83.33% Dragon one (Dragon Ball Super x Male reader) / Chapter 5: Meet the gang

章節 5: Meet the gang

Sup lads, hopefully all yall had a good thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years or whatever yall celebrate. Ik yall prolly don't care but I managed to get some good vids of fireworks so im pleased about that.

If this chapter manages to have any fights, I hope I can write them to the best of my ability and PRAY that school doesn't mess up my willingness to write these chapters.

I mean...if you're reading this then it means that I'm on a regular schedual and have already finished writing all of dragon ball super sooo idk. The movies are another thing in itself.

Here's the summary (Skippable yall)

More of a filler chapter ngl


With an abundance of laughter and chatter sounding from a certain backyard, the nearby trees opened to show the sight of a large gathering of peple, no doubt there in celebration of one of their oldest friends. Opening a bottle of champaine with relative ease, a blue vested man lead the begining of the cheer to which everyone surrounding a certain booth finished, shouting happy birthday to their dear friend Bulma

Kicking off the party, various tables were seen either talking with other members seated near them or were happily enjoying their share of exuisite food as multiple wait staff were seen here and there around the place.

Cutting back to the sight of Bulma who appeared to be upset, she expressed her anger at the fact that Goku for some reason wasn't coming. She knew that she sent the man a save the date months in advance but still, would it have killed him to peek at his calendar? Asking the birthday woman if she had any news of where her husband was, she simply stated that he'd most likely rather train than spend time with her on her birthday.

Asking the last question of the day to the woman, Gohan asked, if she knew where either Y/n or Launch currently were with the birthday woman in question responding that at least they had the decency to decline her invitation; mumbling something about a date or beach or something; mentioning that he knew how the two acted.

Now going a ways away from the still somewhat agitated Bulma, the sight of a afro headed man sitting around a shaded seat was seen enjoying his share of meal that was thankfully prepared in hearty amounts. Seeing that the man was obviously enjoying himself (if the contant switching between food groups on his plate was anything to go by) The man washed everything down with a nice glass of Champaine. Sipped said drink till the glass became empty; Mr. Satan expressed slight confusion as to how and why his glass became empty all of a sudden.

Looking over at a nearby table, the afro man saw a older fellow seated at the table talking with 3 other individuals about a topic that he didn't all to care about. Interupting the conversation the older man in the lab coat was having, the afro headed man called from his seat; asking if he was apart of the wait staff and if he could quickly refill his champaine; mentioning that if he was quick enough he could sign a autograph for him.

Responding to the man, the lab coat agreed, asking what kind of beverage he would prefer. Gaining a panicked look on his face, the horned man that sat close to the lab coat reminded Hercule that the man he was speaking to wasn't apart of the wait staff and was Dr. Briefs.

Dropping the glass before falling to the floor as well, Mr. Satan's eyes shrinked to the size of dots as he asked if he really was the richest scientist in the world Dr. Briefs. Scurring up to the man, Hercule insisted that he should be the one to bring a drink to him, not backing down when Dr. Briefs mentioned that he wasn't thirsty at the moment

Giving into the younger man's insistance, Dr. Briefs mentioned that he would like a coke to which Hercule sprinted off searching for an entire case of coke; passing a nearby table that seated two as the appearant daughter of the man shrinked in embarrasment at having to deal with her father's antics.

Cutting back to the new area Bulma decided to be in, various party members surrounded her as they engaged in simple light hearted conversation with a older man eventually joining the convo down the line. Now being closer to the birthday woman, Krillin asked a question that'd been buggin' he and his wife for some time now. Asking Bulma if this was a party that was for her late 30's or for the early 40's, Bulma SNAPPED on the shorter man, yelling that he's been married for how long and his wife has yet to tell him that he should never, under any circumstances ask a girl their age; mentally asking herself if people would really believe she of all people would be in her forties.

Now seen on the empty left side of Bulma, Android 18 snuck up on the frowning woman asking if the prizes for the bingo tournament were really true and if the winner would actually recieve one of the offered prizes, to which a now passively smiling Bulma agreed to, saying that if the winner didn't want the prize they can just recieve the equivalent in cash instead.

Zoning back on the now empty right side of the smiling birthday woman, Chi-chi snuck up on the woman, mentioning that those were one of the many perks of being the richest person in the world. Back for the last time to a now empty spot on bulma's left side, Master Roshi asked if any of the prizes would just so happen to include any 18+ movies before being immediately shut down by Bulma with a hard no.

As some time passed since the end of Bulma's pseudo interrogation, Android 18 and her husband were seen gaining the attention of the nearby guests as the two decided that they wanted to make a friendly bet between the two. Either oblivious or uncaring to the multiple ooooh's and aaaah's sounding around them, the two bet that if Krillin were to come either first or second in the Bingo tournament then 18 had to wear his combat gear unaltered around him; with 18 betting that when she won, he had to wear some of his daughter's clothes unaltered as well.

Joining in on the bets , Bulma and Videl made a bet between themselves that whoever lost between the two had to pay the winner 2,000 zeni, uncaring that Gohan started sweatdropping from behind them.

With more and more members beginning to make bets among one other on who would win between the couple (most believed that 18 would of won) all of them were oblivious to a stressed out Vegeta seen pacing back and forth in the background.

Continuosly pacing back and forth, Vegeta wondered why his body was reacting the way it was whenever he tried to put a face to the name of Lord Beerus. Growing even more agitated, the Saiyan was completely unaware of his approaching wife who bent a nearby corner, encountering her strangely acting husband. Scolding Vegeta on hiding away from the guests, Bulma unknowingly chatted the already agitated man's ear off on how she expected him to at least treat her better today of all days; randomly deciding to compliment his Saiyan genes, specifically his ability to look as if he's barely aged a day for god knows how many years

Finally losing his patience, Vegeta shouted on the top off his lungs for the annoying woman to leave him alone; catching both Bulma and all the eveesdropping guests off guard at the sudden remark.

Remaining somewhat unfazed at her man child's threat, Bulma puffed her chest and scolded the man once again.

Calming himself, the sudden voice of Beerus entered Vegeta's mind, causing the prince to jump up into a frenzy, frantically searching for the source of said voice. Inspecting all places that crossed his mind, Vegeta flew over to the bulk of the party as he searched in the most abnormal places for places he though Beerus was hiding, unknowingly gaining the attention of all those around him.

Floating over a few palm trees, Vegeta finally saw the skin colour that's been haunting his body ever since the warning from King Kai. Seated comfortably on a nearby pool chair, Beerus cheekily asked if the prince really forgot him, to which a now seething Vegeta mentally replied that he knew who the god was now, recalling a supressed memory within his mind.

Landing infront of the God, Beerus wasted no time in appearing next to the prince, asking him if he's heard of the phrase Super Saiyan God before; to which the prince in question decline, dissapointing the God.

Hearing the voice of Bulma coming up from a nearby set of stairs, the woman introduced herself to both Beerus and Whis before eventually inviting them to her party. Leading them down the stairs she came, as she made a sly remark at Vegeta's expense as the latter wondered if the damn Kai had already informed Y/n of Beerus's current position.

This is where our re-write continues


Picking back up from where we left off, a still joyous Bulma introduced both Beerus and Whis to the guest of her birthday party down at the base of the stairs; some people welcoming the freindly aliens with open arms as some reacted in their usual neutral expressions.

Repeating the same motion he made before, Whis performed a slight bow as he formally greeted the new faces he and his lord were seeing before them with a few minutes since their arrival passing. Now seeing the sight of a seperated Whis moving to the side of a close-by Krillin, the confused noseless man offered a handshake to the tall woman to which 'she' gratefully accepted; internally chuckling at the possiblity of this situation ever playing out the way it is if he knew who he truly was.

Gracefully taking the seat, the sight of the two were either unaware of uncaring of a nearby Vegeta who spectated the anxiously spectated the exchange between the two, continuosly on his toes as he watched for anything that might upset the dieties; a cautious expression glued to his face.

Flipping to the sight of Beerus, it seemed that more time has passed as the sight of both Yamcha, Goten and Pu'ar was seen seated around Beerus, expectantly observing the diety trying a plate of pasta, wondering how he would find the taste seeing as he mentioned that he's never had the dish before.

Within the background of the four sat Whis, wiping 'her' lips as she showed a thumps up at the meal he'd consumed moments ago, much to the joy of both Krillin and Bulma who stood either side of the man.

With even more time flying faster than expected, Beerus was seen dancing and shouting joyously with various people, enjoying the dance and party more than he expected to. Speaking of dance, everyone guest gathered around the dancing diety as he suprised everyone with his breakdancing skills, moving expertly on his feet before backflipping to his hands, dropping his shoulders to the ground as he span till he reach on his upper back, still spinning while everyone besides a certain Saiyan shouted and cheered, encouraging the feline to continue displaying his incredible break dancing skills; stunning a nearby Vegeta.

Finsihing yet another drink of wine for the....20th? time that day, Mr. Satan placed his empty wine glass on the table he was seated at as he slowly moved to stand; a deep pink coating his cheeks contrasting his tan skin, clearly drunk (someone should get this man behind a wheel)

"Hey you! (exagerating points at Beerus) funny looking cat creature, I challenge you to a match of fist to cuffs, lets see how you fair off against a world champ!" Hercule shouted, interrupting the cheers of those nearby which brought all the attention to him.

"A duel?" Beerus question, stopping his spin to face the man.

"Wah! That fool!" Vegeta exclaimed, anxiety skyrocketing to the roof. Is he seriously going to risk the safety of the universe just for a fight?!

"(punching the air for some reason) I'll give ya a good fight I'm the champ!" Hercule shouted before collapsing back first onto the floor, completely exhaugsted for some reason. "C'mon dad, please stop doing these things" Videl embarrasingly asked, walking up to the now grounded man as she stooped to check on him.

"(addressing Beerus) Sorry for his rudeness, he's not good around alcohol if I'm not there to monitor him" Videl apologized for her father's behaviour, to which Beerus could only dryly chuckle to before breaking out into full laughter at what had just transpired as others joined in laughing as well.

Though, as the midday party continued its course, (now with the addition of both Beerus and Whis) all were oblivious to a certain group of individuals looking 'sneaking' around Bulma's empty home. Moving away from the main party, the sight of green and healthy bushes were seen remaining stationary infront of a large window, obviously apart of the stunning and luxurious home of Bulma.

Behind said glass showed the silouette of a small head, frantically looking side to side before dipping down from where it came. Now on the interior of the home, the sounds of hushed breathing was heard as three beings passed by a wall, casting thier shadows onto it.

Now appearing in the interior of what looked to be a abnormally large storage closet (?) the door to the room opened to show that the cause was the same sihlouettes from before as the outlines of their bodies stretched along the floor by the glare of the sunlight from a nearby window.

"WHERE ARE THOSE DRAGON BALLS?!" A gruff voice rhetorically asked, throwing damn near every item previously stored in the closet out onto the floor, rumaging through the useless items looking for the familiar wish orbs.

Recklessly throwing each and every item that wasn't a shining golden orb, the intruders tossed and turned through all the junk, unknowingly tossing a active capsule on the floor. Said capsule labeled '6' landed on it's head (?) clicker (?) before the capsule EXPLODED as it *clicked* on the floor, causing the intruders to stop their.....intruding and scream at the massive item stored within the capsule.

Piercing through a now broken doorway, the newly emerged yacht continued outwards from the room; stopping after 3 and a half seconds as three unfamiliar heads also popped from the room

"You IDIOTS! When you're blurgaring a place you need to be quiet!" A small blue thing said from the bottom of the horizontally stack as his two accomplicies on top of him profusely apologized

Appearing around a corner, the three peeked around as they waited for anyone to pass further down the hallway before making their move. Tip-toeing carefully down the hallway, the small blue thing at the front of the three suddenly stopped, almost causing the female teenager behind him to nearly trip over him as the small anthropromorphic dog behind the teenager almost collided with her as well.

Either oblivioius or uncaring, the blue thing propped his back against a nearby wall as the two behind him followed his lead, soon pressing their backs against the wall as well; all weary of being caught by any patroling staff member. Seeing as they were all against the wall, the full sight and features of the people unknowingly intruding on Bulma's nearly empty home were seen in all their glory...which happened to be teeneagers.

Going down order of position, the small blue thing at the front of the line wore a small black cap, lined with red horizonatal stripes as a small red ball rested comfortably ontop his head. Going down his outfit, the blue thing had light cyan skin with striking pointy elf-like ears with no eyebrows for some reason (ssj3?).

Travelling further down, the little creature had two stubby little fangs for teeth that matched the adorableness that the little guy was unintentially giving off. For the top he wore, the creature adorned himself was a striking yellow school (?) uniform's shirt that contained a small red and white flower on his left breast with a dim, redish shorts around his waist, overall completing the elementary school boy look. This boy was of course.....

Emperor Pilaf

Behind the little blue creature stood the only human of the group. Starting from her head, the woman had smooth, tar like hair that reached to her lower back with even cut bangs that covered her forehead with a little bit of hair reaching over her left ear that also trailed down to the upper part of her torso.

Going down, the woman sported a long denim sleeved jacket that was cut low to expose a tad bit of her Navel. Said collar area of the jacket was open in a way that no matter the angle you look at, none of her chest would of been exposed; yet a fair bit of skin is seen.

For pants, the girl sported blue ankle high jeans that was held up by a thin black belt. The most striking feature of the pants however, was the leather gun holster that rested on the upper right side of the female's torso that looked to twinkle with a slight sliver, possibly indicating a weapon of sorts

lastly, for footwear, the woman wore black knee high rain boots that held the remainder of her jeans. Said boots, despite their appearance, were suprisingly breathable and sprintable....you'll see why in a second.

This woman was of course-


Lastly, the little small creature behind Mai wore a all purple overall with fox ears protruding from the head of the small pup. For weapons, the little being had a small, red, white and yellow katana that matched his overall size; sheathed in a blue.....sheath . Let it be known that he's swung that thing a total of 100 times in his entire life.

Trailing further down the small dog, the little thing wore a all yellow undershirt that reached the ends of his paws while also peeking a few centimeters out the purple jumpsuit, contrasting the blue karate belt that was located around his waist.

For foot wear, the dog had all black socks that were held by baige slippers. This adorable little thing was of course-

Shu, and all three were members of the Pilaf Gang!

Continuing on their journey for the dragon balls, the three made thier way around 2 more corners before the small blue leader snapped to the wall of the third corner. Suprising his subordinates, the two also snapped around the corner, not realizing that they were squeezing the small blue thing against the wall.

Pushing them off his body, the two apologized yet again as they saw their leader walking off at a leasurly pace, starting to monologue to himself as well. "Honestly, who bulids a house this big anyways. Those dragon balls HAVE to be here somewhere...this thing....(grunt) never lies! (Pulls a dragon radar from his pocket) It says we're right on top all of them.....SO WHERE ARE THEY?!" Pilaf shouted, earning strange looks from his minions

"(sigh) Calm yourself Pilaf, by the end of the day you are GOING to be rich. No if, and or buts!" Pilaf told himself

"What...../hold on sir, what happened to world domination?" Shu spoke before Mai asked, wondering where the sudden change in the end goals came from.

"Oh Mai (moves his arms behind his back) you simple fool (Hey!) I realized Conquering the world is way easier when you're rich.....(drops arms to his sides) and I'm tired of eating at soup kitchens everyday.....IT SUCKS THAT WE CAN'T EVEN LAND PART TIME JOBS BECAUSE WE'RE STUCK IN THESE STUPID LITTLE TEENAGE BODIES (Thrasing on the ground)"

"Calm down sire/Calm down sire" Both Mai and shu asked, clinging to each other at seeing the sight of their leader thrashing on the ground.

"God DAMMIT! I AM AN EMPEROR, EMPEROR PILAAAAAF!" Pilaf shouted once again, imagining himself standing on top of the world, looking down on each and every human that had ever existed.

"Sir.....I usually hate poniting fingers but do remember that it was you who said, 'Please! make us young again' when Shenron asked for our wish" Mai reminded, causing the still day dreaming Pilaf to snap out of his little world, sweat dropping at the accusations he was just accused of.

"And I still stand by what I did. No point in taking over the world when you're too old and wrinkly to enjoy it" Pilaf replied, feeling proud of himself seeing as a idea of his finally paid off

"And I get that sir...but you couldn't of been a little more specific? (Looking over herself) I don't mind being a teen again, but I'd rather my body look 16 than 12" Mai droned, still feeling a bit annoyed at her new body.

"Well it was good news for me. (Turning around and placing his hands behind his head) When you're aging in dog years you need all the time you can get." Shu told, not realising a random wave of silence started to come over them.....said silence lasted about 10 seconds, causing Shu to start sweating

"I don't care what you two idiots think, just help me find the dragon ball! And If we still don't find it, just swipe anything that looks valuable!" Pilaf instructed, already starting to lightly run off in a new direction

"Sir/sir" The two replied, arms moving to a salute before joining their leader's sprint.

Sprinting down the hallway, all three intruders passed a seemingly insignificant red door. Moments later, a curious mai backtracted her steps before reading the bold label that was on the door.

"Emperor PIlaf (WHAT!) can you come look at this?" Mai asked, gaining the attention of both Pilaf and Shu.

"Bin.....go Prizes?" Pilaf muttered, wondering why Mai randomly decided that this door was anything special. As he was mentally preparing to just walk away from the door, something just.....clicked within his head. Slowly gaining a look of pure joy on his face, Pilaf, Mai and Shu opened the door, not at all ready for the sight that awaited them

Looking on in complete awe and bewilderment, the sight of a MASSIVE castle, decorated with neon lights of various colours along with a red an white plane and a entire golden piano was seen in the room, shocking the Pilaf gang into silence. Walking with their jaws wide to the middle of the room, it seemed that the prizes got small and smaller till the smallest prize remained on top of a platform in the centre of the shining room.

Back with the three, the teens were barely able to come out of their awe as they collectively wondered if what they were seeing was really the truth.

"All of these are bingo prizes?"

"They're giving away an entire castle!" Mai mentioned

"God Dammit! You two find those Dragon Balls....I have some work to do..." Pilaf instructed, taking out a red spray paint as he walked up to a few of the prizes.

Responding as they should, both Mai and Shu scattered around the room, searching each and every nook of the abnormally massive prizes to where the Dragon Balls could be. Searching the nearby plane, Shu hopped in the cockpit as he began rumaging around any open compartments he could get his paws on.

Looking to see if Mai was having any better luck, the small woman was seen walking at a decent pace around the golden piano before moving to the front end of the musical machine. Now at the front, Mai noted that they Dragon Balls could never be there of all places, moving back to a sprint to search for the items.

"And the second place prize is a...." Mai spoke to herself as she made her way to the middle of the room where the smaller platforms were. Seeing a kinda ugly looking capsule thing, Mai pushed the golden button of the capsule, suprising the small woman a bit with how fast it opened. Suprising the small woman even further was the sight of a shining blue diamond that rested on purple cushions within the capsule, gaining the attention of both Pilaf and Shu.

"Dear lord...that's the biggest diamond I've ever seen"

"And if that's the prize for second place...."

Hearing the sounds of a rising platform, all three looked on at the fully raised platform in pure shock and bewilderment...the goal they've been working towards for the past 5 years was currently being gracefully handed to them on a literal silver platter. The shining golden sight was so beautiful that it moved both Mai and Pilaf to tears; causing Shu to peek at them in somewhat confusion.

Jumping up and down all around the room, the three shouted at the top of their lungs, pure adrenaline and seratotin coursing through their veins at seeing the golden sight for yet another time. Stopping his dashing and crying around the room, the main emperor himself was the first to comment on their amazing discovery

"All seven Dragon Balls....they're all here..." Pilaf squeaked, voicing cracking due to the overwhelming joy he and his team were going through

"E-emperor! We can summon the dragon and have him grant our wish right now!" Shu excitedly suggested, causing both Mai and Pilaf to instantly halt thier crying and cheers and look down at their third member.



"You goof ball" Pilaf remarked

"What do you think'll happen to the house if we summon a 7 story dragon inside the room?" Mai rhetorically asked

"Hey! Who's in here?" A voice called out, causing the three intruders to start sweat dropping before going wide eyed at the sudden unfamiliar voice

Turning back towards the still open prize room door, (idiots) the familiar silhouette of Trunks was seen looking blankly at the now rapidly paling Pilaf Gang; holding the door open all the way to get a good look at the fools.

"Uhm! We're friends with the boy that lives here..." Mai lied, saying the first 'sensable' thing that came to her mind

"What are you on about? Yall aren't my friends" Trunks blanky said, causing the gang to once again start to panic

"WAIT! You're the boy that lives here?!" Pilaf questioned

"Wait....did that monkey just talk?" Trunks asked, suprised that a talking animal was in his home.

"Monk-?!" Repeated Pilaf, noticing that both Mai and Shu suddenly started to chuckle at the diss their leader just recieved. Jumping off the still raised platform, Pilaf power walked a few meters away before screaming his mind "What did you just call me you little punk?! I am Emperor Pilaf and you will address me as such you snot filled, disease ridden child!" PIlaf ranted, shocking Mai and Shu casing the former to climb off the platform to meet her boss.

"What are you doing Emperor?! Did you seriously just reveal your name to that damned child?!" Mai whisper shouted at her boss, causing said blue man to break out into a cold sweat.

"Quick, Goten over here! There's a talking blue monkey in the prize room! (I AM NOT A MONKEY!)" Trunks called out to a nearby Goten who walked over to his summoning.

"Call him emperor and show some respect! Unless you'd like your arms being sliced in 17 different places!" Shu threatened, reaching for his katana as Mai also reached for her pistol, not pulling it out just as yet.

"Can you repeat what you said?" Goten asked

"Just look....." Trunks replied, pointing at a now stunned still Pilaf Gang

Dropping the room to a ghastly quiet, all three teens looked at the wild and awfully familiar haircut of a newly arrived Goten. Shivering where they stood, The three inspected every little detail about the child, fear and PTSD of past events kicking in when they fully remebered where they saw that specific haircut from.

"I-I-I-It's THE CRAZY GIANT APE KID!!!" All three shouted, feeling an intense imaginary apparition (a ghost or ghostlike image of a person) of a fully transformed and roaring great Oozaru kid Goku appear over the teen.

"EVERYBODY! PANIC AND RUN FOR YOU LIVES!!" "YES SIR/YES SIR" Pilaf shouted, as another downpour of adrenaline flodded his body moments before all three intruders scattered around the room; gunning straight through the nearby door that was still being held open by Trunks. Said boy watched the scene unfold infront of him as he and Goten blankly stared at the sight

Running back down the corner they came, both Pilaf and Shu tried thier hardest to escape the massive maze of a house they were in, unknowingly leaving behind their only female member who willingly slowed to a stop to interact with the two teens.

Putting a hand on her pocket, Mai glanced back at the confused face of a mistaken Goten who gave a quizical head tilt at the strange behaviour he'd just seen; suprising and scaring a already terrified Mai. Pulling out the massive Diamond that would of went to the second place winner of the Bingo tournament, Mai scooted over to a perplexed Trunks, trying to hand back the stolen diamond while also keeping her distance from Goten

"Here! I didn't mean to take this...." Mai coughed, throwing the diamond into the hands of Trunks as she moved to an immediate sprint, dashing away from the scene

Looking at the diamond in his palm, Trunks eyes slightly went wide as he glanced back at the still fleeing Mai; feeling an unknown twinge within his chest when he looked into her hazy eyes that were slightly obstructed by her river like hair that swayed without weight.

"Guys, did you seriously leave without me! Wait up i'm coming!!" Mai shouted, also bending the corner that she last saw her gang run past

"Ok....even by our definition that was wierd...." Goten mentioned, gazing at Trunks who only stared in the last spot the mystery girl was seen at.

"By the way, did you know that girl?" Goten asked

"O-oh her? *pfht* she's my main thang" Trunks randomly decides to gloat, placing his hands on his hips while slightly puffing his chest out

"Wait, so you two are dating like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Goten asked, causing Trunks to almost slip up

"Uhuh, It's exactly like that. Bet you're jealous right now huh?"


"Yeah, I know I am" Trunks still gloated. (lowkey wanna puch him)

Fliping to the empty grassy area behind the house, the sight of all three members of the Pilaf gang were seen as they sprinted around the corner, finally relaxing after a good 6 and a half minutes of running; leaning against the wall of the house to catch thier breath.

"Why is he here of all places?! Just when we finally get the whole set of Dragon Balls is when he randomly decides to pop in and scare us half to death!" Pilaf shouted, strsss clearly being shown on the fronts of his features.

"Yeah...but what I don't get is why he's still so small?" Shu questioned. As Pilaf was about to comment on what his similarly small companion just said, the suprise laughter of Mai was heard as she continued to laugh in what sounded like an abnoxious tone to Pilaf

"And what are you laughing about?!"

"Ohohohohohoh (Whips out a familiar golden orb) Prepare to be enamoured by stars!" Mai told, grasping the four star Dragon Ball in her hand as both Pilaf and Shu only stared at the woman in disbelief

"Y'see, I gave the diamond back to the purple haired boy from before as I made off with this in my pocket....now they have no clue where the four star Dragon ball is located thanks to me" Mai repeated, feeeling untold levels of accomplishment coursing through her body

"Mai you genius! You've really stepped up as of late you know (Hehe)" Pilaf told as he heard Mai release and embarred giggle.

"Wait....we still can't make our wish with just one Dragon Ball, y,ou know that!"

"Oh I know emperor, but I've got my plan all figured out. After they find out that the four star Dragon Ball is gone, we just so happen to call them on an encrypted phone, saying that we'll be happy to give it up on the condition that they pay....one MILLION zeni in cash"

"Oh Mai you really are evil. A true ruler to the core." Pilaf complimented

"Oh I'm nothing compared to you Pilaf, you're even eviler than me" Mai replied, failing to contain her laughter as Pilaf also joined in, happy to know that for once a plan was brewing that seemed to finally allow them live in absolute luxury

"(Mai and Pilaf were still laughing) But hold on, wouldn't the diamond value more than the Dragon ball in terms of monetary value?" Shu commented, casuing the duo to instantly freeze; breaking out into a poker face.

With the wind slightly picking up in speed, the sight of the still frozen Mai blanked at the point her aquantance made as her hair started to blow in the breeze, loose hair strands were noted to be obscuring her vison. Now adding to the tense and awkward atmosphere, the cherps of nearby birds were heard breaking the silence as if they too knew how awkward Shu made the place all of a sudden.

Once again being the first to speak his mind, Pilaf turned in the direction of the dog

"Shu! Are you absolutely crazy?! No-one wants to be that rich, that'd be way too stressful! It's all about finding balance with these things" Pilaf shouted at the now nervous Shu

"Yeah Pilaf's right! You'd be so stressed you'd start wetting yourself (wait what?) and I don't want to be the one to be cleaning your pee stained pants!" mai yelled, casuing both Pilaf and Shu to stare at her in a strange...strange way.

"....Ok, that just went to a wierd place I never want to go to again. Mai, I expect my evil henchmen to atleast have a little class by the end of the day" Pilaf scolded (?), placing his arms behind his back as he walked a few paces forwards

"I know, I'm sorry emperor...."

"Wait! (stops walking and gains the attention of the two behind him) over there!" Pilaf shouted, looking off into the distance at the sight of the two children from before

Zooming past the booming greenery that was the natural garden around the place, just 20 meters past the bushes stood both Goten and Trunks conversing with Bulma.

"It's him! What's he telling them?! (seeing Goten point over to them)"

Seeing that Goten was pointing over to them, every single member of the Pilaf gang started to panic as their hearts flooded with pure fear as evident with said emotion being written across their faces. Now fully focusing on Bulma, the birthday woman bent a tab bit forwards as she squinted her eyes, trying to make out the distant features of the now huddled Pilaf crew.

"Ooooooooh, so the adorable one in the red blazer in Trunks' first girl huh?" Bulma teased

"You certainly don't get your charms from your dad y'know. *sigh* It's nice to know that my growing boy has ways to attract the ladies" Bulma teased yet again, not seeing that her son was now sweating beyond belief

"I sure do!" Trunks replied, nervously smiling in the hopes of his mother and friend buying his lie

"Well call her over here, I wanna talk to her" Bulma asked, resulting in Trunks struggling to keep his smile straight yet again.

Turning away from his mom, Trunks dashed through the air as he landed infront of a terrifed Pilaf crew; the leader himself being the most bewildered out of the three.

"Sweet beautiful Dragon Balls, WHY would you fly through the air to move 25 feet?"Pilaf questioned the tall boy, slight confusion overpowering his fear for a short while...

"Because I could. Anyways, (moving his hand to rub his hair) I uhh.....I was trying to act cool around my friend and I kinda told him we were dating and now my mom asked if you could come over and introduce yourself" Trunks told, a bit embarresed to be admitting this infront of two others.

"You said I'm your what?!" Pilaf asked, holding his face in slight blush (wierdo alert)

"NO NOT YOU!" Trunks barked

"So me?!" Shu asked

"NO! Not you idiot (pointing at Mai) I'm asking your friend Who's a giiiiirl!"

"Wait.....me? Well I'm flattered child, but, I don't date small children like you" Mai snarkily told

"Said by the girl who's the same age as me"

"L-look, I'm sorry that I interrupted....whatever it was you three were doing back here but please, can you help me out for a little while? I'd rather be dead that be caught lying infront of them"

"So.....(closes her eyes in mild frustration) because you lied, I have to be your pretend girlfriend for the day? What am I even supposed to do during the girlfrind act?" Mai asked, opening her eyes once again

"Ah nothing major, just some hugs and handholding and other stuff along those lines." Trunks informed, not able to hold back the slight blush that came to his face

"What!" she squeaked (turning around) 'Who knew that teens these days were so bold and perverted?!' Mai mentally asked

"Look, I hope I'm not asking for too much.....I mean, IF you agree to this, you can eat all you want for free as compensation."

"ALL WE CAN EAT?!?!" Both Pilaf and Shu asked, stomachs aching at the mere thought of a full meal.

"Oh, and there's a bingo tournament with some pretty cool prizes too!"

"Yeah we love bingo....." the duo replied again, excusing themselves to huddle up and discuss strategy with the still slightly freaking out Mai.

"Emperor, I know he's a child and all, but doing all these things with a guy I just met is going a bit too fast for me...." Mai complained

"Mai, he's a child. Aren't you a bit too old to be freaking out if someone wants to hold your hand?" Pilaf commented, genuinely confused

"(offended) Gee thanks emperor! Now you're saying i'm too old to be having feelings?!" Mai asked, casuing a nearby Shu to panic a bit

"(exasperated) Please Mai...Do it for the free food and the bingo tournament...and the-"

"The Dragon alls the winner recieves" Mai finished, noting that Pilaf took his eye off her and was now staring off into the distance, looking as if he remembered something

"W-wait....the child's mom....I know for a fact I've seen her before....but where?" Pilaf asked himself, staring at a neutral Bulma who also looked back at him.

"S-sir, It's most definately her! And the spiky hair kid is the same one from back then too!" Shu responded, fear and worry once again lacing his tone as he and his team slightly recoiled in caution at the familiar female face

"Man t-this just Isn't our day"

"Alright guys, let's go (o-ok....)" Trunks conculded, finally invited the shivering three to the party

Back on Bulma, the still standing woman spectated her son calling over his 'girlfriend' and her friends to the party. Looking at the strange two, Bulma's eyes lingered on the short blue one that always looked to be shy or afraid; at least, that how she saw him.....

She's seen him before.....but where...well, if she can't remember it probably wasn't important.

-loli out!

aloliindisguise aloliindisguise

I need to interact more with anyone that reads these. How's yalls saturday been? Interact to you heart's content.

As always, peep the pad for more chaps and images as well

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