25% Playing With Magic / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Once I Was 8 Years Old

章節 6: Chapter 6: Once I Was 8 Years Old

Previously on Playing With Magic

With a final nod of agreement, Moody ends the conversation, understanding that the mysteries of magic often defy easy categorization. As he resumes his investigation, he remains ever watchful, determined to uncover the truth, even as he completely disregards the possibility of a benevolent wizard at work in the world.

With a deep furrow in his brow, he mutters to himself, "What else do you gain by doing this? What am I missing?"



February 27, 1988

Ministry of Magic


Mad-Eye Moody had been keeping a close eye on the unexplained magical occurrences in the area, and he wasn't one to let mysteries linger for long. When the Unspeakables reached out to him with their findings, he wasted no time joining them at the Ministry of Magic.

The Unspeakables, clad in their customary veiled robes, greeted Moody with a nod as he entered their dimly lit chamber. Before him lay a collection of parchment and enchanted crystal spheres displaying magical signatures and patterns. It was an atmosphere of intrigue and secrecy, typical of the Department of Mysteries.

"Moody," one of the Unspeakables began with the customary monotone nondescript voice, "we've been studying the magical signatures you and the Obliviators reported—those that appeared at the Muggle hospital. We found something... peculiar."

Moody's magical eye whirred as he fixed his gaze on the data before him. "Spit it out. What did you find?".

The second Unspeakable, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue, continued, "The magical signature we detected was similar to the one at the hospital, but it's more refined, less wild. It suggests that the person responsible is either refining their technique, perfecting a ritual, or enchantment."

Moody's brow furrowed. The thought of someone deliberately experimenting with powerful magic in such close proximity to Muggles raised his concern. "And the location? Where did it lead you?"

The first Unspeakable tapped a finger on one of the crystal spheres, projecting an image of St. George's orphanage—a seemingly ordinary building on the surface. "The magic signature led us here, to St. George's orphanage. It's not an authorised location for magical usage of that scale…or at least it wasn't."

"Wasn't?" Moody grunted.

"The magical signature is within negligible levels, not enough to cause major concern unless seen by muggles," the first replied."Around the same levels as regular household spells… or accidental magic. We didn't want to get too close to specify on the individual involved… in case it alerted them."

Moody's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information. St. George's orphanage had now become a focal point in the investigation, and there was a chance that it was produced by a chance of all things, no matter how unlikely. The presence of refined magic in an unauthorised area raised questions about the individual or group responsible and their intentions.

"Keep a close watch on that place," Moody ordered. "We need to know who's behind this and what they're up to. If they're experimenting with magic near Muggles, it could lead to disaster."

The Unspeakables nodded in agreement, their commitment to unravelling the mystery matching Moody's own determination. As they parted ways, Moody couldn't shake the feeling that the answers lay within one of the children in the confines of St. George's orphanage, and he was resolved to uncover the truth, no matter how deeply hidden it might be. 

Moody knew that it was prudent to consult with Dumbledore in matters involving unusual magical occurrences or magical children. The enigmatic events surrounding St. George's orphanage had only deepened the mystery, and Dumbledore's insights were invaluable.

Using the Floo Network, Moody reached Dumbledore's office once more, his voice tinged with urgency. "Albus, we've got another development. The magical signatures we've been tracking, they seem to be growing more refined and less wild. It's as if someone is deliberately experimenting with powerful magic near Muggles."

Dumbledore regarded Moody with his usual calm demeanour. "I see, Alastor. That is concerning indeed. What do you propose we do next?"

Moody leaned in, his magical eye fixed on Dumbledore's. "I'd like to request access to the Book of Admittance, Albus. Finding out if a child resides at St. George's orphanage with a magical heritage might lead us to the source of these disturbances a lot sooner."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "A reasonable request, Alastor. Give me a moment to retrieve the information."

With a wave of his wand, Dumbledore summoned his office copy of the Book of Admittance from its place on a nearby shelf. The ancient tome, normally kept in a small locked tower bound in weathered leather at all times, contained the names of all witches and wizards born with magical abilities. But having house-elve has its uses.

Carefully, Dumbledore opened the book and whispered an incantation. Pages began to turn of their own accord until they settled on a specific section. His eyes scanned the list of names, his expression pensive.

After a few moments, Dumbledore spoke softly, "I've found the entry for St. George's orphanage."

Moody leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "And is there a child listed there with a magical heritage?"

Dumbledore's finger traced the page until it rested on a name. "Yes, Alastor, there is. A young boy named Johnathan Dovahkinn Grey."

Moody's magical eye whirred as he absorbed the information. "Johnathan Dovahkinn Grey, you say? Well, that's a lead, Albus. We need to investigate further, find out what this young wizard might be up to."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we shall, Alastor. But let us proceed with caution. The boy may be unaware of the magical disturbances he's causing. We must ensure his safety and guide him should he be the source of this magic."

"Regardless, the boy could be causing harm or showing muggles magic left and right. And that's if it's the boy", Moody shot back with a grunt. "If it's something done to the boy, then we would need to do something about it as soon as possible."

Dumbledore listened carefully to Moody's assessment of the situation, his expression thoughtful. "Alastor, this may indeed be related to young Johnathan's recent incident that landed him in the hospital you informed me of not so long ago. We must consider the possibility that these magical outbursts are not just a random occurrence but a response to some distressing event in his life."

Moody nodded in agreement. "That's a valid point, Albus. It could be the aftermath of a traumatic experience."

Dumbledore continued, "However, we must also entertain the notion that it could be the beginnings of an Obscurus."

Moody's expression grew sombre. He was well aware of the destructive power of an Obscurus and the danger it posed not only to the child but to those around them.

Dumbledore leaned forward, his blue eyes fixed on Moody. "I shall visit St. George's orphanage myself, Alastor. It is crucial that we understand the situation fully. If there is any chance that Johnathan is indeed the source of these magical outbursts or that an Obscurus is forming within him, we must act swiftly and with compassion."

Moody, known for his cautious nature, nodded in agreement. "Very well, Albus. I'll arrange for your visit."

As Dumbledore prepared to depart for St. George's orphanage, he understood the gravity of the situation. The fate of young Johnathan Dovahkinn Grey hung in the balance, and it was imperative that they uncover the truth and provide the guidance and support he needed.



February 27, 1988

St. George's Orphanage

Johnathan Grey


I had settled into my new life at St. George's orphanage, where the last few days seemed to blur into the next. The mundane routines were becoming familiar, and I was slowly getting to know the other children. The magical routines were just as familiar, which comprised of practicing magic at night and wherever I was alone and secure.

One sunny afternoon, the day before my first day of school. I sat at a rickety wooden table in the common area, completing some math sheets to "catch up to other students when I was back to school". The orphanage buzzed with activity around me, the sound of children playing and laughing creating a backdrop to my day of monotony. I had already earned the reputation of being the "clever one."

No jealousy so far, but we'll see how long that lasts. They are kids, after all.

I mostly just finish the work sheets in a few minutes before looking through the system while making it look like I'm reading through my work. Much like today.

'System, what happens if I buy something and then want to return it. Is there a return policy.'

[Summons cannot be returned to the system. However, all returned objects will result in reimbursement of 1% of the original value]

'...Really? 1%? And why can't summons be returned?'

[Summons are given a choice, just before death in their original reality, to become your companion with no room for betrayal. To ask for a return is to ask for their death.]

Hmm, I don't really feel like owning people or anything like that, but wouldn't I be technically saving their lives? Then again, I could just go to those worlds and save their lives anyway.

'What if I wanted to return the people summoning aspect of the summon system? I know it's something I didn't buy but…'

[People Summoning - System DLC (Gold)]

[Cost = 1,000,000 SP] [Return for 10,000 SP]

'Can I trade things that I didn't obtain from the system for point?'

[The system return reimbursement only works on system purchases]

It was during this moment that Matron Rose approached me with a warm smile. "Johnathan," she said gently, "there's someone I'd like you to meet." She gestured to a man standing nearby.

The man cleared his throat and addressed me with a solemn tone. "Are you Johnathan Dovahkinn Grey?" the man asked. Dressed in a sharp suit, his presence carried an air of authority, and he immediately commanded attention. The other children watched him curiously as he made his way toward me.

"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" I replied.

Rose replied for him, "Johnathan, this is Mr. Simmons, a representative of the government. He's here to discuss something important with you."

I nodded, indicating that they should proceed.

Rose then offered, "Would you like a private room to talk?" as she turned to look at Mr. Simmons.

Mr Simmons nodded in agreement. "Yes, a private room would be good."

With that, the Matron led Mr. Simmons and I to a quieter area of the orphanage, where we could discuss the matter without distractions.

"I regret to inform you that, due to the absence of a legal guardian and the specific stipulations in your parents' will, all assets left to you by your parents will be held by the government until you reach the age of majority." He started.

I nodded in acceptance. I had not known anything about a will being written, but I guess this must be part of the transmigration back story. "What does that mean, exactly?"

Mr. Simmons explained further, "In the absence of a legal guardian, the orphanage staff will manage your financial affairs in regard to educational expenses until you reach the age of majority. In your case, that means any large expenses regarding completing your education up until the age of 18 that are not covered by the government."

I nodded, absorbing the information. My fake parents had taken steps to secure my future, even if they couldn't be there to raise me. "What about the rest of the assets?"

He replied, "The rest of the assets will be held in trust by the government until you come of age. This includes any funds or properties your parents left behind. Once you reach the age of 18 or meet the conditions specified in the will or trust, you will have access to those assets."

An inheritance, but I wouldn't be in control of it until I turned 18. Bittersweet, but I wasn't expecting anything anyway, so I'll take the extra free stuff.

"I see" I replied with a nod. "Thank you, sir"


February 29, 1988, London

St Matthews Primary school


As I stepped into the bustling classroom, I couldn't help but think that It's moments like these that I remember how loud kids can be.

Ms. Anderson, the teacher, greeted her new student with a warm smile. "Class, we have a new friend joining us today. His name is Johnathan," she announced, introducing him to the curious eyes of his classmates. "Why don't we all say hello to Jonathan?"

""Good morning Johnathan!"" They all responded.

"Why don't you sit over there next to Nicole?" she said as she gestured to an empty seat next to a blonde girl. And I complied with a nod.

I sat there, surrounded by kids, in a classroom that felt larger than I remembered. I may be in the body of an eight-year-old, but my mind was that of an adult. Math had always been slightly easier for me than other subjects but now with my enhanced mind this was going to be child's play, and I couldn't help but start thinking of the best way to approach this without seeming too arrogant.

The morning sun streamed through the large windows of the classroom, casting a warm and inviting glow over the space. The room was a bright and cheerful haven typical of a primary school, adorned with colorful artwork, educational posters, and alphabet charts that lined the walls. Small desks were neatly arranged in rows, each one accompanied by a tiny chair perfectly sized for a young student.

Near the entrance, a row of hooks held the children's backpacks, each one adorned with cartoons and superheroes. At the front of the room, a chalkboard displayed some basic math problems.

I sat at my desk, surrounded by classmates, but I felt worlds apart. I mean… I was a man in the body of an eight-year-old, my mind holding the knowledge and experience of an adult even before it was improved. Nothing here would be a challenge so I just waited. Ms. Anderson, our teacher, stood at the front of the room, her voice a distant hum as she explained the math problem.

As Ms. Anderson continued her explanation, she posed a question to the class. "Now, does anyone think they can solve this?"

My hand shot up without hesitation. Ms. Anderson, recognizing my eagerness, called on me,."John, why don't you come up and give it a try?" she said with a warm smile, encouraging me to get a sense of belonging in this classroom.

I rose from my desk and approached the chalkboard. The small piece of white chalk in my hand felt strange, having gotten used to whiteboard markers and touchscreen pads. But I had to get this over with.

In a matter of moments, my nimble fingers danced across the chalkboard. I simplified the problems effortlessly, breaking them down with precision if necessary, for the kids to understand. The classroom watched in awe as I completed the challenge, my 'giftedness' on full display.

Astonishment hung in the air, and admiration filled the eyes of my classmates. Even Ms. Anderson, the seasoned educator, couldn't hide her fascination with the prodigious talent I had revealed.

"I put the simpler ways to approach the problems, just in case some people prefer to do them another way," I said.

To which she replied, "Why don't you try these problems?" to which she added more difficult questions, which were probably from ahead of the current class.

With that, I proceeded to solve them just as quick as I did the first few.

"Thank you, Johnathan, that was wonderful", she said with a kind smile, "why don't you take a seat, and we can try some other ones later, OK?"

With a nod, I did just that.

Ms. Anderson approached me after class, her eyes filled with admiration. "John," she began, "you have an incredible gift for mathematics. I'd like to challenge you further by giving you some harder problems to work on. What do you think?"

Now it begins.


London, February 29, 1988,

St. George's Orphanage, 16:47


The afternoon sun cast a warm glow as the Knight Bus came to a stop near the meeting place. Albus Dumbledore, disguised in his travelling cloak, stepped off the bus and looked around for Alastor Moody, whom he was meeting for a clandestine discussion.

Moments later, Moody emerged from the shadows, his magical eye swiveling and scanning the area. He approached Dumbledore, his grizzled features set in a stern expression.

"Dumbledore," Moody grunted in greeting. "Took your sweet time, didn't you?"

Dumbledore offered a serene smile. "I do apologize for any inconvenience, Alastor. These old bones don't move as they used to, I'm afraid."

Moody grunted again and then began to fill Dumbledore in on the situation. "Two days ago, a government official arrived at the orphanage," he explained. "He informed the boy about his parents' assets, might not be surprised if another government representative shows up. The children just returned from school, and things seem to be quiet for now."

Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with interest. "Thank you for the information, Alastor. I will take it from here."

With a nod of acknowledgement, Dumbledore stepped away from Moody and withdrew his wand. With a swift incantation, his travelling cloak transfigured into a formal suit, fitting for an official government representative.

"I shall report my findings, my friend," Dumbledore said to Moody before heading purposefully toward the orphanage's front door. It was time for him to investigate the matter further, for he knew that appearances could be deceiving, especially in the world of magic.


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." 

- Albert Einstein


AN 1: I got a few people who wanted me to close up the plot whole, which was "What happened to his parent's stuff?". Honestly, I still couldn't make up my mind to put more detail on it because I was on the fence as to how much I should give him and if he was to get a family home, then where would it be, how b extravagant it should be or would it even matter, so I kind of still left it a little vague. I can decide in later chapters I guess

I'm also thinking of doing a time skip to 11, I don't want to bother too much with normal school. Let me know what you guys think.

AN 2: Some people also wanted me to remove the aspect of the system that lets him summon people. So...

I initially wanted to summon people in a way that they would be given the choice in their home dimension to join him. Ciri, for example, would have been given the choice when she tried to stop the white frost in the Witcher games but died.(one of the possible endings, to my knowledge)

Long story short. No people-summoning? But MC can exchange that aspect of the system for points as compensation, 1% may not seem fair, but the system's got to make a living too.

AN 3: As far as romance is concerned, there won't be one until he is 18. So don't worry. Even if some of the characters like him, he won't be thinking about it until 18.

He will be focused on learning magic, going to other worlds and people trying to bring him into politics because of his power. Don't get me wrong, I won't purposefully write him as a dense character. At least, I'll try not to. But he just won't act on it until he's older. That's why I put the "slow build" in the description.

AN 4: I'm still on the fence regarding the love interest(s). That's why I wanted to start slow. I might stick with one love interest to get better at writing romance as I have no idea how to do it well, or at all for that matter, as this is my first try at writing fanfiction.

Love interest(s) still undecided. Also not as important now due to age.

AN 5: I really like the [Livable pocked Dimension] idea; it will be expensive, so it will be between that and the [World Hopping] ability, which he will have to buy now that the people summoning is gone. The discount is only for one-time use, so he will have to put in some work to get the one he didn't buy. It's my way of stopping him from buying too many powers and abilities in just a few days of being here; he's already overpowered, so...

I kind of want the [World Travel] first so that he can go to other worlds during the summer or something. While also having the limitation of only using it maybe 2 times a year. Let me know what you guys think.


Don't forget to leave those sweet, sweet stones.*Creepy smile*

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on PAT REON. Any and all support is appreciated.

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Thank you for reading.

Thank you for the praise. It's much appreciated.

Check out the auxiliary chapter for my author notes. I didn't just want to add it here because it was kind of long.

Until next time.

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