33.15% I Will Live A Better Life! / Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Advanced Action

章節 61: Chapter 61: Advanced Action

"Nothing happened. I passed on your advice to others."

"I see. Thank you, Rethusa-san."

I ran to the Artemis Familia home after sending Hephaestus-sama to the forge. Tsubaki-nee was already there and knew of this danger.

I gave the remaining M9 to Lady Artemis.

"Hephaestus-sama already has one. Lady Artemis could use it."


Ah, I see.

She must've noticed it. My apprehension about this situation. Miku could protect my family and friends back in those iterations, but that's with my complete armory. That's how I achieved a thorough protection detail with them when the fifth iteration began.

I might be stronger now, but my means are still limited. I am not talking about magic tools and swords—it is my full-on technological prowess.

Surveillance could be done by Miku at all times with her network. That's why I am confident with their safety even if I couldn't return before the incidents began.

"Fu…" I exhaled deeply. "I'm fine, Lady Artemis. I got this."

Hearing this, she simply smiled. I genuinely stopped

"What are you planning to do?" Rethusa-san asked.

"I will forward the raid's start. By tomorrow at the latest, it should happen. They shouldn't be left unattended anymore."

The 'meeting' initiated by Hermes Familia is only a formality—a call for cooperation with the other familias. Since Valletta Grede and Olivas Act are gone, Knossos has no more Creatures. The leaders of Evilus are gone, too.

As for Demi-spirits, they are immobile. They fall at a great disadvantage during sieges. More so, the strongest Demi-spirits on the fifty-ninth and sixtieth floors aren't called back to Knossos, at least from what I knew. Enyo used Filvis to go up on those floors since gods couldn't enter the dungeon. There is some sort of mechanism there, I believe.

Valletta could've fulfilled the role for him in the name of the partnership, but she was gone. I knew how complicated the floors above fifty are. At least, these floors are several times bigger than Orario. Without a suitable 'contact', they won't be able to make it.

"Will you join?"

"Yes." I replied to Lady Artemis. "With my recent level up and [Mana Furnace], I would be able to use grand-scale spells."

Before, I separated the output levels of my spells into three levels. I could use the first one without falna. The second one requires one of my combat suits. Lastly, the third one required Miku's input on [Judgement]. Their complexity was substituted by Miku's insane computation speed.

Theoretically, I could use the first two levels with the help of catalysts. I succeeded in making several catalysts that could house the 'memory' of the second-level spells.

"We will join as well. When will the meeting start."

For a moment, I fell silent.

Knowing their personalities, I made a decision.

"Alright. I am planning to reveal myself either way."

I am not foolish to think that I wouldn't be discovered by Loki and Hermes Famiia after using a grand-scale spell. Instead of leading to misunderstandings, it's best to throw the "Red" identity away.

In the first place, I made it to deflect future questions. Not showing my true face could spell insincerity. Why would they believe me if I hid my identity?

I will use the 'trust' built upon us to better convince them.

"I'll go take care of things for now."


In the afternoon, Hermes Familia received an unusual visitor.

"Until when would you stop appearing like this?"


The red-haired man ate the crispy jagamarukun he bought a while ago. The effects of his [The One Ring] went off, hence the current situation.

"Isn't this cool? I bet Lord Hermes would like to make an entrance like this."

He placed the brown bag of jagamarukun on their table.

"Anyways, here's some coffee and snacks."

Asfi looked at the troublesome man dubiously. Whenever he had done this, a trouble is about to come. That's how it was when they investigated Daedalus Street and Ikelos Familia.


The door was opened.

"Speak of the devil."

"I reckon you have something important to discuss."

Hermes saw Nobu and asked naturally.

"Yeah. Before I mention it, I apologize to Miss Asfi in advance."

"Huh." She wore a tired look as she reluctantly accepted her fate.

"Last night, Dix Perdix, the captain of Ikelos Familia, was killed. From that, I received two important things."

Nobu brought out one of the Daedalus orbs as well as Daedalus' notebook. He held them in both hands as he finished eating the jagamarukun.

"The orb is the key I have mentioned before. Meanwhile, this notebook has all the details of Knossos."


The two took some time to digest the truth.

"So, are you planning to attack Knossos?"

"As expected of Miss Asfi. I am. Rather, it is the best time to do so."

Hearing this, Hermes let out his doubts.

"Why is it the best time?"

"Enyo." Nobu paused before he continued, "We shouldn't let Enyo be. Trust me-no, rather, trust my evidences. You won't like to see what'll happen in the end game."

When their cooperation deeped, Nobu shared more information to Hermes Familia—to Hermes and Asfi. That included Evilus, Creatures, Demi-spirits, and Enyo.

Although the creatures and Demi-spirits are quite far-fetched, they believed him simply due to the accuracy of his intel regarding Evilus. The ones they interrogated last midnight validated it. As for Enyo, it is completely unknown.

"Also… Would it help if Valletta Grede is truly dead?"

Asfi was the first one who connected the dots.

"You fought Valletta Grede last night?!"

"That's how it went."

"You said she was a Creature, right? She should've had a terrifying body and recovery, to speak."

"I have some good friends."

"...Gale Wind." Asfi recalled the figure of teh adventurer last night.

Both Hermes and Asfi are familiar with Gale Wind. She went on a rampage to root out many Evilus bases on the surface. She killed every single suspected people that have a connection with Evilus. That rampage went too far that everyone in Orario condemned her—which led to the guild issuing a blacklist.

Though, that was also a form of protection to deescalate things. Nobody sought her after that.

Nobu skillfully changed the direction of their talks.

"If my words aren't enough…"

"It's enough."

Hermes stared straight into his eyes before smiling. The former knew that everything is the truth. There are no signs of Nobu lying.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Rally everyone. Freya Familia wouldn't participate unless Orario's threatened, but Loki Familia's help is vital. There are at least two Demi-spirits in Knossos. Though after that, you won't need to worry about high-level adventurers."

Levis was 'born' two years from now. They don't have to worry about the assault of a level seven all of a sudden. That's why Nobu wanted to begin the attack despite its 'rushed' manner.

"I would like to begin tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I'm afraid that'd be too hard. The preparations would take longer than that." Hermes replied.

"Preparations? I got that covered."

Fortunately, he resolved the 'preparations' part as early as two weeks ago.

"High Potions, weapons, even magic swords and magic tools. Enough to supply the Loki Familia and several others."

One by one, he placed different types of potions and high potions. It was then followed up with several weapons as well as magic swords. The last one is a number of magic tools including ones that look like a metallic orb.

Asfi's sharp eyes caught the difference in his magic swords.

"Is that… Sirius' unbreakable magic swords?"

"Yeah. I had around several dozen. That should work, no?"

She looked at him with disbelief. She could imagine how huge his networks are.

"These are bought legally, alright? You don't have to worry about that one."

Meanwhile, Hermes was also surprised by his preparations. It was as if he had been preparing for weeks.

"Are you convinced with it?" Nobu asked Hermes.

"Very. It went far outside my expectations."

Asfi followed up, "...I am curious how you got everything, but I will refrain from asking questions."

For them, there is no reason for Nobu to lie. If he didn't have enough supplies as he stated, they wouldn't be able to start the 'raid' as he wanted to.

"Lord Hermes. Can you name the familias that could join?"

The three began to lay the plan out.


When asked about the top familias in Orario, two names would come to their minds: Freya and Loki Familia.

The former has "The Warlord" Ottar, the sole level seven in the dungeon city, as its leader. There are also level six executives such as Hogni Ragnar, Allen Fromel, Hedin Selland, and the four Gulliver Brothers.

Meanwhile, Loki Familia has three level six leading the fray—Finn Deimne, Riveria Ljos Alf, and Gareth Landrock. The other executives are all level fives, including the famed 'Sword Princess' (Kenki).

It could be seen that the Freya Familia surpasses the Loki Familia in terms of combatants. However, the former was known to be unresponsive to most of Orario's matters unless it threatens to destroy it—such as the 'ritual of the six great spirits'.

Without a clear threat, they wouldn't be convinced, more so when the current operation is more likely a "clean-up" than anything.

Thus, Hermes ended up consulting with Loki Familia. After some 'greetings', he went inside the captain's office. Loki, Finn, and Riveria was present.

"Knossos…" Finn muttered as he couldn't believe such a place is real.

"It exists."

Loki confirmed the 'fabled' Daedalus labyrinth found in various myths.

"That guy went crazy and wanted to surpass the dungeon. Heard this from the old man himself. Anyways, how did ya come to this conclusion? Did he order you to find somethin'?" She asked.

"About that… You're mistaken. It's quite a long story, actually."

Hermes began telling Loki the source of his information.

"Pff—! A phantom thief?! Ah, this brings back some good memories!"

Loki is well-known as a 'trickster god' back in Tenkai. She did many 'trickery', and one such example was stealing several divine artifacts.

"It's not like you to be led by the nose." She remarked. "You must've dug his identity, no?"

Hermes gave a wry smile.

"He's very tricky. Nothing came up from our investigations. Nothing."

It was as if "Red" came out of thin air. There wasn't any records of entry or exit on Orario. Neither the surface nor the 'dark side' of Orario had some traces regarding him. They swept through Orario for two weeks to no avail.

Riveria, who was silently listening, had her doubts.

"Is there a possibility of it being a trap?"

"We did think of it. Perhaps everything is a trap to deal significant damage to Orario. However, there are many things that contradicts that possibility."

Many questions occurred to Hermes. "Red" had given way detailed information in regards to the dangers held by Knossos. If it was a trap, it'd be a pyrrhic victory at best. They would sacrifice just as much to deal with them.

"Hence… I am planning to—"

Hermes' words were interrupted when one of the windows was propped open. It prompted Finn to reach for his spear while Riveria began to cast her magic.


A man entered from it. He managed to stand up through his incredible core balance.

"Pardon me for the unannounced intrusion."

The man's words were briefly disregarded by Loki. Even now, she has a smirk on her face.

"I'm amazed. How did you enter, Mister Phantom Thief?"


Seeing his movements, Loki asked Finn and Riveria to drop their hostilities.

"Loki-sama." Riveria mouthed.

"Calm down. You'll see something shocking later on." She replied. "I didn't expect for you to have this hobby, Sirius."


The man, Nobu, reacted by tapping his mask four times. It showed out of thin air. When he removed it, his appearance changed to normal. His hair turned white while his height reverted to normal.

"I am sorry about those times, Lord Hermes."

Naturally, he didn't have to keep his act any longer. His playful remarks changed back to a formal one.

"...I got it. This is my loss." Hermes shrugged while raising his hands in defeat. "To think you were Sirius all along."

"Now we're even."

The two exchanged knowing looks. Nobu knew about the 'surveillance' way back when he became a level two. The time he led Hermes Familia to their noses could be considered his payback.

Hermes understood this and let the matter go.

Although, it couldn't stop questions from brewing.


"I truly apologize for this one." Nobu replied to Riveria.


Loki's eyebrow rose as she glanced at the two. She realized how familiar both of them are.

"I shall answer all your questions after I tell this story of mine."

Nobu began revealing his encounters. From his initial encounter with Valletta during the twenty-seventh nightmare until his latest counter kill after the ambush, he left nothing behind. To convince them, he knew telling half-baked lies might backfire.

In the end, it didn't involve his otherworlder status. He didn't need to come up with lies this time. His strength could be reasoned out as talents and the journey he often spoke of.

Still, it was inevitable for the four people inside this room to spot some inconsistencies.

Nobu saw this through their expressions.

"I won't keep this a secret. Actually, it is due to my skill. I discovered Enyo's existence as well as the Demi-spirits solely because of it. As to what it is, I would like to keep it a secret." He paused before he continued, "I swear anything isn't under the premise of annihilating Evilus as well as other evil forces threatening Orario's safety."

The two gods saw he did not lie. He truly got the information due to a skill. Both of them presumed it to be something gained from falna. After all, nothing is impossible in Gekai, more so when the person in question broke the level up records consecutively.

It is something that could be considered Nobu's 'talent'.

His intent is also against Evilus. He is not plotting something harmful for Orario. Loki took Hephaestus' personality as a guarantee due to her deep friendship with Hestia—her "sworn nemesis" that only does good.

"Raiding the labyrinth Knossos… That's your goal, Sirius?"

"Yes, Finn-san. It should be the perfect time to do so."

Finn understood his intent. Valletta Grede, the leader of Evilus, was killed with their joint efforts. It is akin to beheading the enemy camp's commander. Leveraging on their enemies' confusion is common in such scenarios.

He looked at Loki as the latter gave a brief nod.

"We will participate on this operation. As for the supplies…"

"You can take it with the twenty percent discount. Our previous agreement is included in the supplies."

"...I understand."

Nobu then turned to Hermes before saying:

"Hephaestus and Artemis Familia will also participate."

"I see."

Aside from the three familias, several more familias should be able to join. Loki Familai is merely Hermes' first stop.

After everything that happened inside the office, they went to do their respective things. This moment signified the start of a great operation.

It is the time when the threats of Orario will be taken care three years in advance.


A/N: Welp. It seems uni could be overbearing at times. No worries though. I won't drop this fic. Anyways, I'll be making up for the lack of chapters a few days ago by uploading another one later this day. I'll just have to get through this day (since I completed all the projects for this week). If there are errors, do mention them.

Happy Reading~!

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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