"And you're seriously not a White Knight?" Flora asked amused and Adryan sighed.
Now he was walking through the sewers.
"As I told you before, I'm not. But if I have the opportunity to help, I'll do it as long as it's not dangerous"
In his talk with Benson the fatty had tried to save himself with various things, money, and women of all ages. In one of those he revealed the existence of the Cave and thinking that it would be useful, he made him sing about it.
What he heard made him feel repulsed, everything about the work of the women there and that there were even children there.
When he finished his talk with Clark and after collecting his characteristic and taking everything related to the altar and leaving the gift for the Nighthawks.
He paid a visit to this <Cave>.
Security was poor so it was easy to sneak in. Finding the boss was also very easy feet this one was not discreet, having multiple big strong men around you is not very discreet.
After a fight that was more of a massacre, only the boss remained and he tied him to a chair to burn along with the building. Then he took all the women he found to the warehouse where he knew the Nighthawks would go.
Honestly, he didn't expect them to be there but it didn't matter, losing them was child's play.
"Besides, it's not like I left empty-handed," he said as he waved a bag that hung over his shoulder.
"Whatever you say Little Knight ~" Flora said dragging her tongue before laughing.
Shaking his head, Adryan continued on his way through the sewers, removing the Burnt Band from his arm.
Now he was on his way to his hotel room.
Coming out of the shadows he was already in his room.
His room was dark and he kept it that way so he could use Shadow Leap more easily.
Approaching the table he placed the bag in it, he took a small container from his pocket and placed it next to the table.
After that, he took off all the Holmes costume and put them in another bag. Now he was only in his underwear.
Flora was slowly getting used to this sight but something caught her eye.
'Why do his pecs seem bigger?' Confused, she compared Adryan's pecs from before using her memory and realized that it was so.
'Yes, they are a little bigger!', somewhat surprised, she took a good look at Adryan and saw some new differences.
Finding this a way to annoy Adryan, she showed her amusement.
"Adryan what's wrong with your body?"
Raising an eyebrow in surprise, the redhead finished putting on his old worker's pants.
"What are you talking about?" Flora's response was to laugh in amusement as she answered.
"Look at yourself in a mirror"
'That's not good' the redhead thought a little worried as he went to his closet and opened it.
From one of the drawers, he took out a medium mirror that he had bought to help him apply the charcoal to his face.
Looking at himself he saw that his face had changed only a bit. The differences were minimal but if someone who knew him very well and had excellent memory saw his face they would say that he had become more delicate.
His face had become, to say, a little more effeminate, and his eyelashes had lengthened slightly. His eyebrows also looked more delicate than before.
The changes were tiny to the point that even if someone had a before photo it would be hard for them to spot the difference.
His eyes slowly widened in horror and he searched his entire body finding another change.
His waist had become a bit smaller…
This greatly amused Flora whose laughter only grew louder as Adryan turned pale.
His brain was on full blast trying to find a reason for this. His eyes sparkled and he raised a hand to his face.
'During everything I did in the Cave the extra Hunter potion I drank had been digested. These changes will not be for that, right? Does this get worse when the Pyromaniac potion is digested?!'
'The hunter is supposed to be the pathway of masculinity!!' thought Adryan incredulously, not finding the meaning of this and Flora's laughter didn't help anything.
He had to sit in the chair for a moment to understand what was happening.
'Okay, I must think....Could it be because of the influence of the City of Calamities?'
'It is the Sefira that is connected with the Red Priest and Demoness path. One is masculinity and the other is femininity. Perhaps my body will present some characteristics of the other path when I climb higher in the sequences.....'
An image of him appeared as a bearded man with breasts and hips like a model, with a fine face and excessively thick lips.
This mental image made him gag.
Flora laughed harder.
Adryan's head hung in defeat and he let out a long breath.
'At least the changes are minor, plus it doesn't affect my mind....
I just hope this doesn't get worse....'
Rising from the chair he formed a wall of spirituality and placed the red candles and red poppies in position on the floor along with the paper with the symbol.
He knelt and joining his hands to pray, he closed his eyes.
Flora was no longer laughing and had remained silent.
'Finally, my head was already aching from hearing that old lady's laugh'
He opened his mouth and prayed in Ancient Hermes.
"The Scarlet Monarch that burns depravity...."
Closing the door of flames, he looked at what floated in front of him.
The container with Clark's characteristic, he had sealed with a wall of spirituality.
Extending his hand he caused the yellow smoke that covered the things he had left behind to disperse.
He made the container float there and after that, he covered it again with the yellowish smoke.
With that done, he sat down on the yellow floor and sighed.
"I'm not interested in making an Assassin for my ritual so these characteristic are useless to me and I don't want to use them to create an artifact either. I'll wait a bit before sending these to Isengard so I can accumulate more contribution points in the church."
He looked up at the sky and saw the floating yellow clouds.
The memory of the witch who killed Grievius came to his mind.
"So your name is Maria huh?" he whispered to the sky.
He finally had a name to put on that face.
'I couldn't get almost any information related to her. The only thing I know is that she is a high-ranking witch'
'Maybe Stephen knows something else but he's on a hidden mission on who knows where so he's ruled out'
'Besides who the fuck is the Saint in Black? That title was never mentioned in Klein's story....'
'Well, it's not like he's related to the Demoness Sect that deeply either so it makes sense that she's never been mentioned….'
Shaking his head, Adryan formed the sphere of light in his mind and left the City of Calamities.
Standing up from the floor, he made his way to his closet and pulled out the rest of his worker costume.
His face had coal again and the bandages on his hands were dirty.
Adjusting his hat he replaced the Burnt Band and Shadow Leaped out.
His room returned to its silence but this only lasted a few more minutes as Adryan re-entered only this time through the door.
Locking the door and removing his hat, he tossed it aside.
'Pretending that I just got back from work is the best, this will prevent the fucking old man from sticking his nose where it doesn't suit him'
He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and used it to wipe his face.
"Flora, I have a question.
Don't you have a messenger to notify your family of your situation?"
Flora, after being quiet for a few seconds she let out a soft sigh.
"I have a messenger but I avoid using it if possible. When you have that <man> as an enemy you have to mistrust everything to survive.
We already had several cases in which that man used the messengers to find us so they are now frowned upon."
"It's better to notify them of my status at the party instead of using the messenger"
Flora finished explaining with a little fear.
You could tell and feel the fear she had of that man because of the way she mentioned 'Him', her voice trembled and even broke a little.
Adryan just nodded without comment and just grabbed one of the white goat-fat candles from his bag.
"I asked you that because I plan to contract a messenger and I need your help" the redhead asked with a smile as he played with the candle, throwing it up and down.
'Do you care what I told you or was it just to bother me' the woman thought annoyed as she answered.
"You are annoying Little Princess"
Hearing the new nickname the parasite lady gave him made the corners of Adryan's mouth quiver slightly.
He quickly recovered and responded with equal venom.
"Oh~ now we are with the nicknames Miss <I cannot parasitize a sequence 7 and I was trapped inside the aforementioned>?"
Flora almost let out an insult but caught herself in time and played along, returning poison with poison.
"I think this can improve our relationship Mr. Cow Breasts~"
"Then it will be a pleasure Miss <I slept with a male rat>" Adryan already replied with his smile trembling a little.
"I did not!..." Coughing slightly to recover from that and avoid continuing her explosion, Flora said with extra venom and provocation.
"The pleasure will be mine Sir <my pecs are bigger than my student's breasts>!"
"What is it with my pecs that you mention them so much? Do you like them~?" Adryan responded flirtatiously as he brought his elbows under his stomach and this brought out the pecs under his shirt to bulge.
This movement made Flora break and her 'eyes' stuck to the redhead's bulging pecs.
'They look so soft...' Flora thought unconsciously but Adryan hadn't finished.
"If you had a body I wouldn't have a problem with you playing with them~" he licked his lips seductively as he closed one eye and bounced his pecs.
"FUCK YOU!" Flora screamed in complete embarrassment as she closed her eyes at such a scene but opened one slightly.
She could clearly see how the redhead's nipples stood out and this made her swallow.
Suddenly her throat was dry.....
At such a realization she quickly changed the subject before her mind went back to creating weird scenarios!
"Do you want my help or not!"
Adryan gave a flirtatious smile as he parted his elbows but if you looked closely you could see that he had a small blush on his cheeks.
Adryan created a wall of spirituality, then he made a common altar in the middle of the room with a single candle.
Then he went to the table in the room and grabbed a parchment of goats in along with a simple fountain pen.
"Everything in order Flora?" Adryan asked with a small smile as if what happened before had never happened.
"Everything is fine" Flora answered shortly, she was still embarrassed by what happened earlier and couldn't look at the redhead because her gaze would fall on two big, soft, squeezable…
'AAHHHHHHHRGGGGGG' Flora screamed loudly in her mind trying to shut those weirds thoughts!!
"So here I go"
This done, he knelt before the simple altar and opened his mouth.
"I" was said in Ancient Hermes.
"I call on my name!" this was said in Hermes.
"A special spirit that wanders through the upper realm;
A trustworthy spirit that is friendly to humans;
A spirit that is willing to be my messenger."
The temperature in Adryan's room dropped several degrees rapidly, he could even see his breathing.
A cold chill ran down his spine.
Using his index finger to touch his palm twice he activated his Spiritual Vision.
He saw in this new view how in front of the altar white bones began to break through the floor and slowly built a door.
All the bones were from different species but most were human. When the last bone which was the Skull of a Big Bird was joined in the middle of this frame of bones the gate was completed but there was something curious about this gate.
'Is it very high, perhaps about 5 meters? It reaches my ceiling', the redhead mentally calculated seeing this gloomy door worthy of a Halloween movie.
Suddenly the door 'opened' and a black space was revealed....
This space was turbulent and dark, Adryan could only see how what seemed to be spirits moved through it but suddenly they separated forming an arc in which he could see how something was coming towards him.
He couldn't recognize what it was due to the turbulence of the door but he didn't feel any danger and Flora didn't say anything either so everything was under control.
Finally, the figure made it to the door and Adryan looked surprised at how it was so tall that it had to duck to get through it.
From the black, turbulent, and spirit-filled entrance came a beautiful woman
The woman's skin was pale as a corpse, her eyes were gray with white pupils. Her long black hair fell to her lower back like the feathers of a raven.
She was wearing a long skirt adorned with a great variety of feathers and gems of different colors. A wide cotton shirt with colored scarves to cover her shoulders and on top of this she wore what appeared to be an escaupil.
'She must be over 5 meters tall!' Adryan thought in astonishment as he looked at the woman who looked at him with her gray eyes.
'From her clothing she must have originally been from the Southern Continent. Because of the bones and how she entered, maybe she is from the Death pathway but why is she so tall? Was one of her parents a giant?'
The woman gently tilted her head but her face remained the same without showing any change. It seemed like she wanted to show her doubt.
"Don't just stare at her!" Flora complained to him and Adryan abandoned his crazy theories.
Realizing that he had only been doing that he coughed softly and looking into the woman's eyes he spoke.
"Thank you for answering my call Spirit. How is your speed to traverse the spirit world and how is your survivability?" he asked in Hermes but the woman tilted her head to the other side again.
This caused him to let out an awkward laugh and he repeated the question in Elvish.
He hoped this was enough as his Ancient Feysac still needed a lot of practice and that it was no necessary to use Ancient Hermes.
'Please, understand me!' Adryan mentally pleaded and when he saw the woman nod his face lit up.
"I'm fast and strong" the woman's voice was much softer than he expected and there was also a serenity in it that even affected him. Although there was also a strong accent.
"Would you like to form a contract to be my messenger?"
The woman barely moved her head enough to give a nod.
"Each delivery. A chocolate bar."
'A chocolate bar? I expected something more strange but this is even normal, is she actually a very tall little girl?' Having no problem with that part, he nodded.
"Then we will discuss the contract"
The tall woman nodded.
"I plan to use multiple names and identities in the future, do you have a problem with this?"
The gray-eyed woman barely shook her head to deny it.
"No problem. It doesn't matter what name you use. It will always be you."
Raising a red eyebrow, he looked curiously at the woman.
'What is that supposed to mean?'
"You mean that no matter what name I use, you'll always know it's me they're referring to?"
At the question, the woman nodded again, barely making enough movement to complete it.
'How curious' Adryan thought as he lowered his eyebrow.
"Then we can sign the contract"
Grabbing the goatskin parchment and the simple font pen he had prepared earlier, he began to write the terms of the contract in a language that could move nature, Ancient Hermes.
The content was the same as the instructions Klein had received from Azik and also some recommendations from Flora.
They were concise and to the point, and they contained clauses such as the messenger not being allowed to look at the letter, not discarding the letter, or endangering the life of the contractor. Of course, if the contents of the letter were related to the messenger, the messenger had to be informed in advance.
He also placed that the contractor or the one who received the letter would be in charge of delivering the chocolate bar....
"No" the woman's voice stopped him and he looked up surprised.
"I will only accept chocolate bars from you" in the woman's voice there was a little more seriousness and this made Adryan look stunned at the gray-eyed woman.
'What kind of request is that? Do you mistrust strangers? Are you really a very tall little girl?'
How it was no problem getting the chocolate bars he just sighed and nodded.
"Okay. I will changed it." Adryan tossed the goatskin parchment to one side and grabbed another.
'Luckily I prepared several others...' the redhead thought with relief as he wrote everything that was in the previous one except the last part.
After writing all that and making sure that there is nothing that would bother the gray-eyed woman again, he began to write a sentence that pointed to the Underworld. A special recommendation from Flora.
He could also use the honorific name of Death and the force of the contract would be stronger but he preferred not to try his luck because Death has not fallen completely....
He preferred to avoid trouble.
So he wrote the sentence that pointed to the Underworld in Ancient Hermes.
<The home of all death;
Hell hidden deep within the spirit world;
The witness of the decomposition of all living beings;
One who belongs solely to the realm of Death>
As he wrote the last word of the sentence, the goatskin parchment burst into green flames, giving his room an air of a Disney villain's lair.
With that done he wrote his current name on the parchment: James Holmes.
According to the words of the super tall woman, it didn't matter what name he used, but for safety it was better that he use another.
Now the third sentence of the messenger was: The Spirit that belongs to James Holmes.
The scroll with the simple fountain pen flew to the woman who took the pen in her right hand and wrote her name: Ch'íich'o' ma' k'u'umel.
Adryan looked at the woman in a daze.' What kind of name is that! How am I supposed to say that!!'
'Ch'icho? Chi'cho? Chicho?'
Before he could continue to think about how to pronounce the name, the woman snapped her fingers and the contract glowed for a few moments.
Adryan was about to cut off the ritual for fear that the woman had done something to the contract but she simply showed it to him before he could open his mouth.
The contract remained the same but the only thing that had changed was the third invocation sentence.
From <The Spirit Belonging to James Holmes> it change to <The Companion Spirit of James Holmes>.
After that the contract was consumed by the green flames leaving only ash, and the simple fountain pen fell into the hand of Adryan who stared dumbly at the woman in front of him.
She just nodded a little more energetically before disappearing from the room...
'She really is like a little girl...' thought Adryan stunned, not understanding what had just happened.