Adryan's smile made Xio and Fors nervous and even Fors discreetly grabbed one of the marbles from her bracelet.
"Well, are you going to tell us or what?"
"That's what I was going to Miss Xio I just hope you don't regret this"
"The ravings of the blood moon are very old and started in the fourth epoch, they mainly affected an angel family of that time"
"This causes all its high-ranking members to fall one by one until all the members of this family cannot go beyond sequence 7 because they would either lose control or die."
The more the redhead talked, the more fear-filled Fors' heart, she was sure that she was not a member of this family and all this started when she activated that damn bracelet.....
A cold sweat ran down her back as she looked down at her wrist and saw her bracelet….
"This 'curse' only affects that family and the beyonders of the 'apprentice' path if they use some extraordinary item related to the family"
All this information was far greater than what Fors came to get and it was overwhelming her.
But little did Xio care about all this and she stopped Adryan in the middle of his explanation.
"Tell us a way to fix this curse"
At Xio's words, the redhead could only sigh heavily and turned to look at Fors.
"You're not a family member are you?"
Seeing this, Fors was quite surprised as Xio drew her triangle sword again.
The redhead didn't care about the women's reaction to him and he sighed again.
"There are in total 3 known ways to avoid the curse of ravings"
"Tell us now"
Turning his gaze to Xio, the redhead gave a small smile.
"The first is to pray to a God and that he protects you from ravings, it doesn't matter which one"
Fors' heart was filled with more and more fear, she had tried to pray to the God of Steam and Machinery but she never received an answer, she even tried to pray to Evernight Goddes, God of Knowledge and Wisdom, Lord of Storm....
But no one responded...
Looking at the state of her friend, Xio simply urged Adryan to keep talking.
"The second way is for your friend to become a demigod."
This already caused Fors to lean against the alley wall because her legs gave out and she couldn't stand up.
Tears began to fall slowly from her eyes and she began to sob without caring that she was like this in front of a stranger.
There was no hope for her and she was going to die no matter what she did...
Seeing her friend Xio, she quickly grabbed Adryan by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall.
Adryan let this happen and simply looked at Xio's enraged face.
"Is this fun for you or what you son of a bitch"
At this, the redhead smiled again but this time was sharper and this caused Xio to barely contain herself to avoid stabbing this bastard.
"The third way is to resist until October"
At this Xio looked at the redhead as if another head had grown.
Fors stopped sobbing for a moment and looked at the man that Xio had against the wall.
"What do you mean resist until October?"
At the question, Adryan rolled his reddish-brown eyes and looked at Fors who was looking at him.
"I mean that literally 'resist until mid-October' because that will be the time that you will see a light of hope that will curl you up and help you with the curse"
At those words, Xio slammed him against the wall again and stabbed the sword next to his head.
"How are you so sure of that or do you think we are idiots?"
He was not at all intimidated by this move by Xio and even applauded this method.
'She is highly compatible with 'interrogator'.'
While he was thinking this, Adryan spoke again.
"If I told you, you would die, or don't you know that 'The more you know about something, the more infected you will be'?"
At this Xio gritted her teeth and let go of the redhead and he simply brushed off the dirt.
Xio approached Fors and helped her up and they headed out of the alley.
But before leaving, Fors stopped Xio and turned to look at Adryan.
"You never said the family name"
Adrian just smiled at her.
After saying this, Fors nodded and left with Xio...
Seeing how the backs of the women left the alley, Adryan let go of his smile and could only sigh sadly.
He could only hope that Fors could hold out until Zhou arrived and could save her.
He had no idea how his arrival had changed everything if Fors supposedly never knew who were the Abraham until much later...
Seeing that he was alone in the alley, Adryan only covered himself with the cloak and left the alley, heading home with somewhat heavy steps.
It was time to move on to sequence 8....
Once at home, Xio and Fors entered with a heavy step.
Fors threw herself on the sofa and was face down and Xio sat on the floor and leaned her back against the wall while her head was down looking at the floor.
They stayed like that for a long time until Fors moved her head slightly and looked at Xio who kept looking at the floor.
"Do you think he was telling the truth about mid-October?"
"I don't know...but what other option do we have?"
Xio kept her head down looking at the floor and Fors laid her head against the sofa again.....
Adryan right now was looking at the pot that had been rigorously cleaned again and the ingredients on the table.
Right now he was going to prepare the potion to advance to sequence 8 'provoker'.
Closing his eyes to meditate a bit to calm his heart.
Opening his eyes, the redhead repeated the same process as when he prepared the 'Hunter' potion.
Grabbing the vial with 80 milliliters of water, he poured it into the pot, then poured the 5 drops of liquor.
Grabbing another vial he poured the 7 grams of powdered iron, then took out the horrible feathers of the provocative rooster and threw them into the pot and finally carefully grabbed the vial with the poison of the horned toad and poured 6 drops.
This caused the feathers to dissolve and the liquid turned gray.
Nodding to this, Adryan took the small container and opened it.
Using a pair of tweezers, he grabbed the horned toad's tongue and drop it into the liquid, this caused the gray liquid to begin to vibrate slightly.
He quickly opened the medium size container and carefully took out the lungs of the provocative rooster.
Dropping it into the pot, Adryan could see how the lung dissolved and the liquid stopped vibrating and turned dark reddish brown.
Nodding at this Adryan poured the finished potion into a goblet and as always there was no remnant left in the pot.
The potion was ready...
Holding the cup with the potion ready, Adryan was calm...
The redhead gave a somewhat heavy sigh and raised the glass to his lips and began to drink.
The potion went down much easier than the 'hunter' potion did.
It had a somewhat bitter taste and a texture like yogurt, honestly, it tasted weird.
When Adryan drank all the potion nothing happened for a moment but then his chest began to ache along with his throat.
Entering a light meditative state the redhead began to resist the effects brought by the potion.
After a few minutes, Adryan opened his eyes and began to feel the changes brought by the potion.
All of his physical abilities had been slightly increased as well as his ability to make traps and analyze the environment.
And he had gained 2 new abilities...
The first was 'provocation', the main skill of the 'provoker'.
With enough understanding of a person, provokers can with just a few words provoke the enemy into losing their reason, whether it's a monster, beast, or a Beyonder that lost control and is incapable of communication, they can take the initiative to make them feel hate.
The second was 'gaslighting', he can make people detest and hate themselves easily; it is also a form of provocation.
Taking a closer look at his body after the promotion, Adryan realized that his lung capacity had increased considerably.
"If a provoker is dying, he at least has to have enough air to curse his killer..." the redhead muttered to himself as he let out a long breath.
Then he threw a strong fist towards the front and feeling the force in it he couldn't help but let out a little laugh.
"Also my hand-to-hand combat skills have been increased...of course if you provoke someone you have to be ready for their reaction..."
"Although there is something strange, the potion has not been as digested as I expected..."
And that was true the potion still lacked a 4/6 to be fully digested.
Adryan had almost digested half but he hoped that more than half was digested.
But he did notice something and it was that the compatibility he had with 'provoker' was quite high....
"This must be how Klein felt when he started acting as a 'faceless'..." remembering Mr. Fool's experience, Adryan couldn't help but sigh again.
Looking around, Adryan noticed that he could see colors more vividly.
Sensing the excess of spirituality, Adryan meditated again to contain it.
He then destroyed the wall of spirituality that he had made before making the potion and went to the bathroom to take a shower because he was covered in sweat again.
Looking in the mirror Adryan could see how his body had become slightly stronger but he also noticed how his chest was bigger showing the increase in his lungs...
This made Adryan blush slightly....
Even in his previous life, he had bigger pecs than normal, looking like breasts, they were even bigger than all the woman he knew and now Adryan also had quite big and strong pecs....
The slightly big pink nipples didn't help....
Blushing even more, Adryan left the bathroom and got dressed.
He could only thank that no one could read his mind and see this embarrassing moment...
Luckily his clothes still fit well hiding his huge pecs....
Slapping himself to keep from thinking about it, Adryan also put on the cloak and the modified mask and he headed to East Borough....
In another house located somewhat near the Bravehearts Bar.
One could see a small room inside which was a man sitting on the bed.
Said man was 1.70m tall with black hair and seemed to be whispering something in a low voice.
"Opportunity to survive...
Opportunity to survive...
Opportunity to survive..."
After repeating that, the man quickly rested on the bed and began to dream.
Within his dream he managed to see himself and a tall woman of 1.95 m, she had orange blonde hair along with green eyes and a rather muscular body.
The two of them were in some kind of boat in the middle of a black sea and a strong storm and the boat was quickly falling apart.
The two fell into the water and began to sink into the dark and cold depths of this sea.
Suddenly his forearm and the woman's forearm were seized by strong hands and pulled out of the water.
Looking at the one who pulled them out of the water one could see his handsome face along with reddish brown eyes and beautiful red hair.
After seeing that, the dream broke and the man woke up extremely agitated.
Allowing to see his blue eyes and the man began to meditate to calm down.
After all that, the man opened his blue eyes again and murmured something again.
"Mr. Chaplin..."
When he said that someone knocked on the door of the room and after the man allowed entry a rather tall woman of 1.95 entered, the same woman from the dream.
Seeing that he was being watched by the woman, the man could only sigh.
"We have to find Mr. Chaplin..."
While that was happening, in East Borough, something was happening that surprised those who lived in the area.
And that was that everyone in the bar was looking in surprise at a man sitting on a man lying on the floor.
And this man was covered by a mask and the sack did not allow any of his features to be seen.
On top of that, he seemed to care little about all the looks and he kept talking.
"Come on guys seriously is that all?"
"The Lord of Storm is ashamed to see such cowardly believers"
This was obviously Adryan who was testing his new skills...
"Damm-mm y-oo-uuu..."
Slapping the bastard who was using it as a chair, Adryan took a sip from the glass of beer that was on the table.
Then he spat in the face of another guy who was lying on the other side.
"What a shity beer do you really like this?"
The bartender would have been offended if it wasn't for the fact that he was so shocked seeing how only one man had beaten 6 men in less than 3 minutes..
Spilling what was left of the beer on the face of the guy who was using it as a chair, Adryan got up and grabbed the guy's shirt and dragged him to a very fat man who was lying on his back with a swollen face, his left arm was bent in a weird angle and he let out groans of pain every breath he took.
Then he kicked him to make him face the floor then he pulled down his pants showing everyone in the bar his dirty hairy ass.
This made the guy he was dragging try to break free of his iron grip, giving him an idea of what was coming.
Seeing that he couldn't get free, he simply yelled at Adryan.
Adryan slapped him hard, leaving the man dazed and his cheeks marked with the imprint of his hand, then pulled him to his covered face and whispered into his ear.
"Yes I know and that's precisely why I'm doing it so do me a favor and open your mouth wide..."
The man's eyes widened in horror and he opened his mouth to beg but that was his worst mistake.
Adryan immediately buried the bastard's face in his friend's dirty ass and held him there for a long time.
The man tried with all his strength to free himself but his strength paled to Adryan's strength.
One could even hear the slightly muted screams through the ass that covered his face.
The man stopped fighting with less and less force until he was completely still.
Noticing that the man had passed out, Adryan finally released him.
This made the man's face appear to everyone and everyone saw how there was hair all over his face, hand marks on his cheeks, and brown spots on his face.
Nodding to this, Adryan started to leave the bar, but one of the men he defeated earlier was standing in front of the entrance with a knife drawn.
The man was barely standing and he could barely speak,he had a red band around his right arm just like the other 5....
Smiling at the man even though the man couldn't see it, Adryan approached with confidence making the man take a step back....
Adryan is on DEMON TIME...
Let's see who else he is capable of provoking.