30.48% I Will Live A Better Life! / Chapter 56: Chapter 56: When The Tables Are Turned

章節 56: Chapter 56: When The Tables Are Turned

The goggled man, Dix Perdix, found himself in a street found in Kyoto. The modern street lamps illuminated the asphalt road. Shadows could be found everywhere.

"What happened just now?!"

He didn't expect any of this. Moments after Valletta activated her barrier magic, Shaldo, he was about to activate his magic, Phobetor Daedalus. It has the effect of confusing the target by sending an 'illusion'. People with high willpower could resist its effects, but they wouldn't be able to rid of it.

"I wondered why she got fired up. I get it now..!"

From the beginning, he was very confused as to why Valletta has to go all-out against a mere level two. Two level threes could deal with one, yet Valletta dispatched a level four and four level threes. There's also him and Valletta herself.

This is simply overkill.

Despite the unfamiliar place, he tried to keep his calm. With knowledge about his magic, it didn't surprise Dix that someone else could do the same.

"Does it affect my senses or am I moving in reality?" He was analyzing the details of this 'illusion' when he realized something. "That boy… Did he anticipate this?"

It was an incredulous thought. Valletta herself mentioned how she was 'killed' by the boy—that she is no longer a human. Predicting this ambush is completely unexpected.

Being cautious in the dungeon is something to be expected, but what about Nobu's anti-curse ability?

Dix caught that detail on his brief encounter.

The original plan was to strike with Valletta's magic before following up with his. Evilus members would then surround him. In the end, Valletta will deal the final blow herself.

It's as if he knows about this ambush in advance.

"Tsk..! This is getting troub—"

"You like curses, yes?"

Under the shadow of the street lamp, Nobu emerged on his magician's outfit. His black attire complemented the night ambience.

"Boy, how did you do this?"

"You answered me with a question. Well then." Nobu didn't entertain him anymore. "Pray not to be exorcised."

Nobu left those words as he dissipated in the shadows. Dix wondered as to what he meant until he saw a blonde man wearing sunglasses. He wielded a blunt sword wrapped in a cloth with polka dot patterns.

Seeing him, Dix tensed up. He readied his spear as he started the chant for his magic. Even so, he couldn't rest easy upon seeing the man's aura.

The Grade One Sorcerer, Kento Nanami, is someone who fought many Special-grade curses—most notably the ones beside Kenjaku such as Mahito. He is someone who could fight against Special-grade curses head-on.

In short, Dix's enemy is way out of his league.

Worse, he doesn't know about it.


It was not just Dix Perdix who got engulfed in the light. The Evilus members all experienced a separate illusion whereas they faced bizarre enemies—magicians wearing black coats, Sorcerers, and Cursed Spirits.

Along with them is a second-time visitor.

"This again! That bastard couldn't do his job properly!"

Dix's job was to 'confuse' Nobu by making him hallucinate. That removes his ability to access magic. Even if he could, she doubts he could cast properly while being besieged by Evilus members. Before he could react, the ambush would be accomplished. He will die.


Valletta wielded a cursed sword as she saw the familiar landscape. It is a place capable of inflicting her pain yet does not affect reality. She tried to analyze some of its effects but could only make some.

For once, it should be up to its creator, Nobu, to cancel it. Valletta was also affected by it, albeit invisibly.

However, things are different this time. Not only had she reached level six, she is also now a creature.

A familiar figure appeared in her sight.

"This fucker!"

Toji wielded the sharpened Playful Cloud, the three-sectioned staff he used in Shinjuku. He turned into a blur before reappearing right in her face.


She experienced another beatdown yet again.


"T'is your magic? Interesting..!"

Tsubaki-nee marveled at the realistic recreation of Etna Volcano—Hephaestus Familia's home.

"How did you do it?"

The doll-faced Aiz-san spoke after being silent. Curiosity could be seen clearly in her eyes.

"Hm… It's a culmination of everything I have learned. It's similar to an ultimate technique of sorts." I then added, "You need to learn more mathematics first, Aiz-san."


She fell silent. I knew how she had difficulties with arithmetics. Though, her reaction is kind of cute.

"If I may ask… How long did you learn magic?"

"Even Ryuu-san is curious?"

My words were countered by Rethusa-san's reply.

"Everyone would be curious about this. We have encountered several illusions in the past, but yours is on another level."

The four adventurers are my greatest reliance in thwarting this ambush. I thought of Rethusa-san and Tsubaki-nee at first, but I decided to ask Aiz-san and Ryuu–san as well. Surprisingly, they all agreed.

Aiz-san wanted to fight a strong opponent while Ryuu-san got riled up when she knew it was Evilus.

"When I first heard about your involvement with Evilus, I was surprised." Ryuu-san said. "How could you come in contact with them?"

"Yeah! T'was truly unbelievable. To kill Arachnia with your hands…" Tsubaki-nee followed up.

"I got lucky at that time. Her falna disappeared when Loki-sama executed her god."

To be honest, I am surprised that I could rally them as my helpers. This ensures victory against Valletta, a level six creature. Back in my memories, I recall facing Finn-san and Gareth-san as one. Both of them struggled due to my skills and tenacity.

While Valletta doesn't have skills comparable to mine, she was still someone who fought during the Great Feud. Her combat skills should be slightly lesser than Finn-san.

The main problem when facing Valletta is her regeneration. As long as their spirit cores doesn't shatter, creatures will continue regenerating.

That was evident when Olivas Act could fight Aiz-san—a level four fighting a level six.

"The spell will reach its limits soon." I declared. "We should immediately strike. They would be stunned for at least three to five seconds after I dispel this magic."

"Got'cha! I've been lookin' forward to this day!"




Ryuu-san, Aiz, and Rethusa-san nodded solemnly—only Tsubaki-nee seems eager for a reason.

"I'll be saying this in advance… Thanks for your help."



The grand-scale magicka disintegrated. I heard a clicking sound before my sight returned to normal. Dix Perdix is standing blankly a few meters away.

Immediately, I took out my handgun. Three runes lit up out of the twelve. The engraved magic inside the gun started working.

"Combust Enhancement."

"Velocity Adjustment."

"Compressed Explosion."


The bullet went toward his head. Unfortunately, he managed to block it with his arm. Blood dripped from it. His damage is worse than Valletta, but it is still manageable with his level five status. Still, his arm nearly became useless.


Ten bolts of lightning emerged from the binary codes. They all targeted Dix.



I didn't bother checking the damage. Instead, I focused on my chant.


Changes started to occur within my body. I could feel myself becoming stronger. The semi-manifestation of the dream organs lessened the need to breathe. I could cast spells even faster now.

This time, I took out [Edatsu] (Steel Branch). I summoned forth the magic circle from the [Mage] ability. The moment it manifested as a white magic circle, I could feel everything mind-related being enhanced.

Ten seconds.

"Et Factus Est Invisible Instar Venti, Flamma Est Lego Vis Wizard…" (He became invisible like the wind. A wizard's knowledge is their burning power…)


The magic circle beneath my feet shook. Dix Perdix hadn't noticed this and instead charged in my direction. I took out a red dagger and threw it at his face.



While I did this, my casting wasn't interrupted. The idea of magicians not being able to cast a second spell amid an already ongoing process was broken by me. It is what I would call [Chant Superimposition].

"Et Lost in Ventum. Harmonia Eversus. Detorqueo Veritas! " (Be lost in the wind. Destruction of Harmony. Distortion of Truths!)


An exact replica of Valletta's barrier magic appeared on top of it. Its only difference is its pure blue color. It overlaid itself with the magic, making it fuzzy for a moment.

The knowledge of this world's magic appeared before being compared to the systems in my world. I discerned the purpose of every portion of this magic.



—I felt a connection to the spell.

"Thank you, Valletta."

Under Dix Perdix's shocked gaze, I changed the targets of her curse magic.


Moments ago.


Rethusa did as she was instructed. She pressed the trigger of these silver cylinders and threw them at the crowd of Evilus. She threw more than five before blocking her ears.



A whistle-like sound came from it. Shockingly, every single Level Three of Evilus blacked out. The mana soundwaves emitted a specific resonance that fooled their brains into going unconscious.

(A/N: If you are familiar with Mahouka, it is similar to 'Compound Waves'.)

The level four wasn't unscathed, either. With the thick white mist blocking their visibility and their senses affected, they experienced all kinds of stress. Their concentration dropped sharply.



A wooden sword struck the sole level four. She couldn't even react before she went unconscious. She couldn't even use her cursed spear in this fight.

The wooden sword's owner, Ryuu, simply looked at them coldly. She could never forgive Evilus for what they had done to her friends.

"How fast."

Despite the earlier briefing, she didn't expect for Nobu's creations to solve the level threes and four this easily. It has no precedent in Orario. His [Miracle Maker] skill conformed to his will. It made his ideas into reality.



While she mused, an intense confrontation began. Metals clashed as Aiz began her assault on Valletta. Each of her strikes aimed at a vital point.


She did not expect for Kenki, out of all people, to be in this place.



Regaining her footing, she successfully blocked her attacks. The strength she received upon becoming equivalent to level six is not for naught.

Aiz felt Valletta's strikes becoming stronger. She swiftly recalled her spars with Gareth.

'Level six..?'

Now, she understood why Nobu asked for her help.


Suddenly, a figure crashed downwards at their positions. She wielded a large obsidian-black broadsword. The ground cracked due to the broadsword.

Tsubaki didn't waste her time as she lifted her sword and spun to Valletta. The momentum carried her broadsword, placing it to the correct angle.


Valletta took the hit directly. She was nearly sent flying. When her feet sank into the ground, the momentum died. The wounds and fraactures she had received began healing as well.


One thought dominated Valletta's mind right now:


Nobu should've been alone right now. He entered the dungeon without any companions. Her intent was to surround Nobu with high-level adventurers and kill him for good. If he becomes a creature, she would bring it to the Demi-spirit on the tenth floor. She was confident she could handle this alone, but she brought insurances to thwart his unpredictability.

Still, the scenario she drew fell apart.

"Why are you—?!"

She was stunned once again when her magic, [Shaldo], turned against her. Immediately, she could feel her strength weakening.



Hearing that angry shout, I am certain that [Phenomenon Mixer] succeeded. I was quite worried it wouldn't succeed, but seeing the 'changed' outcome made me smile.

"Just what did you do?!"

I could see anxiety forming in Dix Perdix's face.

"I don't have to entertain you, yes?"


He stopped on his attempts to curse me. He started charging to me once more. He must've decided to use his cursed weapon to turn the tides. Well, he is also mistaken if he thought I would let him do so.

This time, I bundled the lines of binary codes. They became 'combined' codes that formed around a core program—or in this case, equation.

"Carpet Bombing."



A wave of fire descended to him. It is akin to the planes' carpet bombing. The moving wall of fire engulfed Dix.

I returned the staff and switched for [Sora]. The magic circle disappeared as it got replaced by [Samurai]. Just by holding [Sora], I could feel my status being boosted. That was separate from [Sirius]'s effects.

I settled for a low stance. My intuition divulged the malintent's origin. Even with the carpet bombing, he never stopped charging. The cloud of mist blocked our vision, yet he could still 'see' me.

Perhaps that is the benefit of wearing goggles.

Eight meters.

Five meters.

Four meters.


My unstoppable charge began. An attraction was placed between Dix's cursed spear and my blade. It became stronger as I drew near.



I felt the sensation of cutting flesh—it wasn't thorough. It is more of a deep wound instead of cutting his arm. The level five could still react to it.



The stored charges dropped on top of him. The marking portion of [Raiju] guaranteed it would do a direct hit something.

My attack briefly cut apart the mist. For the second time, we made direct contact.

"Damn it..!" His frustrated voice resounded. "How are you a level three?!"

"No comment."

Wordlessly, I charged at him. Dix readied himself by switching the cursed spear to his less injured left arm. He was swift to use a potion to heal the gun wounds on that arm. His right arm got crippled by [Raiju].

He glared at me as if I am his greatest foe. Ironically, I didn't even touch Ikelos Familia… yet.

"Fucking cheater..!"

"I am."


My dynamic vision barely followed his attacks. They are no longer a blur. At the same time, I sent out lightning bolts to annoy him.

When we are in the middle of a clash, I suddenly pointed my left finger to him.

"Fax Rendre." (Light that gives.)

The pillar of fire devoured him. It didn't stop there. I thrust my blade behind it as a form of diversion.


I received the urge to reposition my blade, which I did.


It was right.


I pushed [Sora] deeper. I also sent out one [Wave Blast] after another in all directions.





In the end, they stirred up Dix's internal organs. Several [Wave Blasts] hit his right lung as well as his heart.


I looked up to see his astonished gaze. He dropped his cursed spear to the ground. Blood dripped on the corner of his mouth.

"You… I…"

He tried to say something, only to fail.


I pulled out [Sora] from his body. It is completely messed up with blood and bits of flesh.


Powerlessly, Dix's body fell to the ground. I checked him with [Correspondence] and confirmed he was dead.


Despite my fatigue, I forced myself to continue standing. It was at this time that I met Ryuu-san's gaze. Under her hood, I saw her widened eyes.

"Everything's handled… hah… here."

Today, a level five adventurer fell from my hands.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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