barging in my room.
"Go shower," she ordered pulling me out of the bed.
"Why?" I asked her perplexed.
"No questions," she said sternly, "Go on."
"Alright alright," I took a shower rinsing my hair and got out of the bathroom to see Lizzy picking the dress I was going to wear for the date.
"Lizzy the date is kind of canceled if you forgot," I reminded her.
"That doesn't mean you can't wear it," she chirped giving me the dress, "we are going out."
"Where are we going?" I asked her scrunching my eyebrow.
"That's a surprise," she replied grinning.
"Why are you dressed so normal if we are going out?" I asked looking at the clothes she was wearing.
"So many questions. I'll get ready once you get ready," she explained.
I wore the peach dress and tied up my hair, which Lizzy insisted that I let it down. Putting on minimum makeup, I was all ready.
"Look at you all pretty," she complimented me. She took a picture from her phone.
"Thank you Lizz, you still have to get ready," I pointed it out.
"Yeah yeah," she said waving her hand. We got out of my room when Lizzy stopped me suddenly.
"Crap! I left the car keys in Ruka's room, could you get it while I go get changed please?" she asked me hopefully giving me the puppy eyes. I sighed.
"Okay, but be quick," she hugged me telling a yes and went.
Keys. I went in front of his room and pushed the door open getting in. I gasped not expecting Ruka to be there. He wore a black T-shirt where I could see his toned chest and blue jeans. His hair was neatly combed back giving an extra intimidating look on him.
His room was one of a kind. Huge windows with long draped curtains around it. The furniture was of antique style, a large king size bed stood in the middle of the room. Attached to the room was the patio where he was standing.
In the patio was a table set with candles bottle of wine and a red rose in the vase. He gave me a smile that could kill millions of the female species.
"You said you were coming back tomorrow," I told in shock.
"You're not happy to see me?" he asked raising his perfect eyebrow smiling.
"N-no that's not what I meant," I said making him smirk.
"We completed the work and I had a date with the prettiest girl I've ever met. Couldn't miss it now, could I?" he said making me blush at what he said.
He pulled a chair for me and I sat. Picking up the wine, he poured it into the glasses. He gave one of them to me. I brought the cool glass to my lips and tasted the wine.
"Did you like it?" he asked as he watched me drink. I nodded my head.
"It tastes good", I told him and he chuckled.
"That's good to hear", he replied sipping his glass. The wind was cool that blew. We spoke about our likes and dislikes playing twenty questions. Later we had dinner there.
I got to know that his favorite color was sapphire and he liked spending his free time painting. He hated lies and loved his family more than anything.
"I hope this date was as close to what you expected," he said after we finished our dinner.
"It was perfect. Thank you," I said looking at the arrangements made. It meant a lot to me.
"Anything for you darling," he smiled at me, "I guess it's getting late. You have school tomorrow," he said checking his watch.
"Yeah," I replied getting up from the seat.
"Eve," he said pulling me into an embrace and leaned in. I felt his cool soft lips press lightly on my cheek, "Goodnight," he wished. I felt a small tingling on my cheek. I mumbled a goodnight feeling conscious and went to my room to sleep.
When I reached school the next day, I went to my locker alone to get a book for the class. Taking it out I closed the locker and turned to only get pushed against the locker. I gasped with the impact my back hit.
"Well well well," it was Trent smiling in a twisted way, "If it isn't the new girl."