[ Player Evaluation Complete! A Unique Class and Destiny has been decided to be bestowed to the player ]
Leo looked at the system screen and was pleasantly surprised by the text that said that he was going to be given a unique class.
Who did not like to think of themselves as the main character of a novel and have a unique destiny? However, little did he know that his new class was more trouble than good.
[ Congratulations player, your overall evaluation is A+ grade!
Since the player has achieved the highest score out of all the individuals in sector E on all four arc ships, the player will be given the unique class - Actor.
To aid and abet the player in his main mission, the player will be given the special title 'Fake It Till You Make It'
A special welcome box corresponding to an A+ evaluation has been prepared for the player and has been sent to player inventory.
To access the inventory please speak the words 'Open Inventory'
For further information about your class and title, please click here ]
Leo felt extremely happy at being informed that he had the highest score of all E ranked passengers aboard the arc ship as this was the kind of skill that made one develop an ego complex.
He was grinning from ear to ear as he clicked on the further information option as he did not quite understand what the actor class or fake it till you make it title was supposed to do? However, all his initial excitement turned to horror once he read the details about his class.
This class has been created as nothing more than a social experiment.
The user of this class can bypass the restrictions of walking down a single focused path, however, it also means that the user will find it harder to master any single art.
The user of this class will be used as an experiment to see if those who pretend to be hidden masters, without having the skill to back it up can actually become real masters if their con is not caught for an extended period of time.
When the game officially opens and more than a 10,000 players reach level10, a levelling leader board will open and the inheritor of this class will be displayed to be 10 levels above the number2 ranked player even if that is not the reality.
The player will be issued several quests that he/she must complete to survive, to keep doing the bare minimum to be called a hidden expert until the actor actually becomes one or is found out to be a fraud.
NOTE - The player inheriting the actor class can never disclose his/her identity or class to anyone within the gaming world or the real world and must lie about his class whenever asked.
NOTE - The ankle bracelet given to every passenger of the arc ship monitors your activity outside the gaming world and will instantly kill you if you knowingly reveal any information about this class.
NOTE - The player inheriting the actor class can never join a guild or any other official organization unless it is for a system generated mission and must always play solo.
TITLE - Fake it till you make it.
The player inheriting this title will gain experience points and bonus attributes when acting like he/she is a bigshot.
The system strongly suggests that the player act aloof and lofty to maximize the benefits of the title.
ADDED BONUS - You can change your display panel within a set range of parameters, completely as per your discretion to help in your act.
As Leo read about the class that he had been given as well as the title and its effects he felt the gaming world spin under his feet as he felt slightly sick.
He never wanted to be treated like a social experiment, to play the part of a hidden expert either until he actually became one or until he was caught in the act.
What was even worse was the information that the bracelets tracked the activity of all players in real life as well, which meant that when he and Luke sat down to discuss the game, he could never be truly honest about what class he was or what missions he was doing.
Hidden expert?
No class restrictions?
The ability to alter his status panel at will?
Leo was not sure as to how he was going to play his character in the future, however, what he was sure of was the fact that he was definitely going to fake it till he made it.
Even if it was all a con, in his mind he knew that he was going to play the role of the con-man till the wolves circled in on him as even if he was cornered, he was never going to admit to anyone in a moment of weakness that he was a fraud.
Although he did not know it yet, the system by reading his memories deemed him the least likely to crack under pressure and having the most chances to make this acting gig work, which was why he was given this unique destiny, on-top of his extraordinary skills.
( Meanwhile Luke )
Luke received a B grade in the reflex test, a B grade in the cognitive ability test and a S+ grade in combat!
His result was a mirror opposite of that of his brother as his S+ grade in combat meant that he went above the conventional grading system and was a rare generational talent when it came to fighting.
His overall evaluation also came out to be A+ grade as he was given the highly recognised class 'Warrior'.
Unlike Leo he was not given a unique destiny or a title, but amongst the items given to him in his welcome bonus kit there was a 'Token Of Honor' which was meant to be shown in the school of battlemages in Crystal City.
As for what the token represented or what benefits it gave, there was no information to be accessed, however, Luke was happy with how things turned out for him.
[ All initial requirements have been met, please select a character name to complete your initial character profile.
Please note- You cannot change the character name once you have selected it, so please be cautious about the name you type in and please double check for all spelling errors ]
A keyboard appeared before Luke asking him to enter his gaming name as he began wondering as to what he should set it as.
The game did warn him that he would not be given a second opportunity to change his name which is why Luke felt hesitant to write something stupid like 'Thanos' or 'Ninja' or some other generic name like those.
He wanted a cool yet impactful name that people would remember after just reading once, however, he also wanted it to be original and not something that others were likely to copy.
To ensure its uniqueness, he decided to combine two or more words to create a unique hybrid word that could fit his vision for his character profile.
Since he was from the warrior class, he wanted the name to be brave and bold which is why he chose the word 'Lion', since it was the most noble yet powerful creature he could think of.
To make it unique he decided to add the 'Sky' part of his surname 'SkyShard' to the word creating a hybrid name - 'SkyLion'
Luke, satisfied with how SkyLion sounded, inputted it as his character name as instantly a character panel was generated.
SkyLion's Character Profile
Name: SkyLion
Race: Human (Status: Restricted)
Title: [None Assigned]
Class: Warrior (Stage: Unawakened)
Current Level: 0
[ Vital Stats ]
Health Points (HP): 100/100
Mana: Currently Unavailable
Stamina: 15/15
[ Core Attributes ]
Strength (10): Demonstrates significant physical power.
Agility (6): Possesses standard mobility and reflexes.
Dexterity (13): Exceptionally skilled with precision and control.
Intelligence (7): Shows practical, real-world problem-solving abilities.
Endurance (9): Has greater than average resilience and stamina.
Physique (12): Exhibits a strong and well-conditioned body.
**Note- The human average for all core attributes is 6**
[ Learnt Skills ]
- None.
[ Equipment ]
Worn Gear: Basic Layman's Clothes
[ Inventory ]
Starter Items: Welcome Pack (Essentials for beginners)
Special Item: Token Of Honor (Rare, signifies great potential)
A blue screen popped up in front of Luke as he inspected it in great detail.
Growing up, he wasn't a big gamer since their family did not have the financial ability to support such idol hobbies, however, of what little games that he did play, he had seen this exact type of system screen pop up once or twice.
With the average attribute for humans across all categories being 6, Luke realized that he was at least average or above average in all categories with physique and dexterity being his strongest suits.
In retrospect it did make sense, since he used to lead an active lifestyle of a repairman back in Washington, where he needed to be nimble and precise with his hands while also requiring the necessary physique to support long hours of manual labor.
What he was curious about was whether or not Leo also had dexterity and physique as his strongest attributes or was the evaluation criteria based on something else?
( Meanwhile Leo )
Just like Luke, Leo also stared intently at his own system panel.
The Boss's Character Profile
Name: The Boss
Race: Human (Status: Restricted)
Title: [Fake It Till You Make It] (Equipped)
Class: Actor (Unique) (Stage: Unawakened)
Current Level: 0
[ Vital Stats ]
Health Points (HP): 96/96
Mana: Currently Unavailable
Stamina: 13/13
[ Core Attributes ]
Strength (8): Demonstrates above average physical power.
Agility (8): Possesses above average mobility and reflexes.
Dexterity (17): Elite! Ranked top1% for precision and control.
Intelligence (16): Elite! Possesses natural talent for thinking out of the box.
Endurance (9): Has greater than average resilience and stamina.
Physique (11): Exhibits a strong and well-trained body.
SPECIAL OPTION- Edit attribute panel for display [click here to edit]
**Note- The human average for all core attributes is 6**
[ Learnt Skills ]
- None.
[ Equipment ]
Worn Gear: Basic Layman's Clothes
[ Inventory ]
Starter Items: Welcome Pack (Essentials for beginners)
Leo had brazenly chosen the name 'The Boss' for his character as after thinking about what to name himself for a while, he decided that he was fucked anyway with the unique class so he might as well own the persona completely and name himself something bold.
He chose the name 'The Boss' because he chuckled at the thought of having a second rate thug run up to his boss and inform him/her that he had been roughed up by 'The Boss'.
For some stupid reason just thinking about this scenario gave him some form of evil satisfaction as he felt very content with his system name.
Apart from the general stat panel, he had the special option of editing his attribute panel for others to see because of his unique title, however, he chose not to exercise that option without having sufficient knowledge about the game mechanics first.
Since he was going to be forced to act, he was at least going to be a well informed trickery artist and not a dumb fool who was easy to spot and while he had a much better overall stat panel than Luke, with intelligence and dexterity being in the 'elite' category, unlike Luke, Leo did not feel satisfied with his stat panel at all.
In his mind, Leo felt that since he had scored so well on the reflex and knife test he should have gotten a better evaluation, however, it did not occur to him that the evaluation criteria might not have been the initial test.
Nonetheless, he was not given much time to brood over it either as after a minute of his system panel being generated, he got another system notification that announced the start of the game.
[ Character panel generation complete!
Welcome player- 'The Boss' to TERRA NOVA ONLINE ]