65.54% Rebellion of His Creations (SI) / Chapter 76: Chapter 76: Training Arc

章節 76: Chapter 76: Training Arc

Approximately two months later, in Mindscape.

"That's the spirit. Now. Again."

Alter Ray kicked Ray away after his recent attempt to maim Alter Ray. This is still training but Alter Ray method prefers to learn by trial and fire. There's no learning basics or etc since Ray himself already has them.

In the past two months, Alter Ray had utterly destroyed Ray's willpower and mentality and built it back from scratch. Into what he sees as a worthy person to be his source.

"Yes…" Ray grips the sword in his hand and grinds his teeth with resentment.


Ray was forced to endure hell in his own mind. Alter Ray will kill him again and again no matter what he tries to do, other than attacking back. Nothing he did could let him escape Alter Ray. Not even suicide.

Yes, he tried suicide and reform in another body. But it failed because Alter Ray effortlessly manipulated his soul much to his disbelief and forced him to stay in the mindscape.

Ray moves with complex foot work he copied from Alter Ray and slips through his defense, trying to land a good stab at his waist. A suicidal rush basically but if it work, it work. Not that the concept of dying applies in his mindscape right now anyway.

"Naive, do you really think such crude and easily seen through attacks would work on someone who mastered melee combat?" Alter Ray stepped back a little and parried the lunge with a slash on Ray's blade, redirected it to the side before landing a swift slash that behead Ray instantly.

Ray's body disintegrated into silvery particles and reformed from where he started before, wrecked by pain of the beheading as his eyes turned bloodshot and both hands touching his neck in relief that it was still attached.

"I told you before. Reckless attack will do you no good and will be given a punishment, especially for not using your brain to think for a second before proceeding with your action."

"What? What with that stare, huh? Will staring me with hatred solve your problem?" Alter Ray vanished in high speed and reappears in front of Ray, channeling all the momentum into his kick that landed on Ray's gut.


A force held him to the ground and forced to absorb all the energy contained in the kick which made him curled and vomited blood as his intestines probably mushed. Another swift beheading and Ray revived again.

"Come one, hate me. The more the better. Harness your anger and use it as your strength. Hate me, strike me, crush me with your strength. If you have it, that is." Alter Ray burst out laughing sadistically as he already sealed Ray's power, leaving him only with his physical strength.

Ray with eyes seething with rage, lunges to Alter Ray. Just a bite is enough. Just a small victory is enough. He need to sate his boiling rage welling in his heart for weeks.

"Good! Good! That's the spirit. But, senseless anger will only make you even more animalistic and instinctual. Which happens to be my specialty." Alter Ray snorted at the poor attempt to score a hit but he anticipated it and stabbed the sword through Ray's shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

"Emotion is a double edged sword. It gives you motivation and removes your limiter but it also makes you an easier target. Master it. Sharpen it into your fangs that you bore on your enemies without harming yourself."

(Flashback End.)

Ray is now capable of exchanging blows without dying instantly. His attacks are precise to exploit weaknesses and cripple his enemies or kill them. Method that focuses the most on efficiency of killing. As Alter Ray said, kill in one strike. Don't waste unnecessary time and stamina. However, Ray has issues with hesitation. His hesitation made him engage unnecessarily but Alter Ray will give him another swift but painful death if he tries to hesitate.

"Good. You are improving but too slow. Your attachment to such things as moral is the mentality of the weak. You stand above all, even the gods, trampling them like grass. Are you going to let something flimsy like morals stop you?"

Alter Ray drops his sword which means the combat training is done and Ray passes his requirement. He cast an illusion on Ray. It's time to remove the unnecessary things that chained him down.


Ray felt odd. He didn't remember how he ended up in this foreign place. But he was in a fighting ring. In front of him is his opponent, just another human that was also forced to fight because his family was held hostage.

Old Ray has no hesitation against monsters and less hesitation against evil people. But an innocent victim? He couldn't even muster his strength to fight, much less kill.

The current him, maybe because the inhumane torture Alter Ray call as training had changed his mentality a little.

The man charged at him with a face filled with terror and regret as he tried to kill Ray. As a reflex of being threatened, he throws a quick and devastating punch at the man's heart, bursting it with his strength.

"So, you can do it after all." Alter Ray appeared behind him and muttered. "You have to remember, sometimes if not most, your enemies aren't always evil people but people who are desperate like this instance. You never know their purpose but you must always be prepared because it's either kill or be killed."

"Now, let's fight again." Alter Ray said as he removed the illusion and the restrictions on Ray's abilities. It's time to duel for real instead of training.


Four more months later, in Mindscape.

"Fighting explosively to end a battle as fast as possible is good if your enemies are only one. But in battle, you can never be sure. Life can just randomly throw other enemies on you while you are exhausted."

"But, I literally have endless inexhaustible mana pools and endless stamina as long as I have mana." Ray replied, no longer avoiding the training imposed by Alter Ray and actually doing it willingly.

"Yes. But that isn't an excuse not to minimize its expenditure and maximize your combat efficiency." Alter Ray grinned and sealed off Ray's infinite mana regeneration. "There are bound to be powers that can seal away your abilities. So, what's wrong to be prepared just in case?"

"*Sigh* Fine." Instead of his usual blitzkrieg method that fought explosively the moment the battle started and overwhelmed Alter Ray with overwhelming attacks, Ray stood still with his blade drawn.

Seeing the moment arrived, Ray flickered and reappeared in front of Alter Ray, releasing a brief burst of soul stunning psychic shockwave which followed by his sword he swung with his entire might, abandoning his defense to do an all out strike.

"Not a bad choice." Alter Ray praised genuinely as he was unharmed because of his advanced spatial manipulation, intangibility. The sword simply passed through him.

Ray didn't pause as his initial attack failed and he imbued True Strike enhancement on his sword before making a follow up vertical slash which aimed at the soul that the intangibility cannot protect. But Alter Ray was very slippery that he was able to evade again and again, sometimes he parried or side stepped out of the way.

Ray attacks like a raging storm, a flurry of attacks delivered, all aiming at the weak points of his opponent. Magic is added in his attacks to restrain or to deny his opponent a breathing room between attacks.

Alter Ray has a faint but approving smile on his face as he wasn't at all deterred by the attack of this level since he is still holding back. But, his apprentice had reached his expectation wonderfully.

Eventually, the attack ended with Alter Ray victory as his sword aimed at Ray's heart. Just a few millimeters before stabbing it. Ray's sword however struck Alter Ray's shoulder, cutting his tendons to cripple his sword wielding arm.

"Congratulations, you are finally able to land a blow on me." Alter Ray praised but his evil smirk also grew wider while Ray was unaware because he is too happy of his meager(Alter Ray opinion) achievement. "Now, I can stop limiting myself to only 10% of my strength."

All the joy and happiness in Ray's face was wiped clean and replaced with disbelief.

"What? Aren't you happy that you are a step closer to catching up at me?" Alter Ray said sadistically because he knew Ray was just in too much shock that he thought Alter Ray was fighting him at 100% but turns out it wasn't.

The information was just too much shock to him that he remained rooted as a sword gouged out his heart but he didn't flinch at all, already used to it by now.

"It's not good to be distracted, Ray. It's a fatal mistake in any battle. You must learn to filter out unnecessary thoughts when fighting and always focus on your opponent." Alter Ray still smiled as he said in a lecturing tone.


2 more years passed in Ray's mindscape.

"Die! Die! Die!" Ray raved almost like a madman as he attacked Alter Ray relentlessly. The insanity on his face was apparent because two and a half years have passed as they keep fighting without even a moment to rest.

"I would if you stop being that aggressive and try to keep a sane mind while fighting. Your willpower is yet to be satisfactory despite it should be your main strength as an Animancer."

"Hmn… we are getting nowhere with this." Alter Ray had already expected this because two and a half years of constant training and fighting without any rest will break the weak willed one. It's already impressive he lasted this long and forced him to release up to 40% of his strength.

But, for beings with power exceed mortal compression. Two and a half years is baby numbers. Like dragons, a century is just a blink of an eye for them. Probably amounted to just a brief nap.

Currently, Ray's willpower collapsed under the stress caused by Alter Ray. The training will go nowhere with him in this state.

Thus, Alter Ray locked Ray in a cage and restrained him until he calmed down. It took a few days but Ray did calm down and regained his mental clarity.

"Took you long enough. Anyway, more training will do you no good. So, meditate for now and cultivate your willpower."

Ray winced when hearing the word 'training' but he became elated when he got a break from the torture. Meditation or whatever, he rather do that than fighting against that monster.

He was released before instructed to sit in a lotus position.

"First. Focus on your breath, your energy circulation and calm the negative emotions inside your mind."

Ray follows the instructions knowing that resisting will only prolong his suffering. He straightens his spine and tries to breathe at a steady pace. After he felt his breath, blood and energy circulation had calmed down. He starts with his emotions.

"At least he is quick with the uptake." Alter Ray commented softly to not disturb Ray's concentration.

Since this will take a while before Ray is ready. Alter Ray left the Mindscape to not be affected by the time dilation.

"He wouldn't mind if I borrow his body for a bit right?" Alter Ray took it upon himself and went to enjoy life a little while his apprentice was meditating. "Like seriously, he needs to learn how to enjoy life a bit more than just cooping up in his workshop most of the time."


Time passed without notice as meditation helped loosen his sense of time.

Now Ray understands why those chinese cultivators can live millions of years yet not losing their mind. It definitely tempers his willpower. But it was through a process of reaffirming his inner self, his goal in life and resolving all his doubts.

Maybe he just went too far with his imagination but he realized one truth. He had been given everything he needed yet it was himself that never had the effort to pursue them. So what if the System was taken away? Can't I just go to The Gamer world and take one for myself? The opportunity is endless as long as he has the will to preserve and move forward instead of remaining stagnant.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Wonderful! I never thought you would be able to learn the greatest lesson that I could never impart to you." Voice of Alter Ray suddenly reached Ray's ears.

Once Ray opened his eyes and exited his meditative state, he saw Alter Ray in a suspiciously outfit consisting of light green Aloha shirt with floral pattern, short cargo pants and cheap sunglasses on his head with a coconut on his hand. But, Alter Ray instantly changed his appearance once he noticed a scrutinizing look from Ray who worked his ass off to train while his torturer went on a vacation, god knows where.

"Right…" Alter Ray cleared his throat as if nothing happened and summoned a sword to his hand. "Now that you are in the right state to train. Let's continue where we left off."

Ray didn't question it and also summoned his sword, Greatsword of Artorias. The sword he wanted to use because it's what is closest to his heart. Just having it in his hand made him feel more at ease as a comforting and reassuring feeling flowed from it to him.

"Lend me your strength." Ray whispered as he entered his stance and immediately attacked Alter Ray.

The difference this time is there is sharp conviction and a clearer ambition in his eyes. Alter Ray crackled with glee.

"Great, this is what I wanted. Show me the strength of your conviction. Show me that you are worthy to be the mirror of myself!"

Alter Ray grinning widely like a child that just got his Christmas gift. He didn't even use his usual sly technique and received the strike head on and was pushed back with his sword cracked by the immense force that smashed to it.

"Much better than those lifeless battles we have before. Lacking spirit and will." Alter Ray stops playing around and gets serious as he Traces better weapon, a weapon familiar to both, its ethereal green blade which whispers unknown knowledge understood only by its wielder and those with sufficient insight.

Ray didn't open his mouth but continued his relentless attack. Slash, parry, stab, block, bash. Area he cannot cover with his sword, he compensates with magic. If his strength isn't enough, he augments his physical strength, enhances his weapon or gives himself a little push with magic. He turns himself into a lethal weapon that deals as much damage in the shortest time possible.

Yet, his opponent isn't just anyone. It's himself and everything that Ray knew and could do, Alter Ray could and do even better.

While Ray had suffered numerous small wounds, Alter Ray remained untouched as he skillfully avoided or blocked each attack and counter it.

"Heat Flare."

Ray chanted as he brought down his sword to cleave Alter Ray but blocked his sword. The sword glowed slightly and a short burst of blazing heat and light caught Alter Ray by surprise because normally, Ray needed a short period of focus to cast a spell mid-fight which this time he didn't. However, Ray didn't stop there as the spell was merely a distraction as his foot planted deep in Alter Ray's gut as a payback from a long time ago, kicking him through the ground with immense force that a ditch formed along the path. With his Reinforced body, he reached where Alter Ray landed in just a split second and channeled the momentum from running to a mighty smash with his sword, forcing Alter Ray to increase his strength limit to 50%.

Alter Ray blocked the attack with his newly increased strength but even then, his arm felt slightly tingling from the force. On his face was not anger but a bloodthirsty grin that showed the great satisfaction he felt.

"Again!" Alter Ray uttered with excitement.


Another year went by.

"That's unfair!" Ray shouted when Alter Ray threw another Ars Almadel Salomonis.

"That's the thing, Ray. Life is never fair and so does the battlefield. Being prepared mentally for any and every situation is better than having a butt load of weapons and abilities in your arsenal when you are stunned or caught off guard by your opponent."

"Then get down here and fight me like a man, you coward!" Ray dodged two more beams and deflected another one that he could dodge by cutting the beam in half with his mana coated Greatsword.


Alter Ray acted disappointed before his trademarked maniacal grin appeared. He jumped off the floating Temple of Time and Traced a longsword which was covered with lightning as he made a slash midair and sent several thunderbolts as thick as tree trunks, smiting down on Ray.

"Your tactic is getting stale!" Ray casted a spell that cause the ground to rise up and create a wall to defend against the thunderbolts and casted another spell to create a magic cannon that instantly started absorbing the ambient mana, accumulated from the magical attacks being thrown around and saturated this battleground.

Once Alter Ray broke the wall with brute force, the magic cannon fired a thick white beam that hit Alter Ray straight on the face.

"Eat that you piece of shit." Ray huffed as he tried to catch his breath. He tried to look around and saw Alter Ray lay flat on the ground filled with charred wounds. His face broke to a smile, a smile filled with satisfaction.

"I won! I finally defeated him once!" Ray cheered as his emotions were overwhelmed and he fell to the ground, finally able to rest.

After multiple trial and error, devising a plan, spell and even a whole branch of magecraft. He finally won!

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

Alter Ray is hacking his lungs out by coughing. Almost like a dying man which caught Ray's attention.

"My apprentice, you done well." He tried to talk but he had a coughing fit again. "Your training is near its end."

Ray become emotional, looking at Alter Ray who despite all the torture, both physically and mentally. He had done it to turn Ray into a better and competent person. He was like a mentor to Ray.

"To finish you- *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *KAH!*" He coughed out a mouthful of black blood which is clotted blood. "Training…"

"Wait. What is happening? Why are you dying!" Ray hastily ran to Alter Ray and kneeled down next to him and tried to use a recovery spell but none of them affected Alter Ray.

Alter Ray disregarded Ray's panic and continued. "You must kill me. To kill the demon inside your heart and return your essence to fullness once again." He said with a tired and almost lifeless voice.

"No! This isn't how this is supposed to end! Despite everything you have done to me, I never once forget how thankful I am to your guidance." Ray weeps and lifts up his dying teacher to his lap.

"Promise me, Ray… Kill him for me. So I… can… rest… in… peace…" Alter Ray creates a dagger and brings it to Ray's hand, guiding it to his heart.

"Now… end… my… suffering…" Alter Ray spoke with a whispering tone as the tearful Ray grit his teeth until his gums bleed as he opens his bloodshot eyes wide and plunges the dagger into Alter Ray's heart, ending his life.

"I promise. I promise that I will dismember his body, burn it and scatter his ash in your name. I will never forget you." Ray vowed hoarsely as he looked at the bleak sky of his mindscape which reflected his state of mind, a mourning sadness.


"Yo. The job is done."

[You did it well. The last past wasn't requested but you did it anyway. Can't ask for more from that.]

"I aim to please. Anyway, the payment?"

[I wired it to your account. No worries. I even add a bonus for the extra service at the end.]

"Mhm. Glad to do business with you."

John stood up from his seat after finishing the blood red concoction that the Author prepared for him as his hospitality and bowed like a gentleman before he left after he picked up his old but well maintained tricorn hat.

"If you have any job for me, just call me by my number. I'll give you a 20% discount on the next one."

[Okay. Safe travels, John.]


(Alternate title: It's Only Business, No Need To Get Emotional.)

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