24.06% I Will Live A Better Life! / Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Twilight Manor

章節 44: Chapter 44: Twilight Manor

When it comes to training, I learned something. To make it more effective, the student should be able to find the answer themselves. This is how Kiyoshiro-san—the swordsman who honed my sixth sense—taught me.

Unfortunately, I am not talented in mystic swordsmanship. I could not trigger mysteries in that way. Only with magic techniques could I do so.

'This backfired.' I deadpanned inwardly. 'Wallenstein-san is just as crazy as me.'

"Woah?! So you're her training partner?" Hiryute-san asked.

"Yes. I couldn't pass on the opportunity to fight level fives."

Thousand Elf—Lefiya Viridis—looked at me as if she heard something preposterous.

"Aren't you a level two? How could you fight someone like Aiz?"

Brimming curiosity could be seen in Hiryute-san's eyes.

"It's magic. I developed something to withstand stronger enemies. I never thought it'll be this strong after having falna."

"That's some insane magic, then! How did you even come up with it?"

"Circumstances. We falna-less magicians are already weak enough. We need something to compensate for that weakness."

"Sirius-san… Did you learn it by yourself?" Viridis-san asked.

"Technically, I did. But, it's more of a joint effort if you ask me."

"Joint effort?"

The basis for the [Robustness] spell came from the magic built upon by generations. I did not lie in that part at the very least. What I am and will be saying are half-truths.

The matter as an otherworlder will be put off until the near future.

"Are you aware of the situation outside Orario, Viridis-san?"

"Uhm… A little bit." She replied. "If you are talking about magic… It's less effective than acquired magic."

From the books and Eina-san, I managed to draw Gekai's situation in my head. Congenital magic—man-made magic—is starting to appear. They are manifested with rituals and ceremonies, just like my world's magic.

The major difference between the two, however, is that their growth is halted. People of this world chose to use magic from falna and grimoires. Nobody paid much attention to the tedious spells that are far weaker than the two.

Thus, it led to this situation after a thousand years.

"During my travels, I came upon the spell and learned it."

"I see…"

I continued to talk with the two girls until we reached a towering gate. Two adventurers are posted as gatekeepers.

"Tiona-san! This is…"



A familiar reaction from before occurred. My name must've spread throughout Orario by now.


"You don't need to be so formal…" I commented.

"I-I see!"

Seeing the lively familia home, I felt slightly envious.


Inside the Twilight Manor's library, Riveria is entangled with something troublesome. After treating the wounded Aiz, she began lecturing her.

"Just what did come to your mind? You shouldn't go missing like that! Why didn't you tell us first?!"


Aiz felt a deja vu. In her early days, she was always reprimanded by Riveria.

"I want to become stronger…"

"Sigh… Going alone to the fortieth floor alone will not make you stronger. You're placing yourself in danger!"

"But that's what he did…"

She recalled Nobu's words. He became strong when he constantly fought. Meanwhile, Finn said that "intuition" only activates with danger. Combining the two, Aiz thought that constant near-death battles will let her have that "intuition".

"He? Who?"



Aiz revealed the sparring she had with him for over a week. She told Riveria how he utilized techniques on the same level as Finn. Nobu himself said that she was free to reveal this to the people she trusts.

"I see…"

Riveria left the library for a while, leaving Aiz alone. She stared blankly at the bookshelves as she couldn't understand the mistake she did.

For her, diving into the lower floors without preparation is completely normal.

"It's how he did it…"

Meanwhile, another meeting occurred outside.

"Greetings, Lady Riveria."

Wearing his black suit, Nobu did an elegant bow. He is currently in his formal mode—the one he used for parties and public gatherings.

"I have been informed of the situation." He added, "I did not expect her to dive into a dungeon, though I am also at fault."

Riveria was momentarily surprised at his etiquette. Only those from royalty could act like this.

"What did you tell her?"

"That… I hinted to her about the 'sixth sense'. It exists outside the five olf… senses and could detect danger and bloodlust."

"It's similar to Finn's intuition…"

It is not Riveria's first time hearing about the 'sixth sense'. It could be acquired by strong adventurers who often ventured into deadly situations.

"I plan on 'helping' Wallenstein-san sharpen her sixth sense."

"That's impossible…"

Unexpectedly, Tiona voiced her doubts first.

"Hey, that's only gained through bloody battles!" She defended her prior words.

Every time the sixth sense goes off, it is always during a close battle. It could let someone dodge a deadly strike by mistake or feel the said attack coming. Of course, it is not omnipotent. The sharper it is, the stronger the feeling.

Nobu met her gaze and felt something deeper from the carefree girl.

"In most cases, yes. However, there's another way to sharpen it through training."


"It is a special training developed by my mentor. He came from outside Orario, so it's totally fine if you haven't heard of him."

Riveria sensed that there are no falsehood in his words. She might not be a goddess, but she could see through falsehoods.

"Such a training exists…"

"It's the benefit of traveling, Viridis-san." Nobu followed up inwardly, 'Traveling worlds, that is.'

"Oh..! I want to join there too!"

Tiona suddenly clung to his arm. Nobu could feel her body through his suit.


"You can just call me Tiona!"

"...Tiona-san. You can join Wallenstein-san in the training. But, doesn't it bother you? You know…"

Just like other amazon, Tiona wore scantily. It is barely enough to cover everything that should be hidden.

"What do you mean..?"

She cutely tilted her head in confusion. For her, the concept of shame did not exist.

"Tiona… Sirius might not be accustomed to close contact with others."

Thankfully, Riveria is here for the rescue.

"Is that so?"

To that, Nobu nodded with a troubled smile.

"Sorry! I didn't know~!"

"It's alright. Just… Tiona-san should be more mindful. There are many guys out there who might take advantage of you."

"Ah, those guys? Don't worry!" Tiona proclaimed proudly. "I have beaten them up!"

"Makes sense…"

Lefiya looked at Nobu's side profile.

'He's considerate… No, what am I thinking!'

Nobu's deadly charm began unfolding itself.

"We can talk about that training later. For now, can you talk to Aiz? She's not listening to what I am saying…"

Riveria was helpless in this regard. She's like a mother who already got angry, yet her children wouldn't listen. However, it is due to Aiz using Nobu's name as a shield. Her persistence doesn't budge at all.

She and Nobu entered the library once more. The two girls were left waiting outside.


"Hello, Wallenstein-san. I've heard you caused some trouble."


He began explaining why diving into the dungeon unprepared is a mistake.

"Didn't you tell me to do so?" She asked.


"You hinted at it when you pointed that weapon yesterday."

"Are you sure about that?


Persuasion had been one of Nobu's strengths. It is mandatory to convince strong people of the shitty future he saw—both in his world and in Gekai.

"Actually, we were supposed to begin a special training tomorrow."


Upon explaining everything, Aiz felt embarrassed. Now, she realized how she jumped to the wrong conclusion..!

'It's like that..?! Nn…'

Her childish inner self hid her face between her knees. Similarly, her ears began turning red.

"I'm sorry… for causing this… Riveria… and Sirius."

"It's fine as long as you understand it."

After sighing, Riveria thanked him.

"Thank you for the help."

"It's not a big deal, Lady Riveria. I'm partly at fault here."


"Then, how about this…"

Knowing she is determined to owe him a favor, Nobu used this chance to fulfill one of his future regrets—study Orario's side of magic. Understanding their magic systems could help him use spells like [Phenomenon Mixer] that hijacks a spell. With that, you could use the opponent's spell against them.

"We can exchange knowledge regarding magic. I am interested in how you view it."

Riveria saw the scholarly spirit blazing in his eyes. It was then did she know that they share a common trait.

"It's still early." Nobu came up with an idea. "Should we start doing the training today?"



I did not mind the 'dubious' gazes sent by Lady Riveria and Viridis-san.

"...A ritual?"

"Partially. Magic is a ritual to go against the world's known principles."

I held a staff embedded with a blue gem. With the gem, I drew a magic circle on the ground—the blue gem is being dirtied by soil. To this world, they cherish their staves. For modern magicians, it is nothing but a tool.

'I never expected for it to fit.'

The gem was something I got from my first murder. It conducts mana pretty well. After embedding it into the staff, it became the 'core' for the staff's [Preservation] and [Connection] spell. Simply, it prolongs the duration of mana drawn to the real world.

Since it looks like a tree branch but is made of steel, I called it [Edatsu] (Steel Branch).

"Three circles… They are interconnected in a complex manner. This can't be often seen."

Lady Riveria saw through one of the spell's capabilities.

"Where did you learn this?"

"From an old man when I was traveling. He might be a mage of some organization. Altena, perhaps."

"That explains it. For him to pass his complete inheritance…"

He is on the verge of death.

I saw her looks briefly change into pity.

Then again, I learned this spell from Kazamitsu-san's records. He was dead up until my sixth iteration. Suimei was the one who brought it up during my training with Kiyoshiro-san. Since Kazamitsu-san lived through World War I and World War II, he is indeed an old man.


It took three minutes to complete the magic circle. I could have done this through [Memorize] daggers, but I am conserving money. This is how I did Lili's training inside [Alice's Wonderland].

"Tempus cum cunctus mendacium versura veritas." (With time, all lies turn into truths.)

Mana flowed from my hand into the gem before the magic circle was activated. Its entire radius turned into a white floor.

"This will be the training ground." I said. "You can step into it now."

"Woah? What's this?"

Hir—Tiona-san tried touching the ground.

"It feels like a floor!"


She even tried knocking on it.

"You might break it, Tiona-san. The spell's quite fragile."

"Got it!"

Someone else followed her actions.

"How is this possible… There's no texture of grass at all! Did it turn into something else?"

Viridis-san also examined it. I could see she has attainments when it comes to magic. I heard she was taught by Lady Riveria which explains everything.

"It should be an illusion. Isn't it, Sirius?"

"Yes. This spell is an illusion. Just like any other spells…"


I struck the butt of my staff to the ground. Swiftly, the white floor partially turned into grass before being repaired by the spell.

"It's quite fragile. That's why it does not serve any purpose for practical combat. However, it is good for training."

With a thought, a harmless ray of light passed through Tiona-san. It turned red as a result.

"The goal here is to not get hit by the lights. It turns green if you dodged it completely. Meanwhile, it turns red if you get hit."

"That's it..?"

I answered Wallenstein-san's concerns.

"Do you want to try it first?"


A ray of light aimed from her right arm. She easily dodged it. Then, two rays came in different directions. She easily dodged them too. Then it turned into three, four, five…

When ten different rays appeared, Wallenstein-san couldn't dodge one of them. It turned red.

"This looks fun!"

Tiona-san seems excited upon seeing the 'game'.

"How did it…"

"Even a level five could get hit by attacks. It's difficulty varies. The speed of lights increases. The angles of each attack become more complex as well."

Kiyoshiro-san stated oftentimes that swordsmen should be able to reach beyond their strike zone. This is complemented by his other statement of them being able to 'see' beyond what could normally be sensed.

These became the mantra for my physical training.

"I see… If I clear all of them, will I become stronger?" She asked.

"Of course, you will."

I kept the fact that there are thirty levels available. They are made based on a monster who could easily split skyscrapers and another monster who should be able to dodge all of them with his special eyes.

Even I am only at the ninth level. My sixth sense catches the impending rays but my body couldn't catch up.

"Can I go next? I want to go next!"

"Yes, yes…"

I felt a foreboding upon looking at the two girls.


"Let's see… This is a peculiar spell. It mostly relies on myths and lesser than physical principles. Is this a gravitational spell?"

"...That's right."

Riveria lost count of times she got surprised by his magical knowledge. With a single glance, he could understand the purpose behind the spell.

"It has a very long cast time. Hm… It's effective for defending against a siege. As long as it's a frontal confrontation, the spell could turn the tides."


After the girls' training, it was the promised knowledge exchange. Nobu got the chance to contrast his spells and look out for Gekai's magic specialty. As expected, he found many new things.

The same went for Riveria. His insights are shocking, to say the least. Finn mentioned him having the chance of breaking past the magic limit just like her and Lefiya.

Riveria could control the intensity of her three magics, extending her available spells to nine. They are balanced in offense, defense, and recovery. As for Lefiya, she is the true cheat.

She could cast every elven magic she knew, hence her "Thousand Elf" title. Although looking at the boy who is seriously writing on his booklet, Riveria felt another anomaly appearing.

"It's not this… Myths, myths… Ah."

Nobu learned something. In his world, the beings known as "gods" did not exist naturally. They were 'given life' through the people's beliefs. Once enough belief gathers, 'gods' are born into the spirit realm.

Meanwhile, Gekai has gods who existed even before humans; they found Gekai one day and descended from Tenkai. They are natural, unlike his world's gods. The difference between the two caused the falna-given magic to overwhelm normal magic

(A/N: Acquired Magic with Falna>Normal magic)

"Using such spells forms a connection…"

Nobu snapped from his thoughts. Doing something like this could seem disrespectful to Riveria.

"I'm sorry about that. I got too serious all of a sudden."

"No, it's fine."

Unbeknownst to Nobu, his studiousness even reached out to Riveria.


As Nobu continued to live in Gekai, his home world did not stop. The network of contacts he knew started to show their capabilities one by one.

A magic circle glowed beneath Kazamitsu's feet. The next moment, he was briefly sent into a dark tunnel.

"This is it… The pathway to other worlds."

He understood the composition of the spell. Nobu used the derived version of it, which is <Void Transference>. Right now, they are using the original <World Transference> from Louise's spell and Suimei's transportation circle.

The said spell is modified to automatically recall him.

As he explored the dark tunnel, a series of disconnected spaces went through him. It threatened to cut his body. He used his <Mana Furnace> to withstand them. When the spell started wearing off, he was forced back to his world.

"I found nothing. What a pity."

{Correcting the recorded coordinates… Successful.}

{Generating possible sets of coordinates…}

The voice was cut off.

{Several more sets of coordinates will be prepared. Are you alright?}

"It's nothing. We should continue."

Once a week, Kazamitsu helps Miku in verifying the proper coordinates. That was the only thing they are lacking. The prior coordinates they caught ensured a good chance the world they'll discover will be the one where Nobu currently is.

{Initiating the 8th attempt…}

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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