74.4% Convict to King / Chapter 93: Fashion Show PT 4

章節 93: Fashion Show PT 4

Arell watched Diddy walk away, his eyes narrowing slightly. There was something off about the man, a certain energy that didn't sit right with him. Geoffrey had warned him, and Arell couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to stay on his guard around Diddy.

"Yeah, Geoffrey's right about this guy," Arell thought to himself. "Something's definitely off."

As he turned back to the party, Arell saw India arriving with her sisters. Her eyes lit up when she spotted him, and she made her way over, a radiant smile on her face.

"Hey, there you are!" India greeted, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace. "I was wondering where you disappeared to."

Arell smiled, pulling her close. "Just mingling. You know how it is."

India's sisters, Crystal and Jasmine, stepped forward.

"Arell, we just wanted to say sorry for what we said earlier," Crystal began, her voice sincere. "We didn't mean any harm. It's just that India never brings anyone around, and we were... surprised."

Arell nodded, appreciating their honesty. "It's all good. I understand. And thanks for looking out for her."

Jasmine smiled, relief evident on her face. "Thanks for being so understanding. India speaks very highly of you."

India beamed, her hand finding its way to Arell's. "Come on, there's a lot of people I want you to meet."

They spent the next hour mingling, with India introducing Arell to various influential figures in the industry. Each introduction was met with warm smiles and genuine interest, and Arell found himself enjoying the conversations more than he had expected.

"You two look great together," a woman remarked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "How long have you been dating?"

India glanced at Arell, a playful smile on her lips. "Long enough to know he's someone special."

They continued to circulate the room, the atmosphere becoming increasingly festive. At one point, they found themselves near the grand staircase, where Diddy was preparing to make an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Diddy called out, his voice commanding attention. "Can I have your attention, please?"

The room fell silent, all eyes turning towards him. Diddy stood at the top of the staircase, a glass of champagne in his hand, his presence radiating confidence.

"First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out tonight," Diddy began, his smile wide. "It's a beautiful night, and we're here to celebrate success, love, and life."

The crowd erupted into cheers, the energy in the room electric.

"I see a lot of beautiful faces here," Diddy continued, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Kim Kardashian, my man Meek Mill is in the house too, looking handsome as ever! And let's not forget the beautiful Nicki Minaj. Such a lovely couple."

The crowd cheered louder, and Arell couldn't help but chuckle at the theatricality of it all. Diddy knew how to work a room.

Diddy's eyes continued to scan the crowd, his smile growing wider as he spotted more familiar faces. "Oh, and look who we have here! The man, the myth, the legend - Jay-Z! And of course, the queen herself, Beyoncé. Stand up, power couple!"

The crowd cheered as Jay-Z and Beyoncé stood, waving to the adoring guests. Diddy couldn't resist a playful jab. "Jay, I see you're still trying to catch up to my party-throwing skills. Keep dreaming, brother!"

Laughter rippled through the room as Jay-Z shook his head, grinning good-naturedly.

Diddy's gaze swept across the room once more, his charismatic grin never faltering. "And is that The Weeknd I see? Man, your voice is so smooth, I might need you to sing me to sleep tonight!"

The crowd laughed and cheered as The Weeknd raised his glass in acknowledgment.

"Alright, everyone," Diddy continued, his voice rising with excitement. "I've kept you long enough. It's time to do what we do best - party! So have a beautiful night, enjoy yourselves, and remember: when Diddy throws a party, we party hard!"

The room erupted in cheers as the music volume increased, and people began moving towards the dance floor. Arell and India were about to join the crowd when a familiar voice caught their attention.

"Arell, got a minute?" It was Geoffrey, his expression serious despite the festive atmosphere.

Arell turned to India. "I'll be right back, okay?"

India nodded, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Sure, no problem."

As India walked away, Geoffrey leaned in close to Arell, his voice low. "So, have you realized yet? About Diddy?"

Arell nodded at Geoffrey's question, his eyes serious. "Yeah, you're definitely right about him."

Geoffrey was about to respond when India reappeared, her face lit up with excitement. "Arell, come on!"

Arell glanced at Geoffrey, who nodded slightly. "We'll talk later," Geoffrey mouthed.

Arell allowed India to lead him to a quieter corner of the party, away from the thumping music and excited chatter. They found a secluded balcony overlooking the ocean, the Miami night air warm and heavy with the scent of salt and tropical flowers.

"This is nice," Arell said, leaning against the railing. "A little break from all the craziness in there."

India nodded, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "Yeah, it's beautiful out here." She paused, seeming to gather her thoughts. "Arell, I... I wanted to talk to you about something."

Arell turned to face her, sensing the shift in her tone. "What's up?"

India took a deep breath. "I know earlier I told you about how this started as a publicity thing, but I want you to know why I changed my mind about all that."

Arell remained silent, giving her space to continue.

"A few weeks ago, something happened," India began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can't really go into details, but it made me realize how fake and dangerous this industry can be. It scared me, Arell. Made me see that I needed something real in my life."

Arell noticed a flicker of fear in her eyes, quickly masked. He reached out, taking her hand. "India, you don't have to tell me everything if you're not ready."

India squeezed his hand, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thank you. That means more than you know. I just... I want you to understand that I really want this, it's not part of any game or plan. It's real for me."

As they stood there, the moment heavy with unspoken emotions, a voice called out from behind them.

"Arell! There you are," Pharrell Williams said, stepping onto the balcony. "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?"

Arell turned, surprised. "No, no, it's cool. What's up, sir?"

Pharrell grinned. "Remember that conversation we talked about having? Now seems like a good time if you're free."

India smiled, releasing Arell's hand. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

As India left, Pharrell leaned against the railing next to Arell. "Beautiful night, huh? Perfect for some real talk."

Arell nodded, curious about what Pharrell had to say.

"Listen, Arell," Pharrell began, his tone serious despite his relaxed posture. "I've been in this game a long time, and I've seen a lot of young artists come and go. But you? You've got something special."

Arell felt a surge of pride at the compliment. "Thanks."

Pharrell nodded. "But with that talent comes responsibility. I've been watching you, and I've seen how you handle yourself. That beef with Lil Reese and The Game? That's dangerous territory, man."

Arell tensed slightly, but Pharrell held up a hand. "I'm not here to lecture you. I'm here to give you some advice. You gotta be smart about this. Don't let people play with you, but don't fall into their traps either. This industry can chew you up and spit you out if you're not careful."

Arell listened intently, absorbing every word.

"The key is to be mature about it," Pharrell continued. "Handle your business in the studio, not on the streets. Your music speaks for itself. I've heard the improvement from Fair Trade to Loyalty Ties, your voice, flow, it's all improved. It's impressive, man. Really impressive."

Arell couldn't help but smile. "I've been working hard on my craft."

"It shows," Pharrell said, nodding approvingly. "And that's what I love about you. You're not a plant, not some industry creation. You're the real deal, coming in here with genuine talent and drive. That's rare these days."

Pharrell paused, looking out over the ocean. "You know, I've seen a lot of artists come through, backed by big money and big names. But you? You're doing this on your own terms, and you're killing it. That's why I want you to come to the studio soon."

Arell's eyes widened. "For real?"

"For real," Pharrell confirmed, a grin spreading across his face. "I think we could create something special together. Your fresh perspective, my experience... it could be magic."

Arell felt a rush of excitement. "Man, that would be incredible. I'd love to learn from you."

"It's not just about learning," Pharrell said, his tone serious again. "It's about growing. This industry, it can be tough. It can change you if you're not careful. But I see something in you, Arell. A strength, a vision. Don't lose that, no matter what happens."

Pharrell placed a hand on Arell's shoulder. "Stay true to yourself, keep working hard, and don't let the games people play distract you from your path. You've got the potential to be one of the greats, but it's going to take more than just talent. It's going to take wisdom, patience, and a whole lot of heart."

Arell nodded, feeling a mix of emotions - gratitude, excitement, and a renewed sense of purpose. "I appreciate this, Pharrell. Really. I won't let you down."

Pharrell grinned. "I know you won't. Now, let's head back inside."

As Arell and Pharrell made their way back into the pulsating heart of the party, the energy seemed to have intensified. The music was louder, the laughter more raucous, and the dance floor was a sea of moving bodies.

As the hours ticked by, Arell noticed with relief that he hadn't run into The Game.

It was well past midnight when Arell found himself being pulled into a circle of partygoers gathered around a table laden with shot glasses. At the center of it all was Diddy, his presence drawing everyone in like moths to a flame.

"Arell! My man!" Diddy called out, his voice carrying over the music. "Come on, join us! We're about to do a toast!"

Arell approached the group, noticing familiar faces from throughout the night - artists, producers, and industry moguls all gathered together. Diddy was at the head of the circle, already pouring clear liquid into a line of shot glasses.

"Alright, everyone grab a glass!" Diddy announced, holding his own shot aloft. "We're toasting to success, to the future, and to new blood in the game!"

As the shots were passed around, Diddy fixed his gaze on Arell. "Come on, young king. Take a shot with us. To your bright future!"

Arell felt all eyes on him as he stood there, the offered shot glass glinting temptingly in the low light. For a brief moment, he was transported back to that night with the stripper, the hazy memories of lost control and vulnerability rushing back. Geoffrey's words echoed in his mind - one moment could turn into ten years of pain.

With a polite smile, Arell shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, Diddy, but I'm gonna have to pass. I don't drink."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the group. Diddy raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his expression. "No drinking? That's unexpected. Any particular reason?"

Arell thought quickly, remembering the conversation he'd had earlier with Pharrell about staying true to himself. "Actually, yeah. I'm really focusing on getting my body right, you know? Trying to build this physique and keep myself at peak health. Alcohol doesn't really fit into that plan."

Diddy's face broke into a wide grin, his eyes lighting up with approval. "Oh, for real? You getting your body right? That's what I like to hear!" He set down his own shot glass and stepped closer to Arell, clapping him on the shoulder. "You know what? That's smart. Real smart. You're thinking ahead, planning for the long game. I respect that."

Arell felt a wave of relief wash over him, glad that his excuse had been well-received. "Thanks, man. It's all about staying focused on the goals, you know?"

Diddy nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. You keep that mindset, and you know where you're gonna be?" He paused for dramatic effect, his gaze intense. "You gone be the top."

Arell blinked, not sure he'd heard correctly. "What?"

"You heard me," Diddy said, his voice low and serious despite the raucous party around them. "You gone be at the top. Like, the top of the game. I can see it already."

Arell nodded, trying to mask the discomfort he felt under Diddy's intense gaze. The weight of the night, the alcohol he hadn't touched, and the surreal nature of everything began to settle on his shoulders. As he politely extricated himself from the conversation, he caught sight of India chatting with her sisters. He made his way over to her, seeking a moment of normalcy.

"Hey," Arell said, slipping his arm around India's waist. "Everything okay?"

India smiled, though there was a hint of concern in her eyes. "Yeah, just talking with my sisters. You look like you need a break."

Before Arell could respond, a man he'd noticed earlier approached. He was well-dressed and carried himself with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. He seemed to zero in on Arell, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Hey there," the man said, his voice smooth. "I couldn't help but notice you earlier. Diddy wasn't kidding when he said he'd bring the best."

Arell felt an uneasy prickle at the back of his neck. "Thanks, man. Just here to enjoy the party."

The man laughed, the sound oddly intimate. "I can see that. You know, there's another party happening later. A more... exclusive gathering. You should come. I'd love to get to know you better."

Arell's discomfort deepened. "I'll think about it."

The man's eyes lingered on Arell for a moment longer than necessary before he finally moved away. Arell turned to India, his expression tight. "I'm gonna find Geoffrey. Be back soon."

India nodded, squeezing his hand. "I'll be here."

Arell navigated through the throng of partygoers, his mind racing. He found Geoffrey near the bar, observing the room with a calculated look.

"Geoffrey," Arell said, his voice low. "We need to talk."

Geoffrey's eyes flicked to Arell, then around the room. "Follow me."

They moved to a quieter corner of the mansion, away from the pulsating music and watchful eyes. Geoffrey turned to face Arell, his expression serious. "What's going on?"

Arell took a deep breath. "Something's off about this place. I got invited to some 'exclusive' party. It didn't feel right."

Geoffrey nodded, his expression hardening. "I wanted you to come here not to enjoy yourself but to see the underbelly of these events."

Before Arell could ask what he meant, Geoffrey placed a phone in his hand. "How'd you get a phone in here? They confiscated them all at the door."

Geoffrey's lips curved into a faint smile. "Don't worry about that. These people don't just party here, Arell. And you weren't invited to just party either."

Arell's confusion grew. "What are you talking about?"

Geoffrey leaned in, his voice low and urgent. "This isn't just a party. There's more going on here than meets the eye. We're going to use that to our advantage."

Arell's heart began to race. "What do you mean?"

"Whatever afterparty they're having," Geoffrey said, his eyes sharp, "I'm going to get you close enough to see what's happening. We need to know what they're up to. It's not just about the music industry – there's a whole network of power and influence here."

Arell swallowed hard, the weight of Geoffrey's words sinking in. "What do you want me to do?"

"Stay close to Diddy and his circle," Geoffrey instructed. "Watch, listen, and record everything you can. We're gathering evidence. This could be big."

Arell's mind raced with the implications. "Why me?"

"Because they trust you," Geoffrey said simply. "And because you're smart enough to handle this.

Arell nodded, his resolve hardening. He slipped the phone into one of his many pants pockets, ensuring it was securely in place to record everything. He rejoined the party, his senses heightened as he mingled with the guests.

Diddy was in his element, moving through the crowd with ease, laughing and talking to everyone. Arell stayed close, observing and listening, trying to pick up any useful information.

"Hey, Arell!" Diddy called out, waving him over to a group of people. "Come meet some friends."

Arell joined the group, which included a mix of artists, producers, and industry executives. As he shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, he kept the phone recording, hoping to catch anything of interest.

Diddy wrapped an arm around Arell's shoulders, a drink in his other hand. "You know, Arell, you're gonna go far in this business. You just gotta know how to play the game."

Arell nodded, playing along. "Yeah, I'm learning that. There's a lot to take in."

Diddy laughed, his eyes glinting with something Arell couldn't quite place. "You got that right. It's all about connections and keeping your ears open. And sometimes, you gotta do things you never thought you'd do."

Arell felt a chill run down his spine. "Like what?"

Diddy shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "Whatever it takes, man. You'd be surprised what goes on behind the scenes. But hey, it's all part of the fun, right?"

Arell forced a smile, feeling the weight of the phone in his jacket. "Right."

"Let's head outside," Diddy suggested, leading the group towards the expansive terrace. "I got a surprise for everyone."

As they stepped out onto the terrace, Arell was greeted by the sight of a large fireworks setup. The night sky was clear, the stars shining brightly above. Diddy clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone, gather around!" he called out. "We're about to light up the night!"

The crowd cheered, excitement buzzing through the air. Arell stayed on the outskirts, his eyes scanning the scene. He noticed a security guard near a partially open door leading to a secluded area of the mansion. The guard seemed distracted, his attention elsewhere.

Feeling a surge of determination, Arell edged towards the door. He slipped through the opening, finding himself in a dimly lit hallway. The sounds of the party faded slightly as he moved deeper into the private area.

Ahead, he saw a room with a balcony overlooking the ocean. The door was ajar, and the security guards stationed nearby were engaged in a heated conversation, their backs to him. Arell hesitated for a moment, considering his options.

"Should I?" he thought to himself, the weight of the phone in his pocket a constant reminder of his mission.

He took a deep breath, deciding to gather more evidence. He carefully approached the room, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet.

The dimly lit hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, every shadow and flicker of light playing tricks on his mind. The murmur of voices from the party faded into the background, replaced by the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.

As he moved closer to the room, the faint sound of moaning reached his ears, sending a shiver down his spine. He hesitated, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one was following him. The security guards were still distracted, their conversation growing more animated. Taking a deep breath, Arell continued forward, his curiosity and determination driving him onward.

The door to the room was slightly ajar, a thin sliver of light spilling into the hallway. Arell's pulse quickened as he approached, the moaning growing louder with each step. He could feel the tension in the air, a sense of anticipation that seemed to wrap around him like a vise.

As he reached the door, he peered through the gap, his eyes straining to make out the figures inside. The room was bathed in a soft, golden glow, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the walls. He could see the silhouette of a man and a woman. The woman's back was arched, her head thrown back as she moaned softly, the man's hands roaming over her curves.

Arell's breath caught in his throat, a mix of relief and disappointment washing over him. He had expected to uncover something more sinister, but the scene before him was nothing more than an intimate moment between two lovers. He felt a pang of guilt for intruding on their privacy, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to uncover.

He took a step back, his mind racing. He had to get out of there before he was discovered. The last thing he needed was to be caught spying on a private moment, especially in a place like this. He turned to leave, but his foot caught on the edge of the carpet, sending him stumbling forward.

The sound of his misstep seemed to echo through the hallway, and he froze, his heart hammering in his chest. He held his breath, praying that the couple hadn't heard him. The moaning continued uninterrupted, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As he crept back down the hallway, he felt the tension slowly ease from his shoulders. He was almost at the corner when he heard voices from the room.

"Oh, the party's starting. Look who's here now."

The tone of the voice made Arell's blood run cold. He hesitated, his instincts screaming at him to leave, but curiosity and a sense of duty to gather evidence kept him rooted to the spot. He crept back to the door, peeking through the small gap.

The couple inside had straightened their clothing and were now talking to five men who had just entered the room. The atmosphere had shifted from intimate to something far more unsettling. Arell could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he watched the scene unfold.


One of the men, tall and broad-shouldered, stepped forward, his voice carrying a tone of authority. "Alright, let's get this started. We don't have all night."

Arell's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the group interact. The woman, who had been the center of the couple's attention moments before, now seemed to be the focus of the entire group.

He needed to document this, to capture evidence of whatever was about to happen. He scanned the room for a place where he could hide without being seen. Spotting a thick curtain that partially covered a window, he quickly slipped behind it, pulling out his phone and setting it to record.

From his vantage point, Arell could see the men arranging themselves around the woman. The tall man spoke again, his tone almost gleeful. "You know the rules. Everyone gets a turn, no holding back."

The woman nodded, her expression a mix of resignation and something Arell couldn't quite place. As the men began to undress, Arell's stomach churned. He knew he had to stay hidden and record everything, but the situation was quickly becoming unbearable.

He could feel the sweat on his palms as he gripped the phone tighter, his breath shallow and controlled.

The room was filled with the sound of clothing rustling as the men stripped down, each movement echoing in Arell's ears. The woman stood still, her eyes downcast, as if she were trying to disappear into the background.

"Let's start with you," the tall man said, pointing at one of the others. The chosen man stepped forward, his naked body glistening under the dim light of the room. He approached the woman, his hands reaching out to touch her. Arell watched, his camera capturing every detail, as the man's fingers traced lines down her arms, then moved to cup her face.

"Look at me," the man commanded, and the woman lifted her gaze, her eyes reflecting fear and defiance. Arell's grip on the phone tightened even more, his knuckles whitening as he struggled to maintain his composure. This wasn't what he expected to see when he decided to sneak in.

The man leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a rough kiss. The woman's body stiffened momentarily, then relaxed, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. Arell's mind raced, wondering if this was some sort of act or if she was truly consenting to this. The scene unfolding before him was both intimate and disturbing, making him question his own presence here.

As the kiss deepened, the other men began to move closer, their bodies forming a circle around the couple. Arell shifted slightly, adjusting his position to keep them all in frame. His phone was hot against his cheek, the lens focused on the bodies, recording every second of this encounter.

Suddenly, the tall man clapped his hands, breaking the moment. "Next!" he announced, and another man stepped forward, replacing the first. The woman didn't protest, merely turned to face her new partner, her expression now blank, devoid of any emotion.

The second man took his place, his actions mirroring those of the first. Arell's camera continued to record, capturing the sequence of events as they unfolded. Each man took his turn, the atmosphere in the room growing increasingly charged with each interaction. Arell felt a knot forming in his stomach, his discomfort mounting with every passing minute.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, one of the men, a burly fellow with tattoos covering his arms, turned to the man next to him and said, "Hey, let's switch things up a bit." His voice was low, barely audible over the sounds of the room, but Arell heard it clearly through the lens of his phone.

The other man, slender and pale, grinned mischievously. "What did you have in mind?"

"I want to taste you," the burly man replied, his eyes darkening with desire. Without waiting for a response, he knelt down in front of the slender man, his hands gripping the other's hips tightly. Arell's eyes widened in shock as he witnessed the burly man bury his face between the slender man's legs.

Arell's eyes widened in shock and a wave of nausea hit him. He needed to get out of there—now.

Without a second thought, Arell turned and left the room, his footsteps quick and silent as he made his way back to the main party. The pounding of his heart echoed in his ears, drowning out the noise of the party around him. He pushed through the crowd, his eyes scanning for Geoffrey.

Finally, he spotted Geoffrey near the bar, engaged in conversation with another guest. Arell hurried over, his face pale and his hands shaking slightly. He didn't wait for Geoffrey to finish his conversation; he grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Geoffrey, no," Arell said urgently, pressing the phone into Geoffrey's hand. "I'm not doing this."

Geoffrey took the phone, his expression shifting from confusion to concern. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Arell shook his head, his voice strained. "I can't unsee what I just saw."

Geoffrey glanced down at the phone, then back at Arell. "Well done, actually. This recording will be crucial."

Arell's face twisted with disgust. "I don't even care about that. We're leaving. Now."

Geoffrey nodded, his expression serious. "Alright. Let's get out of here."

Just as he was about to call the group over, he suddenly heard the voice of the last person he wanted to speak with right now.

"Arell!" Diddy called out, a large entourage in his tow. "You ready to party, man?"

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