/ Anime & Comics / Enkidu's Second Journey
Enki, a man who died, remembers his second life after being offered a job and a second chance to make a journey through the multiverse.
寫檢討I have to say that this story is absolutely amazing so far. You really did a amazing spin by having MC as the true reincarnation of Enkindu that's then isekeied. Amazing job and look forward to more. I can't wait for Gilgamesh's reaction.
this story reminds me an old story called a knight will. with the same set-up but it's not enkidu, it's was Arthur proto. hope it's you will continue and finish it unlike the old one
Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant Enkidu best servant
Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best Enkidu is the best
well first of all the entire setup is so heavily inspired by another fanfic by the name of 'A Knight's Will', that it's pretty much a cheap copy that has different characters, and that's just the overall setup, the story itself is waaay too fast pace and the characters are simply going through the lines, there's no life or personality in them, not to mention that the plot feels incredibly forced, furthermore, although there are barely any grammatical errors a lot of important details are glossed over and barely mentioned and those that are were done poorly, this story honestly feels like a poorly written fanfic of the previously mentioned fanfic 'A Knight's Will'. Note: if you're the author then know this review is meant purely as constructive criticism, so no hard feelings ok? P.S. if you hadn't already i recommend reading 'A knight's Will', even though it's abondend it's still good and there are a good 59 chapters to enjoy.
Please continue please promise me at the very least until 200 chapters I beg of you it is very good the best one if not the only one that has Enkidu as main person so please.
Excelente historia me encantó que el personaje principal fuera enkiduuno de los principales personajes de la epopeya gilgamesh el primero es rebelarse contra sus propios creadores el arma más poderosa de los dioses mesopotámicos aquel que hasta los dioses del cielo tan poderoso que puede atar a un Dios primordial las cadenas del cielo pero no clasificada como la primera del mundo de dxd y el mejor amigo de gilgamesh el primer y único igual
Enkidu the other half of Gilgamesh but for some reason isn't nearly as popular this novel is the type of fanfics that I am looking for a clear goal, no forced conversation, and has a nice flow to it. The character feel more real and aren't robots without emotion like some fanfics.
this novel looks like the one of my favourite novel that I read where Arthur Pendragon got reincarnated to modern world but died and got his memory back where he can travel to multiverse I really miss that novel because it's already dropped. Welp i hope I can enjoy this novel
Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband Enkidu best husband
作者 Dawei
Fast paced execution is messed up... I'll be honest here... The characters are lack of personality... It's more like an RPG games NPC than a novel cast.. The interaction is bit forced.. other than that I didn't see any problem (Even of there's a few grammar error at least the capital is well displayed..)