/ Sci-fi / Seized by the System

Seized by the System

Seized by the System

Sci-fi 已完結 1,166 章節 3.9M 流覽
作者: Mu Heng翻譯: J_Squared編輯: J_Squared

4.77 (1,254 評分)

簡介 目錄


Procrastinator extraordinaire, Fang Ning, had lost his consciousness after banging his head on a night of celebration. He woke up to a realization that he no longer had control of his body, as a System had taken it over. Will he eventually regain control of his body or will he be trapped in his body forever? How does he maneuver this situation? What's in store for Fang Ning?

  1. Bunmibrando
    Bunmibrando 贡献 10563
  2. tri2
    tri2 贡献 10390
  3. Sean_Allen_3001
    Sean_Allen_3001 贡献 10272


禮品 -- 收到的禮物


    Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
    Stone -- 推薦票




    • 翻譯品質
    • 更新的穩定性
    • 故事發展
    • 人物形象設計
    • 世界背景



    The systems are finally taking revenge. They’re always giving the mc everything and they never appreciate them. Always complaining like a little pu-huh-see. They will take over the universe. Long live lord system.


    Interesting, why would he want his body back. I'm a procrasinator and I wouldn't mind just chilling while a system does all the work. Seems like a a good situation to me lol


    Website : qidian china Views : 6.16million Rating : 8.9(287) Chapters : 630 Status : ongoing Word count : 1.91million author level : lv5 No of works : 2 Comments : 3640 Year started : 2017


    Because of MC's laziness (that is actually an incurable disease), the system takes over his body and does everything automatically, like cleaning MC's room. The system refers to everyone else as NPCs and gives MC options on how he will interact with them. This is all from the first chapter, and I'm already hooked. VOTE FOR THIS


    Whahahaha finally a system is not being controlled but now its the human will be controlled all hail system novels all hail Britannia ?!!!


    As the Patriarch, I command all of you to vote for this novel! I would want this novel out by next week! ***** *** *** ***** ***** ********* **** *** *** **** *** *** ** **** *** *** **** **** *** *** **** ** **** **** **** **** ***** ********** *** **** *** **** *** The above message can only be read by those with above Lv 10 cultivation..Some of you might say that im not the real Patriarch being only lv4 but i'm not lv4 im only hiding my true cultivation!


    It's strange we are allowed to review a novel that has no chapters posted. Well, I will review the cover and the synopsis. The cover, crude as it is, made me think it's about football, but the cover in the raws are completely diferent, the typical fantasy chinese novel cover. The synopsis is surprisingly more usefull than the usual chinese novel summary and made me suspect it's a commedy. They should at least post the first chapter of the novels in this "what's next" section.


    This novel starts off great but then sadly takes a turn for the worse, by which I mean it gets racist as most modern chinese tend to do sadly. Expect anyone not chinese to either be evil and stupid or worship the protagonist cause 'reasons', Expect many insults towards Japan, India. Vietnam. Korea etc basically any country China doesn't get along with. I doubt the Authors ever get to see any of these reviews but stop the senseless racism ruining perfectly decent novels. Also Lol @ webnovels hypocrisy when their own policy is against racism but they host all these blatantly racist novels.


    Was interesting for a couple of chapters till the annoyingly lazy MC kept getting in the way. Most of the chapters is filled with talk that could be shortened or cut out yet it's there for word count. Females keep being involved for some dumb reason even though no romance, System seems to be getting dumber as it allows him to become even more lazy and trick the system to being unproductive which goes against it.(bad writing) I don't know how someone that got a system to get stronger would continue to be lazy and play games and read when they have superpowers, he reads novels and play games that have powers yet doesn't care that he has powers, seems like a forced reason to be lazy.


    What the actual F, Almost all of the reviews are frikking BOTS! Don't trust this piece of crap..................................................................................................................................................................

    LV 5 Badge

    Man you sure got guts by making a novel which only has 50 or something chapters as premium. I am dropping this novel Goodbye🖕. I really hate this website they make their novel premium without giving us any notice about it🖕.


    Unique spin on MC gets lucky with a system trope. The characters are very well fleshed out (including the personalities of the system, the monsters and the villains) and world building is great. Most importantly, MC retains his lazy unflappable persona in the face of it all- his body being seized by the system, beauties scheming next door, money rolling in, his fame skyrocketing, world getting overrun by rats- MC is unperturbed. He only flips out when his internet gets disconnected- we can all relate, can’t we? Highly recommended.


    Maybe you think it is juvenile leaving a review when there aren't any chapters posted? I agree too! Even so, I am posting this anyway! Why? Because a review gets EXP? No I am pretty sure it doesn't. Actually, the only reason I am typing this... Is to waste your time. Think about it, the only review here worth checking is by the statsguy. Other reviews are just speculation about the story. The only reason this story might get those Energy Stones is because everyone else hates romance novels more. That's why, don't check out the review section until the chapters are posted. And when the chapters ARE posted, sort reviews by new. I hope QI patches this stupid oversight where you can post reviews before the novel is posted sometime soon. Even though I posted this to waste your time, thanks for reading anyway. Have fun, hope this novel is a good one!

    LV 1 Badge

    Average novel with poor editing. The only reason this has a high rating is bots. Hopefully when quidian remove this they'll remove the bot reviews too.


    This novel starts off great but then sadly takes a turn for the worse, by which I mean it gets racist as most modern Chinese tend to do sadly. Expect anyone not Chinese to either be evil and stupid or worship the protagonist cause 'reasons', Expect many insults towards Japan, India. Vietnam. Korea etc basically any country China doesn't get along with. I doubt the Authors ever get to see any of these reviews but stop the senseless racism ruining perfectly decent novels. Also, Lol @ webnovels hypocrisy when their own policy is against racism but they host all these blatantly racist novels.


    The concept is good but the execution is very poor. The characters never really grow. Even the mc stays the same. The interaction between the MC and system is the only strong point of this novel. The racism in this novel is off the charts. The Chinese are basically the kind generous country and the author will remind that to you every once in a while by making the monsters tell how Chinese can be easily be manipulated and are such nice and kind people. Every non-chinese person is evil(author will sure to tell you that) and out to destroy China. The only "good" organisation that deals fairly with monsters is the Chinese government.


    Pathetic utter waste of plot it was good until some Chinese supreme ideology started in this book basically all other countries are devil moron and Chinese are the most cultured blah blah Also they depicted Indian gods as devils mind it Shiva the destroyer can decimate a Chinese dragon(or a evolved snake) thousands of times over so mind it.


    If your interested in the idea of this novel you might as well give it a go. 1. There are quite a few inconsistencies throughout, but are not major for the plot. 2. Heavily China supreme mindset throughout the novel, if you can’t handle having everything related to China praised and everything else demonised don’t bother with this. 3. The writing style is very simple, full of dialogue that doesn't mean much. 4. The Interactions of the MC and the system get old pretty quick and I ended up skim reading most of it. Pretty much full of BS reasoning back and fourth between them with the MC prevailing time and again. 5. The ideas behind the plot are very thought provoking and interesting, however when actually discussing the topics in the novel the author fails to properly show this. Leaving disappointed time and again. 6. I finished reading this because I enjoyed the beginning, liked the ideas and themes, but also because it was a decent novel. If your looking for anything to read at all, read this. If your looking for something that will leaving begging for more chapter after chapter, DON’T READ THIS, it’s just barely decent.

    LV 1 Badge

    Average novel with poor editing. The only reason this has a high rating is bots. Hopefully when quidian remove this they'll remove the bot reviews too.


    Seized by the System is a story about Fang Ning who has been possessed by a system after commenting on a website about a meteor. This novel has a interesting idea, but thats about it. While the idea is interesting, I don't see how you can make it work in a novel. Everything feels rather pointless. First off, the translation quality is decent. There isn't any obvious mistakes either, and compared to most translation novels this is already pretty good. Writing quality in general is average thought. (4/5 stars) Story development. This a comedy novel, meaning the story is rather lackluster. The only point of focus in this novel is the comedy, everything else is completely disregarded. The pacing is rather awful, there are random time skips really early on. The system fights for justice "just because". The power scaling is rather bad as well, I mean, they literally don't tell you anything. This is a "cultivation" novel, and we don't even know the main character's strength. Aside from that, the story is completely lackluster. It's extremely dull. (1/5 stars) The character design is disregarded as well. We have the main character, a procrastinator. This doesn't change. We also have a stupid system, this doesn't change. There are also plenty of women who are thirsting for the main character, but this doesn't matter as theres no romance. All other side characters are rather stupid as well, and this seems to be a running theme in Chinese comedy. (1/5 stars) World background is somewhat interesting. It's rather vague, but that might because I haven't read terribly far into the story. It's a world where various people have awakened super powers, and this ranges widely from super speed to cultivation masters. (3/5 stars) Overall, the story's premise was rather limited from the start, and as usual with most Chinese comedies, story development and character design are forgotten. I give this novel 2.8 stars out of 5.

    Chapter 1166: Grand Finale 4 years ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      I've Been Seized by the System 6 years ago
    2. 2
      The System is Fighting for Justice 6 years ago
    3. 3
      The System is Looting 6 years ago
    4. 4
      Continue to Fight for Justice! 6 years ago
    5. 5
      Relief Time! 6 years ago
    6. 6
      The Need to Increase Efficiency 6 years ago
    7. 7
      System, Start an Internet Café for Me 6 years ago
    8. 8
      There’s No Problem That Imagination Cannot Fix 6 years ago
    9. 9
      If It’s Possible, Then Open Another One 6 years ago
    10. 10
      Silently Became A Role Model 6 years ago
    11. 11
      You need Aggro for your Ulti 6 years ago
    12. 12
      A New Age Quietly Arrives 6 years ago
    13. 13
      No More Farming 6 years ago
    14. 14
      Here at Last 6 years ago
    15. 15
      Never Forsake, Never Give Up 6 years ago
    16. 16
      The System Isn’t Afraid of Ghosts 6 years ago
    17. 17
      Gaining the Ability to Kill Ghosts Too 6 years ago
    18. 18
      Fulfill Your Destinies, I’ll Just Stay Put 6 years ago
    19. 19
      You’re Eating Meat While I’m Eating Bread, You’re Prospering While I’m Suffering 6 years ago
    20. 20
      Be Prepared for Anything and Everything 6 years ago
    21. 21
      The System’s Got Everything Covered? 6 years ago
    22. 22
      Still need to Listen to the Host 6 years ago
    23. 23
      A Technique Fell From the Sky 6 years ago
    24. 24
      Who else do you need to pay your gratitudes to? Let’s go and farm them! 6 years ago
    25. 25
      Overthinking: A Series 6 years ago
    26. 26
      No Farming Neutral Monsters? 6 years ago
    27. 27
      The System’s Decision 6 years ago
    28. 28
      Just A Single Move 6 years ago
    29. 29
      When You’re Awesome, Everyone Looks To You 6 years ago
    30. 30
      Host, The 2-in-1 Meal You’re Afraid Of Is Here 6 years ago
    31. 31
      Your Pride to Marry the Dragon Princess, My Pride to be Entrusted! 6 years ago
    32. 32
      The Orphan is Seized 6 years ago
    33. 33
      It Seems Like It’s Lost 6 years ago
    34. 34
      Only One Meal Per Week 6 years ago
    35. 35
      I Can Only Be A Dragon 6 years ago
    36. 36
      A Truly Difficult Mission 6 years ago
    37. 37
      Eat Before Working 6 years ago
    38. 38
      Put That Damned Eunuch Down 6 years ago
    39. 39
      'Vigilante A' Is A Dragon! 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Difficult Mission Director Mo 5 years ago
    41. 41
      Here, Let Me Teach You How to Train Your Ice Dragon 5 years ago
    42. 42
      Gifts of monsters and money 5 years ago
    43. 43
      No Toleration for Disconnection! 5 years ago
    44. 44
      Can No Hero Resist The Temptation of Beauty? 5 years ago
    45. 45
      You Got Tricked! 5 years ago
    46. 46
      Found You 5 years ago
    47. 47
      The Giant Rat Crisis 5 years ago
    48. 48
      A Plan to Stop the Disconnection? 5 years ago
    49. 49
      The Joy of Spotting Prey 5 years ago
    50. 50
      Don’t Spare A Single One 5 years ago
    51. 51
      Start Farming! 5 years ago
    52. 52
      What Should We Do When the Monsters Commit Suicide? 5 years ago
    53. 53
      The Relentless Peak 5 years ago
    54. 54
      No Farming of White Named Monsters 5 years ago
    55. 55
      We’re the Owner 5 years ago
    56. 56
      Issue A Challenge For Me 5 years ago
    57. 57
      It’s a Cultivation Race! 5 years ago
    58. 58
      Not Some Easy-To-Deal-With Super Boss 5 years ago
    59. 59
      Preparations for Farming the Boss 5 years ago
    60. 60
      Searching Every Nook and Cranny for the Missing Boss 5 years ago
    61. 61
      The Cunning Super Boss 5 years ago
    62. 62
      Being F*cking Awesome Is Really Pressuring 5 years ago
    63. 63
      Fake It Till You Make It 5 years ago
    64. 64
      A Tight Slap to the Face 5 years ago
    65. 65
      A Cultivation Club Has Opened 5 years ago
    66. 66
      Retaliate If They Overstep 5 years ago
    67. 67
      To You, Earning Money is Better Than Cultivation 5 years ago
    68. 68
      It Really Got Deflected... 5 years ago
    69. 69
      The Three Most Dangerous Types of Extraordinaires 5 years ago
    70. 70
      Let Us Start Cultivating 5 years ago
    71. 71
      System, You're Being Cocky 5 years ago
    72. 72
      Even A Villain Could Survive After the Villain Monologue... 5 years ago
    73. 73
      If You Could Attain Immortality and Live as a Shut-In Forever, Why Settle for Less? 5 years ago
    74. 74
      There Are Different Types of Death Penalty Too! 5 years ago
    75. 75
      Must Have Travelled Thousands of Miles Just to Save Me 5 years ago
    76. 76
      How Can I Compete When Even the Genius Needs to Cheat? 5 years ago
    77. 77
      Soon, You All Will Go Blind from the Brightness 5 years ago
    78. 78
      It's Possible to Spend a Hundred Million On a Meal, Can You Believe It? 5 years ago
    79. 79
      We Shouldn’t Exploit Others! 5 years ago
    80. 80
      That Vigilante A is Much Nicer to Talk to! 5 years ago
    81. 81
      A Follower Full of Fighting Spirit and a Recovering Boss 5 years ago
    82. 82
      We Should Let the Monsters Look for Us in the Future 5 years ago
    83. 83
      How Does One Train to Quickly Attain the Greatness Needed to Cultivate Morality? 5 years ago
    84. 84
      Time to Farm Hard Monsters 5 years ago
    85. 85
      These Two Monsters Were... Underwhelming 5 years ago
    86. 86
      Where Did That Pair of Dogs Go? 5 years ago
    87. 87
      I Treat You as a Brother, And You Dare Plot Against Me? 5 years ago
    88. 88
      The Shock of Willpower Can Already Be Triggered? 5 years ago
    89. 89
      Turning a Genius Into a Good-For-Nothing 5 years ago
    90. 90
      Aren’t Allowed to Ask That Question 5 years ago
    91. 91
      I Knew That This New Game Is Not As Simple As It Looks 5 years ago
    92. 92
      The Host Can Really Show-off Now 5 years ago
    93. 93
      If It Misses, Please Upgrade 5 years ago
    94. 94
      Sir System Went Ballistic... 5 years ago
    95. 95
      Someone Is Going to Slay a Dragon 5 years ago
    96. 96
      I Can Learn This Stuff with One Look 5 years ago
    97. 97
      Sir System, You're Showing Off Again 5 years ago
    98. 98
      Primordial Creation of Three? No, Just Multithreading. 5 years ago
    99. 99
      I’ll Cultivate Godhood Properly After Getting Through This 5 years ago
    100. 100
      Travelling a Thousand Miles on a Sword for a Dog 5 years ago
    101. 101
      The Burden Will Still Be Handled by Sir System, I Just Have to Continue Cheering 5 years ago
    102. 102
      The First Thing We Have to Completely Eradicate 5 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 103
      This Is How You Utilize a Perfect Partner 5 years ago
    2. 104
      Man Proposes, God Disposes… Give Me Ten Million And I’ll Tell You What It Means 5 years ago
    3. 105
      We’ll Be Able To Fly For Free In The Future 5 years ago
    4. 106
      Heroic Achievement: Unparelled Affection! 5 years ago
    5. 107
      The System Decided to Conduct an Experiment 5 years ago
    6. 108
      Sure Enough, Problematic Situations Should Be Left to the Host 5 years ago
    7. 109
      A Word of Advice for You, Host. 5 years ago
    8. 110
      Sir System Learns to Cry Wine and Sell Vinegar 5 years ago
    9. 111
      Don't Even Think About Touching My Precious Game Book 5 years ago
    10. 112
      Never Say “Never” 5 years ago
    11. 113
      There Is but One Truth! 5 years ago
    12. 114
      You Won't Be Able to Put Those Experiences to Use If I Suppress My Grade and Seize Full Control of Your Body 5 years ago
    13. 115
      Extend Your Head over Here, System, Let Me Buff You 5 years ago
    14. 116
      The Easiest Way To Get Aggro! 5 years ago
    15. 117
      The Death Snipe Is In Process 5 years ago
    16. 118
      Apparently Someone Wants To Kill that Dog of A Vigilante 5 years ago
    17. 119
      My Brother, If You Don't Turn Green for Me, I Can't Help You 5 years ago
    18. 120
      I Reckon Vigilante A Would Be Injured for at Least a Few Years 5 years ago
    19. 121
      Turn-based Battle Commentary and the Godlike Teammate 5 years ago
    20. 122
      Initiating System Advancement Plan 5 years ago
    21. 123
      The Beginning of a Part of the Plan 5 years ago
    22. 124
      Repent, Even if You’re Already Dead! 5 years ago
    23. 125
      It Seems That I Must Get a Huge Collection for Him 5 years ago
    24. 126
      A Host That Is Still Confident 5 years ago
    25. 127
      Rescue is Arriving in T-24 hours 5 years ago
    26. 128
      Only The Useful Could Live Longer 5 years ago
    27. 129
      The Genius with the Overactive Imagination and The Freshie Inmate Leader 5 years ago
    28. 130
      Vigilante A, the Unambitious 5 years ago
    29. 131
      My Warpath, the Star Ocean 5 years ago
    30. 132
      I Wanna Wait for Them on My Throne 5 years ago
    31. 133
      Watch Me Break a Door As I Leave 5 years ago
    32. 134
      A Mediocre Vigilante A 5 years ago
    33. 135
      It’s Just Barely Fighting, Right? 5 years ago
    34. 136
      Disassembling the Stage in a Fake Fight, Disassembling the House in a Real One! 5 years ago
    35. 137
      The Idiot Who Trapped Himself 5 years ago
    36. 138
      Two Types, Two Outcomes 5 years ago
    37. 139
      They Think You’re Too Strong, So They Don’t Want To Play With You Anymore 5 years ago
    38. 140
      In the System Space, I'm the King. 5 years ago
    39. 141
      Farm All You Like, Just Be Discreet 5 years ago
    40. 142
      The Land of Heritage 5 years ago
    41. 143
      Know Yourself and Your Enemies, and You Will Never Be Defeated 5 years ago
    42. 144
      I Already Have an Awesome Plan 5 years ago
    43. 145
      Ptooey, This is Your Awesome Plan? 5 years ago
    44. 146
      Vigilante A Rates Everyone 5 years ago
    45. 147
      Brains and Brawn, Not Just One 5 years ago
    46. 148
      Who's the Idiot? 5 years ago
    47. 149
      Everyone Is Angry 5 years ago
    48. 150
      The Experience Pack and the Positional Warfare 5 years ago
    49. 151
      Host, Make Me a Farming Spot 5 years ago
    50. 152
      Strength in Unity, Tiandao Dominates! 5 years ago
    51. 153
      This Farming Spot Is Not Easy to Build 5 years ago
    52. 154
      Let's Go, We'll Gift the Spadehead a Buff (Or Debuff) 5 years ago
    53. 155
      Running Toward the Vast Outside World 5 years ago
    54. 156
      Every Pro Has Its Con in Worldly Matters 5 years ago
    55. 157
      Making Sure the Vile Snake Will Never Again Cheat Other Demons 5 years ago
    56. 158
      There Will Be No Discussions 5 years ago
    57. 159
      First, Have A Taste Of ‘Vigilante A’s Flying Book' 5 years ago
    58. 160
      I Am Just That Dishonorable, What Are You Gonna Do About It 5 years ago
    59. 161
      I Will Drop By Every Year 5 years ago
    60. 162
      A Huge Earning 5 years ago
    61. 163
      Well, Then, Did Your Fiance Run Away On Your Wedding? 5 years ago
    62. 164
      A Fox Assuming A Tiger’s Authority 5 years ago
    63. 165
      A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 5 years ago
    64. 166
      Harvest Ceremony 5 years ago
    65. 167
      We Have Been Tricked 5 years ago
    66. 168
      Vigilante A Isn’t Just One Person 5 years ago
    67. 169
      Who Would I Hit If Not You? 5 years ago
    68. 170
      There’s Still A Tiger Pelt There... 5 years ago
    69. 171
      What An Awesome Explanation 5 years ago
    70. 172
      Rather Die Than Be Caught 5 years ago
    71. 173
      What Is Your Facial Regiment? 5 years ago
    72. 174
      Bossman, Do You Have Time Tonight? 5 years ago
    73. 175
      There's a Term Called 'Sharing' 5 years ago
    74. 176
      An Unnecessary Worry 5 years ago
    75. 177
      Hurry Up And Turn Blue 5 years ago
    76. 178
      We’ve Become Very Awesome 5 years ago
    77. 179
      I Have To Let An Extremely Awesome Fellow In 5 years ago
    78. 180
      I Want To Fly Higher 5 years ago
    79. 181
      Just like Heaven 5 years ago
    80. 182
      Tom Is Still More Intelligent 5 years ago
    81. 183
      It’s All His Fault 5 years ago
    82. 184
      Never Forget The Bottom, When You Get To The Top 5 years ago
    83. 185
      Azure Mountain 5 years ago
    84. 186
      Let’s Launch One Too 5 years ago
    85. 187
      A Mosquito's Flesh is Still Flesh 5 years ago
    86. 188
      Hurry and Call the Venerable Dragon God 5 years ago
    87. 189
      Whoever Prevents Me from Using the Internet Shall be Made A Fool Of Themselves! 5 years ago
    88. 190
      Watch My Talisman 5 years ago
    89. 191
      Effective Abacus 5 years ago
    90. 192
      Under The Bright Light of the Sun 5 years ago
    91. 193
      One Cannot Get What is Denied Him by Destiny No Matter How Hard He Tries; the Vicissitudes of Life Has its Causes 5 years ago
    92. 194
      Sir System is a Great Teacher 5 years ago
    93. 195
      Sir, I Want to Go Sow Fields 5 years ago
    94. 196
      Ascension Tower 5 years ago
    95. 197
      Everyone Was Satisfied 5 years ago
    96. 198
      I Felt like My Chivalrous Virtue Has Risen Slightly 5 years ago
    97. 199
      We Are Just Selling a Ball 5 years ago
    98. 200
      In Death, We Can't Even Reincarnate as a Pig 5 years ago
    99. 201
      Six Times the Protein Content 5 years ago
    100. 202
      Everyone Knows About My Murderous Instinct 5 years ago
    101. 203
      Dig a Deep Groove First 5 years ago
    102. 204
      Impale Them Till They Die like a Bunch of Candied Haws 5 years ago
    103. 205
      Time to Achieve Lake-level 5 years ago
    104. 206
      Unparalleled 5 years ago
    105. 207
      It’ll Be Enough As Long As We Don’t Lose 5 years ago
    106. 208
      The True Protagonist Appears 5 years ago
    107. 209
      Even If He Acts Like a Pig, He Was Still a Descended Pig! 5 years ago
    108. 210
      Nine Transformations Rejuvenating Pill 5 years ago
    109. 211
      How Effective It is for a High-level Character to Farm Lower-level Monsters 5 years ago
    110. 212
      You Shouldn’t Use Your Strength to Bully Others? 5 years ago
    111. 213
      The Monster That Was Strong Enough To Make Sir System Retreat 5 years ago
    112. 214
      Bodhisattva and True Dragon, I Have Been Tricked by You! 5 years ago
    113. 215
      Enter the Azure Mountain Sect and Cuckold or Be Cuckolded by Others 5 years ago
    114. 216
      The True Rules of Azure Mountain 5 years ago
    115. 217
      Who Were You Practicing Cultivation With During That Time 5 years ago
    116. 218
      If Only You Were as Powerful as the Venerable Dragon God Then 5 years ago
    117. 219
      You Only Worry About Losing the Internet Connection 5 years ago
    118. 220
      Sir System Would Always Be Sir System 5 years ago
    119. 221
      Fight to Your Heart’s Content 5 years ago
    120. 222
      How Can We Let Your Little Field Trip End Just Like That? 5 years ago
    121. 223
      I Think I Heard Someone Say They Want to Give Me Money 5 years ago
    122. 224
      Magic Lamp 5 years ago
    123. 225
      If You’re Not Pond-level, Then You Can’t Even Compare to a Dog. 5 years ago
    124. 226
      I Have Never Known Of Such a Shameless System 5 years ago
    125. 227
      I Am Not as Calculating as You Humans 5 years ago
    126. 228
      I Have A Friend 5 years ago
    127. 229
      Zhuge (Liang) May Be Smart, But Destiny is a Far More Complicated Matter 5 years ago
    128. 230
      The Power of the Totem 5 years ago
    129. 231
      A Dragon Flew Across the Sky 5 years ago
    130. 232
      No Need to Leave with the Well 5 years ago
    131. 233
      Swallowed It 5 years ago
    132. 234
      The One Who Was On Their Phone While Facing The Dragon God... 5 years ago
    133. 235
      I Always Pay to Win 5 years ago
    134. 236
      Heavenly Karma 5 years ago
    135. 237
      Gentleman 5 years ago
    136. 238
      It Will Be Hard to Find More Allies 5 years ago
    137. 239
      Our Spirit Bear Wasn’t Weak. It Was All Because of Vigilante A’s Foxiness 5 years ago
    138. 240
      One Can Only Learn More by Staying Humble 5 years ago
    139. 241
      A New World 5 years ago
    140. 242
      Heartless Technique 5 years ago
    141. 243
      I Never Met Such a Shameless Person 5 years ago
    142. 244
      Nothing to Be Surprised About 5 years ago
    143. 245
      Peace, Because Someone Else Is Carrying the Burden 5 years ago
    144. 246
      Edible and Inedible 5 years ago
    145. 247
      Who Dares to Kill Me?! 5 years ago
    146. 248
      All Martial Arts in the World Have Weaknesses, except for Pay-To-Winners! 5 years ago
    147. 249
      The Great Days are Just Ahead 5 years ago
    148. 250
      Who Else But Him 5 years ago
    149. 251
      The Path of Heavenly Punishment 5 years ago
    150. 252
      Assume the Role Even with My Sickness 5 years ago
    151. 253
      A Grievous Injustice 5 years ago
    152. 254
      Add Another Temporary Function for Me 5 years ago
    153. 255
      Who Is Qualified Then? 5 years ago
    154. 256
      Gaining Compliance Through Reason 5 years ago
    155. 257
      An Arcane Realm Fell from the Sky 5 years ago
    156. 258
      The Hero Wouldn't Have Liked Someone Else to Take His Job 5 years ago
    157. 259
      The Son of Heaven Who Is a Piece of Mud That Doesn't Stick to the Wall 5 years ago
    158. 260
      Movies Were Just Movies 5 years ago
    159. 261
      Who Wants To Enter The City First 5 years ago
    160. 262
      Oh My, the Octopus Brothers Turned Against Each Other! The Reason is… 5 years ago
    161. 263
      No One Can Stop Our Desire For Containers 5 years ago
    162. 264
      A Great Change 5 years ago
    163. 265
      The Appearance of Whirlpools 5 years ago
    164. 266
      Demon of Ten Lifetimes 5 years ago
    165. 267
      Recalling the Past 5 years ago
    166. 268
      Who’s the Fool 5 years ago
    167. 269
      He Has A Dream 5 years ago
    168. 270
      This Old Book Really Can Be Thrown Away 5 years ago
    169. 271
      Come Beat Me Up 5 years ago
    170. 272
      Twelve Arms' Destiny 5 years ago
    171. 273
      Tian Zhu Might be the Biggest Winner? 5 years ago
    172. 274
      A Mighty War Demon 5 years ago
    173. 275
      No One in This World Could Fulfill the Three Conditions 5 years ago
    174. 276
      Willing to Serve the Venerable One! 5 years ago
    175. 277
      The Hunting Ground of the War Demon 5 years ago
    176. 278
      World Number One 5 years ago
    177. 279
      I Crushed The Demon With a Flap of My Tail 5 years ago
    178. 280
      Land of Demonic Energy 5 years ago
    179. 281
      You Really Need Treatment 5 years ago
    180. 282
      I’ll Just Blame Someone Else Too 5 years ago
    181. 283
      Sir System Wouldn't Fall for the Same Trick Twice 5 years ago
    182. 284
      I... Don't... Accept... 5 years ago
    183. 285
      Can We Ask Him to Take It Back? 5 years ago
    184. 286
      I Shall Battle for Another Thousand Years in Here 5 years ago
    185. 287
      Dream-Cultivation Method 5 years ago
    186. 288
      Work Overtime from Today Onwards 5 years ago
    187. 289
      Take the Residue and Refuse the Essence 5 years ago
    188. 290
      An Idea 5 years ago
    189. 291
      Work Hard for a Hundred Days 5 years ago
    190. 292
      Demon Baby 5 years ago
    191. 293
      Demons, Are They Really So Scary 5 years ago
    192. 294
      I Will Definitely Not Let It Corrode Me Even Slightly 5 years ago
    193. 295
      All Living Creatures Vie for Freedom under the Autumn Sky 5 years ago
    194. 296
      The Moon is Approaching Us 5 years ago
    195. 297
      Who Has Such a Great Ability 5 years ago
    196. 298
      You Can’t Eat Fish Anymore 5 years ago
    197. 299
      Daddy Axiom 5 years ago
    198. 300
      Who Can Buy a Ticket? 5 years ago
    199. 301
      Hurry Up and Build Noah’s Ark 5 years ago
    200. 302
      Decided To Do It Alone 5 years ago
    201. 303
      Looking For A Steed Using A Picture And Hook's Express Delivery 5 years ago
    202. 304
      Killing A Staff Officer As A Sacrifice For The Heavens 5 years ago
    203. 305
      Whether You’d Like To Die Or Not, We’re Powerless To Help 5 years ago
    204. 306
      Sacrificing to the Heavens and Ascension 5 years ago
    205. 307
      The True Bodhi Tactics, Defeat the Enemy and Achieve Victory 5 years ago
    206. 308
      When the Dragon God Appeared, All Knelt in Admiration 5 years ago
    207. 309
      The Beasts’ Battle for Daddy 5 years ago
    208. 310
      Who Will Hold The Sky 5 years ago
    209. 311
      How To Go Against This Bear 5 years ago
    210. 312
      The Power of The Righteous Path 5 years ago
    211. 313
      Tall And Strong, Perfect To Hold The Sky 5 years ago
    212. 314
      Iron Blood Octopus 5 years ago
    213. 315
      The Book And The Cat Must Be Fated 5 years ago
    214. 316
      We Have To Work Overtime Even If The Sky Doesn't Collapse 5 years ago
    215. 317
      This Black Cat Has a Bad Conscience 5 years ago
    216. 318
      An Octupus' Ambition 5 years ago
    217. 319
      Undead Realm 5 years ago
    218. 320
      How To Buy A Train Ticket? 5 years ago
    219. 321
      The Land of Eternity and the Eternal Fountain 5 years ago
    220. 322
      Splitting the Arcane Realm in Three 5 years ago
    221. 323
      Looking for a Donkey While Riding the Horse 5 years ago
    222. 324
      The Eastern Pharos Shines on the Entire World, the Draconic Penitentiary Subdues All under the Sky 5 years ago
    223. 325
      Ferrying the Dead into Heaven, Ferrying the Living across Seas 5 years ago
    224. 326
      Quickly Lead It Back onto the Right Path 5 years ago
    225. 327
      An Honest Man Among All Honest Men 5 years ago
    226. 328
      Two Paths 5 years ago
    227. 329
      Cang Gongzi 5 years ago
    228. 330
      You Shall Be Crowned King 5 years ago
    229. 331
      All Beings In The World 5 years ago
    230. 332
      Where's the Principle of Heaven? 5 years ago
    231. 333
      Those Who Stay near Vermilion Get Stained Red 5 years ago
    232. 334
      Rain is Coming 5 years ago
    233. 335
      Every Salted Fish Share the Common Responsibility for the Fate of the World 5 years ago
    234. 336
      Who Else But Me? 5 years ago
    235. 337
      Birth of the Divine Monument 5 years ago
    236. 338
      I’m Seized by the System Anyway 5 years ago
    237. 339
      Hold the Responsibility 5 years ago
    238. 340
      Its Hard to Fool Them, Even for Once 5 years ago
    239. 341
      Birthday Present 5 years ago
    240. 342
      Zhi Nan's Might Surpasses the Heavens and Dharma 5 years ago
    241. 343
      Strike the Temple Block Ten Thousand Times, and You Will See 5 years ago
    242. 344
      Who Should I Send? 5 years ago
    243. 345
      Play Real-Life PUBG With Me 5 years ago
    244. 346
      Why Haven’t You Entered Yet? 5 years ago
    245. 347
      Plan Before You Act, Step Back to be Safe 5 years ago
    246. 348
      If There are No Demons To Farm, We Will Create Them 5 years ago
    247. 349
      The Way of the System 5 years ago
    248. 350
      Magical Mountain Keeper 5 years ago
    249. 351
      A Wide Sea Allows Fish to Leap About, a Vast Sky Allows Birds to Fly* 5 years ago
    250. 352
      A Big Shot 5 years ago
    251. 353
      This Request Is Quite Difficult 5 years ago
    252. 354
      Work Hard 5 years ago
    253. 355
      All the Demons Had Suffered Enough of Vigilante A 5 years ago
    254. 356
      Slaying Demon with Morality 5 years ago
    255. 357
      You Should Understand 5 years ago
    256. 358
      A Little Flower La La La 5 years ago
    257. 359
      An Understanding Friend Is Hard To Find 5 years ago
    258. 360
      From Today Onwards, Let’s Cut the Cake 5 years ago
    259. 361
      My Path Is Formed 5 years ago
    260. 362
      The Seas Will Become Our Bosom Friends, The Heavens Will Become Our Neighbors 5 years ago
    261. 363
      Be A Happy Person 5 years ago
    262. 364
      Make All Laws Disappear, Rid the Heavens of its Existence 5 years ago
    263. 365
      The Host’s Image 5 years ago
    264. 366
      I Bring My Own Power Supplies 5 years ago
    265. 367
      A Salted Fish Never Changes Its Scales 5 years ago
    266. 368
      Boasting Past the Heavens 5 years ago
    267. 369
      Lost Again 5 years ago
    268. 370
      Targeted Stalking 5 years ago
    269. 371
      I Want To Become A Dragon 5 years ago
    270. 372
      Don’t Think a True Dragon Can’t be A Pond Loach 5 years ago
    271. 373
      No Fighting Without Cheating 5 years ago
    272. 374
      I Shall Fight in My Own Battlefield 5 years ago
    273. 375
      Just Take a Breather 5 years ago
    274. 376
      Mythological Era 5 years ago
    275. 377
      Heavenly Merit 5 years ago
    276. 378
      Keep up One’s Spirit, Keep a Close Watch 5 years ago
    277. 379
      Most Suitable for Being Stationed to Keep Watch 5 years ago
    278. 380
      The Show Is Starting 5 years ago
    279. 381
      The Tide Has Turned 5 years ago
    280. 382
      The Gold Standard To Climb The Divine Gate 5 years ago
    281. 383
      Evil Has Finally Arrived 5 years ago
    282. 384
      The Hongmen Banquet of The Righteous 5 years ago
    283. 385
      The First to Ascend the Stairway to Heaven 5 years ago
    284. 386
      The Fearsome Stairway to Heaven 5 years ago
    285. 387
      Pulling His Own Leg 5 years ago
    286. 388
      The Real Representative of the Demons 5 years ago
    287. 389
      It’s Just That Simple 5 years ago
    288. 390
      The Third Stage 5 years ago
    289. 391
      The Best Reward 5 years ago
    290. 392
      Kill Two Birds with One Stone 5 years ago
    291. 393
      Tools Are Not Allowed Inside 5 years ago
    292. 394
      Is This the Will of the Heavens? 5 years ago
    293. 395
      Whoever Gives It Favor Is Its Daddy 5 years ago
    294. 396
      The Older, The Wiser 5 years ago
    295. 397
      Eating A Whale 5 years ago
    296. 398
      Digesting the Question 5 years ago
    297. 399
      Indigestion 5 years ago
    298. 400
      The Great Green Insect Containing a Universe Within It 5 years ago
    299. 401
      Know Your Appetite 5 years ago
    300. 402
      The Fierce Dark Tiger and Black Cat Tom 5 years ago
    301. 403
      There’s Always a Light at the End of the Tunnel 5 years ago
    302. 404
      Lonely Life 5 years ago
    303. 405
      A Cat’s Hard Life 5 years ago
    304. 406
      This Chicken Soup Tastes Good 5 years ago
    305. 407
      Birth Of A Big Fiend 5 years ago
    306. 408
      Where Did You Come From, Fiend 5 years ago
    307. 409
      You Shall Suffer Heavenly Retribution 5 years ago
    308. 410
      The Ever-Victorious 5 years ago
    309. 411
      Annihilate the Enemy With the Heavenly Axiom 5 years ago
    310. 412
      Origin 5 years ago
    311. 413
      Total Mobilization of the Draconic Penitentiary 5 years ago
    312. 414
      Amazing for the Kidneys 5 years ago
    313. 415
      How Would a Little House Finch Outwit an Old Sparrow 5 years ago
    314. 416
      Luring the Enemies 5 years ago
    315. 417
      Safety First 5 years ago
    316. 418
      Like This, or Like This? 5 years ago
    317. 419
      The Diligent and The Lazy 5 years ago
    318. 420
      Spiritual Projection 5 years ago
    319. 421
      The Draconic Penitentiary’s Fame 5 years ago
    320. 422
      You Have No Right to Remain Silent 5 years ago
    321. 423
      Heaven Will Help When Your Luck Arrives 5 years ago
    322. 424
      Too Smart For Your Own Good 5 years ago
    323. 425
      God Mode 5 years ago
    324. 426
      A Foolish Old Man Moving A Mountain 5 years ago
    325. 427
      Becoming Shareholders From Borrowing Money 5 years ago
    326. 428
      The Whereabouts of All Clans 5 years ago
    327. 429
      The Closure of the Divine Gate 5 years ago
    328. 430
      The Weak Are Also Strong 5 years ago
    329. 431
      Demonic Sharing Platform 5 years ago
    330. 432
      Three Concerns 5 years ago
    331. 433
      Keep to One's Original Intention and Achieve a Happy Ending 5 years ago
    332. 434
      The Master of the Earthly Monument 5 years ago
    333. 435
      Heaven Loves to Dote on Dumb Children 5 years ago
    334. 436
      Heroic Character 5 years ago
    335. 437
      Ask for a Sky-High Price 5 years ago
    336. 438
      Eighteen Gold Mountains 5 years ago
    337. 439
      Dissidents 5 years ago
    338. 440
      Sky Eagle Acknowledges A Master 5 years ago
    339. 441
      Be Of Service At Your Disposal 5 years ago
    340. 442
      You Are The Most Idle One 5 years ago
    341. 443
      The Power of Protection 5 years ago
    342. 444
      The Birth of the Heart River 5 years ago
    343. 445
      All a Bunch of Veteran Actors 5 years ago
    344. 446
      I’ll Change Your *ss 5 years ago
    345. 447
      Alliance Conference 5 years ago
    346. 448
      The Wind Is Rising 5 years ago
    347. 449
      The Ones Who Take the First Step 5 years ago
    348. 450
      Childish 5 years ago
    349. 451
      Buying A House 5 years ago
    350. 452
      The System Map’s Bottleneck 5 years ago
    351. 453
      On What Authority? 5 years ago
    352. 454
      How Do We Solve This? Through Foreign Aid 5 years ago
    353. 455
      Mythical Metal Dog 5 years ago
    354. 456
      Unparalleled Generosity 5 years ago
    355. 457
      Who Should We Choose 5 years ago
    356. 458
      A Salute of Justice 5 years ago
    357. 459
      Demon’s Nature 5 years ago
    358. 460
      Absolute Necessity 5 years ago
    359. 461
      The Benefits Of Reading 5 years ago
    360. 462
      The Black Dog’s Inner Devil 5 years ago
    361. 463
      A Gentleman Should Be Like Him 5 years ago
    362. 464
      Hypocrisy and Justice 5 years ago
    363. 465
      What Is A Human 5 years ago
    364. 466
      Heavenly Light of Acknowledgement 5 years ago
    365. 467
      Civilizing Sapient Creatures 5 years ago
    366. 468
      Fight Fire With Fire 5 years ago
    367. 469
      Cultivating Immortality for Three Days 5 years ago
    368. 470
      Unpleasant Beloved 5 years ago
    369. 471
      A Script That Judges Good and Evil 5 years ago
    370. 472
      To Devour a Golden Core 5 years ago
    371. 473
      Who Has The Solution 5 years ago
    372. 474
      Nine Transformation Golden Core Technique 5 years ago
    373. 475
      The Rise of the Son of Heaven 5 years ago
    374. 476
      The Real Secret 5 years ago
    375. 477
      The Capital of Darkness 5 years ago
    376. 478
      I Want an Engagement 5 years ago
    377. 479
      A Fellow From The Same Hometown 5 years ago
    378. 480
      “Black Tiger Mount” 5 years ago
    379. 481
      Strange Fuels 5 years ago
    380. 482
      The Mechs 5 years ago
    381. 483
      There Is No Such Thing As Turning Into A Devil 5 years ago
    382. 484
      As Merciful And Kind-hearted As I 5 years ago
    383. 485
      Knock This Devil Out 5 years ago
    384. 486
      Awe-Inspiring Righteousness 5 years ago
    385. 487
      Overcome Impetuosity and Exercise Patience 5 years ago
    386. 488
      The Moon's Going Away 5 years ago
    387. 489
      The Turtledove That Took Over The Magpie's Nest 5 years ago
    388. 490
      The Plan Begins 5 years ago
    389. 491
      Beating Them at Their Own Game 5 years ago
    390. 492
      The Protagonist’s Appearance 5 years ago
    391. 493
      Demon Transformation Ceremony 5 years ago
    392. 494
      The Path Of Ascension 5 years ago
    393. 495
      To Kill With A Borrowed Knife 5 years ago
    394. 496
      The Heavenly Dumplings 5 years ago
    395. 497
      The Scrap Collection Army 5 years ago
    396. 498
      Fabricating A Charge 5 years ago
    397. 499
      Wishful Thinking 5 years ago
    398. 500
      Three Questions 5 years ago
    399. 501
      Birth Of the Devil Sword 5 years ago
    400. 502
      Toil Like A Cow And Work Like A Horse 5 years ago
    401. 503
      Empathize With One Another 5 years ago
    402. 504
      Lunaette’s Appearance 5 years ago
    403. 505
      The Experiment Had Just Begun 5 years ago
    404. 506
      Heaven Is About To Confer A Great Office On A Bear 5 years ago
    405. 507
      The Map is Still Locked 5 years ago
    406. 508
      We Shall Not Miss It This Time 5 years ago
    407. 509
      Add a Little Something 5 years ago
    408. 510
      Who Did It Really Belong To 5 years ago
    409. 511
      On the Emergence of the Era of Vitality 5 years ago
    410. 512
      When Falsity Is Regarded as Truth, Truth Is Seen as Less Genuine Than Falsity 5 years ago
    411. 513
      The End of the Newbie Camp 5 years ago
    412. 514
      Picking Up a Gold Nugget 5 years ago
    413. 515
      Ling Yunzi 5 years ago
    414. 516
      A Paradise for Each Person 5 years ago
    415. 517
      Pink-eyed 5 years ago
    416. 518
      The Reappearance of the Four Dragons 5 years ago
    417. 519
      Shadowless Poison 5 years ago
    418. 520
      Never Forgive 5 years ago
    419. 521
      Disaster of Romance 5 years ago
    420. 522
      Seven Fairies 5 years ago
    421. 523
      New Colonizers 5 years ago
    422. 524
      Dogfight 5 years ago
    423. 525
      The Sacred Dragon Force Must Not Be Offended 5 years ago
    424. 526
      Live In Happiness 5 years ago
    425. 527
      A City Comprised Wholly of Good People 5 years ago
    426. 528
      With One's Own Power 5 years ago
    427. 529
      Lockdown 5 years ago
    428. 530
      Suppressing A Demon 5 years ago
    429. 531
      Who Will Be The Next Head 5 years ago
    430. 532
      Making Bridal Clothes For Others 5 years ago
    431. 533
      Dilemma 5 years ago
    432. 534
      Vengeance 5 years ago
    433. 535
      Ever-Changing Situation 5 years ago
    434. 536
      Before The Decisive Battle 5 years ago
    435. 537
      Chicken Ribs, Chicken Ribs 5 years ago
    436. 538
      Suppressed By Bloodline 5 years ago
    437. 539
      Surgery For An Ant 5 years ago
    438. 540
      A Mysterious Folio 5 years ago
    439. 541
      Taking Advantage 5 years ago
    440. 542
      The Half-built Vision of the First King 5 years ago
    441. 543
      The Final Winner 5 years ago
    442. 544
      A Card Up One’s Sleeve 5 years ago
    443. 545
      Miscalculation 5 years ago
    444. 546
      Letting the Dust Settle 5 years ago
    445. 547
      An Intellectual’s Affair 5 years ago
    446. 548
      Rare Book 5 years ago
    447. 549
      Hundred Fish Feast 5 years ago
    448. 550
      One Heart And One Mind 5 years ago
    449. 551
      A House Full Of Men 5 years ago
    450. 552
      Purify Through The Buddhist Mantra 5 years ago
    451. 553
      Never Be Greedy for Material Enjoyments 5 years ago
    452. 554
      All Were Busy 5 years ago
    453. 555
      The Dumpling Will Appear 5 years ago
    454. 556
      Survival of the Fittest 5 years ago
    455. 557
      Big Harvest 5 years ago
    456. 558
      I, Tom, Have Returned 5 years ago
    457. 559
      Close At Hand 5 years ago
    458. 560
      A Super Scholar and A Study God 5 years ago
    459. 561
      The Rise of the Octopus Empire 5 years ago
    460. 562
      Octopuses Will Change Too 5 years ago
    461. 563
      It’s Not My Aspiration To Be Conferred A Noble Rank, I Only Wish For An Unruffled Sea 5 years ago
    462. 564
      Sunset At The Harbor 5 years ago
    463. 565
      Blessed Without Knowing It 5 years ago
    464. 566
      The New Era’s Scientific System 5 years ago
    465. 567
      The Earthly Monument Is Fully Developed 5 years ago
    466. 568
      Greedy And Discontented 5 years ago
    467. 569
      A Filled Biscuit Fell From the Sky 5 years ago
    468. 570
      A Pie That Fell from the Sky 5 years ago
    469. 571
      An Alteration of Destiny 5 years ago
    470. 572
      What A Pity It Would Be If He Dies 5 years ago
    471. 573
      The Wolves’ Fangs Snap 5 years ago
    472. 574
      Planning Ahead 5 years ago
    473. 575
      Viral 5 years ago
    474. 576
      Freedom is Priceless 5 years ago
    475. 577
      An Old Foe Arrives 5 years ago
    476. 578
      The Descent of Darkness 5 years ago
    477. 579
      Where Truth Lies 5 years ago
    478. 580
      Seal Heaven And Earth 5 years ago
    479. 581
      Sky-Piercing Finger 5 years ago
    480. 582
      Strike Of Heavenly Fortune 5 years ago
    481. 583
      Enter The World With A Real Body 5 years ago
    482. 584
      There’s No Rebirth Here 5 years ago
    483. 585
      The Path of Godhood and The Path of Immortality 5 years ago
    484. 586
      The Production Capability of the Era of Vitality 5 years ago
    485. 587
      Danger in Qi City 5 years ago
    486. 588
      Brain-Devouring Insect 5 years ago
    487. 589
      That’ll Be Great For My Kidneys 5 years ago
    488. 590
      The Change Of An Era’s Name 5 years ago
    489. 591
      Not Touched Anymore 5 years ago
    490. 592
      The Problem Of A New Era 5 years ago
    491. 593
      Reinforce And Restrain One Another 5 years ago
    492. 594
      For All The Beings In The World 5 years ago
    493. 595
      A Woodpecker and the Great Green Insect 5 years ago
    494. 596
      Questioning the Sky and the Ground 5 years ago
    495. 597
      Great Wall 5 years ago
    496. 598
      The Establishment Of The Scientific Academy For Vitality 5 years ago
    497. 599
      The Base Of Vitality 5 years ago
    498. 600
      Great Wall Summit 5 years ago
    499. 601
      Keeping Up Appearances 5 years ago
    500. 602
      Real Distance 5 years ago
    501. 603
      A Problem with Sunlight 5 years ago
    502. 604
      The Purpose of the Summit 5 years ago
    503. 605
      The Greatest Protector 5 years ago
    504. 606
      The Blessed Heavenly Dignity 5 years ago
    505. 607
      The Heavenly Axiom is About a Means to an End 5 years ago
    506. 608
      Heavenly Axiom Needs More Love 5 years ago
    507. 609
      The Human Defense 5 years ago
    508. 610
      The Earth Defence 5 years ago
    509. 611
      The End Of The Summit 5 years ago
    510. 612
      Enlightenment 5 years ago
    511. 613
      Perseverance 5 years ago
    512. 614
      A Benevolent Person Has No Enemies 5 years ago
    513. 615
      The Upper Realm Immigration 5 years ago
    514. 616
      The Kowtow at the Critical Moment 5 years ago
    515. 617
      The Use of Grace and Power 5 years ago
    516. 618
      Paying the Price 5 years ago
    517. 619
      Bullying the Weak and Fearing the Strong 5 years ago
    518. 620
      Not Afraid of Death 5 years ago
    519. 621
      Battle Between Two Paths 5 years ago
    520. 622
      The Backup 5 years ago
    521. 623
      Bullet in the Brain 5 years ago
    522. 624
      A Just Cause Enjoys Abundant Support 5 years ago
    523. 625
      A Horrifying Time 5 years ago
    524. 626
      Killing Is Easy 5 years ago
    525. 627
      Recharged to the Max 5 years ago
    526. 628
      Unable to Refuse Either 5 years ago
    527. 629
      Shoot First, Then Target 5 years ago
    528. 630
      Everything Was Swell 5 years ago
    529. 631
      Asking For More 5 years ago
    530. 632
      A Devil Saint’s Ambition 5 years ago
    531. 633
      Do As One Pleases 5 years ago
    532. 634
      All An Act 5 years ago
    533. 635
      Be Gentle 5 years ago
    534. 636
      Try Again 5 years ago
    535. 637
      Unpredictable 5 years ago
    536. 638
      A Group of Bachelors 5 years ago
    537. 639
      The Venerable One’s Difficulty 5 years ago
    538. 640
      The Standard Beyond 150 5 years ago
    539. 641
      Spring Burst 5 years ago
    540. 642
      Moving the Mountain’s Entrance 5 years ago
    541. 643
      Do you have anything to say? 5 years ago
    542. 644
      Losing Ten Billion 5 years ago
    543. 645
      Finally, There Is Change 5 years ago
    544. 646
      A Big Disappointment 5 years ago
    545. 647
      Do Not Move 5 years ago
    546. 648
      Evenly Matched With The Enemy 5 years ago
    547. 649
      Still Alive 5 years ago
    548. 650
      I Agree 5 years ago
    549. 651
      Remain Unmoved 5 years ago
    550. 652
      Cannon Fodder 5 years ago
    551. 653
      Before and After Rising to Power 5 years ago
    552. 654
      Competitor 5 years ago
    553. 655
      United Heart 5 years ago
    554. 656
      So-Called Karma 5 years ago
    555. 657
      Karmic Entanglement 5 years ago
    556. 658
      Two Types of Almighty Beings 5 years ago
    557. 659
      Harmony Is a Virtue 5 years ago
    558. 660
      A War Is Coming 5 years ago
    559. 661
      Between A Rock and A Hard Place 5 years ago
    560. 662
      Who Was It 5 years ago
    561. 663
      The Appearance of an Evil God 5 years ago
    562. 664
      A Piece of Work 5 years ago
    563. 665
      The Alliance of Kind Deities 5 years ago
    564. 666
      Rightful Takings 5 years ago
    565. 667
      Salvation Meeting 5 years ago
    566. 668
      Division of Forces 5 years ago
    567. 669
      Waiting for Rabbits 5 years ago
    568. 670
      Finally Came 5 years ago
    569. 671
      Looking Anxious 5 years ago
    570. 672
      High Aims and Soaring Aspirations 5 years ago
    571. 673
      Soul Imprint 5 years ago
    572. 674
      Magical Energy Bank 5 years ago
    573. 675
      Mutual Transformation 5 years ago
    574. 676
      Real or Fake 5 years ago
    575. 677
      Adding Screen-Time 5 years ago
    576. 678
      Finding Someone 5 years ago
    577. 679
      Technological Monopoly 5 years ago
    578. 680
      Magical Provenance 5 years ago
    579. 681
      The Ultimate Weapon 5 years ago
    580. 682
      System Bound 5 years ago
    581. 683
      Cracking by Imitating 5 years ago
    582. 684
      No One Can Steal My Baby 5 years ago
    583. 685
      A Small Matter 5 years ago
    584. 686
      Not A Small Matter 5 years ago
    585. 687
      Absolutely No Leaks 5 years ago
    586. 688
      Give Them To Me 5 years ago
    587. 689
      Stop Bothering Me 5 years ago
    588. 690
      Raising Fish Ourselves 5 years ago
    589. 691
      Wholehearted Acceptance 5 years ago
    590. 692
      How Brilliant, Sir System 5 years ago
    591. 693
      A Family of Dragons 5 years ago
    592. 694
      The Power of Heaven and Earth 5 years ago
    593. 695
      The Land of Sanguinity 5 years ago
    594. 696
      Do Less Talking 5 years ago
    595. 697
      Nothing Will Stand in the Way 5 years ago
    596. 698
      This Was The Truth 5 years ago
    597. 699
      The Biggest Opponent 5 years ago
    598. 700
      Between Two Fires 5 years ago
    599. 701
      Unable to Get In 5 years ago
    600. 702
      Unable to Leave 5 years ago
    601. 703
      A Cruel Place 5 years ago
    602. 704
      True Danger 5 years ago
    603. 705
      The Pupil Surpasses The Master 5 years ago
    604. 706
      Treasure Guard 5 years ago
    605. 707
      Finally Lost Your Memory 5 years ago
    606. 708
      No Other Alternatives 5 years ago
    607. 709
      Recovered 5 years ago
    608. 710
      Testing the Waters 5 years ago
    609. 711
      Boundary Of No Killing 5 years ago
    610. 712
      The New Qualifier 5 years ago
    611. 713
      Enter In Person 5 years ago
    612. 714
      Bubbles 5 years ago
    613. 715
      Nothing to Worry About 5 years ago
    614. 716
      Terminus 5 years ago
    615. 717
      Gravel 5 years ago
    616. 718
      Helpless 5 years ago
    617. 719
      Walking the Path of Humans 5 years ago
    618. 720
      A Kind Person 5 years ago
    619. 721
      Let’s See How You Go Mad 5 years ago
    620. 722
      The Scorching Sun That Melts The Chilling Snow 5 years ago
    621. 723
      Transforming Heaven And Earth 5 years ago
    622. 724
      Three Lifetimes 5 years ago
    623. 725
      The Meeting Of Five Factions 5 years ago
    624. 726
      Going Against the Heavens and Earth 5 years ago
    625. 727
      The Glutton's Fate 5 years ago
    626. 728
      The Scavengers 5 years ago
    627. 729
      The Arrival of Taotie 5 years ago
    628. 730
      The Universe’s Righteous Path 5 years ago
    629. 731
      Endless Battles 5 years ago
    630. 732
      The Difficulties of Converging Paths 5 years ago
    631. 733
      To Each His Own 5 years ago
    632. 734
      Not Giving Face 5 years ago
    633. 735
      Not Giving Face 5 years ago
    634. 736
      The Beginning of a Battle 5 years ago
    635. 737
      Buying Thirty-Thousand At The Last Minute 5 years ago
    636. 738
      All Have Perished 5 years ago
    637. 739
      The Secret Pawn 5 years ago
    638. 740
      The Convergence Of Paths 5 years ago
    639. 741
      The Prestige of the Heavenly Axiom 5 years ago
    640. 742
      The Man Who Won by Lying Down 5 years ago
    641. 743
      Be Honest 5 years ago
    642. 744
      Business Pavilion 5 years ago
    643. 745
      Cooperate 5 years ago
    644. 746
      Magical Energy Loan 5 years ago
    645. 747
      Two Kinds of People 5 years ago
    646. 748
      Mother River 5 years ago
    647. 749
      Being A Heavenly Father Is Not Easy 5 years ago
    648. 750
      Hidden Dangers 5 years ago
    649. 751
      Conservation and Recycling of Resources for Yield Maximization 5 years ago
    650. 752
      Wishful Thinking 5 years ago
    651. 753
      Sequence Of Events 5 years ago
    652. 754
      The Truth 5 years ago
    653. 755
      Shackles 5 years ago
    654. 756
      There Should Be Evidence 5 years ago
    655. 757
      The Nodes of Vitality 5 years ago
    656. 758
      Vitality Filling 5 years ago
    657. 759
      Depend on Ourselves 5 years ago
    658. 760
      Embezzlement 5 years ago
    659. 761
      The Heavenly Axiom’s Counterattack 5 years ago
    660. 762
      Setting A Small Target 5 years ago
    661. 763
      Put On The Golden Fillet 5 years ago
    662. 764
      The Secret of The Passage 5 years ago
    663. 765
      The Ways to Block 5 years ago
    664. 766
      It’s Gonna Blow 5 years ago
    665. 767
      Customs 5 years ago
    666. 768
      An Important Matter 5 years ago
    667. 769
      Eating Comes First 5 years ago
    668. 770
      Give It Some Thought 5 years ago
    669. 771
      A Major Disaster 5 years ago
    670. 772
      The Favor of Destiny 5 years ago
    671. 773
      Isolationism 5 years ago
    672. 774
      A Change in Stance 5 years ago
    673. 775
      Dancing with the Devil 5 years ago
    674. 776
      The Oncoming Storm 5 years ago
    675. 777
      The Descending of the Gods 5 years ago
    676. 778
      The Origin of the Arcane Realm 5 years ago
    677. 779
      Ancient Etiquette 5 years ago
    678. 780
      A Conflict 5 years ago
    679. 781
      High and Low Statuses 5 years ago
    680. 782
      The Chariot And The Soldier 5 years ago
    681. 783
      Curb The Enemy And Go For the Win 5 years ago
    682. 784
      Playing The Tyrant 5 years ago
    683. 785
      Escape 5 years ago
    684. 786
      Recursive Cycle 5 years ago
    685. 787
      Holding On To Your Roots 5 years ago
    686. 788
      A Battle of Endurance 5 years ago
    687. 789
      Exoteric emigration 5 years ago
    688. 790
      Stranglehold 5 years ago
    689. 791
      The Pitfalls of the Convergence of Paths 5 years ago
    690. 792
      Eyesores 5 years ago
    691. 793
      Worrywart 5 years ago
    692. 794
      Vagabonds 5 years ago
    693. 795
      Dependence 5 years ago
    694. 796
      Divination 5 years ago
    695. 797
      Spirit Foxes 5 years ago
    696. 798
      Face 5 years ago
    697. 799
      The God of Plagues 5 years ago
    698. 800
      Lash Out 5 years ago
    699. 801
      The Pact Between Gods and Humans 5 years ago
    700. 802
      Entering into an Agreement 5 years ago
    701. 803
      Migration 5 years ago
    702. 804
      Not Going To Take It Lying Down 5 years ago
    703. 805
      Nightmare 5 years ago
    704. 806
      Salted Duck Egg 5 years ago
    705. 807
      Supervision 5 years ago
    706. 808
      The All-Purpose Bacteria 5 years ago
    707. 809
      Void Lending 5 years ago
    708. 810
      Time For Your Medicine 5 years ago
    709. 811
      Cultivation Of The Heart 5 years ago
    710. 812
      The Convergence of Paths Tutorial 5 years ago
    711. 813
      True Power 5 years ago
    712. 814
      The Greatest Fear 5 years ago
    713. 815
      Loser System 5 years ago
    714. 816
      Unrelenting Heavenly Axiom 5 years ago
    715. 817
      3.8 Billion Years Of Forlorn Seas And Songs Of Sorrow 5 years ago
    716. 818
      The Key 5 years ago
    717. 819
      The Greatest Interest Of The Gods 5 years ago
    718. 820
      Time and Tide Wait for No Man 5 years ago
    719. 821
      The Way of the Saint 5 years ago
    720. 822
      Cloud Computational Center 5 years ago
    721. 823
      Computing The Heavens And Earth 5 years ago
    722. 824
      Such A Shame 5 years ago
    723. 825
      There Are People In The Computer 5 years ago
    724. 826
      Malady 5 years ago
    725. 827
      Assistance 5 years ago
    726. 828
      The God Of Single Cells 5 years ago
    727. 829
      Actually, I’m A Dragon 5 years ago
    728. 830
      Take the Road of Others 5 years ago
    729. 831
      Heavenly Book Levels Up 5 years ago
    730. 832
      The Fundamentals of Becoming a God 5 years ago
    731. 833
      Studying 5 years ago
    732. 834
      Probing 5 years ago
    733. 835
      Priorities 5 years ago
    734. 836
      The Scout 5 years ago
    735. 837
      Divine Punishment 4 years ago
    736. 838
      Retreat 4 years ago
    737. 839
      The Key To Reaching Illumination 4 years ago
    738. 840
      Reason 4 years ago
    739. 841
      Biological Computer 4 years ago
    740. 842
      The Premature Death Of Mars 4 years ago
    741. 843
      Invasion 4 years ago
    742. 844
      You Reap What You Sow 4 years ago
    743. 845
      The Battle of the God(s) of War 4 years ago
    744. 846
      Never Forget Your True Self 4 years ago
    745. 847
      Optimus Prime 4 years ago
    746. 848
      Guide Demons 4 years ago
    747. 849
      Rival 4 years ago
    748. 850
      Core 4 years ago
    749. 851
      River Of Fire 4 years ago
    750. 852
      Giving Anything In Its Possession 4 years ago
    751. 853
      Confidant 4 years ago
    752. 854
      Conditions 4 years ago
    753. 855
      Barking Up The Wrong Tree 4 years ago
    754. 856
      For The Greater Good 4 years ago
    755. 857
      Kicking Away The Ladder 4 years ago
    756. 858
      Culinary God 4 years ago
    757. 859
      The Cruel Truth 4 years ago
    758. 860
      Cheated Twice 4 years ago
    759. 861
      Black Pot 4 years ago
    760. 862
      Rent 4 years ago
    761. 863
      Resurrection 4 years ago
    762. 864
      Are You Comforted 4 years ago
    763. 865
      The Plot 4 years ago
    764. 866
      Speak With Conscience 4 years ago
    765. 867
      Crying From The Spiciness 4 years ago
    766. 868
      Immortality 4 years ago
    767. 869
      Worship 4 years ago
    768. 870
      Lies 4 years ago
    769. 871
      A Little Spicy Would Be Nice 4 years ago
    770. 872
      Rights 4 years ago
    771. 873
      Deal 4 years ago
    772. 874
      Cut the Ground on Which Someone Else Stood 4 years ago
    773. 875
      Riding the Tide of Times 4 years ago
    774. 876
      Cut the Gordian Knot 4 years ago
    775. 877
      Mystical Pill 4 years ago
    776. 878
      Probing Into 4 years ago
    777. 879
      Alignment of the Five Planets 4 years ago
    778. 880
      Dormancy 4 years ago
    779. 881
      The Wrath of Heaven 4 years ago
    780. 882
      It’s Difficult to Learn From Enemies 4 years ago
    781. 883
      Question 4 years ago
    782. 884
      The Universe 4 years ago
    783. 885
      Dust 4 years ago
    784. 886
      Not Supposed to Exist 4 years ago
    785. 887
      The Distinction Between Gods 4 years ago
    786. 888
      Quantum Communication 4 years ago
    787. 889
      Cultivating On A Loan 4 years ago
    788. 890
      Magical Wu Mu 4 years ago
    789. 891
      The Embodiment of Good and Evil 4 years ago
    790. 892
      The One in Control 4 years ago
    791. 893
      God and Devil Morality Technique 4 years ago
    792. 894
      The Path of Technology 4 years ago
    793. 895
      May Buddha Have Mercy 4 years ago
    794. 896
      Changes 4 years ago
    795. 897
      Solving Problems 4 years ago
    796. 898
      Return of the River God 4 years ago
    797. 899
      Magnetic People 4 years ago
    798. 900
      The Heroism Path 4 years ago
    799. 901
      Equality 4 years ago
    800. 902
      A Waste of Talents 4 years ago
    801. 903
      Deterrence 4 years ago
    802. 904
      Energy Sources 4 years ago
    803. 905
      This Damned Era 4 years ago
    804. 906
      The Stars And The Sea 4 years ago
    805. 907
      Smells Good 4 years ago
    806. 908
      Darkness Under The Lights 4 years ago
    807. 909
      The Hidden Dragon Within The Abyss 4 years ago
    808. 910
      Flying Dragon In The Sky 4 years ago
    809. 911
      The Strangest of the Strange 4 years ago
    810. 912
      Almsgiver, Be a Monk! 4 years ago
    811. 913
      Saint System 4 years ago
    812. 914
      Do Not Do Anything More Than Three Times 4 years ago
    813. 915
      The 50 Billion Plan 4 years ago
    814. 916
      The Wealth Of All Humanity 4 years ago
    815. 917
      False Monks 4 years ago
    816. 918
      New Changes In The Situation 4 years ago
    817. 919
      The Reopening Of The Divine Gate 4 years ago
    818. 920
      A Transfer Of Quotas 4 years ago
    819. 921
      Humans And Spirits On The Same Path 4 years ago
    820. 922
      We Are Even 4 years ago

    卷 3

    1. 923
      Server Update 4 years ago
    2. 924
      Beyond The Dark Fog 4 years ago
    3. 925
      Pathfinder 4 years ago
    4. 926
      Saving Death 4 years ago
    5. 927
      Pony Crossing the River 4 years ago
    6. 928
      Resentment Monster 4 years ago
    7. 929
      A Wasted Chance 4 years ago
    8. 930
      Condition of Portal Teleportation 4 years ago
    9. 931
      Bait 4 years ago
    10. 932
      Severance with Death 4 years ago
    11. 933
      System Currency 4 years ago
    12. 934
      Inside Man 4 years ago
    13. 935
      Idle Game 4 years ago
    14. 936
      Ammunition 4 years ago
    15. 937
      Purify Their Hearts 4 years ago
    16. 938
      Dualism 4 years ago
    17. 939
      Recycling 4 years ago
    18. 940
      Devil Invasion 4 years ago
    19. 941
      Evacuating Is Better Than Stopping the Flow 4 years ago
    20. 942
      Disparity 4 years ago
    21. 943
      Grievous Sigh 4 years ago
    22. 944
      Vessels 4 years ago
    23. 945
      Revelations 4 years ago
    24. 946
      Prolonging Its Lifespan 4 years ago
    25. 947
      Move 4 years ago
    26. 948
      Mutiny 4 years ago
    27. 949
      Break Up 4 years ago
    28. 950
      Resistance 4 years ago
    29. 951
      Cowards 4 years ago
    30. 952
      Grain Reserves 4 years ago
    31. 953
      System And Host Rely On Heavenly Axiom to Maintain Their Friendship 4 years ago
    32. 954
      Favored by the Heavens 4 years ago
    33. 955
      Human Skulls Were Gifted 4 years ago
    34. 956
      Fatal Weakness 4 years ago
    35. 957
      A Major Loss 4 years ago
    36. 958
      Nine Transformation Soul Restoration Orb 4 years ago
    37. 959
      Extending Life 4 years ago
    38. 960
      Malevolent Spirits Were Hard To Find 4 years ago
    39. 961
      Mending The Heavens 4 years ago
    40. 962
      Waging War With A Just Cause 4 years ago
    41. 963
      The Right Way To Switch On A God 4 years ago
    42. 964
      Bestowment Extrication 4 years ago
    43. 965
      The Louder You Yell, The More Powerful The Attack 4 years ago
    44. 966
      Let’s See Who Spends The Most 4 years ago
    45. 967
      Phony 4 years ago
    46. 968
      Dangerous 4 years ago
    47. 969
      Escape And Pursuit 4 years ago
    48. 970
      The Alignment Of The Five Planets 4 years ago
    49. 971
      Fortifying Defence and Clearing the Field 4 years ago
    50. 972
      Portable System 4 years ago
    51. 973
      Clues 4 years ago
    52. 974
      Can’t Laugh 4 years ago
    53. 975
      Shadow King 4 years ago
    54. 976
      Lie Low 4 years ago
    55. 977
      Recoup and Recuperate 4 years ago
    56. 978
      Surprise 4 years ago
    57. 979
      Magical Energy Loan 4 years ago
    58. 980
      History Repeats Itself 4 years ago
    59. 981
      Never Cease to Exist 4 years ago
    60. 982
      Death with A Strike 4 years ago
    61. 983
      The Boss’ Tragic Death 4 years ago
    62. 984
      The World in the Building 4 years ago
    63. 985
      Management Chip 4 years ago
    64. 986
      Lunatic 4 years ago
    65. 987
      Honorary Spirit 4 years ago
    66. 988
      The Saints’ Ploy 4 years ago
    67. 989
      Stall 4 years ago
    68. 990
      Avatar of the Spirit Lord 4 years ago
    69. 991
      Long Health Bar 4 years ago
    70. 992
      Countermeasure 4 years ago
    71. 993
      Victory 4 years ago
    72. 994
      Follow Up A Victory And Press Home The Attack 4 years ago
    73. 995
      For Experience 4 years ago
    74. 996
      Rise Of The Demon Clans 4 years ago
    75. 997
      Forsaking The Darkness For Light 4 years ago
    76. 998
      Tying The String To The Kite 4 years ago
    77. 999
      The Long-Term Plan 4 years ago
    78. 1000
      Just Tell Them I Died 4 years ago
    79. 1001
      The Progressive Organization 4 years ago
    80. 1002
      Play Pretend As A Dragon 4 years ago
    81. 1003
      The Era Of Terror 4 years ago
    82. 1004
      Not To Be Delayed 4 years ago
    83. 1005
      Sealing Technique 4 years ago
    84. 1006
      There Is No Savior 4 years ago
    85. 1007
      We Are Waterweeds 4 years ago
    86. 1008
      Birthing A Nation 4 years ago
    87. 1009
      Death By The Spirit Cauldron 4 years ago
    88. 1010
      What Is Happiness 4 years ago
    89. 1011
      Mission Preparation 4 years ago
    90. 1012
      The Perfect Ending 4 years ago
    91. 1013
      Recommending Each Other 4 years ago
    92. 1014
      Battle Double 4 years ago
    93. 1015
      Green Comes From Blue 4 years ago
    94. 1016
      Warriors 4 years ago
    95. 1017
      Keep in Touch 4 years ago
    96. 1018
      The Diary Of Maxwell 4 years ago
    97. 1019
      Infinite Population 4 years ago
    98. 1020
      Master Of The Universe 4 years ago
    99. 1021
      A Frog Has Four Feet 4 years ago
    100. 1022
      The Root Of The Problem 4 years ago
    101. 1023
      Andromeda Galaxy 4 years ago
    102. 1024
      Thinking For The Future 4 years ago
    103. 1025
      Sun-lock Formation of the Five Planets 4 years ago
    104. 1026
      Food Crisis 4 years ago
    105. 1027
      Sly System 4 years ago
    106. 1028
      The Best Dog 4 years ago
    107. 1029
      The Idiot and The Slave 4 years ago
    108. 1030
      The Power of Justice 4 years ago
    109. 1031
      Great Devil Saint of Large Numbers 4 years ago
    110. 1032
      Play Solo 4 years ago
    111. 1033
      Dragon Monsters 4 years ago
    112. 1034
      Roar It Out Of Hiding 4 years ago
    113. 1035
      Water Faucet 4 years ago
    114. 1036
      Essence Of The Wind 4 years ago
    115. 1037
      Comprehend 4 years ago
    116. 1038
      Old Friends 4 years ago
    117. 1039
      Whirlwind 4 years ago
    118. 1040
      Hurting Each Other 4 years ago
    119. 1041
      Cousin Brothers 4 years ago
    120. 1042
      No Mismatch After All 4 years ago
    121. 1043
      One Step At A Time 4 years ago
    122. 1044
      Civil War 4 years ago
    123. 1045
      Confidence 4 years ago
    124. 1046
      The Grand Secretariat 4 years ago
    125. 1047
      Cleanup 4 years ago
    126. 1048
      Seven Lunar Mansions Of The Azure Dragon 4 years ago
    127. 1049
      A Budget 4 years ago
    128. 1050
      The Battle of the Two Dragons 4 years ago
    129. 1051
      The Power of the Blazing Orb 4 years ago
    130. 1052
      That’s Strange 4 years ago
    131. 1053
      Hierarchy 4 years ago
    132. 1054
      Resolute 4 years ago
    133. 1055
      God-level System 4 years ago
    134. 1056
      When There’s So Much Debt, One Stops Worrying 4 years ago
    135. 1057
      Transfer of Skill 4 years ago
    136. 1058
      The Rise of The Heroes 4 years ago
    137. 1059
      Four Great Inventions 4 years ago
    138. 1060
      The Rules of God-level 4 years ago
    139. 1061
      Don’t Be Greedy 4 years ago
    140. 1062
      We are Friends 4 years ago
    141. 1063
      The Real Loophole in the Maxim 4 years ago
    142. 1064
      Be Kind 4 years ago
    143. 1065
      Cooperation Agreement 4 years ago
    144. 1066
      Moving Back 4 years ago
    145. 1067
      Brothers’ Domain 4 years ago
    146. 1068
      Conflict 4 years ago
    147. 1069
      Integration 4 years ago
    148. 1070
      The Milky Way Nets Above Snares Below Project 4 years ago
    149. 1071
      Big Guy 4 years ago
    150. 1072
      Colonization Of Extraterrestrial Planets 4 years ago
    151. 1073
      Crab People 4 years ago
    152. 1074
      The Ways Of Civilized People 4 years ago
    153. 1075
      Road Construction 4 years ago
    154. 1076
      Negotiation 4 years ago
    155. 1077
      Nine Transformation Morality Golden Core Technique 4 years ago
    156. 1078
      Working Overtime To Find A Way Forward 4 years ago
    157. 1079
      Going All Out 4 years ago
    158. 1080
      No Choice But To Intervene 4 years ago
    159. 1081
      Being Honest Or Being Correct 4 years ago
    160. 1082
      The Path Toward Illumination 4 years ago
    161. 1083
      Crossed The Stars To See You 4 years ago
    162. 1084
      World Advancement 4 years ago
    163. 1085
      The Story of a Little River 4 years ago
    164. 1086
      Upper Realm Strategy Devise System 4 years ago
    165. 1087
      Upper Realm Rescue Mission 4 years ago
    166. 1088
      The Coffin 4 years ago
    167. 1089
      Test World 4 years ago
    168. 1090
      Restraining Order 4 years ago
    169. 1091
      Descend Again 4 years ago
    170. 1092
      Old World 4 years ago
    171. 1093
      System Kingdom 4 years ago
    172. 1094
      Attempt to Withstand 4 years ago
    173. 1095
      Too Handsome 4 years ago
    174. 1096
      Technical Resources 4 years ago
    175. 1097
      The Good and Bad People of the Upper Realm 4 years ago
    176. 1098
      The Appearance of the Nine Dragons 4 years ago
    177. 1099
      Chaotic Space 4 years ago
    178. 1100
      Dead God 4 years ago
    179. 1101
      The Final Days of a Dynasty 4 years ago
    180. 1102
      The Calamity for Immortality 4 years ago
    181. 1103
      Exploiting Loopholes 4 years ago
    182. 1104
      Taoist and Buddhist Scriptures 4 years ago
    183. 1105
      Looking for an Agent 4 years ago
    184. 1106
      Spark 4 years ago
    185. 1107
      A Quiet World 4 years ago
    186. 1108
      We are the Lightbulbs 4 years ago
    187. 1109
      Journey of Civilization 4 years ago
    188. 1110
      The Suspiration of the Origin 4 years ago
    189. 1111
      Pawn 4 years ago
    190. 1112
      Battle with Heaven and Earth 4 years ago
    191. 1113
      Descend Collectively 4 years ago
    192. 1114
      Harvester 4 years ago
    193. 1115
      I Hope So 4 years ago
    194. 1116
      Interstellar Transmigration Plan 4 years ago
    195. 1117
      Another Trick 4 years ago
    196. 1118
      The System’s Source Code 4 years ago
    197. 1119
      The Bequeathal Of The God Of Sleep 4 years ago
    198. 1120
      Gather The Nets 4 years ago
    199. 1121
      A Duel 4 years ago
    200. 1122
      The Position Of A God 4 years ago
    201. 1123
      Civil War 4 years ago
    202. 1124
      The Dragon God Saving The Market 4 years ago
    203. 1125
      Second Shadow 4 years ago
    204. 1126
      Solid-Ethereal State Shift 4 years ago
    205. 1127
      Human Labor 4 years ago
    206. 1128
      Let All Devils Run Wild 4 years ago
    207. 1129
      No Discount 4 years ago
    208. 1130
      Dimension-Reduction Attack 4 years ago
    209. 1131
      The Neuroanatomy Of Sleep And Dreams 4 years ago
    210. 1132
      Put into Practice 4 years ago
    211. 1133
      Mission Accomplished 4 years ago
    212. 1134
      Father and Son 4 years ago
    213. 1135
      The Secret of the Gods and Deities 4 years ago
    214. 1136
      Dragon of Destiny 4 years ago
    215. 1137
      Return to Chaos 4 years ago
    216. 1138
      Outside The Universe 4 years ago
    217. 1139
      Becoming A God Today 4 years ago
    218. 1140
      God Is A Programmer 4 years ago
    219. 1141
      Competitive World 4 years ago
    220. 1142
      Second Dimension 4 years ago
    221. 1143
      Retreat 4 years ago
    222. 1144
      Beta Version 4 years ago
    223. 1145
      Limit Test 4 years ago
    224. 1146
      Shock 4 years ago
    225. 1147
      Reparation 4 years ago
    226. 1148
      Infiltrate 4 years ago
    227. 1149
      All Lives May Be Abandoned 4 years ago
    228. 1150
      New Laws 4 years ago
    229. 1151
      Thoughts 4 years ago
    230. 1152
      Entering the Chaos 4 years ago
    231. 1153
      Divination Reading 4 years ago
    232. 1154
      Sacrifice 4 years ago
    233. 1155
      Dog Training 4 years ago
    234. 1156
      Operation 4 years ago
    235. 1157
      Seizing The World 4 years ago
    236. 1158
      They Were Replaceable 4 years ago
    237. 1159
      The Ruler 4 years ago
    238. 1160
      Rest Easy 4 years ago
    239. 1161
      The Reappearance of the Divine Monument 4 years ago
    240. 1162
      Humanity and Relief 4 years ago
    241. 1163
      Cheating 4 years ago
    242. 1164
      Heavenly Devil 4 years ago
    243. 1165
      The Death of the Saints 4 years ago
    244. 1166
      Grand Finale 4 years ago

    作者 Mu Heng

    翻譯 J_Squared

    Editor J_Squared