/ Sci-fi Romance / It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future

It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future

It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future

Sci-fi Romance -- 章/周 這是過去30天實現的平均發佈速度。 譯者的更新頻率是7章/周 1,501 章節 50.0M 流覽
作者: Madam Ru翻譯: H2dH2mr, mjn0898編輯: ryuxenji

4.67 (7,959 評分)

簡介 目錄


After dying from a strange terminal illness, Ling Lan was reborn into a world 10000 years into the future. Although she dearly wished she could just live a peaceful and uneventful life in her new healthy body, fate had other plans ...

Forced to disguise herself as a boy just so she could inherit her deceased father's premium military benefits, Ling Lan's journey to adulthood was full of challenges. After much difficulty, she finally turned sixteen when she could drop the charade. But before she could grasp her newfound freedom to get married and start her own family, a twist of fate results in her being thrown into the Federation's top military boys' school.

With these twists of fate, Ling Lan had little choice but to walk further and further down a path of no return, one of cold and aloof dominance ...


ryuxenji the translator here. :3 Here are some other things you should know:

1) This story is NOT primarily a romance. QI's system right now categorizes all novels taken from the female novel Chinese site (起点女生网) as 'romance' without fail, regardless of whether they truly are romance. So, if you are here just for the romance, you might want to find a different novel. There will be some romance eventually, but most of this novel is Sci-Fi/Xianxia with a lot of world-building and character development.

2) I use British spelling. So, please ensure spelling errors are really errors before reporting them.

3) No matter what the release rate up top says, the guaranteed release rate right now is 1 chp/day (a.k.a. 7 chps/week). All else is extra at my discretion. (I'll try my best, but RL responsibilities come first.)

  1. Mr_WATT
    Mr_WATT 贡献 34594
  2. Kamilah_Herber
    Kamilah_Herber 贡献 32531
  3. Pnda
    Pnda 贡献 31830


禮品 -- 收到的禮物


    Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
    Stone -- 推薦票




    • 翻譯品質
    • 更新的穩定性
    • 故事發展
    • 人物形象設計
    • 世界背景



    Reincarnation. Check. Female MC. Check. Gender Bender. Check. Looks interesting. Check. Add to library. Check. Listed enough. Check. Yay! Another female protagonist! Hope this won't disappoint. *crosses fingers* ≧ω≦


    Literally why is every novel that has a female MC listed in the ROMANCE GENRE??! Is this gender racism?! (`Δ´)! (`Δ´)! (`Δ´)! (`Δ´)! (`Δ´)!


    This is absolutely a gem. A kickass female MC who isn't tied down by romance. I love the other novels with female MCs but no matter how talented the female lead is, she is always inferior to her counter part - be it in wealth, nobility, popularity or skills. In this novel, our MC is the man. She doesn't take any bs and is on equal footing (or even higher) than her peers. Granted other MCs are like this too but atleast she doesn't have a shadow guardian ("the male lead") that makes her problems go away if shw cant handle it. Other than the great plot, amazing translation quality!


    Website : qidian china Views : 2.50 million Rating : 8.4(561) Chapters : 1458 Status : ongoing Word count : 3.39 million author rank : lv5


    I love this so much! Its funny, has an amazing plot, and makes my emotions go wild. :) I just started reading this today and fell in love with it immediately. I couldn't put it down and binge read it in about... 2-3 hours? But anyways, thx so much for the chapters! \(>O<)/


    Ok, first things first. This is in the wrong genre. It is through and through Science Fiction. It's literally a Bros/Sisters Before Everyone Else kind of story, except the leader isn't a guy, but a girl. With Giant Space Robots that will rip your body into shreds with g-force. And Various Background Proxy Wars and underlying plot. As someone who has completely read the raws 5 times over in the past year while following all of the author's updates (I'm literally on my 6th run guys and I'm STILL finding new things that I missed the first few times around), this is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. It has amazing character growth, characterization, character relationships, plot, action, emotional turmoil, setting, depth - I could go on. Madame Ru can make you laugh out loud one moment and cry in grief the next - truly, it's a story that sets itself apart and has become a unique existence. There's so much going on, but it doesn't detract from your understanding due to how well Madame Ru hides it in the background through foreshadowing and Chekov's Gun. Not only that, it has a female protagonist that doesn't suffer from the painful cliches that one would expect in a genderbender story - which, honestly, makes a lot more sense setting-wise (how can you not be able to hide your body's gender if you have something like Little Four and high science fiction medicine). Also the setting itself is really fun. It's a hyper futuristic intergalactic empire with Xianxia elements - mainly spiritual power, qi, and martial arts. Except instead of being something fancy like martial arts sects, it's been integrated into lineages. After countless years of development, they've become something akin to 'military arts' rather than just wushu, with a heavy focus on usability rather than just display. Madame Ru meshes the two normally opposite traits beautifully and without a seam - keeping the core of the idea and evolving it into a completely new existence. And Ling Lan. She's not your typical female protagonist either - she, so far, has been my most favorite that I've come across. She is neither morally righteous nor evil - her morals don't follow the path of 'for humanity', but just for the small, small group of people she cares about, the people who believe in her. Her path is of the heart, and she refuses to bow down to anyone - her Dao is Hegemony. There is nothing more satisfying than watching her grow from her original self to the current self and following the hardships she goes through. She will become the strongest, but at the same time, she isn't alone - she has her little partners that she cares for and grows along with. Yes, her goal isn't to be the single peerless god at the top of the world, but to bring those who put their trust and lives into her hands along with her. This, in itself, is already a highly unique trait within stories. Together we rise, divided we fall. Anyway, sorry, I'm a bit of a chatterbox when it comes to this series. It's by far my favorite and I hope it will get the attention and representation it deserves. Let's all keep on fighting, little partners! Until we reach the top :3c


    Just reading up until chapter 40 and I'm immediately hook and left craving for more! Thanks for popping out like a mushroom and gave us this wonderful story! Good luck and thanks for all of your hard work! 😊😉


    I really like this.... Can't wait to read more of this novel.... I should have had waited until there is more chapters..... I like it too much... I wonder who will be her love interest though.. Little four? I wonder if some of them(those she met during the testings) will turn gay... Though I think that the smart guy would find out that she's a she first.


    I do quite enjoy this sort of novel wherein the protagonist's sole focus isn't to get stronger to uh, do a thing, or something, until the author runs of of things to write, or the translator gives up. Instead, the focus of this charming novel up to this point is simply staying afloat, adapting to the circumstances, and trying not to blunder too noticeably. The Level-headed protagonist really shows through when they aren't trying to become an Asura and slaughter the entire enemy clan for fun. I've lost interest in writing a review for this, so I'll just say this is a very nice (In borat speak), and recommend it to all.


    This novel is far from perfect. Its main selling point is a fairly well done overpowered female protagonist. On the other hand, its main weaknesses are a terrible sense of blind Chinese nationalism, the weirdly stupid mind games that all the characters face, as well as the complete lack of research the author has done on any of the subjects presented in the novel. I first began reading this novel both because of the amazing review score it had, as well as for a cross-dressing protagonist. The story starts off quite well, with a female lead who dies in her own world but is pulled into reincarnating into a future world because of a "grandpa teacher"-like spiritual entity inside her mind. It continues on to quite hilarious descriptions of her mother and the other characters around her as she slowly progresses through life pretending to be a boy in order to be able to inherit her father's inheritance and legacy. The characters in the novel, up to the point I've read, are quite interesting. They're all varied in personality and working through their own motivations as they interact with our heroine Ling Lan. We have an overbearing mother character, a kind grandpa figure who's also a hidden ninja, a stupid yet competent AI assistant, as well as a wide range of friends that collect around her. Yet the most interesting character is still the MC Ling Lan, who despite being an incredibly talented girl pretending to be a boy, only has the single objective of having a normal life and ultimately giving birth to the most talented child possible. Another aspect of this author that I really like is her skill in describing battles. The author has a natural talent for describing and directing melee fights between individuals. While there isn't much focus on any actual martial arts or actual techniques, the author still does a good job with understanding the capabilities and physical limits of the human body and expressing the fights as a natural and fluid manner. However, at the same time, the author is quite terrible at understanding the limitations of non-human entities. This brings me to one of the main areas where the author has been negligent - her research into science fiction. This is undoubtedly a science-fiction work, but this novel does nothing more than throw around the jargon without understanding what any of it actually is. Ling Lan's "AI Assistant", named Little Four, is more of a little kid than an AI. At times he's smart and competent, but most of the time he's nothing more than a little kid throwing a tantrum (though this adds to the comedy). As things go, this is a terrible trait for any AI assistant to have. Next, there are the mechas. While I congratulate the author for adding the detail that the main obstacle for a mecha pilot is being able to withstand the G-forces of the constant accelerations the vehicle has to face, at the same time I also have to blame the author for not understanding the slightest bit about the mechas themselves. When faced with a complicated system like a humanoid robot, she believes that it's only possible to completely control such a robot using hand motions to individually manipulate each joint of the robot, causing a huge amount of stress on the hand-speed of the operators. She has completely refused the idea that such systems might use computer assistance to automate the processes, and views AI in controlling robots as a bad thing. This is only annoying when you consider that any AI system as advanced as the ones in this story should be able to pilot these mechas far better than any human operator ever could. In addition, there are several instances where weapons are magically enhanced by the addition of an AI into them, breaking out of physical limitations that they should not have ever been able to break out of. Ultimately, while this is a science-fiction story, it's also a terrible example of the science-fiction genre as it completely fails to understand the implications, uses, and limitations of the very technology it introduces. On a related note is the idea that kids mature much faster than in the past. In the story, it's completely understandable that kids are much more physically developed because of the various gene-stimulating agents and chemical therapies that they undergo from a young age. However, at the same time, there is no explanation for why 6-year-old kids have the same level of mental maturity and genius as a grown man. Right from the beginning, we see 6-year-olds engaged in mind-games and politics against each other. This would be okay if the story presented some form of explanation for why these kids have such mental stimulation, but if we just look at the experiences of the MC Ling Lan, there is no instance where the kids undergo any kind of mental augmentation at all. Even for Ling Lan, there is no explanation for why the "learning space" provided by her AI assistant expects 6-month-old children to be able to understand the human language and also start playing mind-games against trained military instructors in order to obtain training. One of the more annoying aspects of the story is the author's obsession with Chinese nationalism. Right from the beginning, we are made to understand that the new Federation is just the author's idea of a Chinese space empire. Later on, we learn that their main enemies are the Empire, which is overtly declared to be a Japanese colonial space empire, signaled by their use of the rising sun as their symbol and how their commanders all use childish Japanese words in the middle of the military talks to further clue the readers to that fact. The author also makes it clear of her vehement hate for the Japanese in several passages where she references the Nanking Massacre. The Japanese troops are always dressed in black, have black mechas, and are blamed for a lot of the faults in the government because of their agents who have infiltrated the Chinese government. In addition, the Japanese commanders are portrayed as incompetent egotistical maniacs who know nothing about their own troops and have to rely on their subordinates to make decisions for them. The Empire is very clearly a stand-in to express the author's own rage against the Japanese. The author also has a terrible habit of releasing spoilers in the middle of the story. It's as if the author is constantly afraid that her readers can't understand the implications of things, as she often reveals what will happen in the later chapters as an implication of the decisions that are taken in the current chapter. For example, very early into the story, in the middle to talking about Ling Lan's father's legacy, the author directly tells us that her father is not actually dead and will return in a later chapter, directly spoiling a major part of the story for us. Overall, this story is cute and humorous. It fits into the standard trope of female-oriented CN novels where we see an overpowered female lead who plays mind-games to defeat all her opponents. However, don't come into this story expecting to find any actual science-fiction elements, competent villains, or extremely consistent internal logic.


    1-Translation quality is good, following the story is not hard and I can understand the writer idea. 2-There is a lot of humor elements, at this point there is only 41 chapter, I need to read more in order to make a better judgment. 3-This is a gender bender story, but because of the MC personality you can forget that the MC is actually female. 4- world building need more information, most of the chapters are centered on the MC isolated life, there is a few sneak peaks of what type of world it is but I wish to know more. In conclusion, this novel is worth to add to my library. you can give it a chance too.

    LV 13 Badge

    first thought was.. uh yay a new 1!.. wander if its any good.. before i knew it i was locked down, 40 chapters read! and i was hyped and left craving for more.. so now i just wanna cry because i now have to wait XD.. so if u ask me if this is any good so fare?.. the answer is a big earth shaking yes!! enjoy ;P


    Helloooo everyone! I bring good news! Author has updated her Weibo (chinese twitter). It is a bit cryptic tho, but it basically means she's back! my prayers have been answered! Word is that she will start releasing new chapters on February (this I am not sure). her statement is something along the lines of: Body of scars but time has returned. (a little more context: she had said before she didn't have time, and she was hesitating and stuff.) anyways, please cheer up ^^ let's not rate the book badly, authors do have their life outside of writing. let's cheer them on and encourage them instead 😊❤


    ⚠ Warning ⚠ To the readers who are gonna start reading this novel please note that this book has been in hiatus mode for almost 2 years. There has been no update after 1482. So choose yourself whether you wanna read this novel and have a heartbreak in the end cause the novel is not finished. Although this novel is worth it. I love this novel so much that I feel so sad it has not been updating. And the biggest torture is I'm not even sure whether this is gonna get completed ever. ☹️


    SO SO GOOD!!! I cannot emphasize how fantastic this story really is, honestly. This story has practically anything I'd ever ask for: a badass protagonist who happens to be female (and does not somehow gain a selective harem even if their personality is kinda ****), great world building- although it should be noted that this story is one of my first Chinese webnovels, so perhaps it is actually not so original. I would still love it anyway!- and a good mix of cuteness! It's interesting to imagine that small 6 year old children are fighting each other with martial arts... Ling Lan is probably one of my favorite protagonists ever. She's, well, a she. But this web novel has some of my favorite genres that are often prone to having a typical Gary Stu character leading it. It's action packed and absolutely thrilling. I cannot wait when for the male lead of this story appears so that I can get a good dose of romance too! Ling Lan by herself is already great, and even without a romantic aspect this novel would be just as good. Ling Lan's personality makes me sigh with relief, because she is actually quite calculative and calm in most aspects. Of course, she is older than her peers, but that certainly doesn't lessen her. I've read some other Chinese webnovels, but I find that female protagonists seem to often be a cutout replica of each other: black-bellied, cold-hearted, kind of an ass, but sOooO sTrOng anD cOoL! *note my mild sarcasm towards the end* I do like strong leads, but sometimes I feel like the leads are somehow blessed with incredible cheat knowledge from their previous life or something. Ling Lan? She spent her previous life reading manga and whatnot! She barely has any previous knowledge, besides the fact that she is basically a grown *****. She does have Little Four, but a lot of Mary Sues seem to have insane contracted beasts that might have exceeding powers. Little Four is definitely still a cheat-like existence though. The translation quality is great, and we get pretty much 7 translations a week! I just wish I could read Chinese though because I'd probably finish it immediately~


    I haven't seen many gender benders lately. this one is done amazingly. But pls, pls, pls more chapters... The original is so far ahead... And I also need more to satiate my needs.


    I really love it. For one, it has a cross-dressing female 2. It actually feels like it could happen, as in the problems that happen aren't just for no reason, there's actually a reason. Adding to that, the reasons aren't stupid. 3. The main character isn't OP yet. She actually has flaws. And if she does have unusual strenght in something, it makes sense that she does as to say that there is a reason for her strenght. which creates a perfect character. 4. Even the side characters, mobs, and cannon fodders are important. They have good reasons behind their actions and a solid character. This has got to be my most favorite book as of yet.


    curious about the continuation of this novel? You can read the MTL version first on : novelraw.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    It’s truly one of the better female protagonist stories on Qidian. It does have the typical “Mary Sue” feel that’s prevalent in most web novels, be they male or female centric. I like that the storyline is easy to follow and that characters aren’t one dimensional. You don’t get a character who’s terrible and evil and who the minute he meets the mc, decides to blame all woes on the mc. It also contains some values of feminism, clearly criticizing a society where men are the sole inheritors. Overall, the characters are nicely paced; no one is too one dimensional and character actions are understandable, which is something that I don’t see in a lot of web novels. The flow of the story is nice and humor exists to lighten the mood. I guess you could say the storyline progression is slow but you can feel the build up in plot every chapter. It’s not like those ****ty web novels where suddenly people just decide to kill the mc out of no other reason than “I hate him/her” and with no other reason than “I hate him/her because I hate him/her.” This type of novel isn’t exactly a hard read—it’s really just leisure reading and doesn’t make you use your brain a lot, but it’s not like those vapid and senseless web novels that have literally no realistic aspect in terms of character and plot creation. I give it a 4/5 just because I consider it to be nothing more than just a good leisure read.


    Once upon a time, I gave this novel great reviews. But now, I can't even read it. It isn't even completed or near completion but its locked chapters already cost you about $100. It's far overpriced with some chapters costing (I saw one being 23). The pricing MUST be reconsidered if webnovel even has the goal of letting readers finish a novel. Otherwise, just Google a novel like this and you'll find links to similar novels that are free.

    Chapter 1501: Wait for Me 3 years ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      Souls Actually Exist after Death? 6 years ago
    2. 2
      Young Master Ling Lan is born! 6 years ago
    3. 3
      Assessment of the Newborn! 6 years ago
    4. 4
      The Childish Voice in the Mind! 6 years ago
    5. 5
      Luckily Still a Girl 6 years ago
    6. 6
      A Shameless Person 6 years ago
    7. 7
      Burning Bridges? 6 years ago
    8. 8
      Comparison of Assessments 6 years ago
    9. 9
      Gene Stimulating Agent! 6 years ago
    10. 10
      Absorb Everything! 6 years ago
    11. 11
      Learning System Activated! 6 years ago
    12. 12
      Tests Could Be Anywhere 6 years ago
    13. 13
      Car or Plane? 6 years ago
    14. 14
      Fear of Heights is a Big Problem 6 years ago
    15. 15
      Sorry, I Lost Control! 6 years ago
    16. 16
      Little Four Wants to Earn Money 6 years ago
    17. 17
      Redemption of Honour Points? 6 years ago
    18. 18
      Between a Rock and a Hard Place 6 years ago
    19. 19
      The Powerful Cheat Code 6 years ago
    20. 20
      Ling Lan is a Glutton 6 years ago
    21. 21
      The Intricacies of the Qi Exercises! 6 years ago
    22. 22
      A Life Free From Debt! 6 years ago
    23. 23
      The Scout Academy’s Test 6 years ago
    24. 24
      The Overly Friendly Little Boy 6 years ago
    25. 25
      Companions in the Same Group 6 years ago
    26. 26
      The Exam Begins 6 years ago
    27. 27
      The True Intention of the Test 6 years ago
    28. 28
      The Data of the Ten Children 6 years ago
    29. 29
      The Final Lap 6 years ago
    30. 30
      I Order You All To Attack Me! 6 years ago
    31. 31
      The Weak Have No Right to Speak 6 years ago
    32. 32
      Ling Lan Makes a Move! 6 years ago
    33. 33
      Savage Little Wolf Cubs! 6 years ago
    34. 34
      A Sure Hit! 6 years ago
    35. 35
      Test Completed! 6 years ago
    36. 36
      Becoming a Boss 6 years ago
    37. 37
      The Examiner’s Recommendation! 6 years ago
    38. 38
      Who’s the Opponent? 6 years ago
    39. 39
      Modifying the Scores 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Downed By a Glass of Wine! 6 years ago
    41. 41
      Wilderness Training? 6 years ago
    42. 42
      Hunting and Being Hunted! 6 years ago
    43. 43
      The Experience of Death! 6 years ago
    44. 44
      Resolving a Potential Problem 6 years ago
    45. 45
      Who Wants to Kill Ling Lan? 6 years ago
    46. 46
      Scared? 6 years ago
    47. 47
      The Self-Volunteering Little Four! 6 years ago
    48. 48
      The Psychotic Grandpa Chamberlain! 6 years ago
    49. 49
      The Threat of Long-Range Attacks 6 years ago
    50. 50
      Fighting For Time! 6 years ago
    51. 51
      Super Homing Projectiles? 6 years ago
    52. 52
      A Genius among Geniuses! 6 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 53
      The Ling Family Rescuers! 6 years ago
    2. 54
      Ling Lan's Loyalists 6 years ago
    3. 55
      I Suspected It From the Very Beginning! 6 years ago
    4. 56
      Individual Plots 6 years ago
    5. 57
      The Still Unresolved Fear of Heights! 6 years ago
    6. 58
      A Familiar Totem! 6 years ago
    7. 59
      Freaktastic Boss! 6 years ago
    8. 60
      Group 072 Gathers! 6 years ago
    9. 61
      An Intense World of Competition! 6 years ago
    10. 62
      An Intentional Arrangement 6 years ago
    11. 63
      Number Five Appears! 6 years ago
    12. 64
      The Rabbit Sky Leap Skill! 6 years ago
    13. 65
      A Rip-Off of a Mission Clear Reward! 6 years ago
    14. 66
      Still Ended Up a Boarder 6 years ago
    15. 67
      The Impudent Challenger 6 years ago
    16. 68
      You've Lost 6 years ago
    17. 69
      Ling Lan's Problem 6 years ago
    18. 70
      The Meaning of Companions! 6 years ago
    19. 71
      Lin Zhong-qing's Objective? 6 years ago
    20. 72
      A Response Which Exceeds Expectations 6 years ago
    21. 73
      Ling Lan's Crisis! 6 years ago
    22. 74
      Little Four's Suggestion 6 years ago
    23. 75
      The Dream of Having Kids! 6 years ago
    24. 76
      The Ranking Tournament Begins 6 years ago
    25. 77
      The Debut of Techniques and Secret Skills! 6 years ago
    26. 78
      Advancing in One Move! 6 years ago
    27. 79
      Talent Killer! 6 years ago
    28. 80
      Advancing Into the Top 13! 6 years ago
    29. 81
      Initiate Disciples! 6 years ago
    30. 82
      Ling Lan vs Qin Yi 6 years ago
    31. 83
      Extreme Talent! 6 years ago
    32. 84
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    33. 85
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    34. 86
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    35. 87
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    36. 88
      Ling Xiao's Legacy? 6 years ago
    37. 89
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    38. 90
      Evolution Mission! 6 years ago
    39. 91
      Test or Choice? 6 years ago
    40. 92
      Massacre In Progress! 6 years ago
    41. 93
      The Resurrected Demon in the Heart! 6 years ago
    42. 94
      The Test of Dao 6 years ago
    43. 95
      Cracking the Mission! 6 years ago
    44. 96
      The Dominance Dao! 6 years ago
    45. 97
      Logging Into the Virtual World! 6 years ago
    46. 98
      Legacy Mission? 6 years ago
    47. 99
      Walk One's Own Path 6 years ago
    48. 100
      The Case of the Glass Window! 6 years ago
    49. 101
      A Simple Test? 6 years ago
    50. 102
      A Test of Questions and Answers! 6 years ago
    51. 103
      A Heartless Dad? 6 years ago
    52. 104
      The World of Belief! 6 years ago
    53. 105
      The Real Token! 6 years ago
    54. 106
      Vision and Hand Speed! 6 years ago
    55. 107
      Transported to the Capital? 6 years ago
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    57. 109
      God View! 6 years ago
    58. 110
      Hide and Seek? 6 years ago
    59. 111
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    60. 112
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    61. 113
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    64. 116
      Arbitrary Punishment! 6 years ago
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    66. 118
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    67. 119
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    68. 120
      Joining Officially! 6 years ago
    69. 121
      Battle Points for Self-Redemption! 6 years ago
    70. 122
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    71. 123
      Breaking Through a Bottleneck! 6 years ago
    72. 124
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    73. 125
      The Emergence of Gods? 6 years ago
    74. 126
      A Strange Sense of Rapport! 6 years ago
    75. 127
      Preset Control Mode! 6 years ago
    76. 128
      Rabbit-Cheetah Duo! 6 years ago
    77. 129
      Missed It? 6 years ago
    78. 130
      It's Been Tough On You! 6 years ago
    79. 131
      Planet Azure 6 years ago
    80. 132
      Thoroughly Convinced! 6 years ago
    81. 133
      Sparring! 6 years ago
    82. 134
      Top 5 of the Class 6 years ago
    83. 135
      As the Fights Progress! 6 years ago
    84. 136
      Ling Lan's Wrath! 6 years ago
    85. 137
      Qi-Jin Stage? 6 years ago
    86. 138
      The Mysterious Planet! 6 years ago
    87. 139
      To Withdraw or to Remain? 6 years ago
    88. 140
      Hunting Preparations! 6 years ago
    89. 141
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    90. 142
      Enemy Attack? Enemy Attack! 6 years ago
    91. 143
      The Mecha Battle Kicks Off! 6 years ago
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      Chance! Make a Move! 6 years ago
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    94. 146
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    95. 147
      Ace Operator? 6 years ago
    96. 148
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    97. 149
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    98. 150
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    100. 152
      Self-Destruct! 6 years ago
    101. 153
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    102. 154
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    111. 163
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      The Strongest Student in the Academy! 6 years ago
    113. 165
      Team Zhang Jing-an! 6 years ago
    114. 166
      Who’s the Opponent? 6 years ago
    115. 167
      Drawing a Snake Out of Its Lair? 6 years ago
    116. 168
      Is This Mission Really Right? 6 years ago
    117. 169
      Demon? 6 years ago
    118. 170
      Split-Core Twofold Detonation Technique! 6 years ago
    119. 171
      I Want to Live! 6 years ago
    120. 172
      Domain Stage? 6 years ago
    121. 173
      What Kind of Personages? 6 years ago
    122. 174
      A Fearsome Ability! 6 years ago
    123. 175
      Collaboration? No! 6 years ago
    124. 176
      Ling Xiao's Instructor! 6 years ago
    125. 177
      Old Beast Mu Shui-qing! 6 years ago
    126. 178
      Ling Lan Wakes Up! 6 years ago
    127. 179
      Cry 'Daddy'! 6 years ago
    128. 180
      Proud Of You! 6 years ago
    129. 181
      The Disappearance of Ling Xiao's Legacy! 6 years ago
    130. 182
      I Want to Become Strong! 6 years ago
    131. 183
      Latent Problems and a Mission! 6 years ago
    132. 184
      Divine Command Sect! 6 years ago
    133. 185
      Three Years Later ... 6 years ago
    134. 186
      Ling Lan Returns! 6 years ago
    135. 187
      My Role? 6 years ago
    136. 188
      Applying to a School! 6 years ago
    137. 189
      The Flames of War Rise Again! 6 years ago
    138. 190
      The Mysterious Mecha in the Black Hole! 6 years ago
    139. 191
      The Fearsome Combat Ability of a God-Class Operator! 6 years ago
    140. 192
      The First Marshal! 6 years ago
    141. 193
      Ling Xiao's Request! 6 years ago
    142. 194
      Terrible Odds? 6 years ago
    143. 195
      General Ling! 6 years ago
    144. 196
      An Infuriated Ling Xiao! 6 years ago
    145. 197
      A Determined Destiny! 6 years ago
    146. 198
      Cruel Punishment 6 years ago
    147. 199
      Fellow Disciples? 6 years ago
    148. 200
      Ling Xiao vs Ling Lan! 6 years ago
    149. 201
      Acceptance Letter! 6 years ago
    150. 202
      Preparing for Departure! 6 years ago
    151. 203
      Send Off? 6 years ago
    152. 204
      A Brass-Necked Diplomatic Personnel! 6 years ago
    153. 205
      I Used a Backdoor! 6 years ago
    154. 206
      Journey! 6 years ago
    155. 207
      Scheming! 6 years ago
    156. 208
      Ling Lan's Plan! 6 years ago
    157. 209
      Move! 6 years ago
    158. 210
      The Operation Begins! 6 years ago
    159. 211
      New Members! 6 years ago
    160. 212
      Disguised Infiltration! 6 years ago
    161. 213
      Take Control of the Central Control Room! 6 years ago
    162. 214
      Ling Lan's Intention 6 years ago
    163. 215
      Respective Decisions! 6 years ago
    164. 216
      The Ship's Mainframe! 6 years ago
    165. 217
      Proclamation of Battle! 6 years ago
    166. 218
      Negotiation! 6 years ago
    167. 219
      A Successful Mutiny! 6 years ago
    168. 220
      Space Fortress! 6 years ago
    169. 221
      Salute! 6 years ago
    170. 222
      What Right? 6 years ago
    171. 223
      Natural Born Rogue! 6 years ago
    172. 224
      The Deep Waters of the Military Academy! 6 years ago
    173. 225
      The Various Factions! 6 years ago
    174. 226
      New Cadet Regiment! 6 years ago
    175. 227
      New Cadet District! 6 years ago
    176. 228
      The Adorkable Rabbit Mecha! 6 years ago
    177. 229
      Accepting a Mission! 6 years ago
    178. 230
      The Open Secret of the Military Academy! 6 years ago
    179. 231
      Sneak Attack! 6 years ago
    180. 232
      The Python Family! 6 years ago
    181. 233
      The Weapon 'Regretless'!! 6 years ago
    182. 234
      Starlight Conversion Power Core! 6 years ago
    183. 235
      It's Time to Change! 6 years ago
    184. 236
      Newcomer Matchups! 6 years ago
    185. 237
      Combat Style! 6 years ago
    186. 238
      Phoenix Thrall Fate! 6 years ago
    187. 239
      Slaughter a Chicken to Strike Fear into the Monkeys? 6 years ago
    188. 240
      Leiting's Intentions? 6 years ago
    189. 241
      Truth! 6 years ago
    190. 242
      Letter of Challenge! 6 years ago
    191. 243
      The Distance between the Two? 6 years ago
    192. 244
      My Goal! 6 years ago
    193. 245
      The Dux Li Shiyu! 6 years ago
    194. 246
      What Virtues Or Abilities Have You? 6 years ago
    195. 247
      Wager! 6 years ago
    196. 248
      Luo Lang Fights! 6 years ago
    197. 249
      Still a Little Ways Off! 6 years ago
    198. 250
      Innate Talent Activated! 6 years ago
    199. 251
      The 4th Form of One-Inch Punch! 6 years ago
    200. 252
      Fatal Weakness! 6 years ago
    201. 253
      Stand Up! 6 years ago
    202. 254
      I'm Proud of You! 6 years ago
    203. 255
      Qi Long Enters the Stage! 6 years ago
    204. 256
      The Unkillable Roachie! 6 years ago
    205. 257
      Breakthrough in a Hopeless Situation! 6 years ago
    206. 258
      Fatal Weakness! 6 years ago
    207. 259
      Giving Him a Taste of His Own Medicine! 6 years ago
    208. 260
      Spiritual Life Coach? 6 years ago
    209. 261
      Wu Jiong’s Calculation! 6 years ago
    210. 262
      The Reactions of the Various Factions! 6 years ago
    211. 263
      Oppressive Aura! 6 years ago
    212. 264
      The Final Victors! 6 years ago
    213. 265
      A Hypocritical Person 6 years ago
    214. 266
      The Li Family Brothers! 6 years ago
    215. 267
      Transferral of Treatment! 6 years ago
    216. 268
      Are You Threatening Me? 6 years ago
    217. 269
      A Twenty-four Filial Exemplars Dad! 6 years ago
    218. 270
      Setting a Trap? 6 years ago
    219. 271
      Become Friends? 6 years ago
    220. 272
      The Mission of the New Cadet Regiment! 6 years ago
    221. 273
      Where Is Luo Lang? 6 years ago
    222. 274
      Tianji Mecha Clan! 6 years ago
    223. 275
      Act Independently! 6 years ago
    224. 276
      Infiltration! 6 years ago
    225. 277
      How Dare You! 6 years ago
    226. 278
      Little Four Takes Action! 6 years ago
    227. 279
      Domain Master? 6 years ago
    228. 280
      The Aftermath! 6 years ago
    229. 281
      Resolution! 6 years ago
    230. 282
      Bestial Personality! 6 years ago
    231. 283
      The Target Appears! 6 years ago
    232. 284
      Scheming! 6 years ago
    233. 285
      Completion! 6 years ago
    234. 286
      Misdiagnosis! 6 years ago
    235. 287
      Apprehension! 6 years ago
    236. 288
      The Assessment Team! 6 years ago
    237. 289
      Missing His Son? 6 years ago
    238. 290
      Ling Xiao's Wish! 6 years ago
    239. 291
      Not Wronged! 6 years ago
    240. 292
      Ambition! 6 years ago
    241. 293
      A Trap! 6 years ago
    242. 294
      Top-Class Elite [belief]! 6 years ago
    243. 295
      <Wind's Shadow>! 6 years ago
    244. 296
      Mecha Instructor! 6 years ago
    245. 297
      The Composition of a Battle Clan! 6 years ago
    246. 298
      The Price of Fate! 6 years ago
    247. 299
      Advanced Mecha Warrior? 6 years ago
    248. 300
      Ling Lan’s Mistake! 6 years ago
    249. 301
      The Truth of Control! 6 years ago
    250. 302
      Seven Years Ago? 6 years ago
    251. 303
      Rabbit? Leopard? 6 years ago
    252. 304
      A Strange and Wondrous Misunderstanding! 6 years ago
    253. 305
      Interrogation! 6 years ago
    254. 306
      Joining! 6 years ago
    255. 307
      Battle Clan Members! 6 years ago
    256. 308
      Accepting a Mission! 6 years ago
    257. 309
      SSS-Rank! 6 years ago
    258. 310
      Planet X192! 6 years ago
    259. 311
      Abandon? 6 years ago
    260. 312
      Robbery 6 years ago
    261. 313
      Precious Power Source! 6 years ago
    262. 314
      Rapport 6 years ago
    263. 315
      A Nature-Defying Existence! 6 years ago
    264. 316
      Magnetic Storm! 6 years ago
    265. 317
      Destruction! 6 years ago
    266. 318
      Entering the Mainship! 6 years ago
    267. 319
      Secret Weapon! 6 years ago
    268. 320
      Awakening! 6 years ago
    269. 321
      Comradery? 6 years ago
    270. 322
      Anxiety! 6 years ago
    271. 323
      Clearing a Hurdle! 6 years ago
    272. 324
      The Truth! 6 years ago
    273. 325
      The Mantis Stalking the Cicada! 6 years ago
    274. 326
      The Oriole Comes From Behind! 6 years ago
    275. 327
      Spiritual Share! 6 years ago
    276. 328
      Spectre! 6 years ago
    277. 329
      Volunteering to Fight! 6 years ago
    278. 330
      The Lingtian Battle Clan in the Eyes of Chang Xinyuan! 6 years ago
    279. 331
      The Existence of a BUG 6 years ago
    280. 332
      The Aberrant Modification Innate Talent! 6 years ago
    281. 333
      A Weakness Appears! 6 years ago
    282. 334
      An Intense Battle! 6 years ago
    283. 335
      Destroy Them All! 6 years ago
    284. 336
      Tricked! 6 years ago
    285. 337
      T-Virus? 6 years ago
    286. 338
      Confession! 6 years ago
    287. 339
      Flaws! 6 years ago
    288. 340
      Mutual Destruction! 6 years ago
    289. 341
      The Sleeping Baby! 6 years ago
    290. 342
      Mutated Spiritual Self! 6 years ago
    291. 343
      Use! 6 years ago
    292. 344
      Rest In Peace! 6 years ago
    293. 345
      Ultimate Weapon! 6 years ago
    294. 346
      Death Descends! 6 years ago
    295. 347
      Ace Operator! 6 years ago
    296. 348
      Escape in High Gear! 6 years ago
    297. 349
      Never Letting Go Again! 6 years ago
    298. 350
      Flee the Base! 6 years ago
    299. 351
      Mission Reward! 6 years ago
    300. 352
      Operation Kill the Fledgling! 6 years ago
    301. 353
      A Father's Responsibility! 6 years ago
    302. 354
      Enemy Invasion? 6 years ago
    303. 355
      Ambush? 6 years ago
    304. 356
      Tampering? 6 years ago
    305. 357
      Arrangements! 6 years ago
    306. 358
      This is Real Battle! 5 years ago
    307. 359
      Requesting Backup! 5 years ago
    308. 360
      The Mecha Storehouse! 5 years ago
    309. 361
      Kings of Massacre! 5 years ago
    310. 362
      Thunder King Qiao Ting! 5 years ago
    311. 363
      <King of Close Combat>! 5 years ago
    312. 364
      Prepare to Fight! 5 years ago
    313. 365
      The Owner of the Giant Sword! 5 years ago
    314. 366
      An Awesome Boss! 5 years ago
    315. 367
      Making Mischief! 5 years ago
    316. 368
      Power Gap! 5 years ago
    317. 369
      Team-M's Annihilation! 5 years ago
    318. 370
      The Team Members Arrive! 5 years ago
    319. 371
      Ace VS Ace! 5 years ago
    320. 372
      Crisis! 5 years ago
    321. 373
      Mutual Destruction! 5 years ago
    322. 374
      He’s Still Alive! 5 years ago
    323. 375
      A Physical Constitution Problem? 5 years ago
    324. 376
      Don't Lose to Yourself! 5 years ago
    325. 377
      Ling Lan's Choice! 5 years ago
    326. 378
      The Attribution of Victory! 5 years ago
    327. 379
      The Truth is Revealed! 5 years ago
    328. 380
      Break Apart! 5 years ago
    329. 381
      General Ling! 5 years ago
    330. 382
      Daddy is Here! 5 years ago
    331. 383
      A Game! 5 years ago
    332. 384
      Little Four's Mistake! 5 years ago
    333. 385
      Immortal Bird Ling Xiao! 5 years ago
    334. 386
      Li Lanfeng's Illness? 5 years ago
    335. 387
      Unfilial Daughter! 5 years ago
    336. 388
      Weak! 5 years ago
    337. 389
      Li Yinfei! 5 years ago
    338. 390
      Decadent Voice! 5 years ago
    339. 391
      The Same Face ... 5 years ago
    340. 392
      No Longer Li Mulan! 5 years ago
    341. 393
      The Lingtian Mecha Clan! 5 years ago
    342. 394
      Leiting's Letter of Challenge! 5 years ago
    343. 395
      Gao Jinyun's Suggestion! 5 years ago
    344. 396
      Stepping Stone and That Chicken! 5 years ago
    345. 397
      Choosing A Mentor! 5 years ago
    346. 398
      The Problem of Dao! 5 years ago
    347. 399
      Personal Testimony! 5 years ago
    348. 400
      Plan to Create a God! 5 years ago
    349. 401
      Honest Confrontation! 5 years ago
    350. 402
      Mecha Modification! 5 years ago
    351. 403
      Black! 5 years ago
    352. 404
      Betrayal! 5 years ago
    353. 405
      The Battle Begins! 5 years ago
    354. 406
      Hidden Machinations? 5 years ago
    355. 407
      Lingtian No.7! 5 years ago
    356. 408
      Reversal! 5 years ago
    357. 409
      Disciple! 5 years ago
    358. 410
      Discovery! 5 years ago
    359. 411
      Inscrutable! 5 years ago
    360. 412
      Tricked! 5 years ago
    361. 413
      Self-Destruct! 5 years ago
    362. 414
      Missions Exchanged! 5 years ago
    363. 415
      The Slowest Member! 5 years ago
    364. 416
      A True Ace! 5 years ago
    365. 417
      Prioritizing Personal Interests! 5 years ago
    366. 418
      All Alone! 5 years ago
    367. 419
      Empty-Handed Weapon Grab! 5 years ago
    368. 420
      Chang Xinyuan's Revenge! 5 years ago
    369. 421
      Tactical Genius! 5 years ago
    370. 422
      Trust! 5 years ago
    371. 423
      Not Much After All! 5 years ago
    372. 424
      You Are Destined to Be My Stepping Stone! 5 years ago
    373. 425
      Domain! 5 years ago
    374. 426
      The Possibility of Collaboration? 5 years ago
    375. 427
      Caught Out! 5 years ago
    376. 428
      Dwotong and Tianji! 5 years ago
    377. 429
      Invitation! 5 years ago
    378. 430
      Target for Collaboration! 5 years ago
    379. 431
      Goading Qiao Ting! 5 years ago
    380. 432
      Two Girls! 5 years ago
    381. 433
      The First Men's Military Academy! 5 years ago
    382. 434
      Very Ugly, Very Scary? 5 years ago
    383. 435
      Provocation! 5 years ago
    384. 436
      Shopping! 5 years ago
    385. 437
      Harassment! 5 years ago
    386. 438
      Peerless Prodigy! 5 years ago
    387. 439
      Satisfied? 5 years ago
    388. 440
      A Special Guest Arrives! 5 years ago
    389. 441
      Respective Plans! 5 years ago
    390. 442
      Opening Ceremony! 5 years ago
    391. 443
      Half Step to God-Realm? 5 years ago
    392. 444
      Ling Lan's Crisis! 5 years ago
    393. 445
      Ling Lan's Fulcrum! 5 years ago
    394. 446
      Her Little Friends ... 5 years ago
    395. 447
      Not That Complicated! 5 years ago
    396. 448
      Single Mecha Combat! 5 years ago
    397. 449
      Admitting Defeat! 5 years ago
    398. 450
      Lin Xiao vs Jiang Shaoyu 5 years ago
    399. 451
      Brutal and Savage Revenge! 5 years ago
    400. 452
      A Shameless Person? 5 years ago
    401. 453
      To Gamble or Not to Gamble? 5 years ago
    402. 454
      Punishment and Equal Placement (prelude)! 5 years ago
    403. 455
      Qiao Ting's Innate Talent! 5 years ago
    404. 456
      Quandary and Decision! 5 years ago
    405. 457
      Difficult to Let Go! 5 years ago
    406. 458
      Goal! 5 years ago
    407. 459
      A Strange Injury! 5 years ago
    408. 460
      Fatherly Love Like a Mountain! 5 years ago
    409. 461
      Ling Lan's Operation Type? 5 years ago
    410. 462
      Naming —— Ling Lan Shooting Art! 5 years ago
    411. 463
      Qiao Ting's Plans! 5 years ago
    412. 464
      Give Up! 5 years ago
    413. 465
      A Bizarre Line-Up! 5 years ago
    414. 466
      Where Is Your Moral Integrity? 5 years ago
    415. 467
      The Incident of the Yang Chun Noodles! 5 years ago
    416. 468
      Miscalculation! 5 years ago
    417. 469
      52 Shots? 5 years ago
    418. 470
      Ling Xiao's Pride and Troubles! 5 years ago
    419. 471
      Zhao Jun's Predicament! 5 years ago
    420. 472
      Seed? 5 years ago
    421. 473
      Six-Chain Combo 5 years ago
    422. 474
      Advancement Into the Finals 5 years ago
    423. 475
      The Third Match! 5 years ago
    424. 476
      The Secret of Rock-Paper-Scissors? 5 years ago
    425. 477
      A Great Move! 5 years ago
    426. 478
      Guest Award Presenters! 5 years ago
    427. 479
      Commander! 5 years ago
    428. 480
      The Mighty and the Overbearing! 5 years ago
    429. 481
      Forming an Alliance with a High-Five 5 years ago
    430. 482
      A True Battle Royale 5 years ago
    431. 483
      Signal Flare Gather Up 5 years ago
    432. 484
      The Yin and Yang Sea! 5 years ago
    433. 485
      Little Four's Origin? 5 years ago
    434. 486
      The Mirage City Under the Sea! 5 years ago
    435. 487
      Let's Play Something Stimulating 5 years ago
    436. 488
      The Fifth House? 5 years ago
    437. 489
      Deeper Meaning! 5 years ago
    438. 490
      Gemini? 5 years ago
    439. 491
      Weakness? 5 years ago
    440. 492
      Only Life and Death, No Good and Evil 5 years ago
    441. 493
      Diverting Troubles Away? 5 years ago
    442. 494
      Fallen into a Trap! 5 years ago
    443. 495
      Closely Linked! 5 years ago
    444. 496
      Everyone guessing? 5 years ago
    445. 497
      Attack! 5 years ago
    446. 498
      Close Range Combat! 5 years ago
    447. 499
      Crisis! 5 years ago
    448. 500
      Mutual Understanding! 5 years ago
    449. 501
      Sure-kill! 5 years ago
    450. 502
      Persistence! 5 years ago
    451. 503
      Taken Advantage Of vs Being Taken Advantage Of! 5 years ago
    452. 504
      Despicable? 5 years ago
    453. 505
      Infiltration! 5 years ago
    454. 506
      Submission! 5 years ago
    455. 507
      Crisis! 5 years ago
    456. 508
      Real or Fake! 5 years ago
    457. 509
      Ignored! 5 years ago
    458. 510
      A Difficult Situation! 5 years ago
    459. 511
      Turncoat? 5 years ago
    460. 512
      Talent! 5 years ago
    461. 513
      Disguise! 5 years ago
    462. 514
      Sharpen Your Swords! 5 years ago
    463. 515
      Pressure! 5 years ago
    464. 516
      Ascension! 5 years ago
    465. 517
      Winning Gambit! 5 years ago
    466. 518
      Addiction! 5 years ago
    467. 519
      Daddy! 5 years ago
    468. 520
      Send Off! 5 years ago
    469. 521
      Chase! 5 years ago
    470. 522
      Why are you scared? 5 years ago
    471. 523
      Evaluation! 5 years ago
    472. 524
      Evolution! 5 years ago
    473. 525
      Purpose! 5 years ago
    474. 526
      Defeated! 5 years ago
    475. 527
      Choke to Death! 5 years ago
    476. 528
      Why? 5 years ago
    477. 529
      Not Worthy! 5 years ago
    478. 530
      Bloody Tears! 5 years ago
    479. 531
      Promise! 5 years ago
    480. 532
      Live Longer Than Others! 5 years ago
    481. 533
      The Dangerous Xie Yi! 5 years ago
    482. 534
      Lingtian's Letter of Challenge! 5 years ago
    483. 535
      Reorganization! 5 years ago
    484. 536
      Father And Son? 5 years ago
    485. 537
      Chameleon System! 5 years ago
    486. 538
      Selfishness? 5 years ago
    487. 539
      Bait? 5 years ago
    488. 540
      Ambush? 5 years ago
    489. 541
      Pet! 5 years ago
    490. 542
      The Devil In The Heart! 5 years ago
    491. 543
      Merging With The Mecha! 5 years ago
    492. 544
      Just The Start! 5 years ago
    493. 545
      Sealed! 5 years ago
    494. 546
      Decision! 5 years ago
    495. 547
      Thank you! 5 years ago
    496. 548
      Solution? 5 years ago
    497. 549
      Merge! 5 years ago
    498. 550
      Recoil! 5 years ago
    499. 551
      Work Hard For Me! 5 years ago
    500. 552
      Close Combat King! 5 years ago
    501. 553
      Releasing Potential! 5 years ago
    502. 554
      Little Four's Word? 5 years ago
    503. 555
      Sacrifice! 5 years ago
    504. 556
      Breakthrough! 5 years ago
    505. 557
      Acknowledged As The King! 5 years ago
    506. 558
      Hatred! 5 years ago
    507. 559
      Departure! 5 years ago
    508. 560
      Send Off! 5 years ago
    509. 561
      Help! 5 years ago
    510. 562
      Medical Treatment! 5 years ago
    511. 563
      Separation. 5 years ago
    512. 564
      Teach You a Lesson! 5 years ago
    513. 565
      Monstrosity? 5 years ago
    514. 566
      Teaching Him a Lesson! 5 years ago
    515. 567
      Layout of the Plan! 5 years ago
    516. 568
      The Ultimate Protection! 5 years ago
    517. 569
      Fulfil The Wish! 5 years ago
    518. 570
      The Future Of The Special Forces! 5 years ago
    519. 571
      Senior Colonel Lan! 5 years ago
    520. 572
      Thinking Too Much! 5 years ago
    521. 573
      It Is Not A Problem! 5 years ago
    522. 574
      Activate The Battle Team! 5 years ago
    523. 575
      He Is Ling Lan! 5 years ago
    524. 576
      Prime! 5 years ago
    525. 577
      One-Point Sustained Shooting? 5 years ago
    526. 578
      Dishevelled! 5 years ago
    527. 579
      Defeat! 5 years ago
    528. 580
      The Second Mission! 5 years ago
    529. 581
      Subduing The Dragon! 5 years ago
    530. 582
      Getting To Know Each Other! 5 years ago
    531. 583
      Reminder! 5 years ago
    532. 584
      Instantaneous Operation! 5 years ago
    533. 585
      Who Is The Recruit? 5 years ago
    534. 586
      Reinforcement! 5 years ago
    535. 587
      Dance Of Death! 5 years ago
    536. 588
      It's Them! 5 years ago
    537. 589
      Ultimate Technique! 5 years ago
    538. 590
      Ice Spirit! 5 years ago
    539. 591
      Everyone Won and Lost Something! 5 years ago
    540. 592
      1 Versus 1 5 years ago
    541. 593
      Who Is He? 5 years ago
    542. 594
      Framed? 5 years ago
    543. 595
      Physical skills! 5 years ago
    544. 596
      The Last Move! 5 years ago
    545. 597
      Confession! 5 years ago
    546. 598
      Cheeky! 5 years ago
    547. 599
      Battle Team Rank! 5 years ago
    548. 600
      Humiliation! 5 years ago
    549. 601
      Daydream? 5 years ago
    550. 602
      Formation of Battle Team! 5 years ago
    551. 603
      Armed Melee Challenge! 5 years ago
    552. 604
      Concern? 5 years ago
    553. 605
      I Didn't Embarrass You! 5 years ago
    554. 606
      Battle Clan! 5 years ago
    555. 607
      Selfish? 5 years ago
    556. 608
      The Price Of Being Stubborn? 5 years ago
    557. 609
      Discovery? 5 years ago
    558. 610
      Confusion! 5 years ago
    559. 611
      This Is The Dorm? 5 years ago
    560. 612
      Chance? 5 years ago
    561. 613
      Means of Attack! 5 years ago
    562. 614
      Intergalactic Escort Mission! 5 years ago
    563. 615
      Six Battle Teams! 5 years ago
    564. 616
      Careless Mistake! 5 years ago
    565. 617
      Who Is the 6th Person? 5 years ago
    566. 618
      Big Fish? 5 years ago
    567. 619
      Analyze! 5 years ago
    568. 620
      Impending Danger! 5 years ago
    569. 621
      Rescue! 5 years ago
    570. 622
      A Hero Saves the Damsel! 5 years ago
    571. 623
      Destruction! 5 years ago
    572. 624
      An Attack! 5 years ago
    573. 625
      Ice Blockade Domain! 5 years ago
    574. 626
      Soul Society! 5 years ago
    575. 627
      Expel? 5 years ago
    576. 628
      Temptation! 5 years ago
    577. 629
      Little Four's Choice 5 years ago
    578. 630
      Did I Say That? 5 years ago
    579. 631
      Your Name Is Little Blossom! 5 years ago
    580. 632
      Life Or Death? 5 years ago
    581. 633
      Fake? 5 years ago
    582. 634
      Problem? 5 years ago
    583. 635
      Help! 5 years ago
    584. 636
      Deal! 5 years ago
    585. 637
      Going Too Far! 5 years ago
    586. 638
      Disdain? 5 years ago
    587. 639
      Bidding! 5 years ago
    588. 640
      Time To Act! 5 years ago
    589. 641
      The Son of God! 5 years ago
    590. 642
      Disguise! 5 years ago
    591. 643
      Untitled 5 years ago
    592. 644
      A Chance! 5 years ago
    593. 645
      Danger! 5 years ago
    594. 646
      Friends, Not Foe! 5 years ago
    595. 647
      Gratitude! 5 years ago
    596. 648
      One-man Battle! 5 years ago
    597. 649
      Injured? 5 years ago
    598. 650
      King Level! 5 years ago
    599. 651
      Intergalactic Space Pirates! 5 years ago
    600. 652
      Pleasing to the Eyes! 5 years ago
    601. 653
      Come On, Let's Go! 5 years ago
    602. 654
      Style! 5 years ago
    603. 655
      Your Highness, Move! 5 years ago
    604. 656
      Ambush! 5 years ago
    605. 657
      Grievance! 5 years ago
    606. 658
      Despicable! 5 years ago
    607. 659
      Notification! 5 years ago
    608. 660
      Selfishness! 5 years ago
    609. 661
      Medical Treatment! 5 years ago
    610. 662
      Open Plots! 5 years ago
    611. 663
      Negotiation! 4 years ago
    612. 664
      One Step Behind! 4 years ago
    613. 665
      Create Trouble For His Daughter? 4 years ago
    614. 666
      Going Too Far! 4 years ago
    615. 667
      Little Blossom, the Substitute Member! 4 years ago
    616. 668
      Care! 4 years ago
    617. 669
      Regiment Commander! 4 years ago
    618. 670
      Kill Someone? 4 years ago
    619. 671
      Rubbish! 4 years ago
    620. 672
      New Mindset! 4 years ago
    621. 673
      Profound Ultimate Technique? 4 years ago
    622. 674
      Day Training! Month Training! 4 years ago
    623. 675
      Why? 4 years ago
    624. 676
      Ten Small Teams! 4 years ago
    625. 677
      The Last Team! 4 years ago
    626. 678
      Rebellion! 4 years ago
    627. 679
      I Want 4 years ago
    628. 680
      The Legendary 250 Mecha Clan! 4 years ago
    629. 681
      Arrangement! 4 years ago
    630. 682
      It's Him! 4 years ago
    631. 683
      Deceptive Deployment Of Troops? 4 years ago
    632. 684
      Choice! 4 years ago
    633. 685
      The Real Motive! 4 years ago
    634. 686
      Completely Annihilated! 4 years ago
    635. 687
      It's Them! 4 years ago
    636. 688
      New Mission! 4 years ago
    637. 689
      Spiritual World! 4 years ago
    638. 690
      Lay Eggs? 4 years ago
    639. 691
      New Team Member! 4 years ago
    640. 692
      A Creature With Tentacles! 4 years ago
    641. 693
      Legend? 4 years ago
    642. 694
      Making a Move? 4 years ago
    643. 695
      Tossed Out the Door! 4 years ago
    644. 696
      Violence! 4 years ago
    645. 697
      Acting Cute? 4 years ago
    646. 698
      Spiritual Entity! 4 years ago
    647. 699
      XXQ1 Base! 4 years ago
    648. 700
      The Return of Little Four! 4 years ago
    649. 701
      Meng Lan! 4 years ago
    650. 702
      The Dignity Of A Father! 4 years ago
    651. 703
      Rescue! 4 years ago
    652. 704
      Attack! 4 years ago
    653. 705
      Starship! 4 years ago
    654. 706
      Named Super Mecha Clan? 4 years ago
    655. 707
      BT 4 years ago
    656. 708
      Give In! 4 years ago
    657. 709
      Him! 4 years ago
    658. 710
      JMC! 4 years ago
    659. 711
      Win-win Situation! 4 years ago
    660. 712
      Satisfied! 4 years ago
    661. 713
      Nuwa Element! 4 years ago
    662. 714
      Little White! 4 years ago
    663. 715
      A Familiar Face! 4 years ago
    664. 716
      Gather in Soldier City! 4 years ago
    665. 717
      Top Ten Mecha Clan! 4 years ago
    666. 718
      Who Is He? 4 years ago
    667. 719
      Background? 4 years ago
    668. 720
      Shopping? 4 years ago
    669. 721
      Secret? 4 years ago
    670. 722
      Caution! 4 years ago
    671. 723
      Oppression! 4 years ago
    672. 724
      Invention! 4 years ago
    673. 725
      Pseudo Domain! 4 years ago
    674. 726
      Dispute! 4 years ago
    675. 727
      Mixing It Up! 4 years ago
    676. 728
      Winner in Life! 4 years ago
    677. 729
      The 13th Division's New General?! 4 years ago
    678. 730
      Investigation! 4 years ago
    679. 731
      First Meeting! 4 years ago
    680. 732
      Interrogation! 4 years ago
    681. 733
      Loggerheads! 4 years ago
    682. 734
      Weakness! 4 years ago
    683. 735
      Casting Aside All Considerations! 4 years ago
    684. 736
      Devil In One's Heart! 4 years ago
    685. 737
      So? 4 years ago
    686. 738
      Monster From Flying Dragon Special Forces! 4 years ago
    687. 739
      Pei Shaoyun! 4 years ago
    688. 740
      Inconspicuous 4 years ago
    689. 741
      Roommate! 4 years ago
    690. 742
      Content! 4 years ago
    691. 743
      A Familiar Person! 4 years ago
    692. 744
      Li Mulan! 4 years ago
    693. 745
      Seducing Women in Secret? 4 years ago
    694. 746
      Forgiveness? 4 years ago
    695. 747
      Purse Snatch! 4 years ago
    696. 748
      Little Crybaby! 4 years ago
    697. 749
      Stupid Little Brother! 4 years ago
    698. 750
      Thank You! 4 years ago
    699. 751
      Baiting! 4 years ago
    700. 752
      Materials! 4 years ago
    701. 753
      Snipe! 4 years ago
    702. 754
      Who Killed Him? 4 years ago
    703. 755
      Weird! 4 years ago
    704. 756
      It's You?! 4 years ago
    705. 757
      Believe? 4 years ago
    706. 758
      Fake Domain! 4 years ago
    707. 759
      Appear On Stage All Prim And Proper! 4 years ago
    708. 760
      From The Start! 4 years ago
    709. 761
      Ling Xiao's Secret! 4 years ago
    710. 762
      The Weakness Of Duplication? 4 years ago
    711. 763
      Northeastern Muqi! 4 years ago
    712. 764
      Old Man Hong! 4 years ago
    713. 765
      A Painting! 4 years ago
    714. 766
      Throw Them Out! 4 years ago
    715. 767
      A Bugged Technique! 4 years ago
    716. 768
      Who Taught Him Bad Things? 4 years ago
    717. 769
      Final Attack! 4 years ago
    718. 770
      Wrong Person! 4 years ago
    719. 771
      Another Look At The Headquarters! 4 years ago
    720. 772
      No Effort Required! 4 years ago
    721. 773
      The Bigger Pot! 4 years ago
    722. 774
      Private Manor! 4 years ago
    723. 775
      Reaper! 4 years ago
    724. 776
      Reformatting! 4 years ago
    725. 777
      Qi Long's Advancement! 4 years ago
    726. 778
      Difference! 4 years ago
    727. 779
      Change Between Three States! 4 years ago
    728. 780
      Tea Party! 4 years ago
    729. 781
      Actualise? 4 years ago
    730. 782
      Combine And Reset! 4 years ago
    731. 783
      Half Domain? 4 years ago
    732. 784
      Hostage! 4 years ago
    733. 785
      Revenge! 4 years ago
    734. 786
      Cross-grade Technique! 4 years ago
    735. 787
      Half! 4 years ago
    736. 788
      That's Good! 4 years ago
    737. 789
      Conference For The Team Leaders! 4 years ago
    738. 790
      Preparation For War! 4 years ago
    739. 791
      Regret! 4 years ago
    740. 792
      Planet Haijiao! 4 years ago
    741. 793
      Evil Wind Mecha Team! 4 years ago
    742. 794
      Punishment! 4 years ago
    743. 795
      Gather! 4 years ago
    744. 796
      Rank! 4 years ago
    745. 797
      Good Fortune! 4 years ago
    746. 798
      Add Oil To The Flame! 4 years ago
    747. 799
      Stop! 4 years ago
    748. 800
      Bewitch! 4 years ago
    749. 801
      Lady Mei! 4 years ago
    750. 802
      Help Me! 4 years ago
    751. 803
      An Amusement Park for Fighting! 4 years ago
    752. 804
      Threat? 4 years ago
    753. 805
      Can't Hold It! 4 years ago
    754. 806
      I Don't Have Anything Against You! 4 years ago
    755. 807
      Bow Down! 4 years ago
    756. 808
      Fatally Attractive? 4 years ago
    757. 809
      Informing! 4 years ago
    758. 810
      Takeaway! 4 years ago
    759. 811
      Mistake! 4 years ago
    760. 812
      I'm Hungry! 4 years ago
    761. 813
      Didn't Come! 4 years ago
    762. 814
      Break The Wall! 4 years ago
    763. 815
      The Root Of All Evil! 4 years ago
    764. 816
      Man! 4 years ago
    765. 817
      Rely On Your Own Effort! 4 years ago
    766. 818
      Overturned! 4 years ago
    767. 819
      Cut All Forms Of Retreat! 4 years ago
    768. 820
      Good Cat! 4 years ago
    769. 821
      Tyrant? 4 years ago
    770. 822
      No Good Intentions! 4 years ago
    771. 823
      Treated With Care! 4 years ago
    772. 824
      Sorry To Offend You! 4 years ago
    773. 825
      There Is No Time! 4 years ago
    774. 826
      Smart Person! 4 years ago
    775. 827
      No Problem! 4 years ago
    776. 828
      DEFCON 1 4 years ago
    777. 829
      Action! 4 years ago
    778. 830
      Culture? 4 years ago
    779. 831
      Can't Afford To Offend 4 years ago
    780. 832
      A Ruthless Attack! 4 years ago
    781. 833
      Like Her? 4 years ago
    782. 834
      Brother And Sister! 4 years ago
    783. 835
      Gaze! 4 years ago
    784. 836
      Something Is Wrong! 4 years ago
    785. 837
      Wallflower Little Four! 4 years ago
    786. 838
      Evil, Ruthless and Merciless! 4 years ago
    787. 839
      If I Were You! 4 years ago
    788. 840
      Do Something Big With Me! 4 years ago
    789. 841
      Mistake! 4 years ago
    790. 842
      Interesting! 4 years ago
    791. 843
      Fog Element! 4 years ago
    792. 844
      Not Following Command! 4 years ago
    793. 845
      Instigate! 4 years ago
    794. 846
      Injured! 4 years ago
    795. 847
      Believe? 4 years ago
    796. 848
      Going All Out! 4 years ago
    797. 849
      Control! 4 years ago
    798. 850
      Please! 4 years ago
    799. 851
      The Start Of The Battle! 4 years ago
    800. 852
      Target 013! 4 years ago
    801. 853
      Lost Contact! 4 years ago
    802. 854
      Chance! 4 years ago
    803. 855
      Shock! 4 years ago
    804. 856
      The Price of Blood! 4 years ago
    805. 857
      Regiment Commander's Mecha! 4 years ago
    806. 858
      Cracked! 4 years ago
    807. 859
      I Am Your Opponent! 4 years ago
    808. 860
      A Difficult Victory! 4 years ago
    809. 861
      God Of Life! 4 years ago
    810. 862
      Save Him Or Not 4 years ago
    811. 863
      Humiliation 4 years ago
    812. 864
      Conference Meeting Of The Commanding Officers 4 years ago
    813. 865
      Absurd! 4 years ago
    814. 866
      Miracle 4 years ago
    815. 867
      Surpassed! 4 years ago
    816. 868
      Ling Xiao's Son! 4 years ago
    817. 869
      Flying Dragon Special Forces Move Out! 4 years ago
    818. 870
      Going Home Together! 4 years ago
    819. 871
      Predicament! 4 years ago
    820. 872
      One Last Attack! 4 years ago
    821. 873
      Let's Be Crazy Once! 4 years ago
    822. 874
      Create A Murder! 4 years ago
    823. 875
      Cover Their Retreat! 4 years ago
    824. 876
      Can't Fool Him! 4 years ago
    825. 877
      The Path Home! 4 years ago
    826. 878
      Attack! 4 years ago
    827. 879
      It Could Only Be Me! 4 years ago
    828. 880
      Found! 4 years ago
    829. 881
      My World! 4 years ago
    830. 882
      Regurgitation! 4 years ago
    831. 883
      Loyally Serving the Country! 4 years ago
    832. 884
      Dying in Battle! 4 years ago
    833. 885
      Prolonging Hope! 4 years ago
    834. 886
      Self-destruct! 4 years ago
    835. 887
      Familiar! 4 years ago
    836. 888
      Reinforcements! 4 years ago
    837. 889
      Survivor! 4 years ago
    838. 890
      Creating Miracle! 4 years ago
    839. 891
      Problem! 4 years ago
    840. 892
      My Path! 4 years ago
    841. 893
      Meant What I Said! 4 years ago
    842. 894
      Amulet! 4 years ago
    843. 895
      I'm sorry! 4 years ago
    844. 896
      The Start Of The Final Attack! 4 years ago
    845. 897
      Is It Appropriate? 4 years ago
    846. 898
      Appearance Of [Belief] 4 years ago
    847. 899
      Divine Punishment 4 years ago
    848. 900
      Frightening! 4 years ago
    849. 901
      Little White, Help Me! 4 years ago
    850. 902
      Attack Of Base 013 4 years ago
    851. 903
      Finally Here! 4 years ago
    852. 904
      Your Women 4 years ago
    853. 905
      Live Broadcast! 4 years ago
    854. 906
      Ask In Reply! 4 years ago
    855. 907
      Proud! 4 years ago
    856. 908
      One Person! 4 years ago
    857. 909
      I'm Dead! 4 years ago
    858. 910
      Ineffective! 4 years ago
    859. 911
      I Can Wait! 4 years ago
    860. 912
      Family Trait! 4 years ago
    861. 913
      Daughter-in-law? 4 years ago
    862. 914
      We Have A Sister-in-law 4 years ago
    863. 915
      Bless Yourself! 4 years ago
    864. 916
      Truth! 4 years ago
    865. 917
      Savior! 4 years ago
    866. 918
      The Promised Battle! 4 years ago
    867. 919
      It's Him? 4 years ago
    868. 920
      It's Not Him! 4 years ago
    869. 921
      No Place For Us! 4 years ago
    870. 922
      Slackface! 4 years ago
    871. 923
      Tolerance! 4 years ago
    872. 924
      Come Back! 4 years ago
    873. 925
      Impeachment! 4 years ago
    874. 926
      Handsome! 4 years ago
    875. 927
      Purpose! 4 years ago
    876. 928
      Running Away From Home! 4 years ago
    877. 929
      It Has A Hard Time 4 years ago
    878. 930
      Small Injury! 4 years ago
    879. 931
      Underground Casino! 4 years ago
    880. 932
      Traces! 4 years ago
    881. 933
      Underground Casino! 4 years ago
    882. 934
      Discovery! 4 years ago
    883. 935
      Looking for Trouble! 4 years ago
    884. 936
      Discovered! 4 years ago
    885. 937
      Choice! 4 years ago
    886. 938
      Something To Ask! 4 years ago
    887. 939
      An Old Enemy! 4 years ago
    888. 940
      Investigate! 4 years ago
    889. 941
      Big Trouble! 4 years ago
    890. 942
      Who Is It? 4 years ago
    891. 943
      Frustration! 4 years ago
    892. 944
      Go Home! 4 years ago
    893. 945
      Seven Stars of the North! 4 years ago
    894. 946
      Misunderstanding! 4 years ago
    895. 947
      Long Time No See! 4 years ago
    896. 948
      Uninvited Guest! 4 years ago
    897. 949
      Too Late! 4 years ago
    898. 950
      Explanation? 4 years ago
    899. 951
      I'm sorry! 4 years ago
    900. 952
      Dead? 4 years ago
    901. 953
      Seed! 4 years ago
    902. 954
      Irritating! 4 years ago
    903. 955
      Little White's secret! 4 years ago
    904. 956
      Little Four Is In Danger! 4 years ago
    905. 957
      Is There Really No Way? 4 years ago
    906. 958
      If You Can't Bear To Part, Fight! 4 years ago
    907. 959
      Can't Give Up! 4 years ago
    908. 960
      Good Job! 4 years ago
    909. 961
      Rely On Yourself! 4 years ago
    910. 962
      I See! 4 years ago
    911. 963
      Back! 4 years ago
    912. 964
      Good Luck! 4 years ago
    913. 965
      Silence Him? 4 years ago
    914. 966
      Tempted! 4 years ago
    915. 967
      Deal! 4 years ago
    916. 968
      Can't Hide From Him! 4 years ago
    917. 969
      Registration! 4 years ago
    918. 970
      Little Four's Mercenary Team! 4 years ago
    919. 971
      Mercenary Team! 4 years ago
    920. 972
      Accident! 4 years ago
    921. 973
      Worth it! 4 years ago
    922. 974
      Living Harmoniously In Peace 4 years ago
    923. 975
      Black Market! 4 years ago
    924. 976
      Missing! 4 years ago
    925. 977
      Heavily Injured! 4 years ago
    926. 978
      Saving People! 4 years ago
    927. 979
      Transfer! 4 years ago
    928. 980
      Exterminate! 4 years ago
    929. 981
      Action! 4 years ago
    930. 982
      End The Relationship 4 years ago
    931. 983
      Goddess Li? 4 years ago
    932. 984
      No Reason To Live! 4 years ago
    933. 985
      Special Domain! 4 years ago
    934. 986
      Familiar! 4 years ago
    935. 987
      Xie'Er! 4 years ago
    936. 988
      The Door of Hope! 4 years ago
    937. 989
      Not Willing to Give In! 4 years ago
    938. 990
      Wrong Person! 4 years ago
    939. 991
      Rainbow Raiders! 4 years ago
    940. 992
      Hurt? 4 years ago
    941. 993
      Frost Monarch! 4 years ago
    942. 994
      Haggard! 4 years ago
    943. 995
      Disciple! 4 years ago
    944. 996
      Test! 4 years ago
    945. 997
      Another Innate Talent? 4 years ago
    946. 998
      Kill Them All! 4 years ago
    947. 999
      Hide! 4 years ago
    948. 1000
      Condition! 4 years ago
    949. 1001
      Sneak Attack! 4 years ago
    950. 1002
      It's Me! 4 years ago
    951. 1003
      Plan! 4 years ago
    952. 1004
      I Am Who I Am 4 years ago
    953. 1005
      Birthday Present! 4 years ago
    954. 1006
      Old Martial Beitang! 4 years ago
    955. 1007
      Create Difficulty! 4 years ago
    956. 1008
      Attract? 4 years ago
    957. 1009
      Goddess! 4 years ago
    958. 1010
      A Familiar Face! 4 years ago
    959. 1011
      Trouble! 4 years ago
    960. 1012
      A Liking! 4 years ago
    961. 1013
      Divine Secrets? 4 years ago
    962. 1014
      Notification! 4 years ago
    963. 1015
      Embarrassment! 4 years ago
    964. 1016
      The Game Is Starting! 4 years ago
    965. 1017
      Prevent! 4 years ago
    966. 1018
      Not Lose Again! 4 years ago
    967. 1019
      Passing Through Obstacles! 4 years ago
    968. 1020
      Discovered! 4 years ago
    969. 1021
      Break Through It! 4 years ago
    970. 1022
      Give Up! 4 years ago
    971. 1023
      Tease! 4 years ago
    972. 1024
      Another Battle! 4 years ago
    973. 1025
      Watch From Afar! 4 years ago
    974. 1026
      Tour 4 years ago
    975. 1027
      Who Is It? 4 years ago
    976. 1028
      It Should Be It! 4 years ago
    977. 1029
      Support! 4 years ago
    978. 1030
      Be Careful! 4 years ago
    979. 1031
      Chess Pieces! 4 years ago
    980. 1032
      Unfortunate! 4 years ago
    981. 1033
      Become Stronger! 4 years ago
    982. 1034
      Escape! 4 years ago
    983. 1035
      Who? 4 years ago
    984. 1036
      Ice Element Imperial Realm! 4 years ago
    985. 1037
      Haggard Young Lady! 4 years ago
    986. 1038
      Hurt! 4 years ago
    987. 1039
      Search! 4 years ago
    988. 1040
      Listen To Me! 4 years ago
    989. 1041
      Search! 4 years ago
    990. 1042
      Fool! 4 years ago
    991. 1043
      Compliment! 4 years ago
    992. 1044
      Distress Signal! 4 years ago
    993. 1045
      Sense Of Crisis! 4 years ago
    994. 1046
      Return! 4 years ago
    995. 1047
      The Root Of Trouble 4 years ago
    996. 1048
      Mess! 4 years ago
    997. 1049
      Fine Tradition! 4 years ago
    998. 1050
      Prove! 4 years ago
    999. 1051
      Choice! 4 years ago
    1000. 1052
      Laughter 4 years ago
    1001. 1053
      Result! 4 years ago
    1002. 1054
      Crazy Person! 4 years ago
    1003. 1055
      Regiment Commander! 4 years ago
    1004. 1056
      Verdict! 4 years ago
    1005. 1057
      Naive! 4 years ago
    1006. 1058
      Punishment! 4 years ago
    1007. 1059
      Draw Blood! 4 years ago
    1008. 1060
      Snatch People! 4 years ago
    1009. 1061
      Logistician?! 4 years ago
    1010. 1062
      Can't Wait Anymore! 4 years ago
    1011. 1063
      The Eight Lord 4 years ago
    1012. 1064
      Work Hard To Gain Full Attendance! 4 years ago
    1013. 1065
      Mistakes! 4 years ago
    1014. 1066
      Promote! 4 years ago
    1015. 1067
      A Plea! 4 years ago
    1016. 1068
      Let Him Go! 4 years ago
    1017. 1069
      Order for Reassignment! 4 years ago
    1018. 1070
      Number Of People 4 years ago
    1019. 1071
      Start Of Assessment 4 years ago
    1020. 1072
      Not Going To Be A Hooligan Little White 4 years ago
    1021. 1073
      I Guess So! 4 years ago
    1022. 1074
      The Right Time! 4 years ago
    1023. 1075
      Future! 4 years ago
    1024. 1076
      Why? 4 years ago
    1025. 1077
      A New Beginning! 4 years ago
    1026. 1078
      Heart To Heart Talk! 4 years ago
    1027. 1079
      Base Nebula! 4 years ago
    1028. 1080
      What Are They? 4 years ago
    1029. 1081
      Sleepwalk! 4 years ago
    1030. 1082
      Prince Ling! 4 years ago
    1031. 1083
      JMCs Participate in Day Training! 4 years ago
    1032. 1084
      Regiment Commander Sir! 4 years ago
    1033. 1085
      Not a Nice Person! 4 years ago
    1034. 1086
      Promise! 4 years ago
    1035. 1087
      One Kind Of People! 4 years ago
    1036. 1088
      Present? 4 years ago
    1037. 1089
      Door Guard! 4 years ago
    1038. 1090
      Not Satisfied! 4 years ago
    1039. 1091
      I Trust You! 4 years ago
    1040. 1092
      Despicable! 4 years ago
    1041. 1093
      Looking For Me? 4 years ago
    1042. 1094
      A Visit! 4 years ago
    1043. 1095
      Answer! 4 years ago
    1044. 1096
      Over the Top? 4 years ago
    1045. 1097
      Something Gone Wrong! 4 years ago
    1046. 1098
      My Fault! 4 years ago
    1047. 1099
      Can't Be Fooled! 4 years ago
    1048. 1100
      End To Brotherhood? 4 years ago
    1049. 1101
      Conversation! 4 years ago
    1050. 1102
      After You! 4 years ago
    1051. 1103
      Battle! 4 years ago
    1052. 1104
      New Technique! 4 years ago
    1053. 1105
      Help Me, Xie Yi! 4 years ago
    1054. 1106
      Narcissus 4 years ago
    1055. 1107
      Affected By the Technique? 4 years ago
    1056. 1108
      My Name is Not Little Leng! 4 years ago
    1057. 1109
      Fair? 4 years ago
    1058. 1110
      Dimension Element! 4 years ago
    1059. 1111
      Refusal? 4 years ago
    1060. 1112
      Actual Rank: Major General! 4 years ago
    1061. 1113
      Knight! 4 years ago
    1062. 1114
      Dark Phoenix! 4 years ago
    1063. 1115
      Punishment! 4 years ago
    1064. 1116
      Broadcast! 4 years ago
    1065. 1117
      Leader's Mecha! 4 years ago
    1066. 1118
      They Were No Match for Them? 4 years ago
    1067. 1119
      Scheming! 4 years ago
    1068. 1120
      Wallflower? 4 years ago
    1069. 1121
      Data! 4 years ago
    1070. 1122
      Known Around the World! 4 years ago
    1071. 1123
      Unexpected! 4 years ago
    1072. 1124
      Annihilation? 4 years ago
    1073. 1125
      Baseline! 4 years ago
    1074. 1126
      Wait! 4 years ago
    1075. 1127
      Survivor! 4 years ago
    1076. 1128
      Analysis! 4 years ago
    1077. 1129
      Unfortunate! 4 years ago
    1078. 1130
      Questioning! 4 years ago
    1079. 1131
      Scheme! 4 years ago
    1080. 1132
      What Is This! 4 years ago
    1081. 1133
      The Main Battlefield! 4 years ago
    1082. 1134
      Win! 4 years ago
    1083. 1135
      Be Aware Of! 4 years ago
    1084. 1136
      Inferior! 4 years ago
    1085. 1137
      Proud! 4 years ago
    1086. 1138
      Background! 4 years ago
    1087. 1139
      Fish Bait! 4 years ago
    1088. 1140
      Winner! 4 years ago
    1089. 1141
      Judgment! 4 years ago
    1090. 1142
      Interrogation 4 years ago
    1091. 1143
      An Excuse! 4 years ago
    1092. 1144
      Do You Understand Now? 4 years ago
    1093. 1145
      It Won't Work! 4 years ago
    1094. 1146
      A Good Idea? 4 years ago
    1095. 1147
      Making A Move? 4 years ago
    1096. 1148
      Repay Using My Body? 4 years ago
    1097. 1149
      Someone Who Shouldn't Be Offended? 4 years ago
    1098. 1150
      Commandments! 4 years ago
    1099. 1151
      The Four Elite Families! 4 years ago
    1100. 1152
      Lend A Knife? 4 years ago
    1101. 1153
      Serve? 4 years ago
    1102. 1154
      Answer? 4 years ago
    1103. 1155
      Baseline! 4 years ago
    1104. 1156
      Everyday! 4 years ago
    1105. 1157
      Part of the Lan family! 4 years ago
    1106. 1158
      A Bunch of Women! 4 years ago
    1107. 1159
      Trouble in the Nation? Trouble at Home? 4 years ago
    1108. 1160
      Confess? 4 years ago
    1109. 1161
      Settle! 4 years ago
    1110. 1162
      Easy To Deal With? 4 years ago
    1111. 1163
      Mission! 4 years ago
    1112. 1164
      Knight Ace Mecha Clan's Power? 4 years ago
    1113. 1165
      No Prisoners? 4 years ago
    1114. 1166
      He Is Little Brother Shaoyun! 4 years ago
    1115. 1167
      Answer! 4 years ago
    1116. 1168
      Clearing Mission! 4 years ago
    1117. 1169
      Department Head! 4 years ago
    1118. 1170
      Independent Army! 4 years ago
    1119. 1171
      Soar Into The Sky! 4 years ago
    1120. 1172
      Questioning! 4 years ago
    1121. 1173
      A New Start? 4 years ago
    1122. 1174
      Something For Everyone 4 years ago
    1123. 1175
      Storm! 4 years ago
    1124. 1176
      The Ye Family? 4 years ago
    1125. 1177
      Motive! 4 years ago
    1126. 1178
      Clean Out! 4 years ago
    1127. 1179
      Who? 4 years ago
    1128. 1180
      Playing With People's Mind! 4 years ago
    1129. 1181
      A Joke! 4 years ago
    1130. 1182
      Holy Father! 4 years ago
    1131. 1183
      I'm Sorry! 4 years ago
    1132. 1184
      Reminder! 4 years ago
    1133. 1185
      Shadow King! 4 years ago
    1134. 1186
      Other Plans? 4 years ago
    1135. 1187
      It's All Your Fault! 4 years ago
    1136. 1188
      Memory Replication? 4 years ago
    1137. 1189
      Innate Talent Replication! 4 years ago
    1138. 1190
      Reward! 4 years ago
    1139. 1191
      Lingtian, an Independent Army! 4 years ago
    1140. 1192
      Base And Manpower! 4 years ago
    1141. 1193
      Script! 4 years ago
    1142. 1194
      War Between The Two Countries? 4 years ago
    1143. 1195
      Unable To Handle! 4 years ago
    1144. 1196
      Commander Ling Xiao! 4 years ago
    1145. 1197
      King Muqi! 4 years ago
    1146. 1198
      Prediction! 4 years ago
    1147. 1199
      Little White's Turbulence? 4 years ago
    1148. 1200
      Zuojing wormhole! 4 years ago
    1149. 1201
      Where Is Ling Xiao? 4 years ago
    1150. 1202
      Twilight's Decision? 4 years ago
    1151. 1203
      Lord Yuangu! 4 years ago
    1152. 1204
      Everyone Appeared! 4 years ago
    1153. 1205
      Sense Of Crisis! 4 years ago
    1154. 1206
      Change! 4 years ago
    1155. 1207
      Twilight's Final Trump Card 4 years ago
    1156. 1208
      Three Stars Lock! 4 years ago
    1157. 1209
      Collision? 4 years ago
    1158. 1210
      Wall Climbing? 4 years ago
    1159. 1211
      Beauty Trap? 4 years ago
    1160. 1212
      A Villainous Plot? 4 years ago
    1161. 1213
      Profound God-Class 4 years ago
    1162. 1214
      Divine Punishment. 4 years ago
    1163. 1215
      Duplication! 4 years ago
    1164. 1216
      Ling Xiao, You're Vile! 4 years ago
    1165. 1217
      Death! 4 years ago
    1166. 1218
      It's Coming! 4 years ago
    1167. 1219
      Against The Rule? 4 years ago
    1168. 1220
      What's Their Background? 4 years ago
    1169. 1221
      Commander Ling Lan! 4 years ago
    1170. 1222
      Many Things At One Go 4 years ago
    1171. 1223
      Display Of Love 4 years ago
    1172. 1224
      Definitely Smile More! 4 years ago
    1173. 1225
      Thank You, Rabbit. 4 years ago
    1174. 1226
      You Have Finished Your Apprenticeship 4 years ago
    1175. 1227
      Welcome Home 4 years ago
    1176. 1228
      Ambush! 4 years ago
    1177. 1229
      Jialan Ship 4 years ago
    1178. 1230
      Birthday Present! 4 years ago
    1179. 1231
      Modified Mechas! 4 years ago
    1180. 1232
      Reversal! 4 years ago
    1181. 1233
      Clean Up The Battlefield! 4 years ago
    1182. 1234
      Base Satellite Feiyu 4 years ago
    1183. 1235
      I'm Your Father! 4 years ago
    1184. 1236
      A Tragedy! 4 years ago
    1185. 1237
      A Bad Premonition. 4 years ago
    1186. 1238
      Hidden Intentions! 4 years ago
    1187. 1239
      Sense Of Crisis! 4 years ago
    1188. 1240
      Cast A Stone To Find The Path 4 years ago
    1189. 1241
      The Trap Is Here 4 years ago
    1190. 1242
      Escape! 4 years ago
    1191. 1243
      I'm The Most Suitable 4 years ago
    1192. 1244
      You Took The Wrong Medicine. 4 years ago
    1193. 1245
      Fight For Their Lives! 4 years ago
    1194. 1246
      Twilight's Plan! 4 years ago
    1195. 1247
      Little Seven! 4 years ago
    1196. 1248
      There's Only One Possibility! 4 years ago
    1197. 1249
      Run! 4 years ago
    1198. 1250
      Too Late? 4 years ago
    1199. 1251
      Number Three? 4 years ago
    1200. 1252
      Complete Trust 4 years ago
    1201. 1253
      I Can Persevere! 4 years ago
    1202. 1254
      Bad Situation! 4 years ago
    1203. 1255
      I Said That I Will Protect You! 4 years ago
    1204. 1256
      Ling Xiao's Arrival! 4 years ago
    1205. 1257
      What Happened? 4 years ago
    1206. 1258
      Entering 4 years ago
    1207. 1259
      Ling Xiao, You Disappoint Me 4 years ago
    1208. 1260
      The Second Strongest! 4 years ago
    1209. 1261
      Shameless! 4 years ago
    1210. 1262
      It's Too Late. 4 years ago
    1211. 1263
      Target Ling Xiao! 4 years ago
    1212. 1264
      It's Not As Difficult As You Think! 4 years ago
    1213. 1265
      What Should I Do? 4 years ago
    1214. 1266
      Help Boss 4 years ago
    1215. 1267
      The Hidden Faction! 4 years ago
    1216. 1268
      Profound God Battle! 4 years ago
    1217. 1269
      Who Is It? 4 years ago
    1218. 1270
      Breaking a Promise 4 years ago
    1219. 1271
      Ling Xiao's Death! 4 years ago
    1220. 1272
      Death of Xie Yi! 4 years ago
    1221. 1273
      Activate, Duplication Talent! 4 years ago
    1222. 1274
      Ling Xiao? Ling Xiao! 4 years ago
    1223. 1275
      Helpless! 4 years ago
    1224. 1276
      Little Four Disappeared! 4 years ago
    1225. 1277
      I Don't Believe It! 4 years ago
    1226. 1278
      Two People's Decision 4 years ago
    1227. 1279
      Bitch! 4 years ago
    1228. 1280
      Do You Dare? 4 years ago
    1229. 1281
      My Request 4 years ago
    1230. 1282
      Acting General. 4 years ago
    1231. 1283
      Mission! 4 years ago
    1232. 1284
      I'm Willing! 4 years ago
    1233. 1285
      Ten Billion Credits? 4 years ago
    1234. 1286
      Promise! 4 years ago
    1235. 1287
      Three Youngsters 4 years ago
    1236. 1288
      One Man Operation! 4 years ago
    1237. 1289
      I Hate It So Much! 4 years ago
    1238. 1290
      Too Pampered By the Boss... 4 years ago
    1239. 1291
      Spatial 4 years ago
    1240. 1292
      Protect Lingtian For Me 4 years ago
    1241. 1293
      Two Cores? 4 years ago
    1242. 1294
      Soul Fragment! 4 years ago
    1243. 1295
      The Show is About to Start? 4 years ago
    1244. 1296
      Spiritual Power Passcode 4 years ago
    1245. 1297
      Surveillance 4 years ago
    1246. 1298
      I'm Sorry Mom! 4 years ago
    1247. 1299
      She's Already Gone 4 years ago
    1248. 1300
      The Largest Fist 4 years ago
    1249. 1301
      Wake Up! 4 years ago
    1250. 1302
      The Only Marshal 4 years ago
    1251. 1303
      It's Good To Be Confident. 4 years ago
    1252. 1304
      Courtesy Demands Reciprocity. 4 years ago
    1253. 1305
      Crazy Fan! 4 years ago
    1254. 1306
      Look For an Excuse 4 years ago
    1255. 1307
      Little White Has Disappeared. 4 years ago
    1256. 1308
      Candidate 4 years ago
    1257. 1309
      Assumptions. 4 years ago
    1258. 1310
      Mecha Army! 4 years ago
    1259. 1311
      An Uproar 4 years ago
    1260. 1312
      Spoken With Confidence 4 years ago
    1261. 1313
      Bargaining Chip. 4 years ago
    1262. 1314
      Brilliant! 4 years ago
    1263. 1315
      Fatal Weakness. 4 years ago
    1264. 1316
      Suggestion! 4 years ago
    1265. 1317
      Success! 4 years ago
    1266. 1318
      Injured? 4 years ago
    1267. 1319
      So, You Know Me 4 years ago
    1268. 1320
      Little White's Appearance 4 years ago
    1269. 1321
      Customs 4 years ago
    1270. 1322
      Emergency Call. 4 years ago
    1271. 1323
      Left Successfully 4 years ago
    1272. 1324
      A New World 4 years ago
    1273. 1325
      Luoluo Is A Man! 4 years ago
    1274. 1326
      Let Him Vent His Emotions 4 years ago
    1275. 1327
      Put Things Right Once And For All 4 years ago
    1276. 1328
      13 Lords! 4 years ago
    1277. 1329
      Not My Match. 4 years ago
    1278. 1330
      I Won't Send You Off! 4 years ago
    1279. 1331
      Fear And Shock! 4 years ago
    1280. 1332
      Liar Liar Pants on Fire! 4 years ago
    1281. 1333
      Taking Us Down a Notch 4 years ago
    1282. 1334
      My Condition. 4 years ago
    1283. 1335
      Homicidal Maniac! 4 years ago
    1284. 1336
      Lord Gen! 4 years ago
    1285. 1337
      Who Are You? 4 years ago
    1286. 1338
      Space Concept. 4 years ago
    1287. 1339
      It's Fine? 4 years ago
    1288. 1340
      End It Once And For All. 4 years ago
    1289. 1341
      Imperial Battle! 4 years ago
    1290. 1342
      Divine Destruction! 4 years ago
    1291. 1343
      Little White Unleashed Its Power! 4 years ago
    1292. 1344
      Token Of Love! 4 years ago
    1293. 1345
      Who Are You? 4 years ago
    1294. 1346
      Give In! 4 years ago
    1295. 1347
      Rainbow Palace? 4 years ago
    1296. 1348
      I Don't Want to Lose Anyone 4 years ago
    1297. 1349
      You're So Bad 4 years ago
    1298. 1350
      Why Is It So Difficult To Be A Pet? 4 years ago
    1299. 1351
      Heart Of Imperial. 4 years ago
    1300. 1352
      Original Form! 4 years ago
    1301. 1353
      Shemale? 4 years ago
    1302. 1354
      She Couldn't Lose! 4 years ago
    1303. 1355
      Risk! 4 years ago
    1304. 1356
      Don't Want To Die! 4 years ago
    1305. 1357
      Starting From Zero the Next Day! 4 years ago
    1306. 1358
      The Best Son. The Best Brother. 4 years ago
    1307. 1359
      Forbidden! 4 years ago
    1308. 1360
      What's Wrong? 4 years ago
    1309. 1361
      Depend On Your Performance! 4 years ago
    1310. 1362
      Bottom Line! 4 years ago
    1311. 1363
      Thunderbolt Sphere? 4 years ago
    1312. 1364
      Refuse? 4 years ago
    1313. 1365
      Convince Me! 4 years ago
    1314. 1366
      Plan of Sacrifice! 4 years ago
    1315. 1367
      Bad or Good Thing? 4 years ago
    1316. 1368
      A Drunken Fit? 4 years ago
    1317. 1369
      Flying Solo? 4 years ago
    1318. 1370
      Going Side by Side! 4 years ago
    1319. 1371
      Departure 4 years ago
    1320. 1372
      Flawed Person! 4 years ago
    1321. 1373
      The Pre-arranged Time 4 years ago
    1322. 1374
      Up For Discussion 4 years ago
    1323. 1375
      Let's Wait and See 4 years ago
    1324. 1376
      Let Bygones Be Bygones! 4 years ago
    1325. 1377
      Oath! 4 years ago
    1326. 1378
      You Want to Fight? 4 years ago
    1327. 1379
      Return! 4 years ago
    1328. 1380
      Calculated Their Steps! 4 years ago
    1329. 1381
      Nothing! 4 years ago
    1330. 1382
      This Was Love! 4 years ago
    1331. 1383
      Reckless. 4 years ago
    1332. 1384
      Identity Of The Spy 4 years ago
    1333. 1385
      Damage! 4 years ago
    1334. 1386
      The Result Of Hunger 4 years ago
    1335. 1387
      Want To Do. 4 years ago
    1336. 1388
      Very Shameless. 4 years ago
    1337. 1389
      Reliable? 4 years ago
    1338. 1390
      Collaboration! 4 years ago
    1339. 1391
      Resolve It Myself! 4 years ago
    1340. 1392
      Sowing Seeds? 4 years ago
    1341. 1393
      Uninvited Guest 4 years ago
    1342. 1394
      Naive! 4 years ago
    1343. 1395
      You're Dreaming! 4 years ago
    1344. 1396
      I'm Not A B*tch. 4 years ago
    1345. 1397
      Blood Path! 4 years ago
    1346. 1398
      Hate Fighting? 4 years ago
    1347. 1399
      Judging. 4 years ago
    1348. 1400
      A Heaven-defying Cheat Code! 4 years ago
    1349. 1401
      Unexpected Event 4 years ago
    1350. 1402
      Probe! 4 years ago
    1351. 1403
      I'm Not Stupid! 4 years ago
    1352. 1404
      Enchanted! 4 years ago
    1353. 1405
      Teach Me Then. 4 years ago
    1354. 1406
      At Night When No One Is Around? 4 years ago
    1355. 1407
      Fun! 4 years ago
    1356. 1408
      Responsible? 4 years ago
    1357. 1409
      Misunderstanding? 4 years ago
    1358. 1410
      Slept Together? 4 years ago
    1359. 1411
      Stupid Little Girl 4 years ago
    1360. 1412
      Truth? 4 years ago
    1361. 1413
      Forced? 4 years ago
    1362. 1414
      He's Very Good! 4 years ago
    1363. 1415
      Who Does He Like? 4 years ago
    1364. 1416
      Rats From The Same Sewer? 4 years ago
    1365. 1417
      Saw Through It 4 years ago
    1366. 1418
      Curious! 4 years ago
    1367. 1419
      Speaking With Someone Who Is Smart 4 years ago
    1368. 1420
      Partners? 4 years ago
    1369. 1421
      Disappear! 4 years ago
    1370. 1422
      Evolved! 4 years ago
    1371. 1423
      No! 4 years ago
    1372. 1424
      Not One Less 4 years ago
    1373. 1425
      Not Enough Ability 4 years ago
    1374. 1426
      How Could I Have Known? 4 years ago
    1375. 1427
      Extremely Reasonable 4 years ago
    1376. 1428
      Probe. 4 years ago
    1377. 1429
      Direct Confrontation 4 years ago
    1378. 1430
      Old Monster? 4 years ago
    1379. 1431
      The 7th Preserve District 4 years ago
    1380. 1432
      That's Enough 4 years ago
    1381. 1433
      Go Back! 4 years ago
    1382. 1434
      One Round Of Humiliation Was Enough 4 years ago
    1383. 1435
      A Killing Blow! 4 years ago
    1384. 1436
      Won't Regret It 4 years ago
    1385. 1437
      No Need 4 years ago
    1386. 1438
      Won't Let Others Have It Easy 4 years ago
    1387. 1439
      Reinforcements? 4 years ago
    1388. 1440
      Fight Until The Very End 4 years ago
    1389. 1441
      It's them! 4 years ago
    1390. 1442
      Clear Up. 4 years ago
    1391. 1443
      Family Rule Again? 4 years ago
    1392. 1444
      What Do You Want To Know. 4 years ago
    1393. 1445
      Be Other People's Chess Pieces 4 years ago
    1394. 1446
      Extra Episode 1 4 years ago
    1395. 1447
      11th Preserve District? 4 years ago
    1396. 1448
      Find The Answer. 4 years ago
    1397. 1449
      What Do You Have Here? 4 years ago
    1398. 1450
      Gamble! 4 years ago
    1399. 1451
      Not Interested 4 years ago
    1400. 1452
      Trust in Comrades 4 years ago
    1401. 1453
      It's Enough 4 years ago
    1402. 1454
      Selfish Person. 4 years ago
    1403. 1455
      Evolve? 4 years ago
    1404. 1456
      There's Only One Chance 4 years ago
    1405. 1457
      Her Choice 4 years ago
    1406. 1458
      Five Years Into the Future? 4 years ago
    1407. 1459
      Who Are You? 4 years ago
    1408. 1460
      It's Me, But Also Not Me 4 years ago
    1409. 1461
      It's The Taste She Likes! 4 years ago
    1410. 1462
      The Real Self 4 years ago
    1411. 1463
      Welcome Home Ling Lan! 4 years ago
    1412. 1464
      The Highest Kill Order! 4 years ago
    1413. 1465
      Who Will Be the First to Arrive? 4 years ago
    1414. 1466
      Fallen Into a Trap 4 years ago
    1415. 1467
      Lord Demon! 4 years ago
    1416. 1468
      Medusa! 4 years ago
    1417. 1469
      Fire of the Blue Lotus 4 years ago
    1418. 1470
      Regret! 4 years ago
    1419. 1471
      Lord Dui 4 years ago
    1420. 1472
      Lord Card! 4 years ago
    1421. 1473
      A Controlled Life! 4 years ago
    1422. 1474
      Fake Is Real! 4 years ago
    1423. 1475
      Irresolute And Hesitant 4 years ago
    1424. 1476
      Sneaky? 4 years ago
    1425. 1477
      Vicious Character! 4 years ago
    1426. 1478
      Luo Chao's Ability 4 years ago
    1427. 1479
      Protect 4 years ago
    1428. 1480
      Dao 4 years ago
    1429. 1481
      Chosen By God 4 years ago
    1430. 1482
      Why Did It Appear? 4 years ago
    1431. 1483
      You Did It On Purpose 3 years ago
    1432. 1484
      Set-up 3 years ago
    1433. 1485
      Villains Die From Talking Too Much 3 years ago
    1434. 1486
      This Is My World 3 years ago
    1435. 1487
      Dream of Desire? 3 years ago
    1436. 1488
      Terrifying Laws 3 years ago
    1437. 1489
      Half-step God-Realm Sphere 3 years ago
    1438. 1490
      Do you regret it? Was it worth it? 3 years ago
    1439. 1491
      You Are Courting Death. 3 years ago
    1440. 1492
      I Know You're Not 3 years ago
    1441. 1493
      Rhythm 3 years ago
    1442. 1494
      Warning? Retreat! 3 years ago
    1443. 1495
      Thank You! 3 years ago
    1444. 1496
      Star Barbarian 3 years ago
    1445. 1497
      I See 3 years ago
    1446. 1498
      Domain that Doesn't Conform to the Law 3 years ago
    1447. 1499
      Luo Chao, Come Back~ 3 years ago
    1448. 1500
      My Fate Is My Own, Not the Heavens 3 years ago
    1449. 1501
      Wait for Me 3 years ago

    作者 Madam Ru

    翻譯 H2dH2mr mjn0898

    Editor ryuxenji