73.45% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 318: Chapter 235: Worry

章節 318: Chapter 235: Worry

6:00 p.m., Secret Training Place.

Moving from one end of the room to the other and with a somewhat pale expression, Hazel never thought she could feel so nervous.

Her green hair was loose and somewhat disheveled. Sweat clung to the stray hairs on her forehead.

'Relax Hazel Macht. I'm sure he's fine! He's the strongest man you know, it's obvious he can take care of himself!' 

The noblewoman's mind was a swirl of emotions. Today's newspaper had been a shock she had not expected.

The same one rested on the table where she made her sequence 8 potion.


On the morning of Tuesday, August 14. A terrifying event occurred on the famous Sureste Street.

The details of how it happened are unknown but witnesses and survivors told a horrible story!

Suddenly and without any warning, an unknown man shouted some strange words and after that, his body exploded and turned into a door of blood and flesh!

According to witnesses during the event, the one who stood in front of the door and seemed to have been the main target was the Fire Mage Adryan Kenway!

The blood gate not only swallowed more than 20 people but also managed to trap the hero of East Borough!

Some details may be strange and not very believable but the number of reports does not lie.

Adryan Kenway has been captured by a mysterious and very dangerous force!

Authorities advise all East Borough residents to remain calm. That they have everything under control, that there is nothing to fear and that they will do everything possible to get to the bottom of the situation.


Biting down a little harder, Hazel let out a growl.

"They don't have it under control." The green-haired woman whispered with a frown.

Before she could criticize further, heavy footsteps reached her ears.

Turning just as a tall blonde woman entered the room being closely followed by a much shorter purple-eyed man, Hazel's face lit up with relief and she hurried towards the older woman.

"Miss Sasha! Mr. Charlotte!" 

The giantess smiled at the young woman and before she could protest, her muscular arms wrapped around her in a powerful embrace.

Hazel's face flushed for a second from the affection before she ignored her pride as a noble and hugged the giantess back.

Her eyes grew glossy and her fists clenched. Her body began to tremble in the embrace.

"Teacher... the..." 

"The boss is fine." Sasha cut Hazel off in a loud but gentle voice.

The noblewoman said nothing, just lowered her head at the same time she was lowered by the green-eyed woman.

"The boss is a very strong man. He knows how to take care of himself." Sasha said calmly as she placed a hand on Hazel's shoulder who continued to stare at the ground.

"I don't know why you guys are so worried. If there's anyone who can do and survive crazy things is that lunatic." Charlotte added although it was clear that he was also distressed by how he was clenching his talismans tightly between his hands.

Hazel's face broke into fury and she lunged towards Charlotte but before she could get there she was easily stopped by Sasha.

"How dare you say that!!!! After all he did for you, this is how you repay him?!!!" the noblewoman roared and the purple-eyed young man took a stunned step back at the sudden outburst before his face also broke into fury.

"Of course I'm worried!! But I at least trust that he knows how to take care of himself! Or is that-" 


Before things escalated to more they were cut off by Sasha's powerful scream that seemed to shake even the very room they were in.

"How can you fight in this situation?! If the boss were here he would be very disappointed of you!" Sasha roared angry.

Both 17-year-olds hung their heads in shame and Hazel couldn't help but compare it to when she was a kid and her mom scolded her for not paying attention to her ballet class, Charlotte on the other hand compared it to when his Uncle caught him stealing when he was 9 and gave him the longest lecture of his life.

Watching the young-not-yet adults with intense eyes, Sasha held her strong gaze for several seconds before continuing.

"Right now we have to stay calm and wait for news from him. But not just because we wait we won't do anything." Turning to Charlotte she continued "You will come to the street where I work, there is a departmental complex nearby, and with the salary the boss was giving you it will be nothing to rent a room for a few days."

Charlotte's eyes widened in a bewildered look and when he looked up to protest his words died in his mouth as he saw the hard stare Sasha gave him.

"Something wrong Charlotte?" The giantess asked narrowing her eyes.

Straightening up and giving an unconscious military salute, the young man replied.

"NO MA'AM!" Immediately realizing what he did, a heavy blush grew on his face.

"Okay, when we're done here, go pack everything you need. I'll go help if you need it." Sasha nodded in satisfaction at that.

"Hehe" Seeing how the young man had reacted, Hazel couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Something funny young lady?" 

Straightening her back and giving the same military salute. Hazel replied in a loud voice.


"I thought so." Sasha snorted before looking at both young people who had a red tinge to their cheeks.

Letting out a sigh, she spoke more calmly.

"Until the boss comes back it's best that we stay close to be safer. That's why Charlotte has to come to where I work, of all of us he's the most in danger." 

Hazel nodded in agreement. She lived in Empress Borough after all, the safest area in all of Backlund.

Listening to the logic behind the reason for her move, Charlotte couldn't help but look at the woman in amazement.

'I didn't think of that-'

That thought was cut off and slowly his lips began to tremble, his heart clenched and a small blush covered his cheeks.

He had completely forgotten to tell them what he discovered!

Sighing again, Sasha returned her attention to everyone.

"Have any of you tried to contact the Boss?"

Charlotte nodded and seeing the opportunity he revealed what he knew.

"I prayed to his Lord."



Silence filled the room, a most uncomfortable silence.

Green and brown eyes stared with flat faces at Charlotte.

The blonde calmly approached the young man and before he could react she gave him a sharp smack on the head.


Hazel just looked flat-faced at the young man, seeming as if she was unimpressed at her partner's idiocy.

Holding his head and feeling his brain bounce a little. Charlotte looked up with teary eyes and let out a whimper of pain.

"I was going to say it but just the spoiled brat pointed at me and I couldn't do it." 

"HUH!? What do I have to do with you being an idiot?!" Hazel responded indignantly but before things could escalate they both received a sharp smack to the head.

"Next time and I knock you guys out."


Now seated in the chairs and calmer, Hazel and Sasha looked expectantly at Charlotte.

Letting out a slight sigh to calm his nerves, the young man spoke.

"As soon as I read the paper this morning I prayed to the Scarlet Monarch to find out if the Boss was all right." 

"It took a few seconds but the answer came. 'He' said; He's in a bit of a situation but he's alive, tell his team he's okay. I also recommend you stay with Sasha Strauss until you hear from him. 'He' also told me that 'He' will be busy helping him and to not pray to 'Him' unless is an absolute emergency." 

Sasha and Hazel looked at Charlotte as if he had grown three heads.

The first to speak was Hazel.

"What time did you read the newspaper?" 

A blush grew on his face and Charlotte answered shyly.

"At 8:00 in the morning..."

"... And what time did you pray to 'Him'?"

"... 5:00 in the afternoon..." At the women's confused look, he continued "I passed out and just woke up at that time..."



This time it was Sasha who asked.

"Is there anything else we should know?"

"...'He' also said to be on guard because something will happen on August 16th at noon."

If Charlotte could have she would have sunk to the ground at the incredulous expressions of the women in front of him.

"How could anyone be so forgetful..." Hazel whispered still processing what this guy had said.

Letting out a shaky sigh, Sasha brought a hand to her face.

"There's a lot you have to learn..." the giantess murmured as she shook her head.

This reminded her of her early days in the Church of the God of Combat when she forgot to turn in reports or when she forgot to complete questionnaires.


Harvest Church. Jerry's room.

"Do you think Mr. Kenway is all right Miss Opera?"

The black-haired woman's hands that were stroking the girl's head froze for a second before she continued. A gentle smile grew on her face.

"We both know how strong Adryan is." Opera grabbed Jerry's freckled nose and squeezed it playfully while maintaining her smile "He's the Fire Mage of East Borough! This is nothing to him!" 

Even though she could see how the woman hid her distress and anxiety behind that smile, Jerry couldn't help but let out a smile at what she said.

"I'm just a little worried is all..." 

Opera's gaze softened and she went back to stroking the little girl's head.

"Me too little one."


In the main hall of the Church, dressed in his classic brown robe and in prayer position was Father Utravsky, seated in front of the symbol of Earth Mother.

Hanging on his back and wrapped in white bandages, a rectangular object rested.

Where the bandages did not cover, a black handle bared its fangs.


Meanwhile elsewhere...

"...I am impressed Mr. Kenway. 32 hours and not a single scream. What's your secret?" Doctor said amused as he held a glass of wine in his hand watching the spectacle with his legs crossed.

He had already cured the man 8 times and each time he came back the man's condition was worse than before.

The cell that once had only the gray color of stone was now painted red. 

Dozens and dozens of fingers and toes covered the floor, hands and feet scattered like toys a child forgot to put together.

Countless teeth were everywhere, some pulled out by the roots while others were broken as if hit by a hammer.

Legs and arms in different directions, some had traces of having been cut off, others torn off and others burned with some kind of acid, but none were healthy, all were broken and the bones could be seen.

Several of these also bore numerous bite marks, pieces of flesh that someone had consumed.

Reaching into a bucket, Doctor pulled out another limb which he began to eat with gusto.

Covering almost the entire wall he was tied to with blood, a horribly wounded Adryan spat on the ground. 

His legs and arms were gone leaving only stumps where they once were, his torso was covered in stab wounds and someone had cut into his chest showing the red muscle underneath. This time his right eye was the one that had been gouged out. In his crotch, there was nothing.

With a toothless grin and his one eye glowing madly, Adryan let out a hollow laugh.

"Ha... I knew you were a cock eater but not in the literal sense. I bet you're very popular with the drunks..." 


A powerful punch connected with the pit of his stomach knocking all the air out of him and another spurt of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Don't you dare insult my lord scum!"

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Holding up a hand stopping Joseph, Doctor held his smile as he took another bite.

"You taste exquisite Mr. Kenway. This is certainly the best I've ever tasted, not to mention the size..." Doctor praised with a seductive look before biting and chewing another piece.

"You still haven't answered my question, though. How come you're not screaming? One would think the various castrations would have done the trick." Taking the last of his wine and placing the empty glass aside, crimson eyes looked curiously at the man as he wiped the blood from his lips.

Taking a few seconds to respond, Adryan's bloodied lips turned up in an unhinged smile as he turned to look at a fuming Joseph.

"Huff Huff* Seriously isn't it obvious?.... It's because your bitch here doesn't know how to do her job right. Why don't you tell her to go back to the brothel you took it from? It's obvious that the only thing she knows how to do well is lick her owners' balls-"

Bang! Crack!

A powerful punch smashed into the red-haired man's jaw and with a horrible crack it broke.

"Fucking bastard" Joseph snarled angrily. He was completely covered in blood, from head to toe no part wasn't bathed in that liquid of life. 

Veins swelled on the forehead of the Devil who was already losing his mind. 

No matter how many bones he broke, how many eyes he stretched, how many limbs he cut, how many times he stabbed, hit, mangled...

He hadn't gotten Adryan Kenway to scream once!

Any amusement he had felt in the beginning was gone within hours of this being replaced by enormous frustration.

How was he supposed to enjoy this if his victim wasn't writhing in pain begging for him to kill him?! 

"Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm!"

Even with a broken jaw, Adryan tried to laugh at Joseph's clear frustration but failed to vocalize his amusement.

"Hahahahaha! Don't tell me you've already lost your mind Mr. Kenway!" Doctor exclaimed at the ridiculous scene in front of him.

"I agree with that madman. Princess you're still there aren't you?" Flora asked extremely worried. At this point, there was no way the redhead hadn't lost his mind after everything they did to him.

'Don't worry old lady. I'm still here...' Adryan growled in his mind as his one good eye glared daggers at Doctor who letting out a small chuckle stood up from his seat and walked over to him.

"You certainly live up to the responsibility you were given. If this was enough to break you I would have been very, very disappointed." Placing a hand on the redhead's bloody chest. A crimson light emanated from it.

Slowly, the red-haired man's wounds began to twist and vibrate. After a few seconds, they began to heal. Bones grew and were slowly covered by muscle, which in turn were covered by pink skin.

After 20 seconds, a fully healed Adryan Kenway was left on the wall. The only evidence of his torture was how his torso and face were completely covered in blood.

Patting the red-haired man's shoulder, Doctor turned around and raised his hand in the air in farewell.

"See you in 4 hours sweetheart~" Was the last thing he said before he disappeared into the shadows.

His scarlet eyes turned to look at a trembling Joseph and giving a crazed smile, Adryan tilted his head slightly to the side and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you going to stand there all day or are we going to keep this up? I hope you have new tricks because I'm already getting bored with the old ones. Or is it that you have so little imagination for torture? Being a Devil, aren't you ashamed of that? I'm sure you're a disgrace to your family-"


"Shut up!" Joseph roared and another punch connected with the red-haired man's abdomen and he coughed up blood.

Pum! Pum!

"Hahahahahaha!" At the barrage of punches, all Adryan could do was laugh madly...

He had finally found a weakness in Joseph!

'Someone's got family problems~' The red-haired man thought extremely pleased as his smile grew even bigger. 

Sixteen hours to the anniversary.

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