20% Atata / Chapter 1: Prologue-Spirit
Atata Atata original


作者: A_strange_man

© WebNovel

章節 1: Prologue-Spirit

Chaos and Order are two forces that are always in conflict. On the border of the collision of these two primordial energies, a world has emerged where these two forces still continue their struggle, sometimes taking on a slightly different form. Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Ice and Fire-all this is a continuation of the same struggle. The victory of one of the forces will break the Harmony and put the world on the verge of destruction. In one of these worlds on the edge, a spirit arrived that bore the imprint of Chaos, Darkness and Cold, this spirit appeared in the south of the planet, and began to search for a receptacle, which was supposed to be an unborn child, preferably only recently conceived, where the soul had only recently settled, with which the dark spirit wanted to merge. Unfortunately for that dark spirit, there was a powerful Spirit of Light and Harmony, Rava, who spent his entire life fighting the Spirit of Darkness and Chaos, Vatu. Twenty thousand years ago, Watu broke through the boundary between the Spirit World and the Human World, he himself penetrated the Human World and released many different spirits that flooded the Human World. Also, the actions of this Spirit of Darkness and Chaos eventually brought Magic to the World of Humans. Vatu broke the Harmony in two worlds at once, so the Spirit of Light and Harmony went to correct this imbalance, but was only able to lock up his enemy with him, and keep Vata locked up for ten thousand years. Ten thousand years later, the accidental intervention of a young fire mage named Wang separated the Spirits of Light and Darkness, and Watu was released after ten thousand years of captivity, once again causing Chaos in the world that had already subsided over the past millennia. Van realized that his actions put the world in great danger, and offered to help Rava in the battle with Watu, the light spirit refused to help the person, because it was he who was responsible for the problems that arose, but after realizing that she could not defeat Vata alone, she began to work together with Van, preparing him for the upcoming battle. Rava, along with the turtle lions, taught Vahn the magic of all four elements, and before fighting Vatu, Rava merged with Vahn, becoming something more than just a spirit, and making Vahn something more than just a human. Vahn became the first Avatar of the Spirit of Light and Harmony, and was able to defeat the Spirit of Darkness and Chaos and lock it up in the Spirit World. Rava and Van merged at the moment of Harmonious Convergence, it occurs every ten thousand years during the parade of planets, then the energy fields of the World of People and the World of Spirits intersect, it was in the past that such a Harmonious Convergence of Vatu penetrated the World of People, Rava, being a spirit, united with a person during a Harmonious Convergence, and now only after ten thousand years However, Wang was still a human, and he couldn't live for ten thousand years; after Wang died, Rava had to join forces with either Wang's own rebirth or his descendants, of which Wang had plenty. So the Avatar Cycle began, the Spirit of Light and Harmony Rava merged with different people, turning them into her Avatars, when one Avatar died, Rava chose a new Avatar, which, like previous Avatars, was supposed to keep Balance and Harmony in the world with the help of the power of the Spirit of Rava. Almost ten thousand years had passed since Rava defeated Vata, and now Rava sensed the arrival of Vatu, her eternal opponent, in the Human World... Vatu might be very weak after thousands of years of imprisonment, but it was still the Spirit of Chaos and Darkness, and Rava needed to overcome it before it broke the Harmony. The current owner of Rava, did not want to be an Avatar of the Spirit of Light and Harmony, as a child, he ran away from his duties, and using his flying beast, flew into the sea, where he was caught by a storm. Rava had to step in and save a child Avatar who was drowning in the sea with his flying beast, Rava enclosed them both in an ice cocoon, and put them in suspended animation so that they could survive the storm. But that was more than eighty years ago, when the ice cocoon was blown south by a storm and encased in an even larger layer of ice. Rava is a powerful spirit, but being trapped inside the Avatar, she is limited by the power of the Avatar itself. The current Avatar simply wouldn't survive the flow of power that could help Rava free him from the ice, so she had to put up with the fact that the Avatar had been in suspended animation inside the iceberg for a decade. But at the moment, Rava could not delay, she needed to eliminate Vata before he could regain his strength, which made Rava decide to cut off the connection with the current Avatar and go in the form of a spirit after the spirit of Darkness and Chaos, whose arrival she had recently sensed. Due to the effects of combining with the first Avatar Van, Rava can't use even a tenth of her real strength without merging with a human, but now she may have enough of these crumbs to defeat the dark spirit, because he, apparently, is also very weakened. The dark spirit at this time found a receptacle and began to capture the soul of the baby, who still had a twin sister... and it was in this twin sister that the spirit of Rava moved in, purifying and expelling the dark spirit. It turned out that Rava was mistaken, it was not her eternal opponent Vatu, it was some other dark spirit that bore traces of Chaos and Darkness, so Rava purified it and banished it to the Spirit World. What kind of gopnik spirits live in this world? ≫ thought the dark spirit, who had recently been thoroughly cleansed, taking away more than half of his strength, and in order to escape, the spirit had to move into the River of Souls, and cling to the first soul that came along in order to survive. If earlier the spirit could choose its own receptacle, now I had to count on luck, who and where this chosen soul will be reborn is unknown. *** So, the familiar sensations, I was either devoured again by someone and digested in someone's stomach, or I died and was reborn. And most importantly, it is still unclear which of the options is worse... something was there last… I thought I was going to fight a huge monster while piloting a huge robot ... did I lose and die? Ага Yeah, he died. I told you to teach you magic, and now our harem is mourning our death at the hands of a huge monster.≫ Stop, schizophrenia, there's nothing to fill me up with. I'm not an expert in magic, but I've studied myself well enough to know that this isn't my soul. Am I a copy of a soul fused with another soul? ≪You're so smart, and I wanted to put up a drama here to motivate you to learn magic. Yes, we are a copy of the original, while he builds his robots there, we will study magic, this is our main task ... side tasks, it's as usual-to capture the world, but to assemble a harem.≫ So I won't even be able to forge my own sword, just use magic? Just let you get close to the anvil and you'll start making a huge robot for yourself, so yes, you'll only need magic.≫ Like I'm not like that myself. Exactly, I am the same. But don't worry, if you delve deeper into magic, it is no less interesting than artefactorics, and if you have enough skill, you can create artifacts directly from magic.≫ Okay, we've dealt with one, then one more question. What the hell is wrong with our soul? Why does it look like someone chewed it up and spat it out? This is exactly what happened recently, this is our second attempt to enter the body, during the first attempt we were attacked by some light spirit and thoroughly cleared all our chakras and karma, well, at least I managed to escape. We're a couple of times weaker than we should have been, but we seem to have managed to preserve our memory, as well as our System, and even managed to preserve some of the predisposition to Ice Magic that we developed from our friend Esdes. In general, that's all. The System's connections to the previous soul had to be cut off in an emergency, so it was slightly damaged, but I will fix it for our birth.≫ And who was I supposed to be born to, for the first time? ≪Prince of the Southern Water Mage Tribe.≫ A prince? I don't like to rule, I've had enough of it since I was an Emperor. ≪Well, frankly speaking, the tribe consisted of one and a half hundred people, among whom there were no water mages, but there no one would interfere with us to develop Ice Magic. Now, I do not know who we will be born.≫ Not some prince, I hope. When, after several months of waiting, I was born, I was given to a man whom the obstetrician called " Prince Ozai." — He doesn't look very impressive." This Prince Ozai said as he examined me. "Agu-agu." * I can say the same about you... although, wait, I can't yet... agu-agu* - I answered, looking at the black-haired man with a ponytail on his head, while the man was dressed in luxurious red expensive clothes, and the room in which we were now was also luxurious and in red tones. — I don't feel any Fire Magic from it, and on the contrary, it feels cold. It looks like the first pancake came out lumpy, you will have to immediately start working on the second heir. — a man gave me to a doctor. "Prince Ozai, what do you want me to do with your son?" - the doctor asked — - It should be given to Princess Ursa now, for feeding. "No, find him a wet nurse, we don't need Ursa to get attached to this weakling. If he doesn't prove himself to be a powerful Fire Mage soon, I'll send him out of the palace, I don't need a son, which will be a shame. "my father must have answered... what an asshole he is." Nothing new, we always have fathers who are assholes.≫ - Prince Ozai, it will be done. And what do you say to the Master of Fire Azulon, he had a grandson, after all? The doctor asked as he handed me over to the maid. — I'll just say it like it is, it was my father who advised me to link our bloodline to Avatar Roku's granddaughter to make our bloodline stronger. The fact that the first attempt was a failure is not my fault. The child needs to be examined by the Fire Sages, and if they don't see the great Power of Fire in him, then I will definitely send him out of the palace... somewhere to a colony in the Earth Realm. How disappointed I am with him. — the last time the asshole-oh, I mean, my dad-looked at me before he went out, I was taken to some woman who was breastfeeding me. This woman was quite young and quite beautiful, and I didn't mind sucking her breasts, especially since I was very hungry. And so, I was still unlucky, and I was born some kind of prince, and my father is still an asshole, and he probably inherited this from his father, that is, my grandfather is probably no less an asshole. However, if I am sent away from the palace somewhere, it will be even better for me than living under a roof with such parents. I saw my mother only briefly, she was too tired after giving birth, and now they don't want to show me to her at all, so that she doesn't get attached to me. I was born in the afternoon, and in the evening some old farts came to me in red clothes and with strange caps on their heads, apparently these are the same "Wise Men". They touched me, spun me, spun me, poured Fire Energy into my chest, and made a verdict — that I am still a Fire Mage, and I absorb Fire Energy very well, so I may even turn out to be a strong magician. These same farts gave me the name "Hyung", which means" Ice Flame", since I was somehow cold, even though I was a Fire Mage. In my previous life, my name was "Gin", here it's" Hyung", so I don't even need to get used to the new name, and I basically liked it. I got Ice Magic from my favorite maniac, Esdes, and Fire Magic from my local parents. And although I had a predisposition to Ice Magic in my previous life, but I didn't have time to train this magic, or rather, I preferred to spend it on other more interesting things. I've tried to train in this magic a few times, but when you don't have the heart for it, it's disgusting. Right now, I don't have much choice, either learn to use magic or die. I'm a copy of the soul, I'm not particularly sorry. ≪As promised, the system is working again, and now we can monitor our status.≫ ≪Status Жизнь Life 10/10/0. 5 per hour (State of the physical shell.) Chi 33/33/5. 5 per hour (Total energy of the soul and body.) Characteristics: Strength 1 (An indicator of physical strength.) Dexterity 1 (A measure of physical agility and speed.) Endurance 1 (A measure of physical endurance.) Razum 200 (An indicator of intelligence development.) Soul 150 (Soul power indicator.) Термо Skills≫ "Thermokinetic"(You can control the cold and heat.) "Regeneration"(Allows you to speed up the recovery of the body by using Qi.) "Rebirth" (If the physical body is destroyed, you will be reborn. If the soul is very strong, then you will turn into a spirit and will be able to live without a body, or move into another dead body, or into an artificial shell.) "Accelerated language learning "(You learn new languages faster) "Cardinal"(Additional thought stream that controls the system.) " Avatar»(You are an Avatar of yourself in another world, do not think to become angry and want to kill yourself original.) And this, by the way, is a great idea... although, somehow, I don't even have such a desire, for some reason. Going against yourself is just stupid, so there is no such desire. The universe is already full of all sorts of demons and gods that can and want to destroy us, it makes no sense to make another person your enemy. So, now we have abilities in Ice and Fire Magic, in essence these are two sides of the same coin, both types of magic are aimed at controlling energy, Cold Magic takes it away, Fire Magic adds on the contrary. This is a good start for us to master the basics of all magic, then we can switch to other types of magical art, or we can bring these two directions to the conceptual level,and then to the abstract level, when using Cold and Fire you can freeze entire universes, or create a Big Bang, which will start a new universe. In general, we have a lot to develop. However, don't count on me too much, my knowledge is mostly just theoretical, as if I read a book about my own adventures in past lives, in the end I know approximately what can be achieved and how, but everything that is between us and the final goal was lost in the Ocean of Chaos.≫ Then it's probably a good thing that we were born a prince, so at least we'll get proper magic teachers. After the Sages told me that I was still a Fire Mage, my father was still very skeptical of me, and was ready to send me away at any moment, but still allowed me to see my mother... when she was not busy conceiving a new heir. After giving birth, it only takes three weeks before you can try to get pregnant again, so I saw my mother very rarely, and she only breastfed me a couple of times. My mother's name was Ursa, and she was a pretty young black-haired girl who didn't like my father very much. It was immediately clear to me that she had married him not out of great love, but because he was the prince of the country in which she lived, and to refuse such a suitor was fraught for her family and for herself. Given their father's bad temper, and probably their grandfather's, they could have been jailed for refusing to marry until they agreed to the wedding. And, of course, when a woman has children not from a beloved man, then she will obviously love such children a couple of times less than a child from a man whom she loves with all her heart. I didn't really need a parent's love, I wasn't exactly a child, but if I was treated like my favorite son, I would respond to these feelings and become a good son to them, but so far, I had the feeling that I was unwanted by my mother, and for my father I was a disappointment, probably he expected that I would start breathing fire like a dragon from birth. Soon, my "beloved" parents ' attempts to conceive a new heir were crowned with success, Ursa became pregnant again, and nine months later they had a daughter, which Ozai was immediately pleased with, he immediately took her to his father, the Fire Master Azulon, and eventually my sister was named after her grandfather — Azul. It was the first time I'd seen my grandfather, and he looked like my father, only gray-haired and wrinkled. As it is, I'm sure Ozai will look the same at eighty... if he lives, of course. But even though he's an asshole, but I've seen his training, he's really impressive as a mage, and he has a master-level fire control, so I don't want to go up against Ozai until I'm sure I can win. The Fire Lord Azulon sat on a golden throne that stood in the middle of a red throne room decorated with pillars and golden ornaments, mostly those of fire and dragons. I can't help but admit that the throne room, like the whole palace, is quite beautiful, although I still won't be able to take the throne. My father also has an older brother, Iroh, who is supposed to take the throne after Azulon's death, and that brother already has a six-year-old son, Lu Ten, and after Iroh, it will be he who will take the throne, not my father. Although no one has abolished assassinations to eliminate contenders for the throne, if Iroh and Lu Ten die, then my father will take the throne, but if there is someone to choose from, the successor to the throne is chosen by the previous ruler, that is, Ozai can make my younger sister Azula ruler after him. Anyway, I don't have to worry too much about having to rule the Land of Fire. Still, becoming an emperor without having a huge battle cyborg in your pocket is quite an idiotic idea. Without some really overwhelming force, it is very difficult to rule, just no one will listen to you. I was born into the royal family of the Fire Nation, and in this world, people have four types of elemental magic. As you can see, the Fire Nation has Fire Magic, there is also the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom and the Air Nomads. More than eighty years ago, my great-grandfather Sozin launched a war of conquest, starting with the complete annihilation of all the Air Nomads, my grandfather Azulon almost destroyed the Southern Water Tribe, and now my Uncle Iroh commands the conquest of the Earth Realm. To be precise, Sozin started the war eighty-four years ago, and for eighty-four years the Fire Nation has been at war with the entire world, and quite successfully. Each nation in this world has only one type of magic, but there is one exception-the Avatar, the strongest magician that can master all four elements, but he remains mortal, and after his death, is reborn as a representative of one of the four nations. The Avatar's cycle of rebirth is always as follows: the Fire Nation, then the Air Nomads, then the Water Tribe, then the Earth Kingdom, and then the Fire Nation again. My great-grandfather on my mother's side was Avatar Roku, he was an Avatar who was born into the Fire Nation, and he was also a close friend of my great-grandfather on my father's side, Sozin, who started the war immediately after Avatar Roku's death. So that the Avatar wouldn't be reborn as an Airbender, Sozin exterminated all the Air Nomads. Considering that the Avatar hadn't been seen in more than eighty years, Sozin's plan worked. And it was precisely because my mother was related to Avatar Roku that Azulon forced her to marry his youngest son Ozai. For me, all this information means that if I show abilities in some magic other than fire, I will immediately be considered an Avatar, and most likely eliminated, there is an option that they will want to raise me as an Avatar absolutely loyal to the Fire People, but more likely they will lock me up somewhere in a dungeon, not allowing me to develop or die, because after the death of the Avatar, he is reborn in another person and he would have to be searched, and so they would know that the Avatar is in their prison. Well, it looks like I'll have to leave the palace soon, and I won't be allowed to practice magic here, although I might as well study Fire Magic first.

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