66.66% Dragon one (Dragon Ball Super x Male reader) / Chapter 4: Encounter...

章節 4: Encounter...

Gonna try and make a schedual for when new chapters come out....I was considering posting a new one every Saturday but now im wondering if I should post them every third day.

I'll think about it some more. Here's the summary

Important thingy at the bottom btw.


Hearing the sounds of stones and rubble colliding with the ground, Beerus began to whistle a tune from his early days as he made his way from the unconscious mortal that issued him a challenge. Making his way over to his Guiding Angel, Beerus heard Whis teasing him about him 'supposedly' enjoying his fight against the Saiyan as he entered the white disk surrounding the bottom of the Angel's feet

Dismissing the accusations, Beerus replied saying that the little skirmish between the two could barely be called a fight much less a warm up; finishing his statement by saying he was only toying around the man, he of all people should know better. Placing his arm on the upper back of the Angel, Beerus became lost in thought, not really caring that a number of upwards white strokes were rapidly surrounding the two. Thinking to himself, Beerus recalled that not once in his countless years of life had he been issued a challenge so boldly and carelessly like that. He had to give the mortal proper recognition, he managed to impress him ever so slightly; earning a smidge of his respect as well.

Adjusting his hand's position on Whis's back, the two dieties began levating a little over 10 meters off the ground before vanishing at speeds so fast that it suppressed the sound of their departure; no boom of them breaking the sound barrier, no wind kicking up and blowing in the direction they left, just vanishing as if they were never there to begin with.

As silence overcame the tortured and ruined planet, a twin set of antenas peeked up from behind a pane of glass moments before a blue head came along with them. Seeing that the coast was clear, King kai and his companion made haste to the kneeling body of their old friend. Manuvering the Saiyan onto his back, King Kai did a small inspection of the external damages the man took during his battle with the God; occationally glancing at results of the battle on his planet...his poor planet.

Asking Bubbles if he could see whether or not Goku had any senzu beans on his person, Bubbles made his little monkey noises as he worked his magic; sniffing around the body of the man looking for the items. Smelling that the scent of the beans became stronger the closer he got to the Saiyan's waistline, Bubbles reached into Goku's pants; feeling around the general area he thought the beans could've been.

Grabbing the bag of beans which were around his waistline, Bubbles reached into the pile before placing a bean in Goku's mouth, hoping that instinct would've taken over when he realized what was currently in his mouth. Chewing down on the bean, Goku winced everytime he fully closed his jaw before swollowing the bean; the features on his face appearing more neutral than the pained look he had before. Laying somewhat peacefully, Goku rested in the crater of his fight as King Kai remebered that he needed to warn Earth's guardians.

Cutting to a deep red room, various grunts and shouts were heard as a blur of mass was continuously being shot at with multiple high velocity fragmented light beams. With the blur casually blitzing around the room, several of the spherical androids were Dis-armed as apart of his training. Slowing down ever so slightly, the blue blur formed the vague outline of a man rapidly approaching an unsuspecting danger ball. Increasing his speed, the man readied to disarm another android; throwing his arm out before losing his focus as King Kai suddenly interupted, causing Vegeta to put too much strength into his arms, impaling the unsuspecting ball.

Combusting into a pile of debre and flames, the android collapsed onto the floor as it fully engulfed itself in flames; resulting in the rest of the androids slowing to a halt as the room transitioned from a deep red to a passive blue.

Irritating the Saiyan, Vegeta let loose a flurry of insults, asking the Kai what reason he needed to contact him. Infroming the short Saiyan that he wouldn't of contacted him if it was anything but urgent, King Kai introduced the main threat of Lord Beerus, as Vegeta interrupted, saying that he has a vague recollection of that name. Warning Vegeta that the diety can and will destroy the planet if something happened to irritate him, King Kai felt as if he didn't have Vegeta's full attention.

Letting it slip that Goku was beaten in just two blows, Vegeta immediately took the bait; question the Kai on how Kakarot could've been beaten in two mere blows. Adding fuel to the fire, King Kai mentioned that Goku even went Super Saiyan Three and all but was still nothing compared to Beerus. Hoping that Vegeta finally understood the gravity of the situation, King Kai finished his briefing, reminding him that he is one of the last lines of defense against the incoming God.

Wiping his brow for what felt like the 90th time that day, King Kai remebered that he had one more Saiyan he needed to inform of Beerus's eventual arrival.

As beautiful clouds of abundance were seen resting overhead, a figure was spotted standing off in the distance looking to be arguing with a floating being a few meters above them. Approaching the two new figures, the one on the sandy grounds took the form of a woman as she appeared to be arguing with the man above her; holding a weapon of sorts aimed at the floor. (I mean, for anyone who decided to read the summary, you can make your Y/n wear whatever he wanted but for me, he's wearing the Garou outfit. so when I mention that he's wearing a black shirt, if your Y/n happens to be wearing a green or orange gi, just imagine that I said that. Remeber to picture this fic in Z style!) Arguing with the insufferable Saiyan, Launch questioned that off all the training ideas he had, why did it have to involve her shooting him, to which the man in question replied that he could've endured it if she somehow managed to hit him.

Asking for the last to just just help him test his dodging capabilities, Launched cycled through all the stages of frustration before just giving up. If he wanted to be shot at, he'll be shot at. Adjusting her stance in a way that helped her feel mobile, Launch took aim with her rifle and shot a barely audible bullet and the smiling man. Dodging the bullet with ease, Launch switched the rifle's mode from single to full auto before raining hell upon the man's world.

Dodging and evade with added bits of movement, Y/n made use of the free arial space he had as he manuvered around and through all the bullets fired at him. Adjusting to his new mobility, Launch mentally thanked herself for choosing the stance she was currently in as she snapped and spun to whichever spot Y/n dodged to.

Figuring that she was runninng low on ammo, Y/n kept up his game as best as he could; waiting out the five or so seconds of remaining gun fire. As the lasts of Launch's bullets whizzed past Y/n's head, the voice of Kig Kai completely derailed the train of focus Y/n had, resulting in a lucky bullet connecting between his eyes. Floating back to the ground, Y/n asked why now all the times did he decide to contact him.

Starting off by telling the man that he's already informed Vegeta, King Kai briefed Y/n on the newly awoken diety that had risen from his years of slumber that was currently making haste to his planet. Mentioning that off his two rivals, he knew that he was the smarter one, King Kai spoke that he of all people should understand the warnings he's giving. Telling Y/n the same news he told Vegeta, King Kai mention that Goku decided to have a little sparring match with the diety and ended up unconscious in a crater; getting knocked out in two blows.

Catching the actively listening Saiyan off guard, Y/n asked how Kakarot allowed himself to be knocked out in only two blows, questioning the Kai if Saiyan let his guard down and turned his back to God. Continuing on with his debrief, King Kai told that if Beerus just happened to feel like it, he's able to destroy an entire species with just the call of a single phrase. Reminding the distressed Saiyan that he and Vegeta were the last strongest lines of defense Earth has, King Kai finished his statement by saying to protect her.

Closing contact with a now somewhat distressed Y/n, Launch looked on at the sight of a panicked Y/n, waving her hand infront of his face asking if he was alright seeing as he was talking to himself for a while. Bluntly telling his friend that the Earth was in danger yet again, Launch dropped her usual grumpy mood, asking if the Earth was seriously in danger again. Feeling frustrated with how the day had turned out, Launch just....walked away, asking Y/n if he could wake her before the sun sets; making her way back to the house the two shared.

Jumping back to the destroyed planet of North Kai, the owner of the planet was seen distracted by the beauty of the surround clouds, using the sight as a coping mechanism to prevet himself from thinking about the situation that's in his hands. Hearing the sounds of grunts and shuffling echoing from behind him, King Kai saw that Goku was finally rising to his feet. Looking towards his third mentor, Goku told that he knew King Kai said that there was a gap between the two's strength but he never expected it to be so wide; mentioning that he never though there was foes out in the universe so much stronger than Buu and Janemba.

Question the possible ways he could've gotten stronger, Goku threw the possibility of fusion with both Potara and the dance out of the window, uncertain if Vegito or Gogeta had enough power to handle Beerus. Throwing the time chamber off the table as well, Goku felt that no matter how many years he spent in that white void would help him stop the repeat of what happened during his 'fight'

Remebring the phrase the Diety asked him about, Goku asked the Kai if he thought that (that) was a power that he could've reached by more training. Remebering that Beerus was on his way to Earth, Goku asked his mentor if they were able to inform the rest of the group back on Earth about the diety's imminent arrive to which King Kai told that he's already done that, saying that he's already informed both Y/n and Vegeta

Calming himself down, Goku asked himself if he should stay there and think of a way of how to defeat the God or go down on the planet and help defeat the God; wondering if they could rely on Y/n's strength if the worse case scenario happened and they needed to fight the God once again.

This is where our re-write continues


Landing back on Earth, the landscape seen to the front shows a beautiful front yard, painted in lush green as ferns and bushes were seen in modertate amounts with a stunning water fountain dressed in brick and marble decorating the foreground of the yard. Speaking of the surrounding area, in the background of all the greenery the place had to offer was sight of a massive, luxurious capsule house, standing nearly 60 meteres high with the signature Capsule Corp name and logo boldly displayed on the front walls; the sun of the early afternoon seen reflecting off the ocean blue windows giving the illusion of a slight glare with varying designs of homes in the far background of the house, not even close to the sight of luxury this home had to offer.

As wind speed was felt to be a continuous calm breeze, the sight of the multiple bushes were seen rattling and dancing in the cool breeze, appearing to be immitating the multiple palm trees also expressing a bit of motion in their bodies.

Hearing sounds of laughter, cheers and music, the trees pulled away to show the backyard of the Capsule Corp home, filled with family and friends with various food trucks on the side as the obvious scene of a party played out for all eyes to witness. Cutting to the middle of the crowd, all non workers were gathered around a singular shaded seat, holding various glasses filled with either light or heavy alcohol with some filled with average beverages. With the holders of the glasses talking amongst each other, a singular wine glass was seen on a table next to a bottle of a brand Champaine. Remaining unmoving amongst the crowd, a hand suddenly removing the cork of the Champaine with relatively no issue whatsoever before a blue vested man poured the bottle into the lonely wine glass as the chattering amongst the background quieted into soft whispers.

Nearly filling the drink to the brim, the blue vested man raised the beverage, all eyes now on the woman seated in the shaded seat. "Bulma, we'd all like to wish you a- (everyone now chimes in) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Every man, woman and floating cat exclaimed, raising their prefered drink in the air as a gesture of celebration.

Now seeing the sights of shaded tables filled guests, the buildings and greenery in the background danced along with the music as everyone celebrated the birthday of one of their oldest friends.

As laughter sounded from the first table by a short man, he and the 5 others seated at the table raised their drinks once again in unison, clicking them together in toast with the two shortest members floating in the air to toast as well; a waiter waiter dragging a trolly carrying multiple plates and similar cuttelry off elsewhere. (or whtever you call those metal things the guys in movies hide under when a waiter pushes them to a spot)

Chugging their drinks down as if there was no tommorow, the sight glided over to the next table as the shaded area seated two beautiful women, happily enjoying their meals with one showing a soft smile looking at the third memeber of the table being treated to another glass of wine poured out by a friendly waiter, the reciever of the wine wearing a toothy grin as he rocked a tank top with a blue and red striped tie hanging around his neck, barely acknowledging the giggling children running in the foreground. Said children were comprised of a young blonde child exctedly laughing and cheering holding a balloon, running away from a floating teenage Trunks who struggled to capture the fleeing balloon, colliding into a nearby Goten who struggled to catch himself as well. (remeber that these Goten and Trunks look like their end of Z selves and actually look 14 and 15.....just keep that in the back of your minds)

Back to the shaded seat of the birthday woman, the woman in question looked absolutely furious at the news she just happended to recieve "WHAT?! NOT COMING! Why would he be training on King Kai's Planet during my party!" Bulma asked, holding her head up on the arm rest of the chair; the blue vested Gohan seen refiling her wine.

"You've known him the longest, you really need to ask that?" a green man interjected from the side, catching the attention of Gohan.

"Still, I sent him a save the date, MONTHS ago, the least he could of done was check his calendar" Bulma finished, sipping on the newly replenished drink provided to her.

"Hey Bulma....(eyeing the passing kids) all this food and entertainment but no sign of Vegeta, any thoughts on that?" Gohan questioned, eyes remaining on the spot he last saw his little brother run off to.

"Who cares, he'd rather train than spend time with his young and beautiful wife." The birthday woman retorted, stress threatening to overtake her on what was supposed to a stress free day.

"And, I don't suppose you know where Y/n and Launch are either?" Gohan question yet again, straightening his back before returning to his full height.

"Well, unlike my ungrateful husband and your simple father, they actually had the decency to reach out and say that they were unavailabe to attend. Something about dinner reservations or beaches whatever...you know how they are" Bulma responded, taking her mind off of wherever her husband was and thinking about what those two lovebirds could possibly be up to.

"(sigh) Honestly, you Saiyans seem to take pleasure in driving me to insanity, no offence Gohan"

Moving away from the sight of a still grumpy Bulma, the clanking of a fork and knife against a plate was heard as wideshot of a afro headed man was shown to be happily disecting and enjoying his plate full of meats, veggies and mashed potatoes; in hearty portions might I add. Enjoying the way how the beef entertained his tastebuds, the man reached to his side, picking up his half full glass of wine as he continuosly siped on it like he'd been doing so for the past 5 minutes.

Finishing the glass in under a second, the breeze played with his hair as the sight of a dog located to his left, sat on his provided chair, licking his now finsihed plate of food. To the right of the afro headed man, who was now enjoying another slice of meat, sat a large pink blob of flesh (?) snacking on multiple plates of meat buns, not even chewing as he shovelled bun after bun in his maw, not looking to be stopping anytime soon.

Noticing that his glass was empty for some reason, the afro haired man called out to another table that seated a man with well groomed purple haired, adorned in a lab coat; seen conversing with a two of the three members of the second table previously dicussed, with a puffy haired blonde standing a bit to the side.

"Uhh, hey you! Guy with the lab coat, (slightly shaking his glass) are you waiter for the party or not, can I ask for a refill for my Champaine? I'll even trow in a autograph or take a picture with you if you're quick about it" The afro asked, gaining the attention of those seated at the lab coat's table.

"Certainly! What can I treat you to sir?" The lab coat asked, turning to face the man with a lit cigar seen between his lips.

"W-wait, Mr. Satan....he's not apart of the wait staff, he's bulma's father" The large horned man with the neck tie told off to the side, holding his drink of wine.

Slipping into absolute silence, the now named Mr. Satan went completely wide eye'd, turning a pale white as the glass he was holding shattered on the floor. Following the direction of the glass, Mr Satan dropped like a sack of bricks onto the floor, sweat now forming on every pore on his face as his eyes shirnked to the size of tiny dots. "Y-y'mean the most famous scientist i-in the world Dr. Briefs?" Mr. Satan asked, sweat now dripping onto the floor as he realized his mistake.

"Don't forget richest in the world (smiling) he's that too!" The lady with the tied up hair reminded, hands resting comfortably around the base of her drink

"My goodness dear.....you never told me you were the richest scientist in the world" The puffy blonde haired woman beside him replied, a teasing frown forming on her features.

"That's the thing dear, I wasn't really aware of it myself" Dr. Briefs responded, looking at the still downed Mr. Satan


"It's fine really, now son, what kind of drink can I serve ya?" Dr. Briefs asked

"N-NO, I could never ask someone of your status to serve a humble world saving champion such as myself! (scurrying to his feet) I should be the one serving you a drink! What would you fancy?" Mr. Satan asked, rubbing his palms together in a repeated motion

"Oh it's fine really, I don't mind fetching you some more champaine"

"I wouldn't want to make you tire your feet out and disrupt your brain, surely there must be something you fancy!"

"Oh....if that's the case, then can I ask for a Coke?"

"(Momentarily backing away) Coke...what type are ya feeling today Dr?"

"The drink....."

"RIGHT, right! D-don't worry Dr. Briefs (backing up) I'll bring the entire CASE!" Mr Satan finished, sprinting a few paces back before making a sharp right to the backrooms; passing a table seating two that stared at the fleeing champion in disbelief.

"I swear dad (head slowly falling to the table) I can't take you anywhere anymore....(muffled) You're so embarrassing" An ocean eyed woman stated, hands falling to her sides in reluctant defeat, leaving her husband to chuckle at her antics.

Looking on at the individuals around the now slightly less crowded birtday woman, Bulma and four others were standing off to the side enjoying their own private conversation as an older man walked in to join. In the foreground of the chatter stood three individuals exchanging playful banter amongst one another with a pink pig and a small green boy looking up at the horned man from before. Said bearded man looked to be in the middle of telling one of his world famous shotgun jokes

"I wore a tie figuring Bulma's party would be a class event, but it looked like I forgot to take off my tank top right!" The man told the two, releasing a joyous laugh that scared the daylights out of the pig, causing the green boy to sewat drop at their reaction.

Scooting to the side of Bluma who was seen occationally sipping on her drink, a slighter shorter, noseless man asked a question that had been stuck on his mind ever since recieving his invitation. "So, between you and me Bulma, is this birthday in the late 30's or early 40's?" The man asked, not seeing that a frown was now taking over her features.

"Like I'd tell you that! You've been married for what, 7 years now, and your wife still hasn't mentioned that you should never ask a woman that?" Bulma retorted, feeling her anger slip through at the sheer audacity he had to imply that she was Forty. I mean HER...FORTY, pleeeeeeease.

Looking to the empty space on the left hand side of the birthday girl, the Blonde woman previously seen at the first table also scooted to the side of her, wanting and answer to the question she'd been hesitant to ask. "Is it true that the prizes for the bingo tournament includes a private castle and a fully furbished jet?" The E-cup (that would've been rude if I actually said that wouldn't it) the blonde asked, noticing that the frown formerly present on the face of Bulma now relaxed into a small close eyed smile.

"That's right, (raising her glass) but if it's too much trouble I can just give the winner the equivalent in cash instead"

"One of the many perks of being the richest person in the world! Oh I hope Goku can find time to drop in for at least the Bingo tournament" The black hair woman from before exclaimed half seriously, not realizing Bulma was sipping on her Champaine; eyes locked towards the sky in a trance

"Soooooo, don't suppose any of those prizes includes dirty movies (NO)" The older man from before asked, being immediatly shut down by Bulma

Clipping back to the genereal bulk of the party, the sight of most guests were seen now out of their seats, chatting amongst one another with laughter being heard from most. With the blonde stoic lady from before talking to the shorter noseless man, the conversation between the two sounded like a blur, with the two discussing whether or not they wanted to start a rivalry to see who would win the bingo game.

Somewhat gaining the attention of most of the nearby guests, the noseless man agreed, not realizing that the background noise of chatter was quieting down to hear what the couple were discusssing

"Are you sure 18? I don't wanna gloat or anything but I am a rather good bingo player, AND I'm good at bets..." The noseless teased, turning away from his wife to hide his smirk

"(rolling her eyes) Of course I'm sure, but....it seems that you've forgottten that I've won the last two bets that was made between us." 18 reminded, a hand placed on her hip noticing how her husband turned back to face her.

"Really? You're actually counting those? How could I have possibly won those!.....the two recent bets you made was 1. I was supposed to climb to the roof without flying or falling and the second one was that I was supposed to grow taller than you in a day!" Krillin exclaimed, wondering if his wife actually knew how to place a proper bet or just liked teasing him; not noticing that a few people around them were starting to snicker.

"Excuses, excuses...whatever argument you make won't change the fact that I won those bets"

"Ok.....I see what you're doing.....if, by some miracle I come either second or first in the bingo tournament...you.....have to wear my combat gear!" Krillin stated, excitement now shining brightly on his face as he entertained the image.

"Really? that's it? Well, seeing as we're doing loser wears clothing, when I place first in the tournament, you have to wear some of Marron's clothes, unaltered." 18 replied, a smirk on her face as she saw the horror that replaced the excitement that was on Krillin's face.

"W-w-well...when I win! You ALSO have to wear my clothes unaltered!" Krillin stated, oblivious to the rampant OOOO's coming from around him.

"Alright little man, You're on! (extends her hand)"

"Mpmh! (shakes hand sealing the bet)"

"Hey, 1,000 zeni says Android 18 wins" Bulma whispered, gaining the attention of Gohan and the blue eyed woman beside him

"Hmmmm, double it! If by some miracle Krillin win's, you owe me 2,000 zeni" the black haired woman stated, shaking the hand of Bulma as they sealed the deal, ignoring Gohan who sweatdropped in the background

As more and more members began to make bets on who would've won, all of them were oblivious to the sight of a certain blue spandex (?) wearing Saiyan walking back and forth along the garden path. Hearing the warning from that damn Kai made something inside Vegeta's body feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. Whether it be his armour or his clothing he has no idea. That name....rather title, "Lord Beerus" He'd heard it before....sometime during his childhood that made his body start to throb uncontrolably

How is he acting like this on the sole mention of a name alone. He's heard it before but he just can't remember when or how. Clearly his body was forced to remeber it seeing as the reaction he had when he started to try and recall where exactly he heard the name was for his body to start uncontrollably sweat from every pour located on him. Why is he acting like this! He is the Prince of all Saiyans, yet he fears?! This is absurd.Prince Vegeta fears No-one...

Pacing back and forth for another 3 and a half minutes, the more and more Vegeta thought about a face he could put to the name, the colour purple always flashed within his mind before disappearing; which in turn resulted in Vegeta being short of breath after the flash of magenta disappeared. What did it mean! Why does he lose his breathing pattern everytime the colour purple enters his mind!

Pacing back and forth for yet another minute, Vegeta was oblivious to the various sounds of footsteps approaching closer to the area in the distance. Walking along the brick trail observing the the flying phenomenons such as birds, Bulma sipped for yet another time on her wine, a slight bit of dusted pink coating her cheeks as she continued along her journey. Coming across a slight bend no too far from where she came, Bulma peeped over and saw a familiar blue Saiyan pacing back and forth for some odd reason.

Raising an eyebrow at her husband's antics, Bulma stopped her short midday nature walk and questioned her husband why he wasn't with the rest celebrating "Vegeta?.....strange seeing you here of all places." Bulma said, noticing that her 'dear' husband hadn't even acknowledged her existance.

"(sigh) Whatever, that's the least of my concerns for now, what is bothering me is why you're 'here' if you really don't care about your dear wife slowing aging day by day, at least come for the food." Bulma offered, seeing that Vegeta had finally stopped his pacing.

Turning to the woman, Vegeta missed every single sentence that just came from the woman's mouth, too invested in why his body was reacting the way it was when he heard the name Beerus. Walking over to the woman, the slightly shorter man wordlessly passed the confused lady, moving to a nearby rock to try and better figure out his dilema

"Hey! It's your wife's birthday, the least you could've done was peck me on the cheek or something! (gaining the attention of the party guests) What's even with you right now anyways? First I see that you're pacing back and forth, isolated from society and now you're ignoring me.....are you that upset because I aged by one year?" Bulma asked, not seeing that blue-clad warrior was barely holding himself back from screaming at her

"...Man (headshake), I would love to be a Saiyan y'know, you're telling me that for all my life I can look like I've barely ages a day, phew! Sign me up-

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP WOMAN" Vegeta finally snapped, tired of hearing his wife ramble on and on.

Catching Bulma and every single eveesdropping guest off guard, everyone collectively decided that they weren't going to stick around and figure out what caused that little meltdown from Vegeta; walking away from the scene while murmuring amongst one another. Stunning Bulma for a brief while, she wasn't all that upset or angry at the man, after all, she's been living with him for the past 14 or so years. The amount of times he's shouted at her left her immune to any and all sorts of passive aggressive insults he could come up with, she knew he didn't really mean them...but still. Even though she didn't expect him to come out and actually join the party, she had the small strand of hope that he would of treated her a tad bit better today of all days.

"Jeez! Who put something up your butt!" Bulma asked, exaggeratingly glacing to the side sipping on her wine again.

"Just who is this destroyer.....I'm the great prince Vegeta, how can I be reduced to a shivering cat at the mere mention of his na-"

"Ahhh, Prince Vegeta, it's a pleasure to meet you. It truly is a pleasure to for us to come into contact once again (Vegeta stands up and is now rapidly glancing around the place); though, this....energy, I presume you mortals use to sense beings is effectively useless against dieties such as myself...." Beerus passively states, nowhere to be seen as Vegeta began to grow agitated, jumping to a float to search for the voice, leaving a non caring Bulma in his wake.

Floating back over to the genral populace of guests, Vegeta touched down on the bricked floor, running up to a table which seated a conversation between to women before being interrupted by Vegeta checking under the table, scaring the daylights out of them. Not noticing that he'd gained the attention of all the guests, Vegeta inspected a nearby trash can for the missing voice, closing the trash can's lid seeing as the voice wasn't there before moving over to a covered tray of meals. Realizing that the voice wasn't there either, Vegeta tossed and turned through a nearby bush trying to find the voice that had been plauging his mind, completely unaware that every single guest was staring ay him with varying ranges of emotions.

Now back in the air, Vegeta passed all the guest overhead as his body slightly shivered. "(sounds of laughter coming from the child behind him) I always figure he'd go crazy eventually. Wasn't a matter of if, only when" Krillin stated, not minding his daughter's laughter sounding from behind him.

Floating over a few palm trees, Vegeta saw two unknown individuals seated near the pool, seeing that one of these individuals was seated in a chair shaded by an open table umbrella; with a tall blue woman standing silently to his left....

purple skin.....

Reacting in complete disbelief, Vegeta's body felt like it weighed 100 pounds more than what he was used to.


Vegeta's pupils rapidly dialated, unsure if what they were seeing was actually the truth.


How can the sight of damn house cat make THE Prince Vegeta feel as if he was facing a threat so demonic he couldn't even describe the pain he was feeling. Feeling his heart drop in his chest, Vegeta briefly paled at the crystal clear image of what the previous flashes of purple were trying to indicate.

"Don't tell me you forgot all about Lord Beerus?" the diety asked, a slight twitch over coming his ears.

Feelling a sudden undescribable amount of rage overtake his features, Vegeta clenched his teeth, considering the various actions he wanted to take in response to this threat. 'Oh I remember now...' the Prince responed mentally, facial feature moving into an automatic scowl, seething with anger at the rememberance of a resurfaced memory.

"I can't believe that even with my great intellect, the last we crossed paths were the times when you were just a boy. (Vegeta lands a ways infront of them) It all feels like of it happened yesterday, when your father, King Vegeta was preparing a special spread in honour of my arrival..." Beerus states, either oblivious or non caring about the scowl being sent his way.

Stretching his neck in a ball like motion, the scene flashed back to a time far before the present as a massive room; flooded with magenta and purple flourecent lights that seeped through three windows (?) far from ground level illuminated the dining hall a select few individuals occupied. Going from top to bottom, the hall was expertly designed and layered as a almost 100 meter tall throne laid to the farther end of the room as a set of stairs lead up to them with strange....ahh fuck it here's the gif (No way am I re-watching the BOG movie just to describe King Vegeta's dining hall, hop to the pad to see the gif)

Closing in on the wide and expansive table, it's shown clearly that the table was filled with countless meats, dishes, fruits, drinks and numerous other delicacies hand crafted and perfected for two and only two individuals. Multiple plates of meats were coated in either a thick or thin layer of matching sauses or spread, designed specifically for that plate of meat. With the various clings of cuttelry heard against plates that echoed a decent distance to the left of the table, the sight of familiar destroyer and angel were seen resting their backsides on a simple chair with the former placing his knife and fork to lay as he moved to his unknown drink; the latter delicately slicing through an unkown kind of meat.

In contrast to the silent and somewhat tense mood that surrounded the table was the sight of a shivering King Vegeta, kneeling on the floor with the right foot of Beerus resting comfortably on his back. As sounds unfitting for a king of his stature escaped his maw, a endless stream of sweat contantly dripped from his face, splashing onto the floor as his body shook uncontrolably; feeling disgusted with himself at the position he was currently in.

Here on his planet, the home of the glorious and proud Saiyan race was their king shivering like a wet cat, allowing himself to be used like a door mat by someone who was stronger than him. From the moment this invader entered his atmosphere the though of bending his knee should have never crossed his mind. No matter how many innocents he slaughtered infront of his eyes, the very motion of bending the knee much less both should of made him sick.....

Yet there he was, bending over like a woman...submitting just because his race would disappear in the blink of an eye if he refused to obey this monster. He has a son....the strongest that his race had ever seen who has the potential to undergo a transformation lost to legends.....he was sure that if his son could see him in this state...he would strike him down where he stood...how dare he call himself a king when he couldn't even protect his own people...his own pride

Applying more pressure to the KIng's back, Beerus forced the man to bend even lower, feeling a sense of power at the sight of the once proud man being used as a carpet for his feet. Finishing his drink, the diety moved back to the various uneaten treats he has yet to taste, glancing at his attendant who also moved to refill his plate; eyes closed and as neutral as ever. Moving his fork to stab at a fat ball of meat on his new plate, the diety was unaware of the approaching footsteps that rang out ever so audibly from the corner of a nearby hallway.

With only one member of the room immediatly taking notice of the new being, a younger Prince Vegeta walked from around the corner, not willing to admit that he was entranced with the scent meat that made his stomach growl with hunger. Entering the room, the first thing that the young man took note of was the fact that two new faces sat at the royal table, enjoying the food that was supposed to be for he and his father. Furrowing his brows, the young prince memorized the purple skin and golden ornaments that caught his eye of the being that sat at the head of the table.....the seat only his father was allowed to touch. That....thing was clearly an alien; one with a high status if the pieces of gold were anything to go by.

Looking to the right of the disrespectful foreginer, Vegeta noticed a tall...someone (?) seated with his back turned to him, moving their arms and thorougly enjoying the food that was supposed to be for he and his father....speaking of his father, where was he?

He didn't see him dining at the table nor did he see him in the room, the only person he saw was some pathetic joke being used as a door mat for the royal in gold...


That cape....that's only belongs to his....no. Why would his father be bowing down to anyone? Why would he allow himself to be used as a door matas well? That's person could never be the King of planet Vegeta. That pathetic disgrace of a being could never be the King of all Saiyans. That man could never be his father.

Noting that the fool who was currently acting as a doormat suddenly rolled his head from side to side, the young Vegeta saw a certain feature that made his eyes go white like Saiyan pods. 'That hairstyle....only one other apart from myself has that specific hairstyle.'

"Father?" Vegeta asked, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, King Vegeta felt the shame and disgrace that ran through his entire body increase to the millions. The one harsh yet familiar voice he hoped would never see him in this state just called out to him....

He's pathetic...

"DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE DISRESCPECTING?! TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF HIM BEFORE I MURDER YOU!" Vegeta shouted, sheer rage overcoming his features at the sight of his father bending the knee to anyone.

Now fully gaining the attention of Beerus, a slight chuckle escaped his lips, wondering if the boy didn't know who he was. "Little one, leave my presense before you ruin my appetite. You just might lose your planet if do" Beerus responded, stuffing a slice of meat into his mouth.

"You dare....you dare to disrespect the KING of all Saiyans?!" Vegeta asked, moving himself into a charge motion ready to kill the jackass who forced his father into a patheic gesture.

"(standing up) Vegeta NO! You'll kill us all if you upset Lord Beerus; (Beerus now gets up) just allow me to explain the situation to yo-" King Vegeta tried to explain before he the back of his collar was grasped by Beerus moments before he was yanked into the dining table; crashing into the furniture as a *DOOM* sounded throughout the room. Resulting in nearly almost all the food items landing onto his damaged body.

Gasping in shock, the young prince unwilling moved back a few paces seeing as his father was just man handled before his eyes before he could of even reacted or retorted. Steeling his nerves, Vegeta stood his ground, anger and revenge now flowing throught every fibre of his being as he flared his ki; NEEDING to see the purple bastard begging for forgiveness at his feet.

"Did your father not inform you of who I was? (noticing his energy rapidly rising)...little boy, do you want the destruction of your entire race to happen just because you father got hurt?" Beerus asked, seeing that he didn't get a answer from the boy.

Appearing infront of the rage filled Vegeta without a step being seen, the still charging Vegeta suddenly stopped, not expecting to be caught so off guard by his father's attacker. Casually lifting the child up by his face, Beerus brought the young boy before him, not caring about the tossing and turning the child kept doing as he prepared a yellow ki blast in his palm.

Noting that the tossing and turning became more and more violent, the diety fired the blast that exploded infront of Vegeta; instantly going limp as a result. Seeing charred smoke escape from his plam, Beerus tiredly tossed the limp body of Prince Vegeta to the side of his damaged father, landing next to the man with a *DUN*

Moving his head to his left, King Vegeta saw his barely breathing son crash next to him, feeling untold levels of rage, guilt and sadness freely flowing throughout his body, moving his bruised and bleeding hand around the shoulders of his boy....

"M-my son....."

Ending the flashback, Vegeta saw the sight of Beerus getting up from his chair, making the man sweat drop even harder "Beerus the destroyer...my lord!"

'(pulling back) The Kai was right.....hopefully I can get him off my planet before anything stupid happens' Vegeta thought, eyes shivering without his control.

"Well it seems that you people are partaking in some kind of celebration. I must say (moves into the light) the food smell rather delightful."

"Oh! Uhm, t-the party.....yes it's honouring my wife's birthday my lord"

"The prince married? You must inroduce me to the birthday woman so I can pay my respects." Beerus asked, not noticing Vegeta gaining a expression of anxiety.

"My Lord, do remeber the reason we're here." Whis interrupted

"Oh right....how could I forget.....(appearing next to a suprised Vegeta) have you ever heard of the phrase Super Saiyan God throughout your travels in space?" Beerus asked, gaining the attention of the nervous Vegeta

"Wait, a Super Saiyan God?"

"I'll take that as a no....."

Floating down next to Beerus "It's still possible that your premonition was wrong my lord" Whis spoke, a smile forming on his features.

"I never get such things wrong!" Beerus retored

"Phft! Replace never with always"

"Mmmm, You're putting me into a bad mood Whis" Beerus warned, unaware of the frightened expression overcoming Vegeta's features.

"So this is who you'd rather shout at than your wife on her birthday! You gonna introduce me at least?" Bulma spoke in a slightly slurred voice as she came closer and closer from below a nearby set of stairs; gaining the attention of all three individuals.

Reaching the top of the stairs, a figety Vegeta ignored the hand on her hip as he tried to get her away from the diety. "OH! Uhhh Bulma, this is Lord Beerus and the woman is...uhh.."

"Please mam, call me Whis" The 'woman' finished for Vegeta; placing a hand across his chest as he did a little bow.

"Ohhh....old friends huh? Well i'm Bulma Vegeta's wife/the birthday girl" Bulma introduced as she passed a sweating Vegeta. She actually, verbally said slash lol

"(walking up to the two) Don't I look great?" Bulma asked, moving a hand up to cover her mouth on Vegeta's side.

"Pleasure to meet you Bulma/pleasure to meet you Bulma" Both Beerus and Whis told.

"Wow! When did you make friends with people who have such manners Vegeta (not noticing Vegeta approching closer as he shook) I know! They're probably not from around here and are aliens right?"

"OK BYE!" Vegeta shouted as he grapped the shoulder of Bulma, trying to lead her away from the destroyer.

"We were vacationing in another galaxy and happened to sense prince Vegeta's energy, we just had to stop by" Beerus spoke, not really reacting to Vegeta trying to get his wife away from him.

"Vacation huh! (escaped Vegeta's grasp) Well stick around and see how we Earthlings like to party, the more the merrier I say! (OK!)" Bulma invited as Vegeta still tried to get the woman away from the area.

"I would hate to impose on your party but, (Looks at the various foods across the way) history shows that i'm not one to turn down food as delicious smelling as those"

"(backing up from the stairs) Well come on guys and gals Let's crank this party up a notch WOHOOO!" Bulma shouted as she followed both Beerus and Whis down the flight of stairs as more laughter from drunk Bulma was heard.

"Hey guys look! Vegeta actually has friends!" Bulma shouted from the bottom of the steps as her voice was barely audible at this point as Vegeta wiped his brow, mentally asking himself whether or not the Kai told Y/n where exactly Beerus landed.


Nother' chap done. I was planning on this being a fighting chapter but when I saw that I was at 6k words and not a single lick of violence was seen in the chapter, I just decided to end it at Bulma inviting Beerus and Whis to the party. From now on I'm gonna go on a little no upload streak to better work on this little fic. Y'know when a popular anime gets a adaptation people expect the actual show to come out in the next year or two?

Yeah I'm gonna do that and try to finish the entirety of Super by writing chaps an leaving them in the drafts till im done and ready to upload. Hopefully nothing happens to those parts but im not gonna jinx it. Love ya, sayonara.

-loli out

aloliindisguise aloliindisguise

Don't be shy, interact with the story more, tell me what I can improve upon or what you'd hopefully like see be added. Toodles

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


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