/ Anime & Comics / Danganronpa Spinoff
Set in a dystopian future, this is a spin-off story based on the killing games in Danganronpa. There will be Ultimates, Motivations, and of course, Monokuma! All my characters will be original, and the point of view might change from character to character.
(Notes: This storyline isn't meant to collide with the original Danganronpa storyline. This is just for me to write down some killing ideas I had. The characters in this story should all be original as I'm not trying to copy any characters or plots (apart from the Danganronpa killing game plot). I will be narrating this from a third-person point of view. Class Trials could differ from the original thing as I am making this with inspiration from Danganronpa but changing the plot here and there.)
(Super important note: My biggest change from the storyline is that there isn't such thing as Hope and Despair or the Future Foundation. Also, Junko Enoshima does NOT appear in this story. And lastly, this version of the story is a live-streamed horror series.)